
Hyper-sonic missile is 'transformational; once in a generational for war progressives

 New hypersonic missiles that travel from mach 6 to mach 17 have taken center stage recently in the global race to annihilate itself. Fortunately the Chinese have joined the Russians in owning the fast and nearly direct fire missiles that can shoot under the radar to hit sitting duck targets defending by anti-ballistic missiles.




These hyper-sonic weapons are a great advance over the old, slow, mirved, marved ballistic missiles of your dad's day that merely delivered high trajectory packages of city incineration and global winter. The hypersonic items can be launched soon from a number of platforms such as submarines and any old sort of surface ship traveling the oceans and possibly even dropped like cruise missiles from an airborne platform in the near future. Thus plenty of boom is promised for everyone without any sort of supply shortages.

Once more global political leadership is making great strides of progress to kill everyone thus saving money and bitcoin on the problem of global warming that has taken a minority portion of the comfort food economic budget of the Democrat party. One can't tax those millionaires or their poor relative millionaire kindred and keep the economy going.


A Thought of Infinite Being (a science fiction story)

 I have published a science fiction book. It's named A Thought of Infinite Being.

A Thought of Infinite Being

Here is the description I wrote for it.

A science fiction story of metaphysical speculation, defense response to networked terror, social philosophical analysis and meta-cosmological circumspection with a Christian spin. Protagonists consider implications of a Multiverse for metaphysics, morals, creation, the natural theology of God, and select works.


Fix Depleted Yukon salmon fishery with Steelhead and Kokane?

The tragedy of over-fishing Yukon River salmon fishing to the point of the brink of extinction is a natural human fish management course of events. Humans ordinarily over-utilize a resource and through competition and social inertia continue to do so. Rivers are especially easy to over-fish in regard to salmon that obligingly return to their ancestral rivers from the sea every few years making them prey for nets put in their path. Could land-locked salmon like Kokane and steelhead that re main in the river for life and hence escape the international fishing fleet in the Bering Sea stand a better chance?


I stipulate that I know little about the Yukon or salmon fishing there. I live about 700 miles away in Wrangell Alaska about fifteen miles from British Columbia. The only pro fisheries guy I knew was from Argentina and studied in a graduate program at the University of Alaska at Juneau. Therefore I am just suggesting the creation of steelhead and Kokane hatcheries along the Yukon designed expressly to replenish the emptying out of the river from Bering Sea over-fishing. I got a couple of undergraduate degrees yet never could afford that graduate degree I wanted to be an educator in East Africa or Eastern Europe so I generate some ideas that aren't pro career stuff now and then.

In theory (a philosophical theory rather than a graduate of fisheries theory) nature abhors a vacuum. If salmon that formerly dominated the Yukon are gone something else might or even should replace it. Rather than flooding the river with a sort of fish less desirable than a salmonid, the good human policy of intervening to synthetically balance nature (they habitually unbalance the natural balance) might be applied.


Sure the Yukon would be a cold place to have a fish hatchery with the annual hard freeze. Maybe some sort of geothermal heating of water enough to keep the hatchery waters from freezing within an indoor ecosystem along the river would work. Maybe geothermal heating could be used to generate electricity as well.

A Yukon River stuffed to the gills with salmonids, albeit smaller than king salmon, could be a good subsistence harvest for humans and returning kings as well.


Leftengnat Blip Von Bonzo’s Wind Egg Infrastructure Plan

 The artist formerly known as Xyphoid Process obtained learned of a Von Bonzo report unreleased to the public and released it for publication…

   Leftengnat Edgerton Von Bonzo said recently that some progress has been made on advancing his wind egg infrastructure bill through congress. Specifically, the goose egg gambit was referred to the special secret sauce committee for a party-line vote of approval as a rider on the Human Prison Infrastructure bill that has space for numerous Eleatic amendments.

 Wind egg human infrastructure investments economically and efficiently advance nothing physical and are confirmed to have no immediate harmful environmental consequences, beside being less filling, tasting great, sugar gluten free.

 Rotting, decaying national physical infrastructure can be addressed in a separate, smaller bill that will enable roads and bridges for the upgraded Model T fleet to remain internationally competitive for the remainder of the century when another, physical infrastructure bill will be required to keep America great.

 A perpetual revolution sending waves of human infrastructure bills, animal infrastructure bills added to the environmental protection agency, alien infrastructure bills needed to make illegal alien in-migration great again and to fast track illegal aliens to citizen status skipping over the cruel and unusual racist, xenophobic bigotry of requirements for legal resident status before the freeway to citizenship occurs, wealth infrastructure bills, abstract infrastructure bills for making higher education great again, human and government infrastructure revolution bills to the people directly with full support from the High Court of Human Infrastructure.

 It was recently discovered in select, elite infrastructures of haute education that infrastructure is actually asuffix, and if attached to any sort of (variable) object confers to it the concept of being real, solid and with gravity.

