President Obama and the lame duck Congress appear ready to cave in to the regal sounding litigious Mitch McConnell class Republican demands that wealth be concentrated and historically low taxes continue for the ultra-rich. The Congress may sign off on across the board tax cuts without correspondingly cutting spending significantly in order to help Wall Street continue to rise and let Scrooge plan his global strategies better. Just let the tax cuts expire and find some way to rebate those earning less than $100,000 annually.
Extending unemployment benefits again-going on 18 months is unprecedented -another charge it to those for the decline and fall period of American history. Tax cuts, a jobless recovery and rising unemployment (9.8%) with more free trade pacts (S. Korea) and a public debt today of...
$13 trillion, 849 billion, 512 million and some change...
One wonders how long this can continue?
I believe the secret lay within monetary theory and a theory of capital.
Von Mises and the Austrian school of economists began an investigation into the nature of capital and money around the turn of the 20th century. For about eighty years right unto Milton Freedman monetary and capital theory pondered the deep question of the relationship of money to material wealth asking such questions, as is the capital in the goods producing capability of a factory or in the goods themselves?
The market disequilibria between capital, money and bad investing that precipitated the 1929-30 stock market collapse brought the theories of John Maynard Keynes as well as the pragmatism of Franklin Delano Roosevelt to the fore. Laugher and supply side economics with a neo-Keynesianism deficit spending pump priming of the post Vietnam era economic readjustment and slump set the United States onto a course of economic growth fueled by federal military spending and energy development. There was a critical event in the Nixon administration though that allowed the Reagan economic revolution to proceed; the dollar was taken off the gold standard.
Detaching the dollar from any material direct value association meant that the Federal Reserve had no responsibility to value dollars in relation to gold supply in federal possession. If the Federal Reserve hitherto had printed new dollars it diluted the value of the dollars in relation to the gold. From the Nixon administration on the value of a dollar was just in the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government and in its exclusive right to print dollars that cannot be counterfeited.
Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke's decision to quantitatively ease money supply and print 800 billion dollars of new money in effect to buy U.S. debt (bonds) simultaneously devalues the relative value of the public debt. Perhaps that is the secret elixir of solvency in the voodoo economic policy of the U.S.A.
On the gold standard money supply could not be increased without deflating the value of the dollar. Now, money supply can be increased locally without creating any measurable equanimity between holders of the dollar objectively. The dollar is simply one exclusive though universal currency that has value so long as the traders in dollars honor it against other currencies. It is entirely possible that the dollar one day might be regarded as worthless as confederate dollars if dollar holders defect en mass to another currency through the minting of new exchange paper while the dollar is destroyed.
When the dollar entered the realm of fiscal relativism during the Clinton and Bush II administrations a variety of financial schemes were perpetrated- often enabled by federal economic policy-that paid off in the eventual 2008 economic debacle and present shadow of the past recession. Fiscal relativism is somewhat equivalent to moral relativism and has an essential origin in conflicts in value theory or what philosophers sometimes call axiology.
Moral values do have a true role in value theory. A society may regard full employment and the well being of all citizens and the environment as a high value. A society may consider that a stable monetary policy and enterprise market is no more important than a stable labor market; the working class should not have perennial uncertainty regarding labor supply from legal and illegal foreign immigrants. The producer class should have reduced uncertainty regarding tax rates. Tax rates should be such that wealth is not concentrated to such extent that democratic parameters and national self-interest of the citizen majority are defeated. Taxation creating surpluses can be spent on environmental reconstruction and space habitation, for example.
Dollars may be tied to any given material or existential thing that can be quantified. Historically these things were rare minerals or metals yet the choice is circumstantial and historical. Economic development and methods of exchanging definite value units should function to positively reinforce democratically defined social goals, or at least to proscribe select activities from value unit reinforcement.
The federal policy today of a high entropy global economic phenomenon serviced with dollars valued in fiscal relativism and a large U.S. public debt of phenomenal and uncertain value is evidently an unstable economy best suited to mal-develop the developing nations into ecologically harmful high consumption, non-renewable economic activity. Nationally the policy has permitted the degradation of millions of Americans displaced from real opportunity from meaningful employment such that they could afford to pursue their own preferred self-interests. Work for wages enables citizens to afford graduate education and to become educators instead of being unemployed, collecting food stamps and experiencing their lifetime trickle away in futility.
