
Demos Dissimumlate Ukraine call for 2020 Impeachment Substitute

Democrat party interpretation of the Presidential phone conversation with the President of Ukraine seems like a plain dissimulation insofar as it having impeach worthy content. The big lie is an evil political method that seems to be a favorite of the contemporary Democrat Party. One wouldn't want such people in the judiciary or to appoint members of the judiciary.



Owens Defense 3M Blitz

                                                                                         I played black.


Chaos and Transportation Systems Design

Chaotic systems are perceived. Studies found that initially chaotic systems tend toward self-organization for various reasons, and I would think that one reason (not in the wiki article) is the underlying, pervasive four forces of nature (weak, strong, electromagnetic and gravity) that effect everything. All mass has order from strings or quarks up and occur in definite ways. Large steady state systems may disorder and as one said, die, yet that disorder occurs in an ordered context for a larger system containing the micro-disorder. Change and time along thermodynamic lines are organized destruction of previous positions. Hilbert space point configurations evolving with time require that what went before no longer exists. The new configurations are made from the chaotic end of the prior.

I quite agree that local conditions of chaos and coincidence should be used when opportune for providing efficient use of resources. Transportation is a good example. Local topography and climate circumstance could enable select transportation modes that would not be practical elsewhere, however mass systems design in transportation infrastructure that relies upon power over efficiency such as fossil fuel vehicles and asphalt/concrete highways, not only harm the ecosphere they preclude local adaptations to clean energy and present substantial opportunity costs.


Inefficient food production with ecospheric externalities (such as growing cattle or slash and burn farming) are historical legacies that were not done for any sort of malevolent reasons (as would poisoning people). In the 1920s there was a fellow that marketed a new beverage in a bottle to the tennis playing east coast upper crust. It was  named Radithor and used the newly discovered radioactive materials. An article in scientific American described the incident. The producer thought it was good for people, and of course it wasn't. An autopsy showed that the business guy was a rare individual with bones that could absorb a lot of radiation without much harm. Victims liked the warm glow they got from the drink (before their hair fell out). The problem with cattle is the Co2 gas externality and destruction of wild habitat, not meat eating. Protein has always been mostly good for human consumption-especially in the Arctic regions. Fish even promotes brain growth apparently. 



Consequentialism and Phobia; Means and Ends

Consequentialism is a form of utilitarianism by which one determines the moral value of acts by what follows, or what consequences result. So if the means is to commit some evil act that results in loss of life, and the consequence is that 1000x more people are saved from dying, then that utilitarian paradigm would determine that the means were justified. However the end justifies the means is not exclusively limited to utilitarianism, and in fact consquentialists could equally determine that the means were not justified by the ends, yet the entire point is juxtaposed  ethical traffic over an onerous point. For me at least utilitarianism seems the best effort for political pragmatism in making decisions for the many that need be made. There are other than utilitarian ethical criteria involved in governance though. Utilitarianism choices arise when people are faced with forced options (as William James pointed out in writing about pragmatism) and they must make Hobson's choices.

Another point (my reply to a post elsewhere)- Dialectical D.N.A. strands are held together with hydrophobic bonds. Phobia simply means will for fervent separation from something else. It is cellular walls that allow cells to exist. There are a zillion oil and water kinds of things. Pluralism and heterodox bonds are implicit in universal compositions. It is politically convenient for some to proscribe any non-partisan attitudes- even Orwellian. Homo or same anything can be quite evil to human interests or destroy structures in nature. Some things are harmful and some things aren't. Math formulas aren't better'd if the variables are all the same, constantly.


Evolutionary paths tend towards certain ways that are functional and perhaps necessary. It is the Tao of things, and that perhaps because it is determined by the will of the Lord to be what it is, and what it will become. 

My comment pertains to the nature of reality and for human freedom that does not require agreement with ideas such as agreement with a negative universal proposition such as 'there is no logical justification for homophobia'. Like hydrophobic molecules homophobic responses exist phenomenally for whatever cause (maybe for religious reasons or because one has commercial reasons such as possibly High Hefner may have had at the ranch). 

People are free to have sentiments for-themselves and those may include a phobia to homosexuality, homosexual political hegemony in politics or society, a dislike for select decadent aspects of a homosexual culture etc. One may find historical lessons showing that homosexuality has corrupted societies, or that particular religious scriptures from God provide a deontological cause to hate sin including homosexuality, that medical science has shown that homosexuality and that lifestyle may convey lethal disease vectors, etc. A better and common idea that is not illogical is that homosexuality leads toward extinction and bad parenting when hetero liasons occur with homosexuals. 