 Experiments with infrastructure as a preposition confirmed the finding that wind eggs if given the suffix of infrastructure can receive support from fifty-one percent majority of people responding to a survey question about the acceptability of congressional infrastructure wind eggs in the poll.

 Leftengnat Bonzo said that infrastructure for research infrastructure was lacking in higher educational nink tanks and would benefit from a plast, emergency infusion of cash. Fully stocked refrigerators for trink tanks scheduled to be built in high rise condominium units in Jupiter Florida in 2024 could proceed if Republicans would just get out of the way, he said.

 The Leftengnat confided there have been hints of a discovery that infrastructure may work as a prefix in an adverbial sort of way; not only in the shadows a hidden universe, to briefly parse the notion, for sometimes a great infrastructure, tides rolling in, ships rising in the harbor, just to watch them roll away again evolves an infrastructure of poetic infrastructure even Wall Street can happily view as a good investment.

 Leftengnat Bonzo said the outrageous and crass suggestion that the Congress should hire a cluster of thirty brilliant engineers, ecological economists and scientists to produce the best possible ideas they can of what they would spend 3.5 trillion dollars on to modernize and upgrade the nation’s physical infrastructure is inappropriate and plain dumb like the stupid scientists and engineers.

 Infrastructure, said the Leftengnat, is not supposed to make the nation a faster, better, cheaper and more ecologically efficient place to manufacture goods or services that bring a competitive edge over the world. Conceding business would find the U.S. a better place to produce in spite of the higher cost of labor, foreign entities would just try to just try to emulate the infrastructure like trans-continental hyper loops and super-conducting lines inside underground liquid hydrogen carrying pipelines spake the Leftengnat. Building things foreign nations would catch up to in a few decades, the Leftengnat said, is obsolete, regressive, reactionary and replete with infrastructure of stupidity that probably would make everyone, everywhere, miserable.

 The Leftengnat ended the interview saying that it’s bedtime for Bonzo.


Blog and Vlogs should be the Vox Populi and Fourth Estate

 Web blogs are the voice of the majority of the people, the Vox Populi . These days free expression of the vox populi is under assault from myriad megalomaniacal organizations and individuals such as the broadcast media. So many people would like to monopolize public political speech and thought bending it to conform to special controlling interests .

Perhaps in the past there actually were three ‘estates’ in American democracy. The people, the government and the print media that supposedly expressed the will of the people through publication. Obviously that role became obsolete and evolved into becoming rather repressive occasionally with the rise of Internet blog writing that anyone on Earth in a free society could use for themselves including U.S. citizens.

 The traditional media did not go quietly into that good night and fade away as blogs rose. Obsolete print and broadcast media forms of business clung to any gambit and lever possible to remain relevant even as their monopoly of public expression ended.

  The rich too that has enjoyed a cozy relationship and corner on the media market ownership neither were content with the appearance of the Internet vox populi and free public speech for anyone; they crimped down the free speech of the early Internet blogs through acquisition and control of web sites. Large corporations that grew from small beginnings hosted web sites that began to divide and conquer free speech and blogs under the rubric of moderating content.

  During the centuries of monopoly of public speech the print media enjoyed followed later by the broadcast media after invention of radio about a century ago, anyone that wanted to rule others could just get into the media without needing to be elected.

Power of the media in the old days wasn’t as blatantly repressive or controlling as in the present era when its value fell into decline and quality was debased, yet it provided an unelected means for publicized speech.

  The U.S. Government does sometimes lack modernizing competence for upgrading how laws written in and for prior times and culture are applied today, and may fail to respond to existential political challenges too regularly with the fast pace of change. It should be seeking ways to actualize and upgrade democracy and national sovereignty. Democracy needs to be defended against media monopolies that attack private citizen blogs and bloggers; cliques of networked goons that repress free speech where they can as yap dogs of corporatism. The government needs to defend the new vox populi; internet blogs from corporate censorship and control. Corporations should not be the only place where poor private citizens can publish or have their material not simply disappear as corporate apparachiks deem amusing.

  The U.S. government should recognize the value to a democratic society of free speech and blogger blog independence, integrity and longevity. Citizen free speech publications should not be subject to the whims and vagaries of corporations and political party partisans working for them.

 The argument is made that private interests own the free speech platforms and have the right to censor them, and that is true. That is why the government should add blogging of the people as a fundamental, inalienable and necessary right for the citizens of a free society and create a platform and server providing space hosting for every citizen with a social security number a permanent, no problem or censorship  blog and dat storage area publicly viewable with the account holders permission per item. The material should be available and secure for life.

  If the vox populi is secure, corporations that own internet sites should be more motivated to make their sites more serviceable and trustworthy instead of treacherous. Some writers have had their web blogging sites disappear many times, or have been censored or banned too often with their material deleted.