The Obama administration and national democratic party should let all the tax cuts expire and develop alternative means to reinforce those out of work and drawing unemployment benefits-the benefits should at least be cut in half if extended. New ecological economic reform actions and far better ecologically innovative Mexican border control of illegal migrant labor needs to be advanced strait away. Specific policy actions to identify and put to work all those out of work can be made-yet traditional economic logic detached from pragmatic functionality is what F.D.R. was able to overcome while others would go stand out on an office ledge.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
Winning With Winter in Anchorage Alaska
Winter is the tipping point for the return of longer days in the northern hemisphere. With the winter solstice on December 21st the shortest day of the year has arrived, the fall of the days is over and things start looking up.
As the frost accumulates on the ceiling of the tent this month,and when the wind chill turns that 9 degree temperature into minus thirty and fine snow dusts the inside of the tent through the vents one knows that if the nose turning purple doesn't become necrotic that it won't be necessary to promote a Liberty Valance chic propaganda campaign next year.
We look forward to the arrival of winter when each day a few minutes of additional sunlight promise the basking days of February. If the homeless of Anchorage have bus passes during the winter provided by the municipal government for free we are sure that the effect of saving many from hypothermia will warm the hearts of bureaucrats collecting hundreds of thousands of dollars of cold compensation. While such a program does not yet exist, it is almost inevitable that the prevailing compassionate conservativism will soon create such relief for the poor finding their way into being stranded in Anchorage from outlying villages.
Studying my tent fora few hours or more, I realized that it is a good model for a solid tempoerary shelter universally. One needs a steel multi-pipe connector at the top and several steel pipes to insert and fasten into it. A shelter roughly like a bell shaped tent wood be structured with insulated panels attached with pipe clamp fasteners. The seem covering would be attached with wing nuts on the left and right. The floor would also be several pipes off the ground level connect the also bracing the side struts. chunks of wood could be tossed under the floor pipe joists before the insulated floor panels are put down.
The shelter could be assembled in two hours or less. The panels could be made of plywood with fiberglass resin rolled on to repel water, and they would be the bread over a one inch blue foam insulation panel.
Since I am writing a little here about the homeless problem in Anchorage Alaska there is one additional point about surviving the winter here I ought to mention.
The City is fairly sprawling and there aren't many places where the homeless or stranded might legally camp. It is a hard thing to be able to build a quality shelter on a day or two from natural wood and instead be compelled for social reasons to spend a winter sleeping on the ground under a bit of nylon cloth without a fire or propane to heat coffee and raise the internal body temperature. All of these comfortable insiders obviously have other priorities and are content enough to write off those not winning at social musical chairs as inebriates and mentals.
As the City outlawed camping in city parks last winter they should create camping facilities for the homeless that could be screened for genuine need such as are food stamp eligibility and as should be social security and medicare are. Quality camp sites just for the screened homelss ought to be made available seasonally.
I cannot create a business here manufacturing those solid temporary dome homeless structures easy to assemble and disassemble. Perhaps the top 2% of income earnings can find another trickle up from the concept and create a local producer who would provide surplus or demo units for the use of the homeless campers seasonally.
There is one shelter in Anchorage Alaska is a cold part of town that is reportedly (see O'Malley's article in the Anchorage Daily News Dec. 2nd) full and over flowing these cold nights with the homeless sleeping packed with more than 200 each night. 16 homeless people perished from hypothermia this year. This week three were rescued in cold weather incoherence and taken to hospital. A better system of realistically affording opportunities for human beings to help themselves in cold weather without being warehoused in communal ad hoc shleters should be made.
40% of the people at a homeless shelter have mental illness issues. The shelters are a first stop for people out of jail. Drug users and alcohol abuse find the shelter a phenomenal stop. Needless too say, such a synergy of social dysfunction is not conducive to personal security or positioning for advancement of personal interest; it is just another challenge for survival in addition to the winter. It is also a source of stress as a stop for rural Alaskans that visit the city of Anchorage and become stranded here for whatever reason-perhaps they missed the last flight to Kodiak for work.
As the frost accumulates on the ceiling of the tent this month,and when the wind chill turns that 9 degree temperature into minus thirty and fine snow dusts the inside of the tent through the vents one knows that if the nose turning purple doesn't become necrotic that it won't be necessary to promote a Liberty Valance chic propaganda campaign next year.
We look forward to the arrival of winter when each day a few minutes of additional sunlight promise the basking days of February. If the homeless of Anchorage have bus passes during the winter provided by the municipal government for free we are sure that the effect of saving many from hypothermia will warm the hearts of bureaucrats collecting hundreds of thousands of dollars of cold compensation. While such a program does not yet exist, it is almost inevitable that the prevailing compassionate conservativism will soon create such relief for the poor finding their way into being stranded in Anchorage from outlying villages.