People often misunderstand wickedness and evil or use one when the other term was more appropriate. Biblically evil is caused by natural disaster. One could say a volcano erupting and burying a city, a tidal wave or the A.I.D.S. epidemic were evils. Wickedness is something caused by human will and action. A social philosopher studying human society in depth can find if he prefers some aspects of many phenomena that cause evil. I would say that concatenations in mass social effects of individual wickedness may be regarded as evil better than wickedness. Vaping deaths that have occurred recently might be considered evil, for example, though it is the result of several wicked actions by individuals (if one regards tobacco use as wicked).
 People often misunderstand wickedness and evil or use one when the other term was more appropriate. Biblically evil is caused by natural disaster. One could say a volcano erupting and burying a city, a tidal wave or the A.I.D.S. epidemic were evils. Wickedness is something caused by human will and action. A social philosopher studying human society in depth can find if he prefers some aspects of many phenomena that cause evil. I would say that concatenations in mass social effects of individual wickedness may be regarded as evil better than wickedness. Vaping deaths that have occurred recently might be considered evil, for example, though it is the result of several wicked actions by individuals (if one regards tobacco use as wicked).

Motion Sensor Dog Barker Scarecrow for Cats

It might be useful to produce a motion activated in-ground stake dog barking sound audio unit to divert cats from hunting near bird feeders. Maybe it should cost $5 and be solar recharged.

 It might be useful to manufacture camouflaged army tents for individuals that screen out infra-red drone and satellite imaging overhead as well. Getting blasted from a predator in the sky at night can ruin ones whole day.

Complete Jackass Demos vs Rogue Elephants

Speaker Pelosi is concerned about the Attorney General. He has"'gone rogue".

Speaker Pelosi provides watermelons for her constituents in Congress when they need them. The segue from 2016 Russian collusion to 2020 election Ukraine influence soliciting required finesse and a watermelon patch of juicy new accusations including the remark that the Attorney General has gone rogue (elephant). The leftist media loves that sort of remark as does her constituents who have 'sworn to protect' the constitution from rogues, deplorables and criminal investigations in the Ukraine of crimes that may have been committed by top level democrats or their close relatives.

The MNadler impeachment lunacy is full jackass Democrat partisan politics; there is no mistake bout that. I suspect the process will not grow any sweet Bush-baby watermelons to harvest in December.


Informant Whistler Tune Founded on Shaky Legal Theory

The Whistler-informant that enfiladed President Trump's chat with the new Ukrainian President is being parsed through middle terms to try to make it appear that Ukraine was asked to help interfere in the 2020 election. Democrats having failed to show any Trump collusion with Russian interference in the 2016 election after-the-fact, seem now to be moving on to trying to show before-the-fact that Ukraine is, or was asked to interfere in the 2020 election (in the U.S.A.) by running a legal procedure in Ukraine to investigate corruption that may have occurred in Ukraine.

Apparently the Democrat just whistle legal theory is that if Ukraine investigates crimes committed in Ukraine, that would interfere in the 2020 U.S. election, if the crimes were committed by American Democrats or relatives of highly placed former Democrat politicians (of the U.S.A. unfortunately). Democrat Presidential candidates and their relatives are believed to have legal immunity from criminal investigations while running for office- at least in foreign nations. The Just Whistle movement would not rate an o.k. sign, and that is good for the symbol 👌is now officially recognized  hate speech.


Rosemary Woods and Pres. Trump's 18 Missing Minutes Call to Ukraine

President Trump may have committed impeachable offenses during his phone call with the new President Zelenski of the Ukraine. The President may have clear-cut 18 minutes of the call recording just like Richard Nixon had 18 minutes cut from his secret office surveillance tapes.

It is known President Trump asked this of the Ukrainiane President; "The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Eiden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you ·can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me."-page 4 The 18 Minutes may be missing call


This sadly reminds us of the Paul Mannafort incident of involvement in Ukrainian concerns, the Clinton foundation and joking about influencing foreign elections. Plainly it is impeachable to ask if a Democrat committed a crime in Ukraine. That sort of thing cannot be tolerated or dogs and cats may rain like snow from the sky.


The President a few days before the suspicious call froze 400 million dollars of free lethal military weapons to the Ukraine. Some may say that was usual because a new President was elected in Ukraine and he might have been a lunatic rather than a serious comedian. It is dubious that an administration should care much about whom it will give a few hundred million dollars of free lethal weapons to. That is why Democrats are so upset about the Presidential use of foreign gun control.

