
A Few Christian Poems- Happy Easter


Here are a few of my Christian poems published here to commemorate the atoning work of the Lord.

Darkness Fell on the Blood of God 

 Earth erases the living in time

 and within atmosphere’s envelope

 words spoken race shadows to silence

 a planet’s paradigm of abstract construction

 whirls kinetically for gravity’s account

 summarized in winter as snow compiles

 the full or empty universe must journey

 an eclipse of the star in blue sky

 offered the cross at Calvary.

Being: over the edge of Space-Time ©1993GIBSON 

The singularity is a point before time

stretches it infinitely as a line

replicating motion

other lines, other directions, relatively

moving everywhere, fullness of whatness

for that which is, now is

Parenthetically unbracketed a description

is just in time

particulars of Calvary

freedom of the transcendence

to turn outside into the Universe

shapes paralleling the limited event horizon

for that which is now, now is

the four forms of space-time 

are motion needed as gravity to be

transcended by the whole fifth

symphonic dimensionality of all-Universe

a presentation of the three

becomes infinite straight-line waveforms of being

perceptible in curved space-time

as mass less quanta particles vibration patterns

the world of substance.

God is Good 

 Quiet lakes reflect clouds in the sky

the Spirit brings Bible verses

distant pre-dawn lightness

wrinkling the vault of night

repository of constellations in free fall

 God is good

the Christ is the way, truth and life

a gift of strong-mynded faith

more real than rattlesnakes posing

like celebrities of space-time

 Jesus defeated death

the perfect High Priest of God

resurrected three days from crucifixion

bringing eternal life in heaven to the saved 

he smote the power of sin

 God is good

rainbows, planets, water based life

some people not perping evil

though a constitution's rights decay

and a tech sedition raves.

Original Sin ©2004 

 Human life is passing

ever changing from birth to death

fraught with original sin

imperfections miss the mark

an ontological reduction from eternity

 God’s perfect nature

is so far and remote

yet so near

He created space and time

not as an emanation

a will omniscient, inclusive of alpha

and omega, potentiality and coordinate references

without intermediaries

absent of absence

 The creation arose ex nihilo

analogous to a reality created

within a dream, without superreality transcendent

God is perfect, whole

though His will and substance cannot be inferred

what is known is given by revelation

when and where the Universe is

may be paradigmatized

defined with subjective and logical analysis

only imperfectly as infants ambling about

isolated from God in original sin

planets, stars, clusters of galaxies, space-time and the wave

are interpreted within a phenomenology of mynd, languaged

up to identify clumps of objects, others and experience 

divided from the eternal perfection,

confined within finite knowledge, finite form

the pervasive social corruption

conforms the world’s people unto sin, imperfection,

decay and death

 Human life is passing

ever changing from birth to death

Jesus Christ, the Son of God is

the only way to God and eternal life.

A Priori Logic Circuits 

 Of God what is good

 channels for Taoist canyons

 rivers flowing to the sea

 below heavens of harvest moon light

 for the liberty of Europa’s ice

 superposition of being and nothingness

 Of Jesus whom are saved

 souls living within a unified field

 reason amidst secularist worlds

 spirit, faith and the evolution

 ideas, concepts subducted like plates

 professional career tectonics spelling

 maths of motion

 Of Spirit being-in-itself transcended

 relates to God in His grace

 contingent existence surpassed

 the elect and non-elect flowing

 according to His will.

When Photons Acquire Mass 


 Ideas that should have more rhyme

copyrights years rollover poets auld lang

signs even after death registration renews 

ideas like gravity drumbeats hues

filtered through ceramic antennae

verborate down leafy shadows 

m-theoretical sub-dimensions shaken up

into converting lofty matters from energy

before time grinds to a halt

 First light big bang unto mystical end

photons gain weight and Universe closed then

red sky to night stars fall out of the sky

discontinued dimensions reshuffled well

impermanence without sound or substance held

 Pre-determined physical parameters

grown with an uncertainty principal

God spake flowing reality to being 

ordering monadic dimensions to start brightly

thus waves would roll to shores and sand from the sea

Jesus would save those with faith.

After the First Day 

 This puffed up world shoots itself

 too often like a tired soldier

 right through the foot 

 it writhes ethnic group against ethnic 

 like tectonic plate contact zones 

 merging into the highest mountains 

 or subducting moltenously to the lowest depths 

 infernal realms toward the nickel-iron core 

 good, beauty, peace, love, truth, hope, faith 

 thought, ideas, are Darwin's incidental refuse 

 that do not excrete, evolve, flow, compile 

 like fighting iguanas or rock slides 

 trees fall in silent forests 

 without ears to transform sound waves 

 into noise/ideas 


 Evolution is the idea valuing non-ideas 

 a non-sentient progenitor of mass change 


 nature's ossified and serial praxis 

 progress to fossils and non-values of the 



 Anti-gravity from an other verse punched out 

 the Big Bang expansion from a unified field 

 infinity of singular space time 

 relativity of mass-time unto itself 

 from the source mode 

 to disparate space-time cosmos reassembling 

 galaxies in nuclear, electroweak, strong 

 gravitational bonding 

 together as sum sun one infinitely to itself 

 or perhaps a cold, dark scattering of ashes 

 across forever expanding space-time 

 beyond us, time is before us all 

 within infinite yet bounded motions as creations 


 Relativity curves everything transitioning 

 time, velocity, mass 

 personal world-lines through life 

 experiencing individual, phenomenal 

 concatenations of forces 

 seeming to mind as existence; 

 Darwin's evolution/motion/change paradigm 



 God said Let there be light, and there was light 

 and the darkness comprehended it not... 

 it was the end of the first day.

