
Puget Sound as a Paradigm for Ecological Decline (fiction)

©2018 Garrison Clifford Gibson

Wolfminh grew a little more concerned with the ancient story portraying the destruction of the original environment of the first planet of humankind in its long history.
Do you think there is a lesson to be learned here Wolfminh?”
That left unchecked the human drive to consume is like a virus on a planet’s people and ecosphere. Something like leprosy progressively moving across a body until it is consumed?”
Yes, something like that Wolfminh. Later humanity realized after reflection upon its disasters that a philosophical value system, an axiology, for a realistic economic system needed to regard wealth as a function of the general well-being of all of the people of the culture. Rich people may be allowed, yet not so rich as to make the possession of wealth equal to the possession of political power. Billionaires in your deck are just a tiny percent of the trillions and trillions of humans living over the free expanse of the galaxy. They too realize that the security of all can be no greater than the security and wealth of the least of humanity. All of humanity are brought to exist within an effective, constructive range of inventive and contemplative existence. The extremes of concentrated wealth and poverty such as the Aristarchs and other imperialists use are absent from a free human society.”
Lena said; “Let me show you a new game Wolfminh, I think you’ll like it.”
What is it?” asked Wolfminh as Lena brought it up in a new window.
As you can see from the banner above the Clint Westwood character dressed as Chief Seattle- it’s called Future Fracker. It’s a way of modeling human ecological economic histories on the geographies of planets historically and discovering the effects of ecological economic systems on the future of a given world-covering. In the example world, human beings have crossed the Bering Strait before the sea level rises and make their way south to Mexico while some stop to colonize Puget Sound in the future Washington State The boundaries of the future state of Washington are marked in orange and the naturally healthy ecosphere is green. Human settlements are red and industrial activity blue. As human activities infect the green and spread the newly dead green regions become black.”
What happens if they become white? That’s a question better answered way down the road in the future. White occurring generally means nuclear wipe out or worse, though rarely it heralds utopia. We aren’t using white too much in the colors of Future Fract since the problem is more of civil than war economic consequences of ecology and economic policy choices.”
Clint Westwood as Chief Seattle sure looks angry.”
Chief Seattle was grim. He appeared at the industrial pollution expansion site as a ground-breaking ceremony and ribbon cutting for the expansion of the industrial pollution factory with a vast new asphalt parking lot was about to go ahead. Chief Seattle’s appearance differed from that of the crowd of sycophants and politicians gathered around the stage and speaker making the great, pompous speech about jobs and progress. Thus the speaker looked at Chief Seattle. Seattle looked back and said; “Do ya feel lucky punk? Go ahead, cut, make my day”, his hand posed ready to draw a light saber.
And well he should, great actor as he was at 98. The ecosphere of the state of Washington died at a regular pace as unplanned human sprawl consumed and devoured ecological health. Instead of concentrating human population centers and retaining a healthy wilderness with land set aside for farming, the entire state is consumed by a human economic equivalent of flesh eating bacteria. Mammal life disappears from land and even sea as killer whale pods disappear into history. Salmon streams are converted to drainage ditches and sewers, asphalt and concrete paths grow all over the state to transport fossil fuel-farting machines that warm the sky and squash animals under tire. Enough of the intro game. I want to show you the principles of quantitative modeling of economic and ecological position initial start locations, quantitative analysis of the natural resources of a region and if they are renewable or not, and the way that Immanuel Kant’s moral categorical imperative should shape the choice of reproductive ecological economic systems through fractal analysis too.
Modeling the reproductive value of an ecological economy relies on the way it may be conjugated with growth.
Each ecological economy is a Mandelbrot formula with constants that can reproduce itself yet nothing more. It can burn up or conserve resources yet will be nothing else; never progressive.
For progress the Mandelbrot value need be combined with another fractal formula and finding two fractal’s that may be combined without destroying one another isn't easy. Yet the value of being able to combine two ecological economic systems that allow growth and techno-social advance is so high that heterosexual marriage of ecological methods is requisite for anyone with a realistic idea of mankind’s place in nature and the Universe.”
Why don’t single fractal economies work?”
Wolfminh, the best explanation might be a simple analogy to waveforms that are in sync or not. Heterogeneous waveforms could virtually fill up a geographic region as yin and yang composites comprise a whole and in our ecological economic system actually create new ecological economic life. On the other hand, same-fractal waveforms even with different Mandelbrot values combine destructively without conjugation or producing anything new. Instead they double power of their self-same waveform continuing whatever dysfunction ecological economic pattern of gross, mindless consumerism is present and annihilating biological life and of course, human freedom.
You should try to use the game to create your own fractal worlds and values conjugating those with other oppositely signed fractals to generate new ecological economic system values occasionally; not too many or too often as you will overwhelm carrying capacity of the host worlds and even theoretically, that of the entire galaxy.
Kant’s categorical imperative for moral effectiveness informs us that no rule for self-conduct should be made that could not reasonably be applied to to everyone as a universal moral law. With that premise in mind we may consider if our social ecological economic practice if reproduced at large scale would act positively or destructively concerning ecospheric health, and then to what extent it need be modified for use.”

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