
On Planetary Demographics, Ecosphere, Ethics and Moral Issues (fiction)

Carla asked Solomon Eban about the sociopology rationale for Calvin Luther-Caesar’s people’s reason for exodus from their former world; “Solomon, what were a few of the practical reasons that brought your exo-planetary reformation? I am a sociopologist when not an observer of monstrous Aristarch attacks.”

Yes Carla. There are numerous causus beli for the exodus that I can tell you about while we travel from here to a surface site that I feel may draw some opposition-force interest
Marriages became a progressive mockery of the initial life duration heterosexual monogamy. The line between marriage and prostitution blurred. Eventually they reduced to pay-by-the-hour conjugation permits from licensed government vendors.

We tried legislating the end of prostitution with a cashless society that would keep a transparent record of every financial transaction in a society founded upon ecological economics and reformed capitalism that supplied all basic human needs and provided some start-up capital for everyone to invest in research to have a chance to get a project actualized through approval of a social board reviewing ecospheric value to social order and progress. There were far too many obstructions for that to work though, and the most rich owned and controlled every agit-prop outfit.

Humans were troubled with any sort of meaning or responsibility and sought to live in a cellular condition. Homosexuals became an analogue of lysergic hydrochloric acid agents of nihilism destroying the vestiges of integral cellular citizenship eroding the properties of rights and privacy of individuals- the future Aristarchs abhor individual human rights for non-elites.
The end game of earth-like planet economics became too plain. Human demographics showed increase of population over time. The world had finite surface area, ecosphere and natural resources hence economists like Malthus and Ricardo foresaw problems. That paradigm hasn’t gone away though the misguided space operas with faster-than-light ships trivialize the reality of Earth. That generation may be said to have forged the end game of Earth.

It is a tale with two primary outcomes; one is of sound and fury signifying nothing and the other is a reasoned stabilization at a level of maximum productive stability. They believe that development should continue irresponsibly as if they were in a child’s playground of delights with sweets of light crude oil under every wildlife refuge for ever. There’s is a tale told by idiots signifying dystopia, deforestation and the death of most species of mammals on Earth-like worlds.

Every generation that has a 1% annual rate of economic or population growth at the end of 30 years has about a 33% per generation increase. The law of accumulation is ignored by the ignorant. Over a century the increase is thousands, and that law of accumulation applies to demographics as well. Thousands of times of increase on Earth-like planets without a capacity to provide even a fraction of the natural resources is a pattern that will repeat on countless worlds. When we build a new world of Earth size these days we may begin with a construction population of 10 billion yet soon thereafter reduce population for the new planet through measured one birth per family for a few generations to the normal carrying capacity for an Earth world of two billion. Some of the extra population may relocate to construct another world. It is normal that each new world has an optimal ration of humans per surface area for production and a healthy ecosphere simultaneously.

We know in retrospect that as the age of the gentiles is being fulfilled the human race has expanded its construction of living ecospheres as if they were meta-terrariums in a myriad of forms beyond the solar system’s moons and planets and wherever possible across the 100 thousand light year in diameter galaxy. There is no pre-tribulation eschatology that is valid unless humans force their own disaster even if it the Aristarchs that are the source of disaster. The philosophy of personal egoism drives forward proximate short term advantage for a minority even over the existence of everyone.

Populations cannot achieve zero population growth static stability then experience a flood of immigrants to replace them without causing more damage to social infrastructure and the ecosphere. With a calm draw-down of population growth while technology and education of the masses increases world ecospheres could be directed to recover and new opportunities for building off-world ecospheres explored. It is important to begin building terrarium ecospheres with as much wildlife from Earth-like worlds as possible to improve the art. Innovative ideas for moons and planets can bring new ways of letting life flourish including new human populations intelligently designed to be in appropriate numbers for the new ecospheres.

Adroit political management rather than coercion need be the political method for stabilizing human populations as it bides its time before increasing again in new ecospheric regions it learns to build. Those ecospheres should be as robust and teeming with life as that God gave unto mankind rather than depleted of it. There is a time to grow a population and a time to hold fast or even decrease. Sometimes, fortunately rarely for politicians, conservative, sober rectitude is requisite for species survival.

Population wasn’t the sole or even primary problem Carla. There is a failure of any sort of ethics in the evolution derived philosophies even if evolution is itself contingently factual.
Ethics and moral norms die within modern evolution culture. It is amusing to consider how far the demise of morality and ethics go, for there is no basis for preferring one moral order over another on the basis of necessity, except as one believes in a natural law and necessary moral order inferred from that. Logicians and ethicists might argue however that any ethics of evolution based on natural law is forced by circumstance and without coherent or compelling necessity.

Some evolutionary scientists that are militant atheists have argued that the sole moral value or imperative is passing on genes. Of course they are entirely wrong about that. It is not at all necessary to pass on genes, and one outcome of evolution is as valid in its entire, complete meaninglessness as any other. Life is itself meaningless and nothing more than sound and fury signifying nothing as Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet.

If evolution ethics is less meaningful if possible than that of Buddhism, it is interesting to consider some of the formulations possible with the meaninglessness. If we give symbols for various ethical systems and consequences, moral orders and etc and put them into a mathematical logic expression the results return 0 for meaning, * equals multiplication or process of regard by Evolution...
i.e. Evo * morality = 0
Evo * moral system 1 to infinity= 0
Evo * political ethics = 0
Evo * environmental conservation = 0 etc.

Assuredly people can make moral systems and orders themselves and sometimes even collectively yet the result is still meaningless. Power may be meaningful yet the end result of power and politics is meaninglessness. As a Christian I believe in a coherent divine ethics and grace of God yet for evolutionary atheists that is a non sequitur.

I was motivated to note the meaninglessness of evolution in its own logic wherein everything that exists is phenomenal and a fluke, godless and a kind of joke upon itself, after noting a history paper taking an indirect shot at Christians via environmentalism. Actually the most important role of Christians is to talk about the Lord Jesus Christ. Scientists should be concerned more with science instead of religion yet as they generally have the polarizing filter of atheism that moves them to view religion as a sociological phenomenon it is irresistible for contemporary scientific evolution based atheists not to try to rid the world of Christians and their ethics as if it would be a better place.

Evolution is however completely godless in the scientific, atheist point of view, even though some Christian philosophers regard God as quite capable of evolving anything he deems worth evolving at any time before or after any given Universe he [plans to actually mortal human life in at some point. Scientific evolutionist-atheists today believe the entire concern is one of a requirement that all be atheists because evolution is true and evolution requires a world without God, and that is not logically valid either.

I would suggest that the value of meaningfulness in nature and meaningfulness in words and ideas have some natural validity. Words and ideas have meaning in communication. Valid communication isn’t meaningless and neither is the truth or falsity of expression or words representing ideas. In fact it is challenging to prove the meaninglessness of the Universe and everything in it when sentient beings finding meaning in things, and it becomes churlish to deny in theory the existence of any being greater than humanity or other biologically based life. Evolution-atheists cannot tolerate any sort of immaterial nature of meaning and thought, spirit or values based on spirit though there are some intellectual hazards in attempting to do so. Semiotics must leads to quarks or strings ultimately and meaning must vanish into meaninglessness as a Universe must too even if only to reappear in a cyclic tree of infinite Universe blossoming.

Modern science while being technologically strong is also morally indefensible. That is it hasn’t a shred of ethical validity within its own logic, and that’s the way they want it.

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