Studying my tent fora few hours or more, I realized that it is a good model for a solid tempoerary shelter universally. One needs a steel multi-pipe connector at the top and several steel pipes to insert and fasten into it. A shelter roughly like a bell shaped tent wood be structured with insulated panels attached with pipe clamp fasteners. The seem covering would be attached with wing nuts on the left and right. The floor would also be several pipes off the ground level connect the also bracing the side struts. chunks of wood could be tossed under the floor pipe joists before the insulated floor panels are put down.
The shelter could be assembled in two hours or less. The panels could be made of plywood with fiberglass resin rolled on to repel water, and they would be the bread over a one inch blue foam insulation panel.
Since I am writing a little here about the homeless problem in Anchorage Alaska there is one additional point about surviving the winter here I ought to mention.
The City is fairly sprawling and there aren't many places where the homeless or stranded might legally camp. It is a hard thing to be able to build a quality shelter on a day or two from natural wood and instead be compelled for social reasons to spend a winter sleeping on the ground under a bit of nylon cloth without a fire or propane to heat coffee and raise the internal body temperature. All of these comfortable insiders obviously have other priorities and are content enough to write off those not winning at social musical chairs as inebriates and mentals.
As the City outlawed camping in city parks last winter they should create camping facilities for the homeless that could be screened for genuine need such as are food stamp eligibility and as should be social security and medicare are. Quality camp sites just for the screened homelss ought to be made available seasonally.
I cannot create a business here manufacturing those solid temporary dome homeless structures easy to assemble and disassemble. Perhaps the top 2% of income earnings can find another trickle up from the concept and create a local producer who would provide surplus or demo units for the use of the homeless campers seasonally.
There is one shelter in Anchorage Alaska is a cold part of town that is reportedly (see O'Malley's article in the Anchorage Daily News Dec. 2nd) full and over flowing these cold nights with the homeless sleeping packed with more than 200 each night. 16 homeless people perished from hypothermia this year. This week three were rescued in cold weather incoherence and taken to hospital. A better system of realistically affording opportunities for human beings to help themselves in cold weather without being warehoused in communal ad hoc shleters should be made.
40% of the people at a homeless shelter have mental illness issues. The shelters are a first stop for people out of jail. Drug users and alcohol abuse find the shelter a phenomenal stop. Needless too say, such a synergy of social dysfunction is not conducive to personal security or positioning for advancement of personal interest; it is just another challenge for survival in addition to the winter. It is also a source of stress as a stop for rural Alaskans that visit the city of Anchorage and become stranded here for whatever reason-perhaps they missed the last flight to Kodiak for work.
Gay Soldier Wikilea'd in the Obama Year of Trying to End Don't Ask, Don't Tell-Espionage for Political Leverage
When PFC Bradley Manning stole classified government information and sent it to wikileaks enabling the present global diplomatic mess, he personified the new era of espionage wherein spies or one-off traitors steal and send classified information to Internet sources rather than a foreign nation-or in addition to foreign governments.
PFC Manning is allegedly homosexual and speculation has been given that he stole the information and sent it to the machination of Julian Assange in order to pressure the public into gaying up the military of the United States. There may be a third column hostile homosexual force within society attacking heterosexual norms-yet that is a perennial phenomena and one the government should recognize and take steps to defend against.
Manning said in an interview with Wired; "Hillary Clinton, and several thousand diplomats around the world are going to have a heart attack when they wake up one morning, and find an entire repository of classified foreign policy is available, in searchable format, to the public."
Sec Defense Gates has supported a transition to an openly homosexual military, and also failed to provide security for the State Department and military cables that were sent to Wikileaks. The Justice Department and Congress seem to have dropped the ball on recognizing the threat to U.S. security created by allowing Internet store fronts some sort of status whereby they should be free to receive stolen intellectual capital public o rprivate and publish it without legal penalty.
In this new era of Internet communications espionage shops may be set up by anyone from Al Qa'eda to Wikileaks to express a willingness to receieve stolen information and publish it. Such agencies may be stateless entities willing to redact classified data or not, they may even be free to offer the information for sale per data unit or auction it on ebay. Internet information brokers should be subject to the same legal reprisals that any receiver of stolen goods is. Reseller or publisher of stolen goods, with advertising or not, the acquisition of political and social power through espionage transfers of classified public or private date to Internet Infoormation Agencies requires new legislation or provide meaningful and effective legal deteerrence tosuch crimes.
