
King Salmon in Alaska Disappear at Sea-Trawlers to Blame

Alaskan officials have cut down or banned King Salmon fishing in much of Alaska because so few of the large fish are returning. The Anchorage Daily News has an excellent informative article on the matter.
There may be several reasons for the end of healthy King Salmon runs and the usual suspects such as large ocean trawlers netting up the fish at sea, global warming, acidification, habitat loss and so forth probably all play a part. The number one suspect is the ocean trawler fleet in international waters and anyone else beyond the jurisdiction of state officials.
Evolutionary biologists that study the affect of human interaction with the ecosphere have previosly found causal links or chains of occurrence between the loss of a healthy whale population and the change of Orcas from that food source to new prey such as seals, otters and so forth. Since human beings consume 25% of all life produced by photosynthesis on the Earth they are a kind of natural, thoughtless eating machine something like a major player in a laboratory culture. With coordinated intelligent thought that level of ecospheric interaction is probably sustainable, yet it requires very intelligent, judicious selection by design for renewing health ecosphere characteristics.
If the King salmon population is just in some kind of physical bi-polar mood swing that will reverse towards the positive side one day then it will be possible to get that 100 pound King on the line and into the freezer again, if one has a freezer and electricity to power it not generated by CO2 producing coal fired power plants.
It would be really good if all that carbon could be made into some kind of high-tech building product with some extra elements cooked in.

U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Right of Arizona Law Enforcement to Check Immigration Status

The Supreme Court decided unanimously that Arizona police officers may check the immigration status of people they stop. Three minor parts of the Arizona law were struck as being in conflict with Federal law. This was a key defeat for Obama administration policy seeking to provide Mexican Homeland Security and the right to cross the U.S. border bootleg style.
Different ways of spinning the same result are highlighted below in the links to Reuters, the BBC and U.S.A. Today's news reports.

The Obama administration held that it was illegal for Arizona law enforcement officers to check the immigration status of people they stop for whatever reason. Their opinion was evidently that only the Federal Government can enforce immigration issues. The Supreme Court seems to hold that states may reinforce Federal laws yet not contradict or subvert them.

The Arizona law requires police officers to check the immigration status of people they stop for whatever reason-not simply after perpetrators are arrested. The Obama administration effort to prefer Mexican Homeland Security over U.S. Homeland Security in this election year may not be well support his election bid. If Condolizza Rice is the V.P. choice Romney would win in a landslide - not even 12 million Latino votes would help.

In 2050 there will be a world population of at least 9 billion with just a little more than 1 billion in present first world nations. If the U.S.A. plans to remain a self-determining nation with a sustainable economy based on its own resources it will need to get started directly instead of insinuating itself into a status as economic exploiter of those human resources as employees and consumers of declining natural resources.

Americans should lead the world toward sustainable national economies without radical shifts of population toward production areas of scare resources and temporary jobs that can lead the world over the edge of demographic-ecospheric viability precedded by chaos and conflict.


Voyager 1 at the Edge

The ancient spacecraft launched in 1977 keeps going onward and upward toward interstellar space with primitive computer chips to guide it. At the edge of the solar system where unusual U.F.O.'s visiting skies in Arizona could be mirthfully planning jaunts to perplex locals the Voyager 1 tiny spacecraft is finding more intense cosmic rays. The charged particles from the sun that evidently fade out at the heliopause don't screen out the interstellar stuff so far away.
By the year 2050 it is believed that the world's carbon dioxide parts per million level will reach the critical 561 level thus doubling what it was in 1890. The world atmospheric temperature ought to be 2 decrees centigrade warmer compared to what it should-and that might cascade a plethora of undesirable changes upon the people of the Earth.

A next generation Voyager interstellar mission using an ion drive and with better instruments to measure the beyond the heliopause environment should be launched containing all kinds of relevant data on human caused global warming economic actions in order to keep a record for any potential survivors of the possible approaching global disaster 'out there'.

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Play by Turkey for Syria/N.A.T.O.?

One of Turkey's warplanes was shot down after briefly invading Syrian air space.  Turkey will consult N.A.T.O. Tuesday. If this incident seems a little like the Gulf Of Tonkin Resolution paradigm, perhaps it is. As a member of N.A.T.O. Turkey if attacked has the right to get help from the member states, yet Syria has not attacked Turkey-it was a Turkish warplane that invaded Syrian air space though the plane crashed and sank in the Mediterranean Sea.
If N.A.T.O. becomes a tool for Sunni Muslim states to evict non-Sunni leadership regimes to replace them with the Muslim Brotherhood it would seem that N.A.T.O. would have its thinking cap in a place where the sun doesn't shine.
The Sunni states of the Middle East have been lusting after excuses to war upon Syria and get rid of the Alawite minority government for some time. The Obama administration has been a community organizer for back alley weapons gifts and pay allowances for the Muslim Brotherhood insurgents and have probably been helped by Al Qa'eda terrorist bombings. France might like to get some of its Syrian influence back as well. N.A.T.O. ought not become a dupe for waging aggressive war when no N.A.T.O. nation has been attacked.
The opportunity for Syria to defend against Turkish jet aircraft attacks is brief at a thousand miles per hour. Maybe Turkey sent a bait aircraft and a disposable pilot to force a premise for a daft N.A.T.O. consideration of defending Turkey from Syria. Kofi Anan who has been helping the increase of the conflict through his 'negotiating' that probably requires the Assad Government give up power, is another front for the exacerbation of the development of war. If the United States and the U.N. stayed out of the mess, along with N.A.T.O. the war would probably burn itself out with fewer casualties.
Though the U.S.A. might not like the Assad Government, in the real Middle East the political values are somewhat different as the control of power may mean life or death to the people involved. American desires for Potemkin democratic procedures that install a one-party perennial rule with superficial democracy do not inevitably increase the well being and freedom of the majority or for the just.


