
Pieces of Eight (science fiction) version 2

Pieces of Eight
Copyright© 2017 Garrison Clifford Gibson

version 2

Once in the beginning of each Universe first light shown into the darkness. First light on a pre-determined holographic membrane given a particular course and destiny moving through a zero-energy vacuum without friction or exogenous relativistic effects as if it were in free fall not subject to extra-Universal forces. Each braniverse required a certain surface tension analogue for to keep together with orderly coherence. The primordial vacuum state remained so at the pleasure of God whom one infers was the author of any temporal disequilibrium in regard to was an orderly neutral mind-field.
Each of the eight Universes had contact with the Spirit of God during the eons of their life cycles. Each new the sight of a sun and of stars across the Universal depths reaching through their own particular settings of Universal laws to the planets sustaining their existence.
All eight Universes were hosts to sentient beings programmed from the beginning to be and become; to live and wonder about the nature of creation. To ask questions concerning the nature of existence and of why it exists at all and if it might have meaning. The people of each Universe had the opportunity through the spirit to know God. Some were successful at that even as so many others failed. Many of the latter were content to study mechanics of matter and energy and postulate the existence of all possible Universes from self-generating principles. Natural virtual fields would emanate charge particles that were charged simply by virtue of being the anti-particle of one oppositely charged or spinning with vector motion defined in eigenvalue states, some super-positioned and others not.
Particles were parts of a whole. A wave might be made of a multitude of particles. Waves were concatenated groups behaviors of particles. Charges were directions of motion that while theoretically reversible could not do so without 2x opposite energy added and hence not really very reversible.
Likewise did virtual particles arising from a field of absolute nothingness without charge exit nothingness to become actual rather than virtual particles without leaving a negative field charge. Subtracting something from nothingness created an unreal negative state in the vacuum. No matter, the evolutionary theorists were content with the place of their particular positions withing the fields of their particular Universes that they regarded as having arisen just through statistical laws of chance . Observations they had made concerning the tendency of disorganized particles to organize within any given volume with a stable state indicated to those without God that their own existence was inevitable and actually necessary considering the nature of mass and energy, particles, waves, strings, branes and singularities.
Even so when the time of the age of the Universes was fulfilled. After each people had the opportunity to contemplate being and to actualize their particular works, after they had received and accepted or rejected the word of God and been delivered to the spirit or to the experience of eternity without the presence of God. When they had been transliterated back from whatever quantum evolution state they had designed for their social and personal being and delivered to await judgment, the Universes were concluded and rolled up coincidentally at the grand conjunction of forms.
At the intersection of the eight Universes corner edges subducted together under gravity to form a white hole through a singularity. The white hole was zero-dimensional from the start, though it had information kept safe with Shannon stop-loss of data entropy, the newly emergent Universe appeared to have no data in it except for its implicit and minimal yet necessary and deterministic physical structure. The structure was a field with bits of data appearing as zero than one dimension points, lines and membranes swiftly growing into quarks with a propensity toward fusion. The vast data of eight Universe disappeared with the physical content faster than light or the speed of gravity for an instant before exploding into the new Universe closing the singularity behind with a final soundless nothingness. Though matter and energy from the lost eight Universes was conserved with transference and inflation into the singular new Universe, the data was gone.; hidden safely away from future residents of Universe1 in a dark in information field that was in yet not of the Universe. The information content of the eight Universes could be infused however, at the discretion of God regarding right time and place, through strings and new quark relationships, into the minds of mankind that for some reason, along with space receiving dark energy and volume, served as live agents of change.
Tremors from inexact coordinates reached gravity wave detectors across the star system. Within the heart of a thirty-light year in diameter section of the galaxy mass and energy were dissociated and disappeared. Hundreds of stars and tens of thousands of planets disappeared leaving a void in their absence suddenly filled with dark-space from a ball shaped dimension upsurging into being. Space-time was pushed more than 900 light years apart, in an instant.