SecDef gates should be fiired, Janet Napolitano returned to Arizona for instrumentally grouping the public at airports instead of advocating more intelligent, alternative security methods, and the war on heterosexual America stopped by the Obama Administration straight way.
Ending 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' would not stop disgruntled homosexuals from leaking classified information. One might compare PFC Manning with Aldrich Aimes for most harmful to U.S. national interests, yet it is certain that they put themselves in service before their duties to the nation.
PFC Manning is allegedly homosexual and speculation has been given that he stole the information and sent it to the machination of Julian Assange in order to pressure the public into gaying up the military of the United States. There may be a third column hostile homosexual force within society attacking heterosexual norms-yet that is a perennial phenomena and one the government should recognize and take steps to defend against.
Manning said in an interview with Wired; "Hillary Clinton, and several thousand diplomats around the world are going to have a heart attack when they wake up one morning, and find an entire repository of classified foreign policy is available, in searchable format, to the public."
Sec Defense Gates has supported a transition to an openly homosexual military, and also failed to provide security for the State Department and military cables that were sent to Wikileaks. The Justice Department and Congress seem to have dropped the ball on recognizing the threat to U.S. security created by allowing Internet store fronts some sort of status whereby they should be free to receive stolen intellectual capital public o rprivate and publish it without legal penalty.
In this new era of Internet communications espionage shops may be set up by anyone from Al Qa'eda to Wikileaks to express a willingness to receieve stolen information and publish it. Such agencies may be stateless entities willing to redact classified data or not, they may even be free to offer the information for sale per data unit or auction it on ebay. Internet information brokers should be subject to the same legal reprisals that any receiver of stolen goods is. Reseller or publisher of stolen goods, with advertising or not, the acquisition of political and social power through espionage transfers of classified public or private date to Internet Infoormation Agencies requires new legislation or provide meaningful and effective legal deteerrence tosuch crimes.
SecDef gates should be fiired, Janet Napolitano returned to Arizona for instrumentally grouping the public at airports instead of advocating more intelligent, alternative security methods, and the war on heterosexual America stopped by the Obama Administration straight way.
Ending 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' would not stop disgruntled homosexuals from leaking classified information. One might compare PFC Manning with Aldrich Aimes for most harmful to U.S. national interests, yet it is certain that they put themselves in service before their duties to the nation.
Ground Breaking Life Extension Find (in worms)
Life extension researches in worms has provided insights into how these vital creatures of the animal kingdom can live longer and prosper with increased metabolic efficiency.
Human beings may learn from these worms’ methods to extend their own life spans in order to have more time for the drive through window line at McDonalds.
The key to extending life in elite worm classes is to increase metabolic efficiency and reduce waste. Waste products may be harmful to the human and worm environments simultaneously. Depleted uranium shells, PCBs, oil spills, land mines, booze and caffeine products; such items have been found dangerous to the health of worms and people.
A myriad of studies have found that worms deprived of smell live longer. Stench avoidance coincides with residence in non-foul locales with French perfumes and such. Worms without smell expend less effort on metabolic processing energy-a metabolic rate is the energy production from food processing of a bioformality. Humans paradoxically may be better off stopping to smell real rather than plastic roses because of the chemical cocktails in manufactured products.
The key to the life extension of worms maneuvering through the cold underground may be the cool, efficient and restricted dietary intake allowing the body to completely process minimal quantities of food with a streamlined energy intake. Too much localized energy overstresses a bioform and accelerates its cellular aging.
As in the wild kingdom, so it is in macroeconomics. A nation that wastes natural resources accelerates the aging or depletion of its natural endowment and begins importing cheap foreign labor and products from China. Wasting human resources domestically it depletes the health of the environment and is conspicuously inefficient maladapted to optimalization of human potential. That society in a terminal condition risks economic H.I.V. as its financial class concentrates wealth devastating the health of the body politic.
Human beings may learn from these worms’ methods to extend their own life spans in order to have more time for the drive through window line at McDonalds.
The key to extending life in elite worm classes is to increase metabolic efficiency and reduce waste. Waste products may be harmful to the human and worm environments simultaneously. Depleted uranium shells, PCBs, oil spills, land mines, booze and caffeine products; such items have been found dangerous to the health of worms and people.