N.A.S.A. is Locating Ice for Future Moon Explorers

N.A.S.A. scientists believe the Shackleton crater could have 22% ice content in the surface dirt. That's good news for Chinese plans to land communauts on the moon and make Mai Tai's some day; moon explorers may work up a thirst that can't be quenched with bottled water in Washington D.C.
One of the disadvantages of the space station is that since women are unlikely to be able to gestate healthy babies in zero gravity, its somewhat a waste of money unless one plans to have amoeba inhabit the other planets of the solar system. Even growing plants on the moon in one-sixth gravity should require construction of an experimental farm as many colleges have that would recycle water and use solar power in caves dug into crater walls to determine how sustainable recycling life could develop.

The Social Explosion of Symbols

Reading through a fine text on the philosophy of language recently I arrived at a chapter on symbols and metaphor. Words exist in a kind of temporal continuum of a discrete nature with lexicons as a kind of ontology illuminated like a nebula from the formation and forces of a dust cloud-perhaps even unto the miniature scale of strings or monads. Symbols are one way of creating semiotic tokens or indicators of larger meanings or formations of word meanings.
Metaphor too has a similar process. One might be a liar if one's metaphor is taken literally. An example is saying that a basketball player is a tiger on the court, or a lion when the public plainly can see that he is a human being. The meaning of symbols and metaphors is in relation to something else not implicitly contained in the symbol or metaphor. Like most words that aren't onomatapoetic, symbols and metaphors comprise a kind of abstract address for the object of described.
Social metaphors and symbols may arise that have a given meaning and value to which other people dissent. The explosion of a metaphor into the social lexicon may be brought by a political revolutionary or reformer-the symbol of the metaphor-perhaps a hammer and sickle may herald the arrival of the creative destruction of the existing social order. Interpretation of the symbol may be positive or negative as might the social effects of the deeper forces supporting the power criterion of the symbol or metaphor.
For social dissidents the formerly explosive symbol may become kitch-a paradigm for bad or obsolete things. Alternatively a symbol may arrive and fizzle failing to detonate efficiently generating stagflationary political anomie. Atheist dissidents to Christian symbolsm have for decades attacked Christian symbolism in order to neutralize the value. One example is that of the symbol of the fish on bumper stickers followed with a fish being eaten by a larger fish. The Christian concept of God providing creatively as Jesus so often did for his disciples is attacked with the nullification of economic providence in leftist American circles.


Republican House Attacks Tongass Forest & U.S Boundary Ecosystems

U.S. border ecosystems that currently have environmental protection would lose many of those defenses if the Senate passes a bill sent along today from the U.S. House. Included in the bill was a measure to let Alaskan Tlingit Indians in the SeaAlaska Corporation swap land selection areas given during the Nixon administration settlements with Alaska natives for prime old growth forest. SeaAlaska Corporation has a record of cutting old growth forest. There is only about 10% remaining of the old growth forests of S.E. Alaska and the nation's largest rain forest.
American Indians are the essential beneficiary of legal racial apartheid in the United States. Probably U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) supports the bill because of its imperial characteristic and because Alaska natives provided political supported in her last election. Imperialism Alaska via foreign corporations is a venerable tradition. If the SeaAlaska land swap goes through it will probably also cast a shadow over Anglo-American mining efforts to develop copper mines in the headwaters of Bristol Bay-The notorious Pebble Mine Project.
The rationale for the Republican border environment road-building effort is to defend against drug traffickers and human and narcotics smugglers. Building roads is a bad way to accomplish worth-while objectives. The bill should be rejected in the Senate and new ways of capturing foreign invaders on the border developed in addition to not rewriting the original Alaska Native Land Claims Settlement Act provisions at all. One day such rewriting could turn the tide in another direction less desired by Tlingits, if not to end racially differentiated areas if nothing else.

Language Limits in Describing 'The One' God Accurately

I tend to go with the paradigm of Plotinus in The Enneads for describing 'The One'. Fundamentally it is not a paradigm that can be described well at all.

I have enjoyed reading Eco's 'Semiotics and the Philosophy of Language' lately. Signs or signals of meanings differ from symbols for meaning. A stop sign is a stop signal perhaps, while a symbol for a stop sign might be something else, somewhere else.