John Dwight looked at the branch diagram outlining the lava tube ahead with little interest distracted as he was with reflections on the methodical social economic veto of his self-interest objectives by supervening powers illicitly. Nevertheless the tube system below the surface of the moon of the main planet of the Diafron system required his attention if he was to complete a journey to a storage area for teacher-robots with jigged programming unknown to the Aristarchs.
A crusty-cruel coordinator for the Aristarch Department of Offense named Hard Carbon was hunting Dwight. Receiving data and energy through his power anus from the Shenzing float-vehicle soft-dope seat energy plug Carbon followed a vaporous trace trail in the air over the subterranean tunnel network that brought it to a relative exo-stationary synchronization with the futile mole fugitive John Dwight scurryplinking below. Hard Carbon disdained the entire fugitive political dissident movement that sought reallocation of energy resources from the Aristarchs to the masses of individual poor-poops. Energy, Carbon knew, could only be rationally allocated if in the control of the elites that owned all power and managed it righteously for the benefit of the righteous rich. Poor poops needed to be tolerated for conservation environmentally of their genetic base that could be exploited to assure the supremacy of the elites that governed development of the Silky Way galaxy.
John Dwight made his way deeper through the lava tube coated throughout with glow light creating a moderate bluish illumination for his eyes. After an hour of taking ecosphere moving trails through the silent, empty variegated cylinder he reached a drop shaft. The original inhabitants of the tube system had mined useful resources and deepened and expanded the network. The down lift was broke and without any gel-charge in the wire-tubes to provide electrons for empowerment. He clipped a carabiner onto one intact wire and used a magnetic wedge for a brake then lept into the darkness to slide a few hundred feet further down into the chamber his sonic ear chip had sounded.
In a niche at the bottom of the main chamber was a pile of teacher robots piled arms and legs akimbo like detritus moved out of the way by an auto-skidder. Maybe this was the pile with artificial intelligence in an unnaturally altered state?
Dwight wiped his brow with the back of a hairy hand and gave the first bot he reached a jolt of gel-trons from a tube clipped magnetically to his servo-derm. The artificial intelligence came to life with a light in its eyes.
It spake thus; “And so they reached the age of truth and reconciliation. The D.N.A. of every member of society was freely submitted to the Public Identity Project and the true parentage and genetic history of every member of society was mapped. Occupational percentages of progeny fathering was statistically discerned, and the members of the broadcast media were found to have an anomolously high factor of supra-marital progenitor productivity trailing only athletes and politicians in fecundity.
Those elites were unhappy with publication of the results of their sexual prowess and quickly suppressed the results with a declaration of martial law because of a subversive terror-revolt of poor distant poops. Yet that was just the start of the war to end mankind.
Very soon the elites discovered that their control of finance and energy provided absolute power politically. With genetic samples of all of humanity in their possession already through free, legally mandatory public health provisions, humanity itself was superfluous. The genome of any particular individual could be grown if required for some reason in a human synthetic uterus, while computers with A.I, could run artificial evolution genomic recombinations simulating every possible genome that could ever have happened for humanity of humanity had continued to exist. It was thus that here the first inhabitants of the lava tubes sought refuge from the pandemic conversion of human-kind in the Diafron System. They survived just a few Diafronous years before they were discovered and converted into the blood pool.”
Dwight turned the A.I. off and considered the surprising history of this remote and old outpost of the Trittytwillium Empire that gave birth to the first Aristarchs of the Silky Way. As an ordinary poor-poop he became somewhat worried about his future prospect for security, yet he was already distrustful of the Aristarchs, so what was new really?
Hard Carbon banked the Shenzing left and dropped three-thousand feet closer to the dirt of the Diafronous moon. His sensors observed Dwight's movement through the tube tunnels and Carbon noted Dwight's stop at a lower level. He thought that could not mean anything good was happening and choose to directly intervene.
John Dwight's thought was uncommon for a nin-com-poop. It was not entirely slaved to thought minders as was that of nearly all of the poor poops brought into existence to serve Aristarchs. Dwight had been to the edge of the Silky Way on a few missions. And those regions still had feral free-thinking human poops that may have liberated Dwight's formerly enslaved mind. When Dwight was taken into custody for reprogramming and given a fresh Aristocratic neural minder he could explain where, when and how his pristine enslaved mind had become contaminated with freedom.
Diafron moons (of which there were several and variable according to the value extra gravitation and resource allocations had for system management) generally were converted to star photon capture and subversion surfaces amongst other uses. Physical engineering exploited voltaic materials in regolith that were fused into superconducting surfaces. Moons of Diafron would capture and store sunlight and release it as luminous orbs too if directed so. Hard Carbon's subsurface imaging tech presented Dwight's image as a vapor trail with varying degrees of solid red heat. He wondered what Dwight was thinking.
Truth”, Dwight thought, “is like a tiny sand castle constructed on a beach before a giant wave of lies and deceit crashes upon it to disperse its meaning forever. Organizations produce their own falsehoods and regard them as truth because of their utility for working toward organizational goals with moral righteousness. Union lies always defeat individual and accurate truth. So even if the Aristarchs wipe out humanity of the poop class when their usefulness expires, where does that knowledge go? Where could I find anywhere to live beyond the power of Aristarchus and the Aristarchs?”
Space and time were bound together as relationship in regard to the deployment of matter and energy of the Universe that twas said can neither be created or destroyed. Even virtual particles in space are temporal and potential cohort balances for existing mass and energy. Energy, mass and space-time began together it has also been said, in a primordial singularity (viewed from within the Universe by some sentient beings in history). Space expanded along with energy and later, mass as it was converted from energy to a more solid-state form of being. In some respects mass drew space outward with it for several billion years, after 7 billion years from the singularity and inflation gravity had drawn much mass together and much of intergalactic space was left without matter or energy to a substantial degree and space newly liberated from the ties of energy and mass was free to expand. Space it seems has a super-fine, non-granular nature of its own.
