
The Parable of the Rats

The trouble with secular knowledge is that to accurately understand the human social environment and history one needs a lifetime of research. It is needful to know philosophy and history together. Few ordinary people have the time or inclination for that-yet of course democracy requires that its citizens be intelligent and thoughtful participants in human affairs or the classical challenge of corrupt elites dominating and concentrating wealth and power recurs to the detriment of the masses. 

Much of human history is about the effort of ordinary people to live free from oppression of elites. It is difficult and they too often forget how to make democracy and individual rights flourish or how to create liberty and justice for all. A little knowledge can be worse than none. Bad political interventions tend to exacerbate problems...oh well-in God we trust.
So few Americans understand why the Second World War and holocaust occurred. I may address that particular topic later, now though it is useful to comment on the pied piper that will lead the rats to reason or perhaps just compare human races to rats of different colors.

White rats of Europe were attacked by brown and yellow rats-or maybe chartreuse from about 300 A.D. until 1492 when rats of the south were driven out by white rats from Iberia. With about 1500 years of being attacked in Spain, Sicily, Byzantium and across the steppes of Russia to Europe (the Muslims and Attila the Hun reached France and the Mongols nearly to the Baltic Sea)white rats found travel across Asia to China challenging-they took to ships and discovered America on the way to China. Those warrior conquistadors ran over the comparatively inexperienced rats of the Americas.

Rat society and social theorists of rats have noted that rat races sometimes genocide down rival rat races. Yet Rat elites were always looking to pad their bank accounts with wealth. White rats with ships saw a market for black African rats as worker-slaves in America and imported millions to nth western hemisphere. With a somewhat stable growing world rat population in racial equilibrium technological development occurred and the rats decimated the environment developing industry, comfortable ratholes and rat cities. There were even a few rats in space.

Global rats interacted increasingly with commercial pursuits while rat elites substituted consolidation of wealth and power. The standard of living most rats increased and female rats saw themselves and surrender as the way to peace prosperity and empowerment for-themselves. Homosexual rats expropriated heterosexual marriage privileges unto-themselves and saw a queer approach to rattiness as the way to reduce population and to emulate female surrender as victory characteristics. Rat theorists decided that different races of rats and nations of rats were the causes for rat conflict and choose to eliminate the races and create on race of rats rather off-white in color with more queer rats under the power of dominatrices. 

Rat theorists also postulated religion as opposed to rat focus on secularism and commercial advertising. Some non-white rat religions (in origin) waged racial jihad upon the homelands of white rats and tended to receive sympathy from non-white male rats. Enough of the rat paradigm. Maybe a super-rat could lead the rats to reason with song or even rat evolution theory highlighting how much rats have in common with each other and chimpanzees-though it may be that rats learning to live together while respecting rat differences and conservation of the environment would be a better way than rats were able to comprehend.

In Europe the millennium of attack by non-whites created a built-in antipathy toward non-Europeans. In addition to traditional European rivalries there were religious Muslim invaders of a different race attacking from the south, East and West the better part of a thousand years. Jews unfortunately would become associated with the bad features of foreign invasion.

Jews of the European diaspora remained obvious non-Christians in an era when even the Church of England was a state religion too ruled by the King or Queen kept tightly disciplined because of the rivalry with the Catholic Church and its state monopoly so far as it could exert its power. Jews as different and more international people than Europeans were traders that accumulated wealth and power. Benjamin Disraeli became Prime Minister, Leon Bronstein (Trotsky) became War Commander of the Red Army; Jews were outspoken, powerful and prominent in many places and associated too often with aristocracy. Restive ordinary clods yearning to overthrow their oppressors could easily associate Jews with their oppressors.

When World War 1 happened toward the end after U.S. intervention the Aristocratic class of which the Kaiser was the leader was overthrown-the Kaiser abdicated and moved to Belgium after learning that he must or be forced out by his own people. Veterans like Hitler did not believe they would lose the war and blamed the Jews for leading a revolution to force the armistice ending the war. Jews were actually prominent leaders in the revolution to end the war. Hitler’s Munich beer hall speech was made in the same beer hall where a Jewish leader organized the revolt to force out the hundreds of years old Bavarian royalty. Hitler while recovering in a sanitarium in Bavaria from phosgene or some sort of gassing in his eyes became temporarily blind from some psychosomatic reaction after learning of the signing of the armistice. Hitler was not an intellectual or well- balanced soldier.

Hitler’s voice however was very unusual physically and vibrated at a yelling tone while speaking in a normal voice-that made his listeners rapt with attention. The leaders of the Army selected Hitler to infiltrate and take over the German Democratic Socialist Workers Party and he accomplished that. A charismatic individual with hidden support-support that was probably given as a way for former royalty to expropriate the incipient native left and create a new vehicle for the rich to act in (via corporatism), Hitler was able to play the soldier-radical civil leader role and began and effort to leader Germany back to greatness lost with an end of the war under bad terms he thought they could have won (they couldn’t have)(Patton said we should have warred until unconditional surrender was achieved). Jews were perceived as part of the problem of foreign invasion and religious invaders that had been a problem for Europeans forever. It wasn’t that simple though, and obviously the final solution cost Jews and Germans far more than was imaginable. German greatness with Jews and intellectuals from everywhere working together would have achieved far more than the remainder ever could.

Hitler paradoxically in working his final solution to the foreign invader, infiltrator and subversion challenge created a role model for modern times that was ancient in origin-even Romans would wipe out entire populations that resisted conquest sometimes. ISIS and AL Qa’eda, Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood today would annihilate Israeli Jews if they could as a final solution too. People don’t learn enough from history, and neither would rats if they could read.

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