
Trump and Navalny; Dissident Targets of Majority Parties

 Current events are interesting to consider. In politics they occur on a foundation of the past. Democrats have sought to eliminate opposition with as much legal force as possible; bending, folding and mutilating the concept of objective legal justice, especially within legislative parameters so far as possible. For them, law is a malleable taffy super-ball that bounces in reaction to its shape and quantum force applied to compress it.

In some ways Joe Biden is the mirror image of Vladimir Putin although Putin is a patriot and Russian nationalist while Biden is a globalist and moral relativist with nominal allegiance to the religious leader in Rome. Perhaps Rome and Mecca share similar positions in drawing a select crowd of the global faithful toward the relative centers.

Like the Russia United Party the Democrat Party seeks to be the sole party of the nation democratically. Joe Biden built up the inevitability of war with Russia via Ukraine through endless increase of sanctions, military support and efforts to bring Ukraine’s western dependent government further into the embrace of the EU and N.A.T.O. instead of recognizing Russia’s reconquista of the Crimea and seeking to settle the east bank of the Dnepr problem peacefully through sharing and positive reinforcement of economic agreements to make the area a tax-free zone.

Joe Biden is the re-election specialist who will shape every issue to his personal political advantage in order to garner votes. Even the border crisis flooding the nation with foreign migrants developed because he refused to continue the Trump border wall development. Though a wall is an inferior remedy to halt illegal migrants in comparison to saltwater filled canals with locks, used to desalinate, evaporate and capture fresh water condensation under a roof spanning the border (with saltwater piped to the continental divide with solar powered pumps), the president was completely ineffective at stopping illegal aliens at the border. Presently he puts himself as the remedy to the problem though his Border Tsar was impeached.

Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Rep Madler and Rep. Adam Schifler would have hung Trump if they could have got away with it in order to secure the party’s grasp on power. In a real way Donald Trump is comparable to the late Alexei Navalny in being the object of wrath of the majority political party. Navalny’s recent death wasn’t too surprising because, like Trump, he is domestically regarded as treasonous and coordinator of insurrections (meaning in this case opposition to the political will of the majority). Such labels are convenient methods for eliminating the legal right of opposition party candidates to run for elected office or to be sentenced to death ,in camera.

The United States isn’t a well balanced political place these days. Democrats and many college students feel the party candidate is the sole way to help the people through economic breaks. They support illegal immigrations and mass refugee status for migrants as well. They fail to understand that the refugees are allowed in through criminal means because they are valued as cheap labor. Keeping wage labor values down is a perennial value of the rich. Capital increases faster than wages; far faster, and Democrats don’t really comprehend that today. Popular support for illegal cheap labor primarily benefits the rich. There is no substitute for legal order and only legal workers within a polity. Democracy must have sovereignty to be more than token, and sovereignty includes total control over immigration. In it’s absence wealth concentrates, public debt deepens, the environment decays and many American lives become marginalized. Alternatively, with sovereign control and an electorate that supports adequate taxation on the wealthy, the environment may be repaired, public debt reduced, the federal budget balanced, peace and prosperity with Russia and the rest of the world attained and poverty really eliminated in the United States. If the United States can actually become the good example of a political system that works it can help other nations in practical ways to emulate that success.

In the 1970s the average CEO compensation might be 50 times greater than that of factory workers. Now it is more than 300 times greater and party followers don’t really comprehend the difference. They tend to be satisfied with Democrat party legislative slop while wealth is concentrated. The United States is now on equal footi In a few years social security for the old and poor may be jeopardized because the structure returns money to the well off. Social welfare programs need to benefit those that need the assistance if they are to be practical and affordable. Everyone need pay into the system yet just the needy should use them. Safety nets are intended for those that fall; not those that have ascended economically and are living well.

Democrats could have let the Bush two tax cuts expire while Barrack Obama was President yet he twisted everyone’s arm to renew them. Democrats should just elect Trump to one term and let the Biden-party leadership expire. A new Democrat Party that supports a guaranteed basic income for all Americans paid for by raising the taxes on the rich should arise. It should also have an ecological economic platform that diligently works to reduce global warming, habitat loss and mass species extinction.

If everyone that is poor in the United States has a basic livable income yet are encouraged to find ecologically sustainable jobs- even into old age, the economic support could fade out as people received better earned compensation. At that point of more political refugees need to be allowed in to provide extra legal labor , poorer Americans would suffer less displacement.