A myriad of studies have found that worms deprived of smell live longer. Stench avoidance coincides with residence in non-foul locales with French perfumes and such. Worms without smell expend less effort on metabolic processing energy-a metabolic rate is the energy production from food processing of a bioformality. Humans paradoxically may be better off stopping to smell real rather than plastic roses because of the chemical cocktails in manufactured products.
The key to the life extension of worms maneuvering through the cold underground may be the cool, efficient and restricted dietary intake allowing the body to completely process minimal quantities of food with a streamlined energy intake. Too much localized energy overstresses a bioform and accelerates its cellular aging.
As in the wild kingdom, so it is in macroeconomics. A nation that wastes natural resources accelerates the aging or depletion of its natural endowment and begins importing cheap foreign labor and products from China. Wasting human resources domestically it depletes the health of the environment and is conspicuously inefficient maladapted to optimalization of human potential. That society in a terminal condition risks economic H.I.V. as its financial class concentrates wealth devastating the health of the body politic.
SecDef Gates Disparages Russia in Cable Leak Espionage
Prime Minister Putin of Russian replied to the disparaging comments made by SecDef Gates about Russia..
Sect. Gates said that democracy has disappeared, and Prime Minister Putin said that Russia may resume building nuclear weapons if the New Start treaty is not signed.
While Russia may be going through a Boris Godonov sorting out era, we have hope that in time all of the people of Russia will experience freedom and liberty better than that in corporatist America today.
Republican Congressional leaders and the Obama Administration should demand the resignation of Sect Gates for making the statements and allowing the leaks through military channels then sign the damn treaty and move on as if they were capable of competence.
The Obama Administration should also put together a crack diplomatic apology team to travel to offended countries with entertainment and gifts for our friends.
Sect. Gates said that democracy has disappeared, and Prime Minister Putin said that Russia may resume building nuclear weapons if the New Start treaty is not signed.
While Russia may be going through a Boris Godonov sorting out era, we have hope that in time all of the people of Russia will experience freedom and liberty better than that in corporatist America today.
Republican Congressional leaders and the Obama Administration should demand the resignation of Sect Gates for making the statements and allowing the leaks through military channels then sign the damn treaty and move on as if they were capable of competence.
The Obama Administration should also put together a crack diplomatic apology team to travel to offended countries with entertainment and gifts for our friends.
The Search for a Planet Larger Than Jupiter Beyond the Oort Cloud
Comet Hartley 2 and a myriad comets observed by telescopes and spacecraft have provided material for construction of a portrait of the Oort Cloud and comets orbiting far from Earh and Pluto around the sun. There may be 400 billion comets a mile or two in size according to..
Wide field infrared survey explorer photo of comet WISE credit N.A.S.A.
The number of comets around the sun along with what water is on Earth and and the ice of a few planets is about the entire water supply of the solar system. The behavior of the comets traveling past Earth and around or into the sun provides conjecture on the existence of Sol B- the ghost planet.
Dr, John Murray published an article in the Oct. 11,1999 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society an article making the conjecture that a large unknown planet could gravitationally influence comets hurling them toward the sun. Dr. Matese of Louisiana State University is also researching the topic and has compiled a body of analysis of the trajectories and incidence of comets passing this way toward the sun in decades past.
It is believed that the cause of so many comets of longer orbital time periods pass this way than might be normal because of the power of a larger gravitational body to capture and deflect comets and even accellerate them toward the gravitational mass of the sun.
The ghost planet (do you believe in ghost planets?) could be over two trillion miles distant. Additional data and the N.A.S.A. W.I.S.E. infrared telescope may be able to answer the question. Matese
Wide field infrared survey explorer photo of comet WISE credit N.A.S.A.
The number of comets around the sun along with what water is on Earth and and the ice of a few planets is about the entire water supply of the solar system. The behavior of the comets traveling past Earth and around or into the sun provides conjecture on the existence of Sol B- the ghost planet.
Dr, John Murray published an article in the Oct. 11,1999 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society an article making the conjecture that a large unknown planet could gravitationally influence comets hurling them toward the sun. Dr. Matese of Louisiana State University is also researching the topic and has compiled a body of analysis of the trajectories and incidence of comets passing this way toward the sun in decades past.
It is believed that the cause of so many comets of longer orbital time periods pass this way than might be normal because of the power of a larger gravitational body to capture and deflect comets and even accellerate them toward the gravitational mass of the sun.
