
Kant, the Higgs Field and Swarms

 The philosopher Immanual Kant wrote the Critique of Pure Reason and elucidated  sundry terms and concepts therein that remain useful philosophically speaking. Sartre too created many useful words and phrases in his tome Being and Nothingness. Each philosophers terminology present useful ways for describing the relationship of the Higgs field's 3-d mass in relationship to the two-dimensional massless particles that exist theoretically outside the Higgs field and journey into it to be slowed down and acquire a third dimension regarded by humanity as mass.

It is somewhat amazing to realize that mass is a secondary characteristic that epiphenomenalizes in the Higgs field having no independent existence in-itself as might be said of the Higgs field or of massless particles and fields not within the Higgs field. One might wonder if information created within the phenomenal Higgs field is a kind of virtual information too; and if the loss of information when the mass conversion of the Higgs field turn off is a violation of the laws of conservation of information far worse that Shannon entropy (actually total).

The human experience of mass and energy are phenomena. Alternatively, the information of massless particles before they enter the Higgs field should I believe be included within the noumenal realm of Kant's terminological coinage. Kant considered knowledge that cannot be known by humans as noumena, as opposed to phenomena that can be known or experienced. Modern physics has historical explained phenomena with deeper understand sending the demarcating line between the phenomenal and the noumenal farther away from ordinary experience and perceptions and to join with the realm of meta-physics (greater physics).

One might wonder of the boundaries of the noumenal realm of massless energy not slowed down within the Higgs field.  The range and extent of the noumenal is quite unknown and by definition unknowable...it simply recedes in the distance while human knowledge chases after the edge it can never attain.

How far into the future human knowledge will be able to manage its own affairs on the Earth and not be taken over by an artificial intelligence isn't certain either. Since economics advanced beyond the little house on the prairie with men and women working their own micro and macro economic works and moved into post-modern social organizations and networking for clusters of collectives, klans and various Venn diagram member element ad hoc allied interest groups economic management has become more complex. One might wonder if the complexity of social swarms, trading in dark pools, digital currencies and devaluing individual human integrity will require an artificial intellect to fully understand in the near future. People cannot even fix the environment of the planet they live on so immersed in swarms of social, virtual economic reality as they are.

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