In the beginning there may have been eight Universes compacted together at a particular point after their useful life spans were completed and matter was distributed to a low energy state of maximum entropy. In their compaction process eight Universes with their dimensions were reduced to four irreducible dimensions compacted with mass and then energy into a singularity.
Dimensions may be made of different natures or colors. Some may combine easily and other not at all, or may even repel of take reactive configurations. The Universe with the Diafron System and Silky Way Galaxy is a four-brain Universe. That was not entirely disadvantageous for poor poops that were able to free themselves from the reductive powers of Aristarchs, if they only knew.
Hard Carbon was mostly human. The poor poops also were human yet they were as aliens to Carbon. He had changed. Promoted to being from the nothingness of the blood pool of which he had no actual memory, and given a state of the art neural mind control actuator nestled in his cortex that trained his thought to the best killing efficiency deemed appropriate for him by the benevolent Aristarchs he calculated an intercept course to take down the plainly misfunctioning John Dwight.
The Shenzing A.I. was networked with the moon A.I. controller of its sub-atomic composition and ordered it to part enough to enable a high velocity friction free penetration of the craft through the lunar surface into its chtonic depths. It slowed too maximum survivable decent speed within 15 meters of Dwight whom was already entering a probability exfiltration phase.
His backpack auto-sensors shot emp grenades and quark fog at the Shenzing that landed in smoking melt-rubble. Dwight's actual position auto-strobed for most opfor sensory targeting systems while he ascended the wire upward. In the Shenzing Hard carbon saw a jackrabbiting prey escaping the close confines of the storage chamber with growing frustration. The will-o-the-wisp soon disappeared through the ceiling while his tracking tech was returning inaccurate locations of the Dwight prey.
In addition to being a moon-sized solar energy collecting and storage surface, Diafron's main moon Enchelada was infused with an innate print on instruction nano-tech that permitted it to reshape itself into any material form for habitation or utility structures on demand. It presently resembled a ski slope lit eeriely with blue-green light. Accelerating his escape to the surface Dwight engaged electro-magnetic leviforward instructions to the wall magnets to propel him faster upward through the tube network. He thought of the unquenchable fires of hell that awaited those that failed to be saved by the Lord Jesus Christ as he had discovered in reading of God in the Holy Bible transported from the ancient forerunner Earth world of the Gentiles before the age of the Trittytwillium Empire and the following rise of Aristarchus and his Aristarchs.
So many people had drawn the wrong conclusions from the appearance of Darwin's theory of evolution. They believed that God was dead as a necessary inference from life evolving biologically. The believed the Biblical explanation for the creation of life was incompatible with natural evolution, and that the God could not have used evolution for-himself as a creative tool and further that the book of Genesis could only be understood in terms completely antipathetic to biological evolutionary process and in that they were entirely wrong. The destiny for those without faith in God was eternal hell and that was the thought presently holding John Dwight's focus of thought as he neared the lunar surface. Where could hell be physically located? Perhaps in the singularity at the beginning and end of time?
Below absolute zero physicists speculated that the opposite end of the heat spectrum exists at a virtually infinite high temperature. Beyond the heat death if the Universe when entropy has dispersed the subatomic so far that individual particles are isolated and the temperature of space is absolute zero, hell awaits either as a membrane phase shift or through gravitational re-collapse into a singularity.
As in a naked singularity of a black hole time and motion virtually stop. Matter and energy are compacted to a condition with less actual energy than that of a Bose-Einstein condensate. Paradoxically, while all the energy and potential mass of the Universe reaches its virtually infinitely small state of motionless, timeless stasis it takes on the temperature of infinite hell. Because soul mapping continues even into the singularity and no information is lost through conservation of Shannon Entropy criteria each soul that was not saved with the Lord and taken unto heaven continues as a present mind experiencing eternal hell in the singularity where Satan rules the remnant Universe compacted to a smaller size than angels dancing on a pinhead could imagine. Information, mass, energy and everything not extracted by God from the Universe unto a special place eventually encounters eternal singularity in hell. Though they had a way out through faith, they would not Dwight though sadly.
Below, or inside the singularity nothing existed besides everything left out of heaven, and information. Beneath the absolute motionless compaction of everything that transformed temperature and time to absolute zero each was information and infinite heat that the info-minds experienced. Satan clawed through the sentient beings and the information of the Universe in all of its forms as ideas that rose and disappeared as images and ideas with which to torment his faithless captives forever. And the funny thing is, nothing of it was real. Nothing existed outside the minds and information of the singularity that Satan ruled from boundary to boundary that comprised no space-time at all. Such destiny!
Standing on the highest entry point to the slope of Enchilada that presently was vacant of human presence beside himself John Dwight realized he had only moments to leave the world if he were to remain free of the Aristarch capture team below. He was unaware that Hard Carbon had snagged himself on a rough edge exiting his Shenzing craft's canopy, tripped and fallen to the floor leading with his chin and thus knocking himself out. John summoned a space chute to extract him back to the edge of the Silky Way from Enchilada, or at least as close as he could get in one shot.
Dwight did not quite hear a vision. The the 11th malt slammed the door on the skeezer hawks with finality. He wondered and information was extracted. Mass and energy were drain into space such that nothing remained. The four dimensions took his information too and flung it fast forward toward a spatial point glimmering and receeding in the distance like a transparent diamond pin-point. Space stretched from Enchilada like and infinite telescoping membrane, as in fact it was, that deposited his super-positioned informal self several thousand light years away from the realm of the Twittyarchs closer to the galactic center of power. Emptied of mass and energy with Skynet technology, a directed vector of space dimensions had expanded faster than light for a split second as if it were a sliver of the faster than light inflaton from near the beginning of the Universe. His information was superpositioned in the arrow of space. Then mass and energy that were set aside recomposed and the space phase shifted back to the usual without leaving a gravitational ripple on it. Just the personal space and information of John Dwight remained at the tip of the spear, standing on the planet Orbitron.