The ghost planet (do you believe in ghost planets?) could be over two trillion miles distant. Additional data and the N.A.S.A. W.I.S.E. infrared telescope may be able to answer the question. Matese
Wikileaks Trickles Down State Department Cable
President Obama has strongly denounced the criminals responsible for enabling the theft and publication of classified U.S. Department of State communications. Hopefully he will fire Defense Secretary Gates and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mullins as well and replace them with people that keep lips zipped.
Secretary of State Clinton said of the theft and release This disclosure is not just an attack on America's foreign policy interests. It is an attack on the international community".
Some of the broadcast media have found the victimizing of the State Department no big thing-as its a rival organazization to the megalomaniacal dream of global corpoarte rule, or at least rule by the broadcast media, popular today.
The U.S. Government is, in effect, the people's corporation in competition with all those others. Victimizing the people's government isn't at all appreciated, for it harms the interests of democracy and rule of law.
Wikileaks and Julian Assange have decided not to release all of the stolen data at once. They have redacted or edited some of the material, inevitably taken things out of context, and also retain the extortion and sabotage resembling option to release future information at will, as they deem it in their interest for whatever reason-perhaps even to sabotage or alter ongoing U.S. and global political missions. The wikipedia rightly should destroy whatever information it yet has, and vow not to withhold information and retain and ability to assault the effectiveness of the U.S. State Department in the future at any time it chooses as opportune.
Secretary of State Clinton said of the theft and release This disclosure is not just an attack on America's foreign policy interests. It is an attack on the international community".
Some of the broadcast media have found the victimizing of the State Department no big thing-as its a rival organazization to the megalomaniacal dream of global corpoarte rule, or at least rule by the broadcast media, popular today.
The U.S. Government is, in effect, the people's corporation in competition with all those others. Victimizing the people's government isn't at all appreciated, for it harms the interests of democracy and rule of law.
Wikileaks and Julian Assange have decided not to release all of the stolen data at once. They have redacted or edited some of the material, inevitably taken things out of context, and also retain the extortion and sabotage resembling option to release future information at will, as they deem it in their interest for whatever reason-perhaps even to sabotage or alter ongoing U.S. and global political missions. The wikipedia rightly should destroy whatever information it yet has, and vow not to withhold information and retain and ability to assault the effectiveness of the U.S. State Department in the future at any time it chooses as opportune.
On Einstein and the Expansion of the Universe
Einstein's field equations for general relativity predict a singularity. He did not believe that a big bang began the Universe though La Maitre told him of the theory derived from Einstein’s equations. Logically in a static Universe gravity should contract everything to one point. Einstein didn't like that idea so he added a small, constant anti-gravity energy to neutralize inward force of the general gravitational field of the Universe and keep it steady.
According to the wikipedia article below, Einstein addition of a cosmological constant was made to counteract the fact that his field equations of general relativity led to a Universe that would eventually contract under the influence of gravity if it were static. Einstein and other scientists believed then that the Universe was static. As recently as the 1960's the steady state theory of Fred Hoyle had believers.
The introduction of a slight cosmological constant force to counter gravity's force to contract the Universe does seems uncharacteristically unscientifically illogical for Einstein. Yet Einstein had such confidence in the accuracy of his theory he could infer the existence of an unknown anti-gravity energy to balance out the mass array of the universe. That took inductive logic from the general theory equations and the manifest Universe about as far as one could go at the time.
The universe since 2000 has been observed to be increasing its rate of expansion apparently-yet there are many theories about that.
The expansion may have started about the year of the Universe 7 billion and is increasing its pace perhaps leading to too fast of expansion and a big rip in a few billion years. Quantum theory predications of a constant are too high of a value, and the observed constant value is hard to explain. Dark energy driving the expansion is inexplicable presently, yet cosmology is in a difficult point of running into unknown and difficult to solve large question presently. Its unfortunate Einstein isn't around to solve them.
Knowledge generally of what’s out there is expanding. Einstein had no idea that the universe is expanding. Quantum theory has far too powerful of a dark energy hypothetically-120 powers of ten greater than what is observed-so it can't be right either. It could be that space or dimensions are expanding instead of energy, or that quantum particles-string-membranes dump their energy in other dimensions etc. It could be numerous things that fine-tune the Universe so it is as it is.
That’s the fascinating part about cosmological theories-there are so many of them.
According to the wikipedia article below, Einstein addition of a cosmological constant was made to counteract the fact that his field equations of general relativity led to a Universe that would eventually contract under the influence of gravity if it were static. Einstein and other scientists believed then that the Universe was static. As recently as the 1960's the steady state theory of Fred Hoyle had believers.