One has language that is comprised of a multi-dimensional field of word-meanings that have values that differ in different contexts-so that is a moving target for finding a static meaning for anything as improbable as the prospect for defining a role for God or The One as an 'other'. It is probably far too much of a temptation to avoid exploiting cosmological analogy for models for paradigm of creating an image or description of what God did or what God was employed doing before (the time exstasis is improbable) he issued a Universe, if there is such a thing as before for an eternal being.

I like physical cosmology quite a lot, yet it is a phenomenon within the experience of being provided for human cognition that is transcended by God. The language adaptations for theology aren't simple to use, and they too are evolving I suppose-if one means changing as a normal 4-dimensional egress rather than a simple Darwinian meaning. Even Biblical literalism has the problem that literal words are symbolic words too-people have trouble interpreting when the Flood occurred, where it happened and even what it was referring to. Words are symbols, and the interpretation of symbols has many variables multi-diemsnionally speaking.

Eco pointed out that originally the word 'symbol' meant to parts of a coin. One could have a half of something and if the other part was obtained the meaning could be gotten. The use of symbolism in language evolved to lose that paradigm of locating half of a meaning in its use for word and object. Etymologies became something more like permutating meanings based on prior meanings historically developed. Even the word 'symbol' was taken to be construed by many as a representation referring to a real thing for itself-even if the thing referred to is an abstract idea such as a political party (e.g. Hammer and Sickle, Swastika).

It becomes challenging to believe that one can select certain words as symbols that accurately represent God. It is simpler to find math symbols that are tools describing relations, proportions and structure of proximal strength of force that is energy or matter as a given for-itself. It is challenging though to point out to some that the abstract practice of mathematical and physical cosmology, though all one may discover through the senses is not all that can exist. Abduction of ideas from contexts may be a way to philosophically construct metaphysics that have some value-even if the meanings are better applied to teleology or eschatology than quantum mechanics.

British Guardian Reports Rubio is Best in Model for V..P.

Evidently an associate professor of something-possible in the United States of America-has determined that according to his criteria the best choice would be Florida Senator Marco Rubio for the Republican Vice-Presidential candidate in 2012. It is comforting to know that the Guardian is concerned with political currents in the former colonies.

One must wonder if Rubio would be sympathetic to expanding ubiquitous British surveillance plans into the Hispanic world and even to Equador where Julian Assange is reported to be applying for refuge.
One media narrative is that U.S. Hispanics would vote for another Obama term because the President isn't white, and the Indonesian-Keynyan-Irish skin color is more sympatico to Hispanic voters than the plain vanilla of Romney. Hispanic voters out of work the past four years may find change to a Republican administration is more likely to bring jobs their way than four years more of the same old, same old. Black voters may opt for change in 2012 as well reducing their 99% skin color voting history numbers a little.
President Obama's decree of partial illegal alien amnesty via Janet Napolatano's Department of Mexican Homeland Security may not bring as many votes this fall as the committee to re-elect the President calculated versus dissatisfaction of jobless in the U.S.A.
Marco Rubio may be glib, yet if he hasn't any ecological economic education and a dedication to reform capitalism moving him into the political future of the U.S.A. the next 16 years would be a significant error for the well being of the people of the nation and the world.
Mitt Romney should pick an ecological economics professor for his Vice President who could slow down the creeping end of life on Earth gathering power through the insensitive sprawl of resource displacement and species eradication. The voters already have confidence in Mitt Romney to lead the conventional business cycle-its the unconventional and troubling 'hidden' world currents that the regular media disregards when they are manipulating public opinion. The U.S.A. needs to become and ecological economic reformer, leader in a new nationalism in order to show the rest of the developing world how a reformed capitalism down-sized for local control, full-employment and ecological best-case natural selection can be followed by emerging economies challenged by the limit on physical resources and of their control by concentrated wealth and power.

Jesus Christ & The Anthrocentricism of Home-Matthew 8:20

In the aftermath of the home mortgage crisis millions of Americans experienced the insecurity of loss of home equity. If not all became homeless living upon the streets or in the forests, many became renters or sharers of dwellings-with-others. The Lord Jesus Christ expressed his own station in life regarding dwelling.
Matthew 8:20 "And Jesus saith unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head."
The Lord Jesus did not have a customary location that was his home. That makes a lot of sense for God, yet it is difficult a humanity that is very property and security oriented.
Animals generally have a 'home', den, borough, nest, hole, cave, reef, shell or such in which they find life more comfortable and secure. The cunning fox has a place to return to with Kentucky Fried Chicken while the birds have the sky for a house and a nest for their bed. Jesus Christ was not limited to such a geographic center as is most of humanity, and neither should he logically with monistic oneness with all that could exist as His heritage.
Today one might expect that the government could mediate a little the housing crisis in the U.S.A. by giving favorable tax and energy benefit reinforcement to small eco-niche integrated homes with large healthy eco-yards as wild as possible for low price with mortgages that cannot be traded on global commodity exchanges where they may become owned by the ones destined to exist for eternity in hell.

Writing and the Point of No Return

I read somewhere that one should always finish what one starts if it was worth doing to start with. Just put your head down and ride into th...