Billy Conn, Mike Ripper and Zillary Gaul were three Aristarchs with a problem; a rogue poor poop had evaded capture and reconditioning by a field operative on Enchilada and disappeared. That didn't happen every day. In fact poops that didn't think with their heads up their asses metaphorically speaking were exceedingly rare and regarded as a kind of new viral infection with epidemic potential.
Who is our best available field op racer Zillary”; Billy Conn wondered.
Hmmm Billy. Let me check my vagputer. Yes, sure, that would be Maxim Skumbee, agent extraordinaire.”
Why is he extraordinary?”
He has tortured captives to confess with viral-cancer enhancements making life somewhat uncomfortable for his subjects. None of our other operatives thought of that.”
The three Aristarchs, unplugged as they were, dallied upon their reclining thrones on a subordinate ring to the center that was strictly reserved for Aristarchus when he was present. None knew where he disappeared to in his frequent absences.

The alpha subordinate ring occupied 47,000 miles in diameter of enhanced space in the midst of a trophy star cluster constructed with great expense from dozens of main sequence stars moved from original positions within 50 light years to form an optimally spaced habitation zone circling the main sequence Aristarchus community rings.
Complex sorting algorithms were needed to assign stars within gravitational complex of compresence relationships for reduction and enhancement with via super-novae inducers to shape space and warp-roll target stars closer to the eventual destination in the new constellation light years away. It was an extravagantly destructive and expensive process environmentally that was apropos for an elite society of social rulers that solved social environmental limits through the annihilation of all consumers besides the elite. It was for the day quite a feat of space-mass engineering that created a new constellation of incomparable luster.
Zillary's vaginal computer ensemble was typical of those used by female Aristarchs. It controlled bodily chemical balances and adjusted sensations as well as providing a quantum computer direct link-up to state of the art Aristarchan data.
Billy Conn and Mike Ripper each had penis-puters of adjustable size with much the same technology as the vagputers. Though they could change size configuration comparable to human genitalia, there was no functional significance in that, for the penisputer was a male connector to the female vagputer that enabled direct connections for power, data and pleasure sharing in Aristarchan orgies of power comprising much of their usual workday. They plugged in after being joined by several more Aristarchs to share big data and experience the surge with the group through proximal wireless.