My Review of the Impossible Whopper

When I went into a local Burger king to investigate the Impossible Whopper- a meat free cheeseburger, I thought I would pay $4 for a sandwich to determine if it was any good. The sticker price was actually six dollars. I just don't like to pay more than $2 for any sort of cheeseburger so I was a little taken aback. So I paid for the item and sat down to wait.

It was barely past breakfast time so I waited about ten minutes for the Impossible Whopper to appear. It was delivered in a bag with green highlights differentiating it from regular bags for whoppers made of beef and whatever filler goes into them. Impossible Whoppers have a soy base.

The first thing I noticed before I went outside to ride a bike, was the smell. The Impossible Whopper when hot has an unbeef-like smell, however slight, of hot decayed vegetables. It is a minor inconvenience. I tossed the bag in a rucksack and rode off.

Some minutes later I arrived at a desk, took the Impossible Whopper out of the bag and ate it. It was good. I wouldn't have noticed any difference with a meat based Whopper I think. It had the usual tomato, lettuce and some kind of white sauce. The entire presentation itself was very good reminding me of Arctic Circle burgers in the old days when they were kind of sloppy, wet and delicious.

Would I buy another Impossible Whopper- sure- when the price drops to $3 more or less. A good point for the Impossible Whopper is that because it isn't made of meat, if a bad fast food worker put a piece of turd in it-it would stand out. A cook at a fast food worker in town was arrested for doing that a few years ago. Little pieces of turd in a meat burger sort of blend in more. It is kind of funny actually. I had a sandwich with a Catholic priest at that store before it was destroyed for a Walgreens.

So I researched the meat in the I.W. and found the vegetable patties are for sale in Southern California stores and soon everywhere. They cost $4 dollars per patty- and that is why Burger King charges $6. Another company produced a similar product for slightly less per patty and already is available at Safeway and several other stores. It is called Beyond Meat. That product has had some good reviews although it too costs a few dollars per patty.

I won't give any of the products in this post an ok sign. For that symbol ðŸ‘Œ is now officially recognized as hate speech.

For the time being Impossible Whopper like products are for the yuppie and Starbucks sort of people that would spend $5 dollars on a cup of coffee, whip creme and substitute milk plus sugar or whatever...goop.


Congress Seeks to Intimidate President's Foreign Policy Leadership

The President conducts foreign policy, The Senate and House have oversight and may investigate certain foreign policy activities of the President, and of course controls most of the finance, yet it is the President's authority to make executive agreements with foreign leaders and to speak with foreign leaders without Congressional informants listening in. Unless the President was overheard agreeing to felony crimes with a foreign executive or anyone else, the Congress should keep a respectful distance from Executive branch foreign policy activities.


President Trump has the right to negotiate with foreign leaders or two chat with them about whatever they prefer without weasels from the Democrat party listening for something to squeal about to the broadcast media and the puerile sinners of the Democrat party. Democrats should get a life as they saying goes, and get some good regulatory legislation passed that would benefit the ecosphere of the nation and pay down the public debt. (It is easier to eliminate single point sources of greenhouse gases than millions of point sources that are automobiles. A power plant that powers hundreds of thousands of electric cars is easier to clean up than millions of smaller point sources that are fossil fuel cars, for example.

Eliminating fossil fuel powered cars would require no vast government expenses on the charge card. The U.S. government could cut all taxes on electric cars and recharging. Power plants that produce zero emissions for global warming would be given no taxes either. Just the rich would pay 5% more in taxes to help with the global warming problem. The government could also place no taxes on high speed trains that travel more than 300 m.p.h.).

The President can tighten the screws on foreign miscreants and recipients of US taxpayer dollars whatever way he likes short of waterboarding, electroshock and other heinous interrogation methods that no Army veteran would approve of. Maybe the President should have a special envoy minder from the Congress named Tiny Tim to monitor his calls to foreign leaders.  If the President were to say anything really stupid it isn't unlikely that foreign intelligence agencies taping the call would leak it themselves.


Does AOC's Hatred of Trump Express Implicit Racism?

Does Rep. Cortez' rabid desire to impeach President Trump have an element of racism to it? Does she as a Puerto Rican Hispanic raised during an era when a negro was President of the U.S.A. hate the blond hair of President Trump?