The introduction of a slight cosmological constant force to counter gravity's force to contract the Universe does seems uncharacteristically unscientifically illogical for Einstein. Yet Einstein had such confidence in the accuracy of his theory he could infer the existence of an unknown anti-gravity energy to balance out the mass array of the universe. That took inductive logic from the general theory equations and the manifest Universe about as far as one could go at the time.
The universe since 2000 has been observed to be increasing its rate of expansion apparently-yet there are many theories about that.
The expansion may have started about the year of the Universe 7 billion and is increasing its pace perhaps leading to too fast of expansion and a big rip in a few billion years. Quantum theory predications of a constant are too high of a value, and the observed constant value is hard to explain. Dark energy driving the expansion is inexplicable presently, yet cosmology is in a difficult point of running into unknown and difficult to solve large question presently. Its unfortunate Einstein isn't around to solve them.
Knowledge generally of what’s out there is expanding. Einstein had no idea that the universe is expanding. Quantum theory has far too powerful of a dark energy hypothetically-120 powers of ten greater than what is observed-so it can't be right either. It could be that space or dimensions are expanding instead of energy, or that quantum particles-string-membranes dump their energy in other dimensions etc. It could be numerous things that fine-tune the Universe so it is as it is.
That’s the fascinating part about cosmological theories-there are so many of them.
An Alaskan Spider
November was the wettest month in Anchorage weather records although it didn't amount to much-just 2.87 inches melted down. Still, with a reasonably cool month the weather should have made life difficult for spiders.
I was surprised to find a few spiders near freezing and actually a few degrees below. True, they were just walking about and not at an especially high speed. Daddy long legs spiders-about four of them, made their way to the top of the tent beneath the outer shell as it was the most warm and dry place they could find-and that was at thirty two degrees f. They would occasionally bump into each other sending them scattering in a neo-irate chase-defense-readjustment sojourn all over the tent searching for normalacy and a return to the best breath exhalation collecting spot near a vent.
That quartet of spiders seem to have disappeared in the below freezing weather of late. When the temperature was about 15 degrees I saw a brownish spider perhaps a half inch across walking in slow motion up the inside of the tent along a seam toward the top. Maybe with my being inside the tent it was a little warmer than 15, but not much. Tough spider.
A naked spider in pursuit of the most warm thermal spot at 15 degrees while I was just trying to keep my body temperature above 96 or so. That spider must have been at a body temperature of near the ambient atmospheric temperature. Comparatively a human being would have perished from hypothermia at what-85 or 90 degrees body temperature?
Spiders are of the phylum Athropoda (the same as Alaska King crabs and other crustaceans) and the class Arachnida (that excludes crabs). The Athropoda is the most numerous membership class of life on Earth.
I have started reading the book 'A World Without Ice', by Henry Pollack Phd, the scientist that shared the Novel Prize with Al Gore. Its not that hard to imagine, even while that two or three gallons of water I exhale each night becomes frost on the inside of the tent. Maybe all that water is the reason why people don't do as well as some spiders in cold weather.
The spider moving in slow motion at 15 degrees above zero could have been a flower spider or an orb weaver. I tend to believe its the latter because of the web one formed in warmer days, although the cold weather spider resembled the flower spider and wasn't spotted on a web.
I was surprised to find a few spiders near freezing and actually a few degrees below. True, they were just walking about and not at an especially high speed. Daddy long legs spiders-about four of them, made their way to the top of the tent beneath the outer shell as it was the most warm and dry place they could find-and that was at thirty two degrees f. They would occasionally bump into each other sending them scattering in a neo-irate chase-defense-readjustment sojourn all over the tent searching for normalacy and a return to the best breath exhalation collecting spot near a vent.
That quartet of spiders seem to have disappeared in the below freezing weather of late. When the temperature was about 15 degrees I saw a brownish spider perhaps a half inch across walking in slow motion up the inside of the tent along a seam toward the top. Maybe with my being inside the tent it was a little warmer than 15, but not much. Tough spider.
A naked spider in pursuit of the most warm thermal spot at 15 degrees while I was just trying to keep my body temperature above 96 or so. That spider must have been at a body temperature of near the ambient atmospheric temperature. Comparatively a human being would have perished from hypothermia at what-85 or 90 degrees body temperature?
Spiders are of the phylum Athropoda (the same as Alaska King crabs and other crustaceans) and the class Arachnida (that excludes crabs). The Athropoda is the most numerous membership class of life on Earth.