Maxxim Skumbee rolled the flying scythe on its side to get a clear sight picture on the target poop through dense chemical fog obscuring the capturefield. In the Mneargan world visualization five-hundred year old Zemlocke trees were grown full size in five years with illegally accelerated genome enhancements. Mega cherry-melon branches had obviously been grafted in and covered with camouflaged sealant paint compounding the error of making enterprises through unslaved free thought. Maxim Skumbee fired off a salvo of mag-lev skull penetrators after the fugitives trying to hide in the dense forest.
He received an incoming anus communique through his butt-link sent from the Aristarch troika that controlled his licensed thought parameters. It ordered him to journey to a planet named Diafron and its moon Enchilada to meet a certain agent Hard Carbon whom had bungled the capture of a known free-thinker viral agent named John Dwight.
He turned the scythe upright and stopped to find the quickest sales algorithm from Mneargan to the visualization of Enchilada. For now he would let the criminal arborealists with partial free thought escape punishment. Perhaps they would grow to become an even bigger prize upon his return. He reigned in and turned the Scythe toward the horizon and Mneargan flughaven a few miles beyond. After he got what he could from Hard Carbon he would snare and interrogate Dwight with a sweetly satisfying, decisive and conclusive prejudice.
As he flew the scythe to the horizon he reflected upon how deeply he hated the skin—bag human poop that were little more than cell membranes filled with shit. Because he thought within parameters directed from the Aristarch imperative it never occurred to him that he too was a human and no different from the poops he despised.