It may be that blue-eyed blondes are the preferred presidential candidates of many voters- even a majority, when substantive quality issues are not part of any candidate's platform. There is no question that President Clinton's blue eyed dirt-blonde (or was it red-blonde) was very attractive to women and homosexuals (probably). They were fanatics about that President.

Hillary Clinton was also a blue-eyed blonde and the last democrat Presidential candidate. She may have lost because of pneumonia- an old man's friend disease, that made her seem overly crotchety. Democrat candidates seem bent toward sucking up the homosexual vote-with names like Bi (den), Butch, or Butt being as viable as the condition of blondeness. It is also useful to have a name like that of the most famous communist of the western hemisphere in the Democrat Party. It is surprising that someone named Che Guava hasn't run.

Instead of deciding to corrupt marriage as the Supreme Court did as if they were a bunch of drunks to accomplish the New England-Harvard-M.I.T. overly queer-friendly agenda of reducing population (along with abortion and birth control) or helping China to have enough sex partners in a society with too few women with mass homosexuality, it would be better to create an institution for homos that want legal entanglement, and to let hetero marriages be recognized just once. Second marriages make the establishment a farce. Creating a queer hegemony in society is just wrong and unhealthy; there are other remedies the cognoscenti apparently haven't thought of.

If people can't remarry they probably, as secular sinners, will sleep around and few guys will be skunked. On the other hand, if second and etc marriages are allowed, people should be required to marry those unmarried first, and people married just once if none of the first category are available. Then the rich or handsome wouldn't get all of the babes leaving ugly soldiers and revolutionary incels to make trouble.

If women get pregnant over the age of eighteen biological parents would always have financial responsibility to provide financially for progeny. That would simplify the idea of divorce and payments to support kids from failed marriages or motivations to remarry for cash etc.

Public debt can be increased more with Democrats than Republicans, so in the absence of competent political ideas regarding political economy and reform, a blond on blond campaign seems likely, and that will further disgruntle A.O.C. who might like someone like the Obama protege' Sect. Castro to win the nomination- purely for non racist motives of course.

When September Comes (poem)

originally posted Wednesday, August 23, 2017

When September Comes

October lies waiting; a tiger beyond September
hungry for wildebeest boxes sugar-topped corny flakes
jellied berries of orange, red and blue dropped from the world
wary that decorating signs of seasons changing like neon dreams
become obstructions deftly yo distant destinies

Driveways of blacktop spiral downward in space-time vortexes
girding the round world wankily
-creation encrusted in part
like a jewel
shedding months of amnesia fading yesterdays
unconcerned with old times' broods of days settled
while foods that flowed like shiny lucre
compiling resolutely and silently as August rolls away
gold-plated to its temporal garage
sounds of potential emerging earthquake symbols
sun-tide of clouds overcoming mountains
taller than those eroded away

So nothing remains of summer to remind one of bitter-sour
recognition that time is more and less
burnt creme repasts of something and nothingnesses-
verisimilitudes of years were barren and never being

Food for bear wistfully wandering wait where trees fall
through clef notes echoed in chords when quantum uncertainty
izes indeterminate super-positions of all possible locations
nerve again isolated from wave-particles traversing
reasons that ideas and tides of words emerge to expression

All forests of dying green meadows with fish of September
seek magnetic traces of river's home profits
political currents covering hundreds of swimming fins
through-put being and nothingness

After October another wave names months so cold
those in cracked, parched dry lakes baking under the star
feel a glimmer of theoretical relief if a thought
receded in time to global warming farther north
packing November's proud icy snows
floating in fogs mountain skies
stops frosting one Earth with December
turning away from another like the year before
when solstice's short day leaves night smiling
every thing that could be said about September said
when poets that loved summer went on strike
thinking of grass mowed
and goats frolicked with piles of chewy delight

Just for a moment when the sun stops flight
Earth waits for second impulse to return to increasing photon lucidity
as if tight days packed together were sober with realization
sensing increase lost with the innocence of September where the pressure of time
stocks stores up for fall transition
inventory clerks counting what's on shelves
discount stacks built time
a new class arrived to eyeball tomorrows with secret lusts
rhymed with cheap novels worlds away
written about leaves falling in autumn colors
that were multifarious coatings of puke
barfed upon the topography like sessions of Congress
almost none loved
Presidential campaigns perfecting pomp and circumstance
so persons of interest leaning against lampposts
contemplating unknown billions in back street pacs
indifferent to common hopes
for shelter beside the door, hammer and plans
in the bug hotel risen high
with a tidal wave of minutes given before nothingness
the sum total of darkness
itself disappears before the day

DNA Strands are Held Together With Hydrophobes

Hydrophobia apparently is why D.N.A. strands are held together according to a new discovery in Sweden. https://scitechdaily.com/scientists-were-wrong-about-dna-it-is-actually-held-together-by-hydrophobic-forces/

With water in a cell surrounding the strands a hydrophobia inducing protein for nitrogen bases draws genes together- instead of hydrogen bonds- cringing together away from the sloshing, turbulent cellular sea. A coherent inner core stays together amidst froshy wash of dissolution.