Assembly for the Spirit ©2000GIBSON 

Free spirit is

an essence of the wind

time is a shadow’s net

through which the soul passes

Striking new chords

a pointillist harmony in motion

an essence of the wind

isn’t spirit free?

For God so loved the world

is one’s spirit ever free?

Jesus is His only begotten Son

matter is matter just to be

The Spirit is the comforter

a divine peace, love

to in-dwell the soul

as frequencies assembled seem.

A Greeting for Janus’ Composure 

 Life is a long and interesting experience

which may sometimes be an arduous phenomenon

challenging the soul to trial through action or inaction

Solomon saying all is vanity

also remarked of life’s brevity

-all that one has is time

that passes on in instants

and is itself an instant

 Are you sure of whom you want to see

or what you want to do?

 Have you heard the gentle call of God

within and without ?

experienced the eagle climbing high

upon rising winds aloft

in flight this very hour

as the Earth moves in its 7 billion year old race 

with time about the brilliant star

hanging by the most slender thread of gravity

on the Milky Way’s edge, deep in the center of nowhere


 Don’t you hear the call of liberty whispering

her sweet song? For you she grows the trees

the grass in the fields and flowers in the meadows

and asks you to journey outside and beyond

in this season of a thousand reasons

the planets have been sewn

for the harvest of the age of opportunity.

Christ was resurrected/anon 

Jerusalem 1500 x 1500 

 19th century planks of resource use

a minotaur loose in the labyrinth

snorting, moving, a political scientist

examines bell curve artifact jars of Knossus

 Fires of ancient cliff dwellers, Mohenjo Daro

Clarence, broadcaster from the tower uptown

excavates flickering fire flies in amber

from a pile of marked down stuff

 Premises with major conclusions

a lifework of branch diagrams

chewing over choice decisions

leaves a greenwave design business growing

 Mynd is either carnal or spiritual

carnal flesh draws to flesh

yet the Lord Jesus overcame sin

Christ is the only way to God the Father.

Drawdown Moored 

 Dimensional ideas for surfaces and solids

upstairs, downstairs living the arts

seasons subtly shaping compound sentences

broadcast microplop windows blown up

into hypertext heuristics

 Like a conflict of different drummers

creampuffs collide into cumulus mergers

disparate concepts transform into inventions

waveformers cast the heavy sculpture of praxis

to the moon like a vat of solid pellets

that almost floats

 Tool using culture around the whirld

restless natives, empty universe

devised with magnifying solar lasers

heating the cool outer planets

charging system shuttlecraft launched

as drumsticks through a linear accelerator

experience to learn peace, progress and Jesus Christ.

Freedom to Choose Jesus 

Mapungubwe, Maghreb, Pate, ha nahar, Ibn Tumart

impulse drives contend for the love of God

Pastor of the mysterious river of time

He put forces of heaven in esse

majestically made life ist

words of Jesus shine as the sun

 Perfect High Priest and final sacrifice

atoning for the fallen nature of man

saving those whom believe to eternal life

Jesus, tempted at its pinnacle

anon said not a stone of it would be left standing

Herod’s temple gone with fire and wind

transformed to a desolate temple mount

 City of Peace stumbling block

dome or reconstructed temple

would it be the platform for the anti-christ

with broadcast team to deify it in audience share?

 Chumalungma, Yenesei, Yukon, Mare Ibrium

vain babblings and oppositions of science

ambling walkabouts, geo researches, time flows

Isaac and Ishmael forked at Beer-sheba

humanity must choose at the cross.

From the Sphere at the Edge of a Dream ©1993GIBSON 

For this sphere’s lost soul’s Jesus walked

then into Jerusalem

time talks like irreversible physics

to this being Jesus was

into the being-for-others of social reality

 Deliverer to the In-itself

Redeemer unto eternal life

that cosmos of one/none before the event horizon

three-in-one and every mortal’s dreams

to this being Jesus was

into the being-for-others of social organization

deliverer to the In-itself

 For the people of this sphere Jesus talked

then to Jerusalem and crucifixion

overcoming the demons of hell to rise

on the third day

 The Creator for many is a faith

transcending the temporal ekstasis

thermodynamics of past, present, future

with mercy, wisdom, salvation and eternity.

In the World ©1992GIBSON 

For what sound can the mortal listen

beyond the footsteps of a dream

within their twilight world the system

seeks not the light nor the living stream

Jesus is the way and the truth

for alpha and omega begins and ends in one space

perhaps to journey to another people

or resurrect other lives

These forces of the world in political clashes

totalizers, communes, socialized fascists

evolve through decades as new spring plants

like a Bodhisattva political action committee

in the world yet not of it...

the Christian must live on faith

for what sound can the mortal listen

beyond the footsteps of a dream

within their twilight world the system

will not seek the light nor the living stream

When the temple is rebuilt

in the new Jerusalem and Earth

the saved will worship the Spirit

they were in the world and yet not of it.

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