I have started reading the book 'A World Without Ice', by Henry Pollack Phd, the scientist that shared the Novel Prize with Al Gore. Its not that hard to imagine, even while that two or three gallons of water I exhale each night becomes frost on the inside of the tent. Maybe all that water is the reason why people don't do as well as some spiders in cold weather.
The spider moving in slow motion at 15 degrees above zero could have been a flower spider or an orb weaver. I tend to believe its the latter because of the web one formed in warmer days, although the cold weather spider resembled the flower spider and wasn't spotted on a web.
President Obama Elbowed in Mouth By Hispanic Caucus Player in Basketball Game
Just completing reading 'The Border' by Danelo when the basketball injury report occurred, I thought it somewhat inevitable that the ethnic background of the guy elbowing the Presidential lip would be Hispanic and working for the Hispanic Caucus-those guys are aggressive.
From my experience, Hispanics can have a 'we are superior to blacks' attitude in the rock, paper, sissors politics of life. With the discovery of another drug import tunnel in San Diego I wondered if some drug king pin had ordered a pay-back on the President, yet they haven't got that much influence I guess.
Brain imaging of people from different cultures show that their brains actually work differently. Because Americans are mostly passive on halting illegal immigration and prefer a long range trial an error capitalist political-economy without any sort of democratic prometian ecological planning conflict and chaos from extrra-terretorial culutral input will increase.
In lines in bus stations Hispanics will cut to the front of a line with 30 people and then say 'no comprende' if challenged. They know Americans are more docile in some things-especially at competent border security allowing in tens of thousands each day they choose.
So then the comparison to Teddy Roosevelt occurred to me; Roosevelt went blind in an eye after boxing in the White House with the bare knuckle heavyweight champ-not a good idea, and personally I feel Obama should have been doing some reading and left the playground stuff until after he is out of office after 2012. The people in Washington just aren't as concerned about stopping illegal immigration or creating new jobs for Americans as am I.
Border security in Phoenix is a joke-and the Obama administration sued Arizona to prevent law enforcement people from checking for U.S. citizenship. Hmmm- Presidnet Obama should have been given a present by the pro-illegal alien caucus rather than elbowed by them. At least the guy didn't apologize and sound like a wimp.
There should be hundreds of job openings for painters in South Arizona each winter instead of thousands of illegal aliens standing on streets signaling drivers for work. Corrupt U.S. Congress is the reason why.
Stopping illegal immigration is possible with a comprehensive ecological boundary control zone with ditches, berms and salt water canals to help make fresh water through evaporation and condensation. Mexico will have 45 million people living in their border states within 7 years, crime, corruption and illegal immigration flourishes as Americans are incompetent on economic rectification.
From my experience, Hispanics can have a 'we are superior to blacks' attitude in the rock, paper, sissors politics of life. With the discovery of another drug import tunnel in San Diego I wondered if some drug king pin had ordered a pay-back on the President, yet they haven't got that much influence I guess.
Brain imaging of people from different cultures show that their brains actually work differently. Because Americans are mostly passive on halting illegal immigration and prefer a long range trial an error capitalist political-economy without any sort of democratic prometian ecological planning conflict and chaos from extrra-terretorial culutral input will increase.
In lines in bus stations Hispanics will cut to the front of a line with 30 people and then say 'no comprende' if challenged. They know Americans are more docile in some things-especially at competent border security allowing in tens of thousands each day they choose.
So then the comparison to Teddy Roosevelt occurred to me; Roosevelt went blind in an eye after boxing in the White House with the bare knuckle heavyweight champ-not a good idea, and personally I feel Obama should have been doing some reading and left the playground stuff until after he is out of office after 2012. The people in Washington just aren't as concerned about stopping illegal immigration or creating new jobs for Americans as am I.
Border security in Phoenix is a joke-and the Obama administration sued Arizona to prevent law enforcement people from checking for U.S. citizenship. Hmmm- Presidnet Obama should have been given a present by the pro-illegal alien caucus rather than elbowed by them. At least the guy didn't apologize and sound like a wimp.
There should be hundreds of job openings for painters in South Arizona each winter instead of thousands of illegal aliens standing on streets signaling drivers for work. Corrupt U.S. Congress is the reason why.
Stopping illegal immigration is possible with a comprehensive ecological boundary control zone with ditches, berms and salt water canals to help make fresh water through evaporation and condensation. Mexico will have 45 million people living in their border states within 7 years, crime, corruption and illegal immigration flourishes as Americans are incompetent on economic rectification.
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