On the Existence of Objective Reality

I like Kant's arguments about thought and noumenal things-in-themselves because they advance analytical thought about the knower and known. One has a way to address Descartes'  criterion with the Critique of Pure Reason, and that works even while people are advancing experimental and technical learning about the world scientifically. Empiricism arose to explain why objective material things and statements about them are meaningful before W.V.O. Quine explained that all propositions and thought about external objects are made with inward, intentional thought. 

The idea that extensional thought exists that has a direct relation to 'objective reality' is logically unsupportable. Perhaps it isn't entirely unsupportable though. For if nature has no words in it for-itself, other people than oneself do at least. The presence of words that are rational and responsive in others supports the idea of objective reality directly in my opinion. Even so people conversing may share common illusions for shared propositions made about external reality with compatible dialectics.

What reality is of course remains conditional and subjective although something objective including rational people does certainly exist (unless nature has some kind of great artificial intelligence trickery going on and all people besides myself are emanations from it. 

Those idealist arguments about God or a quantum computer creating reality for sentient minds to experience, or the idea that everything that exists is an idea of God including sentient human minds as subroutines in the thought of God are still viable, however the presence of rational sentient intelligence besides oneself supports directly the proposition that some objective intelligence or objective reality does exist-whatever it is for-itself and in-itself though unknown to oneself.


Why Shouldn't the President Ask Foreign Agencies for Criminal Investigations Help?

If President Trump asked a foreign leader for help investigating a criminal matter in a foreign nation what is wrong with that? Maybe the F.B.I. should establish a field office in Ukraine since politicians have so much business there. If the Clintons, Bidens etc conduct foreign business and political deals doesn't the President of the United States have a right to be well informed about that? Does the public need relatives of Presidents, Vice-Presidents and former officials using their connections to extract money and opportunities from foreign governments or foreign contractors? Does Joe’s son have everything lined up in the Ukraine for his Dad should he be elected in 2020? Will the bank accounts fill?

President Trump had a few of his political friends and advisers investigated by Obama appointees for business in the Ukraine. It seems completely fine to inquire in to the role of former Vice President's Joe Biden's son had in possible pile on carpet bagging Ukraine ops. Where else to start than to ask his peer leader to look into the matter- it is realistically possible that democrat party connivances through intermediaries with foreign agencies and business people are actively at work against U.S. interests.

The entire matter of Democrats substituting horse puckey for solid politics since the Obama administration is very tiresome. Solid political work would be more welcome. Maybe they could think about how to pay down the public debt directly to keep confidence in the dollar, or should that be solely a Republican duty?

The Ukraine political history with the USA the last ten years is such a crock of bull that foreign leaders must be laughing about the way Democrats and Republicans have replaced rational political concerns with affairs involving that nation. Perhaps as a bunch of former communists, sons of Nazi sympathizers and leftists with loose morals and plenty of dope, promiscuity and radioactive power plants the Democrats feel right at home with Ukraine. The United States still exists too though- it’s on another hemisphere.



It is possible the Democrats will not ransack congressional procedures or hogtie future Presidents by making President indictable while in office. For short term profit they are gutting rational policies that have long existed. Yet there are more Ukraine issues and scandals that glow in the f'ing dark to concern themselves with.

I don't recall Presidents or their relatives being involved loud and large with foreign powers for business to a level that it became part of the ordinary news cycle and elections. The Clintons and the Clinton foundation are the first people to my knowledge that basically also started the practice.

G.W. Bush (II) wasn't known for that. Neither were Reagan, Obama, Nixon, Ford, Kennedy or Johnson. President Carter had a relative named Billy who made and sold a beer in Georgia I believe it was, yet Atlanta is nothing like the bloody Ukraine where globalism seems to attract the worst of the Democrat Party like flies.

Strike Day Demand; Find Politicians Willing to Add Trillions to Public Debt?

