
Why Not Search Engine Channels for Low and High Data Content Sites Seperately?

At least I like to find simple articles on news and other topics to read without waiting 5 minutes for a 4G cpu to catch up with all of the junk some of the site producers think they need to add to their 'presentation' to make it more rich than those of rivals. However plain utility and speed matter far more to many than a dozen extraneous articles, photos and interviews off topic not to mention ads.

The answer might be to create a streamlined, efficient internet sign up for wev sites willing to put up material with a cap on the total amount of pprocessing power any user has to use to get it. Google could have low, medium and high site channels, and that would make it faster to use when a notebook or older pc is connected to some sports channel that feels bigger is necessarily better and that louder and flashy is what everyone with a computer wants to see.

Instead, that approach seems dumb, like as not, and a time consumer while waiting for nothing great. Computers ideally operate at the speed of mind and don't force 'dumb delays' wherever they can  get a chance. Apparently the media that afford the best of everything compete to produce the most computer space they can unaware that many do not have the bandwidth and processor speed.

Essays; Jericho, Cosmology, Evil etc (video)


Tibetan Seeking Revenge (Allegedly) Steals 900 Year-old Statue

A Tibetan couple were arrested for trying to sell a 900 year-old Buddhist statue. Apparently Ngawang Tsundue and a femal accomplice swiped the idol of a Buddhist saint named Terton Pema Lingpa from his former father-in-law. who is the  "Head Cheepa (Lama) of Sangyeling Gompa, a monastery in Tawang".


It is sad that family strife and interactive dischord can emanate such terrible malalocation of misguided sculpture resource. Plainly iconoclasm never reached TIbet so they were thus spared the purge of art. One should trust the call of God will make itself heard to them in the dark night of captivity.

Russian Reality Show on Lena River Island Cancelled

It was too good to be true; a reality show on a Siberian island in the Lena River for something described as Hunger Games - Game2; WInter Project was a fake news project by a millionaire for market research. So many are disappointed after having signed up for a chance to not starve, be attacked by mosquitos and nats or drown in the river. What a place for rafting and fishing though as a consolation prize for those willing to travel to that remote area.

One can hope that Vladimir Putin is serious about restoring fishing runs to wild levels for sports-fishing.  http://siberiantimes.com/other/others/news/anger-as-controversial-siberian-hunger-games-creator-claims-his-idea-was-a-fake/

Sharia Protests and the Death Penalty for Facebook Post

Protests against Sharia (law) that have taken place around the nation were met by counter-protest, unsurprisingly. Islam is a nation of violent and confrontational expansionism wherein using lies to deciece the gullible is o.k. for the propagation of the system. In Pakistan another individual was convicted of blasheming Mohammad on Facebook and given the death penalty. Not for using F.B., but for making an insulting reference to the founder of the Islamic religion of Mecca.



WIth more followers of Mohammad as a percent of a community a coefficient of adversity for dissent increases too. It is unfortunate that in the U.S.A. and Europe the political effort to make western civilization decadent again is tireless too.

Regulation and Political Principles for Democracy Today

1) What regulation system or governing system is best now for the U.S.A.. Regulations may be made in any sort of political system, or even in a computer algorithm. For instance they exist in traffic control systems. Structures for regulation are ubiquitous these days. In FB for example, one has all sorts of implicit regulations regarding what can be posted. The use of html code is regulated so one cannot take over the entire page with advertisements for one’s book.

2) Moral principles differ from political philosophy. One might use utilitarianism as a moral system for instance that of Jeremy Bentham or John Stuart Mill, and seek the greatest good for the greatest number. A society such as the United States has a democracy and government in theory with the consent of the governed. A government of by and for the people and its actualization in the empirical world has strength and meaning only insofar as the citizens credit it with such. It is in effect a political co-op.

The citizens may choose what sort of taxation and public services they want to support to better their situation. Making the democracy the most effective, efficient nation they can; one able to defend itself and its interests and to allow the pursuit of happiness and summun bonum-supreme good-of the people individually and collectively may entail creating a social safety net and structures that enable individuals to avoid or extricate being in oppressive, stagnant social-economic circumstances. Individuals no longer live in a do-it-yourself frontier economy largely detached from the economic activities of their fellow citizens. Networking is national and global. Keeping as much individual freedom for self-determination as possible along with the best way of life (as an individual and democracy determine) requires right political and tax policy.

Capital returns are increasing faster than national economic growth in the United States presently. For one time wealth has been concentrating. In 20 years or so the economy largely will be owned by those that have inherited capital. That makes for an inefficient and increasingly economic determinism for the vast majority of individuals of the democracy that I transitioning to oligarchy and plutonomy.


German Leader Merkel Tries to Subvert U.S. Solar Panel Security Wall

 Chancellor Merkel Out-Flanking U.S. Border Security

German leader Angela Merkel jpoined the Mexican President to take a few shots and President Trump’s efforts to build a solar-panel security wall along the U.S. Mexico border. It is not helpful to have a physically non-working female that's never done an honest day’s labor in her life out trying to corrupt the effort to get a fair labor environment in the United States for U.S. citizens.

Chancellor Merkel seems like a kind of Zimmerman letter herself, insofar as she is out trying to recruit or support Mexicans that want to illegally invade the U.S. job market without obstacles.

Maybe Chancellor Merkel concerned with grandstanding has forgotten the 2008-9 financial crash as well as the nearly 20 trillion dollars of public debt the United States has. The people have over-cut taxes as well and cannot just throw a trillion dollars into the Mexican economy to make it better. Maybe Germany has and should do so. The United States however cannot directly intervene in the sovereign Mexican nation to direct the reconstruction of vast portions of the economy in that narco-state over-burdened with drug traffickers and organized crime. 