President Biden has been focused on apologetics for letting in so much cheap, illegal labor and in some way reversing the blame and pretending to be seeking to control the problem in order to be re-elected as illegal migrations by the millions is regarded badly even by most Democrats in addition to Republicans. He wants billions and billions of new dollars for weapons and financial aid for the Ukraine in order to try to make it exclusively a western puppet. That is an obsolete paradigm for prosperity with winning wars through mass land conquest. Real prosperity grows with technological sophistication rather than real estate. Even agriculture can be grossly improved one day through zero gravity, or rather microgravity farming within solar powered space enclosures.

Joe Biden and the extremist Democrat party have placed perennial agricultural sanctions on Russia . Taking away it’s Ukraine lands when Russia was weak during the transition from Soviet Communism guaranteed and unbalanced future Europe with Russia trying to recover from the economic disaster by its loss of productive Ukrainian agricultural lands. Ukraine was historically a Russian possession until the 20th century when Germany sought its conquest. Before that it had been battled over though since Catherine the Great it was Russian.

One may want to stop for moment here and consider the approaches of Derrida, Quine and P.F. Strawson- as well as Kripke, to assigning meanings of words to objects, or as Derrida wrote, between signs and signified in regard to the parameters of the war in Ukraine. If Derrida wanted to dissolve the Platonic realist description of words, as might even Neo-realists like Kripke, in his works in order to deconstruct institutions, establishments of repressive power and perhaps even nations (I am not confident that he wished that), he may have made the same error that Aristotle did with his logic of syllogisms in over-estimating the strength of the relation between signs and signified. Aristotle’s syllogistic logic did not correspond directly to objects so the logic had fallacies in regard to real relations among objects, and Derrida’s effort to change material reality by making words implicitly meaningless variables shared that flaw. Night and day are real things experienced regardless of what one names them.

N.A.T.O and its member nations may be the largest organization on Earth, or the greatest institution. It seeks to wrest historically Russian land from Russia through sanctions, war and other condign measures, while Russia- a smaller institution and organization, seeks to keep the land. During the Vietnam War the left called the war illegal although the U.N.-sanctioned South Vietnam and its defense. Today European the left of N.A.T.O. and the United States in power name Russia’s annexation of the Crimea and Eastern Ukraine illegal. Plainly it is nothing more than a tug of war between two great institutions over land ownership. The land is real, the people and history are actual and the conflict is evident regardless of what terms one gives it. One might wonder if deconstruction applies to more than political opposition and invariably coincides with an era of concentrating wealth and de facto death of democracy.

The best the western position can hope to accomplish is to build an Iron Curtain with Russia and load up the Ukraine-Russia boundary with N.A.T.O. forces primed for the final war of mankind (unless a Navalny like candidate takes power and flips the nation to western submission). Democrats will covertly support movements to develop insurrection in Russia even after the end of a successful Ukrainian victory over Russia. It is hard to predict how use of a flood of N.A.T.O. and primarily U.S. military and financial support will end. Today the brick nations including Russia, China and India are developing an alternative world economic order. It is possible of course that nuclear, chemical or biological war could follow a western victory. One would think that Europe will seek somewhat normalized relations as soon as possible with business leading the way and politicians dragging their feet.

At least President Biden has not eagerly sought the end of the Israeli military action in the Gaza. One would need to calculate how much time it would take for Hamas the terror organization to force its way back into power if it isn’t eliminated, and how long it would take for Iran and other Islamic nations to rearm Hamas with better, newer weapons to attack Israel with. It is sad that so many civilians were killed in hunting down Hamas, yet stopping short of finishing the job would simply guarantee a future Hamas attack on Israel as that mafia has no ethos for anything else. Not since the end of the first world war has it been more clear that finishing the job is necessary to prevent a second, future conflict.

Gangster dynamics drive members to commit crimes. Terror organizations that hate as their organizing principle Israel and seek to eliminate it, and have the ability with stockpiles of weapons, need attack Israel eventually or lose their grip on power. Younger terrorists with vigorous, energetic hatred replace older, complacent terrorists.

The vote of Michigan Muslims not to select Joe Biden as their candidate in the Democrat primary was the first big bite back of the party’s preference for immigrants as a way to build up their voting base. In the future they may discover that immigrants and children of illegal migrants chose to vote anti-pathetically to issues that the party’s traditional white liberal, feminist, homosexual, foreign and migrant, base of support support.

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