My take on the day of youth strikes to demand remedies for global warming is that the young people require that some politicians be found willing to spend trillions of dollars right away on Rube Goldberg schemes, fatuous and promising, that won't work very well. Are any such politicians in Congress or running for the White House?

Plainly President Trump doesn't understand ecosphere issues very well and ignores them. Yet the private sector in part does and is working to remedy them-in part. Obviously there is no invisible and of capitalism with a brain seeking to solve global warming problems. It might instead seek to profit from selling bottled oxygen and air conditioning as being more valuable, so government need pass regulatory laws that direct the private sector to solve global warming and habitat degradation problems along with biodiversity decline problems.

Good regulations and reform of the way capitalism values work can be done without increasing costs to the government at all; and that is important because if the economy and dollar collapse solidly it will be worse digging out of that hole that the one in the 2008 financial crash.

A Green New Deal flop adding trillions to public debt would not only crash employment and perhaps substantial capital, it could collapse the dollar. It does present great opportunity costs to the taxpayers in that once they invest in a bad plan they won't be able to spend on something that works should it arise.

Young protestors, strikers and future rioters might want to care about the U.S. public debt too, for they will inherit that as well with the present near trillion-dollar annual interest payments to those that own the debt.

High school parking lots are full of student's cars these days. In my time kids rode school buses generally. Are students protesting their high school parking lots and their parent's cars too? Cars are the largest source of greenhouse gases in the U.S.A. Engineering is required for remedies to global warming- systems engineering. It is easier to eliminate single point sources of greenhouse gases than millions of point sources that are automobiles. A power plant that powers hundreds of thousands of electric cars is easier to clean up than millions of smaller point sources that are fossil fuel cars, for example.

Eliminating fossil fuel powered cars would require no vast government expenses on the charge card. The U.S. government could cut all taxes on electric cars and recharging. Power plants that produce zero emissions for global warming would be given no taxes either. Just the rich would pay 5% more in taxes to help with the global warming problem. The government could also place no taxes on high speed trains that travel more than 300 m.p.h.

The primary problem that might be solved is for parties to actually find and run intelligent and well informed candidates and that is unlikely to happen in the lifetimes of young protesters. They might want to think about forming an American Intelligent Politicians Party and select candidates that are educated in environmental economics, military defense, science, theology and business.

May be Black Holes Don’t Lead Anywhere

Maybe black holes don’t lead anywhere. They just compact matter and energy into its lowest theoretical form. When that condition is reached and the ultimate packed field solid exists, it adds girth around as an accreting object with more material drawn unto itself.

The most tightly compacted state of matter and energy may be so much smaller by orders of magnitude than ordinary matter that any particular black hole might contain an entire galaxy or even hundreds or thousands of galaxies without trouble. Its gravity would be troubling to other mass and energy outside the event horizon of course.

Perhaps there is space-time lensing, comparable to gravity lensing, around a black hole. Because a hole is circular the space-time warp might let one get around to the other side of the black hole very quickly.
image credit;  https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/simulated_bh.jpg

N.A.S.A. image of light being distorted around black hole
Black Hole Warped World


About Putnam's anti-BIV Work

Reading the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry on brain-in-a-vat or BIV- it seems that Putnam took the opposite point of view- that people are not brains in a jar (vat). Because one must use propositions to comment about the external world, Hillary Putnam made an argument that some propositions are causally connected to the external world thus disproving BIV theory. Of course the BIV theory is nothing more than Berkley's paradigm of ideaism (aka idealism) where a human mind could be a tiny chip with God supplying its input (or a subroutine/loop that is spirit given input from God), or even everything that exist is an idea of God.


The actual Universe commonly experienced (one assumes yet can’t prove) by others is nothing more than an energy field interpreted the way it is because of human physical and cognitive faculties. Though the particles and fields may not be digital quanta it may be helpful to realize or think of it that way. The spacing is on human terms from experience, yet it is just more quanta here or less there, and that embedded in fields within fields-some temporary (perhaps all fields are temporary) that flow in various configurations logically within thermodynamic protocols for everything from quarks to atoms and molecules.

Putnam needs to restore a semblance of credibility to empiricism I think. Something like A.J. Ayers Language, Truth and Logic (that was refuted by WVO Quine in the Two Dogmas of Empiricism. Putnam's anti-skepticism argument is done with propositional logic. a recent comment of Putnam about the topic said;"“In short, if we are brains in a vat, then ‘we are brains in a vat’ is false. So it is (necessarily) false” (Putnam 1981 [1999: 37]).