Chancellor Merkel should actually offer Mexicans free air fare to Germany to work-a trivial expense if they take full tie jobs and can repay the money. In fact German should take in all of the Mexicans that want to illegally invade the U.S. labor market and put them to work.

I have no problem with Mexicans. I just don’’t want them in the U.S.A. illegally taking jobs and making wages bad-as any rational worker who competes in the same fields know they do. Sure Mexicans provide cheap labor for those that employ them, an unfair advantage in market competition, yet that is at the cost of those honest citizens that don’t make a pile on cheap labor.

Globalists like running around sowing tares in the field of U.S. labor I suppose. Keeping labor oppressed with lousy pay or no work means that people can actually be homeless or reduced to living on government handouts. That is perfectly fine with the left’s globalist agenda for socialism as well as the agenda of the Davos crowd and Bildebergers seeking plutocracy and global oligarchy.

A democracy works best when all citizens and legal residents are accounted for and have equal protection of law. Free enterprise values require that corrupt labor insinuated into the market and illegal drugs do not enter to corrupt the social relations and values of work. Illegal migration to the U.S.A. Promotes crime in the U.S. and Mexico too, as does the drug trade. Chancellor Merkel should not promote either and continue the cycle of human misery.

The Problem of Evil

Actually the problem is that of language use. Words just correspond to objects, events and processes. Language is used to describe real things as well as fictitious things. The word 'evil' refers to things that are regarded as bad to human beings and maybe animals in some way. The word evil is usually used to describe some sort of behavior or attitude. Thus the events or behaviors commonly described as evil certainly exist. One may call it something else such as 'noogoogbadbad!' instead of 'evil', however the real circumstance or event/attitude exists anyway regardless of what its called. People tend to use or think that words have some kind of Platonic real things for-themselves existing out there in some spaced out way. That often happens with 'evil'. Incidentally the Bible uses the term 'evil' to mean bad things such as tidal waves that wipe out towns, and 'wicked' to refer to evil things that people do (so said the late Vernon J. McGee). Platonic universals refer realistically to word categories, though Plato did also believe that abstract forms of things existed in a realm of forms that could be today thought of as a foyer of the mind of God.

A Definition of Existentialism, What Morality Is, Black Hole Singularities

Existentialism is the philosophical system developed by Jean Paul Sartre. He called it a continuation of French rationalism. He examined experience of the cogito and self-awareness from first principles following in the manner of Descartes in his Discourse on a Method. He considered everything that he knew directly in his own thought and what he experienced of the world in which he found himself. The principle text of existential philosophy is his book Being and Nothingness written in Paris during the Second World War. I suppose it is a bit more on the side of German romanticism and the self-defining ego approach to things developed by followers of Hegel and Kierkegaard who were followers of Socrates, than on the side of empiricism and naive realism.

Logic hasn't morality or moral guidance. It is simply a reasoning tool. There are rules for classical and symbolic logic, yet the wicked can use them as well as computer programs and computational logic. IBM developed Adolph Hitler computational card reading devices used for processing Jews in the holocaust. There is no implicit good in logic, yet logic is a good tool for clear thinking. Morality on the other hand is actually what rules people and society actually have. Ethics is how those rules or moral norms are implemented. Thats more of a cultural anthropological view of what moral it. Even so, its good to have good moral values and challenging sometimes to structure them meta-socially so

I like the idea that infinities in General relativity that are found when one just continues contracting mass and energy under the influence of gravity seem to have no logical end. Yet obviously gravity is some sort of force or field characteristic and it is not at all certain that its power continues infinitely reduced. The assumption is (or one of the assumptions) that the unified field force at very high temperature breaks down all forces into one. A kind of infinite super-plasma of no size at all. A string has one dimension and a point zero-dimensions. As they build up compiling into brans they have more, and the structure of mass-energy in space-time coincidently exists.

Apparently black holes observed in the Universe are incomplete processes of infinite reduction to singularity. Though time appears to stop because of relativistic effects at the black hole event horizon, there are naked singularities perhaps without an event horizon i believe i remember reading. For some reason there are no black holes that equal anything per-existing the Universe. In that case nothing existed at all. The Universe was without form and void. Something said for it to begin, or there was a phase change and a point emerged into the darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not, for there was no one yet evolved to think anything about a Universe to comprehend it.

How James Comey Failed as Trump's Apprentice

Former F.B.I. Director James Comey was destined to be fired. His resume just wasn't that of anyone who would advance as President Trump's apprentice. 'Your fired' thus couldn't have been more natural. He didn't seem like one that would advance toward CEO himself one day. He would not speak out forcefully against the operative Clinton campaign ideology mnemonic, "Make America Decay Again!"

With eight years of the Obama agenda that wreaked havoc on the nation’s traditional moral values behind him President Trump has had some deep cleaning to get underway if the Executive branch were to be made an effective part of the U.S. government again. James Comey; a Chicago lawyer seemed to have too much symapthy for the Obama style, a fellow who let the Clinton issues just slide into no problem status. For the new President he was like a case of pneumonia that lingers on adversely impacting health subtly for years.

Though the influence of Reinhold Neihbur theologically speaking may not be too harmful on government officials, there are more theologians than Niebuhr Mr. Comey might have read if he sought to be an evangelist. It is interesting to consider the confluence of Niebuhr and Machiavelli's The Prince as well as Saul Alinsky in the Clinton-Obama line.

Hillary Clinton's 92 page senior thesis 'There is Only the Fight' was on Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals'. James Comey's feet were unfortunately close to that Chicago stream of leftist sludge that threw the middle class overboard along with Christian values.

Idealism, Godel and Einstein

There is an epistemic and metaphysical difference of opinion about reality and the extent to which mind interprets and shapes its perception...