November, John Dwight thought, is a kind of comfortable oblivion in its nightly darkness. Though it is strange that ancient Earth time period names for a planet's rotation periods were brought thousands of light years away, it is not too remarkable that Orbitron had monthly period roughly comparable to those of the ancient Earth that without space-time reshaping could be regarded as having existed more than 35,000 years ago. That was the time that constructions of the Aristarchus Constellation required, and it was some time long ago that the first of humanity escaping from the Aristarchan Empire discovered space-warp kedging as had brought him far beyond the edge of the Aristarchan Empire to a location that until recently was undisclosed to the Aristarchs.

The oblivion of January night's cold darkness is unlike that of November with its feeling of private security, January is a month of unease, even for oblivion. One feels restive as change is underfoot and oblivion only shrouds some deeper, unknown disquiet. That was the way he felt now, and it was still November on Orbitron.

By the time Maxim Skumbee reached Diafron's main moon Enchilada, Hard Carbon had awoke from his dogmatic slumber and followed the olfactory trail of John Dwight up the wire and through the tubes to the ski slope outside. In the blue-green light he spotted a distant coffee shop on a plaza with a good view of the slope and Diafron in the sky, walked over and took a seat in the Shark Tooth cafe. It was at the Shark Tooth that Maxim Skumbee found him drinking crass class coffee with sugar.
Skumbee was an intimidating humanoid with a built up body augmented with privileged doping reserved for predator especially valuable to Aristarchs.
You let him escape half-wit”, Skumbee said taking a chair at the Shark Tooth table. Hard Carbon drew an eraser gun and only made it half-way before Skumbee's lightening fast reflexes acted. Skumbee's cobra arm grabbed hold of Carbon's wrist and snapped it like a freeze-dried twig. Carbon howled in pain.
Shut up you poopish moron. I have a commission to get done what you couldn't. If you wanted to be alive tomorrow morning stop whimpering. I still have use for you although it probably is a better idea to send you done to the blood pool.
There is a rumor of a slave escape exfiltration system that has made its way over the centuries past to the attention of oligarchs. I need to know what the capabilities and structure of the slave escape technology is if the Aristarchs are to shut it down and expropriate the technology for themselves. The limited near-light-speed transport system supplemented with expendable print-on-demand quantum teleportation replicants of enforcers and exploration A.I. systems can't be the last word in space travel. Get down to Diafron and any other planets of this system where tell-tales may be lurking and extract the facts.
Blend in better with the local poop Carbon and try not to exhibit your stupid class economic chauvinism to the poops. They will spill more if you first gain their trust before betrayal and torture. Shock and awe with pre-tenderizing has limited value.
Get out of my sight.”

Hard Carbon having been rightly chastised by his superior struggled away from the nice cup of coffee across the ski slope and back down through the hole to the lave tube networks of Enchilada eventually finding his way, in much pain from the broken wrist with compound fracture, down to the Shenzing waiting patiently amidst the rubble of the storage cavern. He climbed up into the craft as its canopy slid open and set himself down onto the government anus controller spigot reconnecting to the ship A.I. and power with relief. A greeting wave of relief came over him as a soothing symphony of swine with ecstatic groans and squeals of ecstasy flooded his mind.
The ship A.I. nurtured him with opidope transforming pain into pleasure and apprised him of the conditions prevailing in the Shevela community of Diafron that he would soon depart to while it ordered his fractured wrist to be repaired enclosing it was a constrictor-cast that pushed, pulled and moved his broken bones back into place before fusing the torn skin with dermweld. It gently lifted off from the floor of the cave pushing aside dirt and rock in its way to the surface with quark displacing resonance.