Perhaps only marines truly can be said to be jarheads. Maybe a human body is not a jar at all containing a mind, and a brain can of course be extracted from a skull, yet it functions well for now, only within a body. One may cite the 1950s-60s movie The Brain that Wouldn’t Die as a brain in a jar paradigm that worked, yet it was a too popular genre in the 70s unto 1981 when Hillary tried to refute BIV.

BIV theories have an expiration date of course that might be extended with good health care. IMO pragmatism that is unavoidable need be the operative premise. So I would agree with Putnam’s paradigm on pragmatic grounds even if the logical or causal relation line of argument seems invalid to me.

Sanctions Haven't Worked on Iran or N. Korea

The administration supporters tend to believe that sanctions will end the Iranian nuclear weapons program. That seems an unrealistic opinion if one examines the North Korean case for comparative analysis.

North Korea has endured numerous sanctions and privations in part to build nuclear weapons able to attack western allies or at least lever them. Iran seems to be doing that too; knowing that in time it will get the goods along with excellent missiles to become a regional powerhouse. The recent Iranian attack on Saudi Arabian oil fields may have released soot and smoke harmful to placentas and upset oil investors a trifling moment, yet they also demonstrated the Trump administrations inability to wage a retaliatory strike.

President Trump too often mentions nuclear weapons and tens of millions dead in hostile countries if we wanted to, yet does nothing conventional because he has no clue about how to use military power effectively. The President is going against the walk softly and carry a big stick axiom of Theodore Roosevelt that is usually good policy advice.

US administrations use sanctions when short of solutions to appear to be doing something. When they leave office the situation usually remains the same.

Iran can get help from a variety of sources to muddle through the time it constructs nuclear weapons. perhaps it already bought a few from Kazakhstan at the end of the Cold War during the 90s.

The Usual Evolution to Socialism-Corporatism

There probably is a usual evolution to socialism in a society that fails to have a moderate democracy with more or less egalitarianism in distribution of wealth. As wealth becomes concentrated and government heeds the will of the most rich a state of semi-corporatism prevails. Benefits and pensions are cut to the workers, corporations invest overseas with cheaper labor costs and the masses in a formerly democratic and egalitarian society become pacified with bread and circuses, debauchery and scandal. 

Eventually the degraded and new proletarian-plebeians with formerly external proletariats invading to join the work force and keep wages low for the masses as concentrated wealth increase seek social benefits through government to replace the lost pensions and solid wages of a formerly well-off working and middle class. The insider 1% class strip jobs of meaningful benefits and use unemployment as a lever such that its better to have a job than not (true) to keep benefits and wages minimal. Hence socialism arises with socialist leaders joining with corporatists at the apex of government.

Individualism is repressed along with creativity. Socialist leaders raise taxes upon concentrated wealth and corporations to replace the tax cuts given by overly exuberant corporatist leaders in previous eras. Corporatist leaders become aware of the planetary trend toward socialism and corporatism and use the leverage of unemployment or inflation to increase their power and break up and 1% sentiment. The ecosphere declines in health in the meanwhile.


Did Pres Trump 'Promise' PM Trudeau that He Won't Laugh if Justin Wears Blackface on Video Calls?

The President of Canada wore black or brown face makeup in a Canadian Minstrel party or some sort of schoolboy non-sense long ago in the year 2000 when he was an educator or student ( I am not certain). President Trump was overheard making a call to a foreign leader overheard by a whistle-blower and in turn reported to investigators. One cannot help speculate that the promise may have been not to chastise or laugh at the Prime Minister if he wants to wear blackface on video conference calls.




Auto Exhaust-Industrial Pollution Infiltrate Placental Tissue to Impact Feotus

An interesting study found that air pollution from automobile exhaust and other point sources of air pollution proportionally correlate to ambient environmental levels of sooty auto exhaust.  Apparently women from areas with soot and auto exhaust in the atmosphere inhale that filth and render that unto their placentas and feotus during pregnancy. So that may be why the devil seeks to get rid of air pollution regulation, promote fossil fuel development and bring vast smokestack industries to China and the rest of the world; in order to make stupid children that will vote for stupid politicians that are more amendable to brainwashing and eternal damnation.


Taliban Bombs Hospital- US Can't Enable Those Lunatics to Rule Afghans

The Trump administration was correct in letting the negotiations with the Taliban perish in the circular file of politics; the Afghan lunacy party of terror on fellow citizens of Afghanistan is not one that can be morally supported by anyone besides plain fascists.