Understandably there is great resistance to allowing a secure vox populi to arise and remain that could voice political opinions antipathetic to concentrated wealth special interests and corrupt political elite’s will-to-power or monopoly and ownership of free speech venues to tame them.  Maybe it is still not too late in the day to fix the problem. Even journalists (a very quaint, anachronistic term) might down-size and adapt to a Vox Populi role themselves in small professional high-quality investigative and think tank research units that publish their information for-profit not as rivals, but as new developments of the Vox Populi of the people as the voice of the people not as the third, but as part of the second estate; the people of the United States that have returned the voice of the people to the people.


Will Covid 19 vaccines be like annual flu vaccines in the future?

  I wonder if Covid 19 vaccines will be need every year somewhat like flu shots. If so that would present challenges to vaccinating the world population.  If there are different and new versions of lethal Covid each year that would require some kind of new apparatus for prophylaxis, planetarily speaking.



Kant, the Higgs Field and Swarms

 The philosopher Immanual Kant wrote the Critique of Pure Reason and elucidated  sundry terms and concepts therein that remain useful philosophically speaking. Sartre too created many useful words and phrases in his tome Being and Nothingness. Each philosophers terminology present useful ways for describing the relationship of the Higgs field's 3-d mass in relationship to the two-dimensional massless particles that exist theoretically outside the Higgs field and journey into it to be slowed down and acquire a third dimension regarded by humanity as mass.

It is somewhat amazing to realize that mass is a secondary characteristic that epiphenomenalizes in the Higgs field having no independent existence in-itself as might be said of the Higgs field or of massless particles and fields not within the Higgs field. One might wonder if information created within the phenomenal Higgs field is a kind of virtual information too; and if the loss of information when the mass conversion of the Higgs field turn off is a violation of the laws of conservation of information far worse that Shannon entropy (actually total).

The human experience of mass and energy are phenomena. Alternatively, the information of massless particles before they enter the Higgs field should I believe be included within the noumenal realm of Kant's terminological coinage. Kant considered knowledge that cannot be known by humans as noumena, as opposed to phenomena that can be known or experienced. Modern physics has historical explained phenomena with deeper understand sending the demarcating line between the phenomenal and the noumenal farther away from ordinary experience and perceptions and to join with the realm of meta-physics (greater physics).

One might wonder of the boundaries of the noumenal realm of massless energy not slowed down within the Higgs field.  The range and extent of the noumenal is quite unknown and by definition unknowable...it simply recedes in the distance while human knowledge chases after the edge it can never attain.

How far into the future human knowledge will be able to manage its own affairs on the Earth and not be taken over by an artificial intelligence isn't certain either. Since economics advanced beyond the little house on the prairie with men and women working their own micro and macro economic works and moved into post-modern social organizations and networking for clusters of collectives, klans and various Venn diagram member element ad hoc allied interest groups economic management has become more complex. One might wonder if the complexity of social swarms, trading in dark pools, digital currencies and devaluing individual human integrity will require an artificial intellect to fully understand in the near future. People cannot even fix the environment of the planet they live on so immersed in swarms of social, virtual economic reality as they are.

Democrat's Great Raid stalled in Congress

 The Democrat Party's four and a half trillion dollar great raid has stalled in Congress with Democrats fighting amongst themselves. There are two kinds of meaningful infrastructure that refer to physical infrastructure that are plain in the present circumstance; traditional and green. The fake label 'human infrastructure' was conjured up to put the party's L.S.D. platform through in a great raid on the treasury. L.S.D. in the party lexicon refers to the Liberal Socialist Democrat faction.

 An honorable government works better in the long run than a dishonorable one with a myriad of fake names and labels, pass it to find out what's in it bills and various sorts of flummery to send pork to favorite special interests. Too many dishonorable government policies actual do add up to a bent and deleterious national course over time. The broadcast media have been especially helpful in conditioning government and the public to forked tongue slight of hand trickery so the government is not entirely alone.

When one compiles dishonorable federal policies of the past half century it is fairly weighty. Thirty four trillion dollars of public debt requiring more than a trillion annually to pay the interest is just bad policy. Good policy would work toward a balanced budget that eliminates federal debt. Bills through Congress should be accurately named. Social service bills should be categorized as social services rather than as infrastructure. Confucius began his career with the rectification of names- that venerable honesty in labeling paradigm continues to have merit.

The trillion dollar traditional infrastructure should just go ahead. Then a 2 trillion dollar soley green infrastructure bill should be passed. After that would be the time for a billion to increase taxes on the rich followed by a social services bill. Honest government does not need to trick or force every measure upon the populace nor should it seek to do so.

I should mention that someone should include a budget to create a scientific council and study group to find a way to make those millions of miles of U.S. heat absorbing asphalt highways heat reflectors ot collect photons for electrical power. New intelligence can be useful.

Was Hegel Correct in Saying Philosophy Isn't Suitable for the Mob?

Social media has brought everyone the opportunity to believe they are an intellectual or that the common opinion is philosophically interest...