The Shevellas of Diafron were named after an ancient Earth desert plant called the favela that became an eponym for a specialized form of clever urban slum grown on steep hillsides. Actually they were rather ingenious and beautiful cubist slums that provided in some cases excellent distant views in the way that Greek and Roman theatrical amphitheaters and gladiatorial coliseums provided views for spectators rising up to higher levels. In the day of the original favela many expensive houses in California fell downhill with heavy rains or Earth tremors while the ingenious homes of the favela withstood high winds of hurricanes.
On Diafron the Shevellas were selected from historical architectural data banks for their practical value in covering artificial mountain ranges grown upon the formerly flat, lifeless world with housing structures that were transparent and easily controlled for poor poop humans selected for actualization from the blood pool and training to serve the Aristocracy. The Aristarchs were clever expropriators of the utilitarian technology from any era for their own purposes. Paradoxically the domination of the Aristarchs ended the inventive of new technology from humanity in their realm. Artificial intelligence and history were the basic contemporary creators of the new for the Aristocracy.
Rising from an amphitheater's central plaza more than 120 stories high the Shevalla was entirely transparent yet colored as selected by optimal program analysis for moon altering and control. Humans entered their life cycles at the ground level where they could be intensely cultivated in basic training. A Gomer-Furor was assigned to each few hundred inductees to direct indoctrination. If a poop arrived at formation wearing a lavender instead of a pink skirt for the day as ordered the Furor would chastise the private and admonish him to wear pink with the command “dress right dress”. The Gomer-Furor would order the poops to display privates and reward his favorite with personal training.
When the basic training formation was complete and the privates had left for their assigned tasks the amphitheater became the center of mechanosaur entertainment spectacles with humongous mechanical beasts fighting in monster y monster claw to mandible combat for survival of the fittest contests to win government alien world defense contracts. Human poops of the sixty-nine floor above ground level could watch if they dared waste spare time with idle viewing, tremendous battles to the death of war machines.
Achieving the nirvana of the perfectly enslaved mind on the seventieth-floor could not be achieved easily or without much personal sacrifice. In fact the entire loss of self-interest was the best way to become molded into the perfect image of the enslaved beast that was fashionable according to the pleasure of the Aristarchan court in any given era. Only through months of increasingly arduous and disciplined enslavement of thought could they know the perfect iterations of mindless conformity to the will of the actualizing A.I. that was personally programmed by the Aristarchan troika in charge of the Diafron system.
History records that the original Brazilian favelae were pacified with technological surveillance technology such as directed microphones and computer scurry-mice before the threat of independent alternative socio-economic hierarchies was eliminated. The Aristarchan troika were mindful of the danger of training and environmental flaws and imperfections that could unintentionally generate a free mind too dangerous to tolerate in the Aristocratic Empire. Thus the Shevellae were readily dissolvable from the top down with anti-structure acid that thrice had been required to flow from spigots at the summits to eliminate entire communities that had been contaminated by the virus of free thought. It was quite a tragedy to the troika that appreciated how hard the poops struggled to enslave themselves even in competition with others in order to reach the 120th floor with a perfectly enslaved mind and achieve their heart's desire to fondle and kiss the asses of the Aristarchs, metaphorically speaking.
Into Diafron's artificial mountain chain through a tremendous vertical cleft in pure stone supporting Shevella outside with myriad mechanical servo-units Hard Carbon rode his Shenzing entering his quest to find a mystic tlink to other stars, and even more that he could not think of lost as he was in the Symphony of Pigs in ecstasy.