Negotiations with the Taliban mean nothing more than allowing homicidal lunatics to rule by degrees. That is a policy that is indefensibly wrong, for the Taliban is nothing besides evil.

The lunatics of the kill-Afghan citizens party until they can have power party is fundamentally crazy and it would be crazy for the U.S. Government to enable such a wicked organization to have any opportunity to take a foothold in government.

If the Taliban lunacy has cadre that wants to be in legitimate politics they need only vote, stand for office and participate in the existing democratic establishment. The democracy of Afghanistan is what the U.S. should support. The idea that the people of Afghanistan should be terrified into supporting the Taliban takeover goals might play better for leftist gun confiscation advocates in the United States than among the ordinary people of Afghanistan.

Sure the United States has some reprehensible political developments that render western democracy dubious to the heretical Muslim fanatics too daft to understand the Bible and the Lord Jesus Christ. Instead of allowing homosexuals to create their own bound pair or group entanglements that are equivalent before law to the laws of heterosexual pair bonding, the Supreme Court made corrupted marriage and undermined families and international relations with heretical Muslims lunatics. The High Court forced its diseased cape of doom over the nation like a cloud of pestilence and death. Tolerance of idiots in political positions like the Supreme Court is one of the down sides of democracy, yet apparently citizens of a nation aren’t accountable before God for all of the morally wicked choices of political leaders. Hence if the Taliban participated in government in the democratic establishment of Afghanistan they would not be morally responsible for vast public debt piled up by the central government if its administrators were daft enough to do so.

A fundamental principle of democracy is individual self-determination. That is required for maximum economic and spiritual development of individuals and concatenated, a society. Oppressive despotic governments are against that. Even in a democracy and a judiciary there are individuals that fail to comprehend that principle. They try to force there will and way on everyone instead of discovering avenues to allow people to pursue their own interests without forcing everyone else into submission to an onerous law.

A transnational cultural issue reinforces misunderstanding of politics not uncommonly in comparisons of one society with another. Without depth in anthropology, sociology and history of two different societies and their pace of development over centuries, in addition to evolutionary adaptations to environment and technology or tool-kits of two cultures as well as general world history,understanding with a little wisdom of why women have a certain culture in one country and not another, doesn't occur. At the least, without similar political economies women are unlikely to be able to afford the ways of another more prosperous society.

Taliban leaders should be smart enough to recognize that a fascist cadre of idiotic and heretical goons that blow up fellow citizens and convalescents are a bad choice for leadership of a nation.


Oil Pipelines targets of Economic War- Metabolism of Nexus, Cash and Oil

Recent attacks with drones and explosives on various oil targets show the easy vulnerability of oil supplies to terrorists from the air. Drones will only become more efficient predators on oil facilities as economic war takes practical dive-bombing turns toward oil-rich enemies. That is good news for alternate fuels and energy forms that become more efficient and desirable when oil goes up in price because of scarcity.

So there is a very good side to the increase in oil costs to producers and consumers that is a silver lining in the dark cloud of oil smoke and fires.

Iran knows President Trump isn't really competent on matters of war- he is a peace monger. Hence they launched weapons from Iran itself on Saudi apparently. I guess its up to Democrats to send the next Ronald Reagan to put the Iranians back in their bottle (lol).

Plainly Wall Street views the food, water and energy Nexus differently than communists that consider it in turn differently than environmentalists. The simplistic models for maximizing food production inclusive of factors such as labor, consumers, producers, land area, flow and fund resources etc. do not calculate that the minimalist approach to ecospheric integrity will probably crash the whole ecosphere in which the Nexus itself is an invasive, displacive antagonist when it becomes the sole paradigm for world resource.

While any Nexus can be subject to market forces, and while any system can be made more efficient, synergetic and better adapted to an environment, fossil fuels are plainly bad and should be replaced by electric or hydrogen vehicles as soon as possible. People are too slow to change when all the leadership is poor. The Democrat Party is a catalyst for the worst style of capitalism in the present Demographic and ecospheric circumstance; they are more interested in promoting themselves within the capitalist equation than in changing it toward truly sustainable environmental economics.

Though the terrorists hitting Saudi oil production had no environmental good intention motives (probably), the interrupt on oil production that drove up prices does at least provide a boost toward solar energy sales as well as interest in hydrogen fuel cell manufacture and in theory, superconductors.

Refining Writing Art; Form vs Function

 There are several ways of viewing the matter of Form vs function. The question for balancing creativity versus composition applies in many ...