
Kay Ivey- Back-up for Roy Moore?

If Judge Moore wins and then is proven to have victimized young women several decades ago the Republican Governor of Alabama would name the replacement. Logically she should choose herself and keep Republican women happy.

The timing on the accusations on Judge Moore are too convenient for reasonable people to ignore. The election must go ahead and the results and subsequent investigations proceed to satisfy the public in due course. Trying to flip election outcomes with last minute disqualifying accusations against opponenets that probably could be otherwise beaten isn't a great practice for the U.S.A. Nor is it terribly good to just assume that Alabama's Judiciary is rather sleezy and unethical. The U.S. Supreme Court's reputation is already a bit tarnished, and former Judges should be given at least a little respect and not be treated like dirt by Republican leaders without any semblance of equal protection or due process of law.

If Judge Moore is elected to the Senate and it is found that he was of sufficiently bad character that he ought not serve the public, who have far better moral behavior, then he can resign and allow a strong Republican women to step up and fill in the remainder of the 6 year Senatorial term.

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...