A Universe Before Inflaton

John Dwight was relieved to find himself in the company of Lena Loop upon arrival at Orbitron. She was a knowledgeable friend of the blue committee and someone that he had spent some time discussing elements of cosmology with.
You haven't been to Orbitron for very long John. Let me explain some of the facts to you. I want to introduce you to the concept of a quantum cloud inter-mind.”
Fine Lena. I wondered for a time if I would make it out of Enchilada alive.”
Before the inflation of the Universe that occurred a split second after a mass-energy, pure quantum stable state received a word vibration causing instability and expansion from a singularity into space-time, the unified field of energy had not yet existed long enough to break down from a super-hot state to cool a little and form gravity. Without gravity to make it attract unto itself there was a natural inflation of apparently a membrane rather than a solid mass. Gravity works at the speed of light and no interactive with mass particle-waves travel faster. Before it existed the original, expanding membrane accelerated faster than light during inflation.”
I understood that eight Universe were drawn into a singularity Lena.”
True enough John. The singularity was in-itself without time and broken down those Universes into something resembling a dimensionless Bose-Einstein plasma yet conserving information. Information external to the stable state was the stimulus opening the big bang. And the interval allowing the inflation after the big bang allows us to make inferences about the nature of space in the absence of gravity that can exist only with the breakdown of the unified field into mass and energy.”
How so Lena?”
'For one thing we can infer that without gravity mass and energy could not meaningfully aggregate. Without gravity matter would not form planets or stars and anything that existed would have no fundamental direction toward the concatenated center point of all attracted mass of the Universe that is, incidentally, conserved. Gravity can be overcome by a greater power of a meta-Universal scale, space has a different dimensional nature in the absence of gravity, or gravity was reversed in direction after emerging from the singularity allowing expansion of the Universe as an inflaton before flipping back around as the four spatial dimensions flattened out, at least thats how I see it John.”
So the information that is a map of the location of all mass and energy cohering within a supra-virtual quantum field is the quantum-cloud inter-brain of information we interact with to understand and travel the material Universe from time=near zero to time=near omega regardless of location Lena?”
Well John, I would say that it more like in addition to location, time is a value-added mapping element applied somewhat like a natural atomic structure metaphorically speaking. All of the information from the eight Universes is conserved, and all of the information of this Universe is pre-known as well to the super-mind that is God.”
Yes Lena I would think that would not be an exhaustive definition of his omniscience.
If the singularity was more than a zero-dimensional point; if the start of a Universe had something besides a spherical configuration, gravity might be able to prevent the release of a unified energy field from becoming mass.”
I think thats not quite accurate John. Energy is not yet mass. Compacted to a singularity it is not yet even energy. It may exist in an unknown state as pure dimensional space. If it existed within a line originally it would be unbound in one dimension and extended so far as its energy allowed. The forces of energy would be unequal bound and unstable. Mass could not form from energy and would have singular center to return to if it could existed and were somehow to be big banged and inflated away John.”
Sure, I can imagine that Lena. If mass could be attracted to black hole conditions that were linear the Universe would be very different than it is. What about Orbitron though Lena. What sort of a world is it really?”
Orbitron is one of a few hundred artificial worlds with a double-hull protected atmosphere we have made by hollowing out planets and reconfiguring their mass. Though we inhabit the surface of these worlds the interiors are more than chewy nougat (just kidding John). Each of these planets serve as training and technological development centers for free humanity.”
That seems like a good idea if humanity is really threatened by the Aristarchs.”
Most certainly we are John. Though we have invented a technology to shape space and deposit you information faster than light, there is another latent technology for faster than light travel somewhat more crude than ours. Actually we use it to form gravitational defense and concealment shields that prevent our enemies from viewing us remotely.
Let me sketch it for you briefly. Waves are the result of a force traveling through a medium and temporally displacing and changing the shape of the medium. Gravitational force ion the other hand attracts distant objects of mass rather than displacing it. That is an emergent phenomenon caused by the warp-shaping of what seems to be space itself yet is actually the information of virtual space itself.

Mass exists in four dimensions of space and affects it at even the smallest level. The more mass aggregated the greater the concatenated information brought to the aggregation depleting space of informal times for mass, so mass is drawn as it were toward aggregated mass instead of disregarding it. There are no actual gravitons exchanged between mass objects as a form of energy. Instead mass affects the information of virtual space and in the process liberating space of mass in some respects. We have learned to program virtual space and unfortunately the information exists closer to the Aristarchan empire too. With it one may learn to create gross and highly destructive space-time short-cuts. Aristarchs without doubt, being as environmentally inefficient and profligate as they are, would use that technology to attempt to enslave all of the rest of humanity beyond their present power in the Silky Way.

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Social media has brought everyone the opportunity to believe they are an intellectual or that the common opinion is philosophically interest...