
Crazed Democrat Shot Republicans at Baseball Practice

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise was shot at Republican baseball practice today, probably by a crazed Democrat party symp. SInce the Washington Post seems more like the Al Qaeda of the U.S.A. news outlet today the development is not surprising. With billionaire interntet people owning the Post and Facebook the reign of terro on the Republican Party is a long term build. Crazed Democrats seek to take down every Christian expression, every conservative trend, and they have support of the computer-Internet billionaires to make the U.S.A. a godless, atheist evil empire.


It turns out that the shooter, James T. Hodgkins, actually was a crazed Democrat who signed a petition for Sanders to run as an independent after losing the 2016 Democrat Primary to the Clinton dynasty. The fact that a fairly ordinary rank and file union carpenter/building inspector went after the Republican Party with guns shows the change the broadcast media have brought to the U.S.A. insofar as they have guttered the public thinking processes and trained the left to be radical haters.


Democrats have been indoctrinated to destroy Christians, due process of law, national security,friendship with Russia, traditional moral values and belief in God. Union members that support Democrats are crazy since Democrats also support illegal immigration sanctuary and it was Obama that signed off with overwhelming suport from Democrats on the Bush II tax cuts.

Post Script- 23 June 2017



The U.S. Senate Should Cut Back Russian Sanctions

The U.S. Senate should get rid of most of its sanctions that exacerbate stress with Russia and try constructive engagement instead. That would be good for each economy and lead Russian toward more liberal capitalism eventually.

President Reagan’s policy of constructive engagement with South Africa eventually led to the end of apartheid as did President Reagan’s willingness to work with the Soviets support the end of the Cold War.

The hillbilly approach of the Legislative branch of government toward Russia with ever more sanctions accomplishes nothing except faux patriotism for television campaigns.

Would Taiwan Like to Be a U.S. Territory or State?

Taiwan has a good location from which the United States could market directly to China. Yet Taiwan has problems with China inasmuch as its larger neighbor feels it can bully it about and threaten to invade it for-themselves. I wonder if Taiwan has ever though about petitioning the U.S. Senate or House to become a U.S. territory?

Now that Puerto Rico has great economic difficulties it has finally voted overwhelmingly to become a U.S. state instead of remaining in territorial status. That's a good idea too since Americans will flock to vacation there as if it were Hawaii. Taiwan has good chances too.

Modern American Presidents tend to be just lawyers. President Trump however might just listen favorably to a Taiwanese petition to join the United States (after a few years as a territory of the United States). Taiwan might be able to act as a good influence on President Trump's lack of understanding about the evils of drift net fishing and the harm to whales that can do. Taiwanese probably value seafood far more than Mr. Trump who looks more like a beef eater to me.

How Can Senate Trust AG Sessions WIthout Tweets?

Attorney General Sessions may have testified before the Senate today. Unanswered though is the important issue of why he hasn't tweeted much about anything while on the job, or before he met the Russian ambassador someplace that wasn't tweeted about?


While I have not myself signed up for Twitter, meaningful tweet excerpts are posted and can be discovered via search engines and embedded within news articles now and then. If the U.S. Attorney General had been a true Twitter tweeter of any stature, the public effects would have filtered out by now.

Democrats will ask; where are the missing tweets Mr. Attorney General?

Christian Theology Opponents and Implicit Superficiality

Many of the arguments people use against Christianity and arguments skeptics make against the Bible are cloned. I hope to add a chapter to my ebook 'God, Cosmology and Nothingness' sometime to directly address those concerns. Much of the skeptic's thought is rather summarily dismissive and just doesn't have depth of understanding of either science or religion much less of how to interpret either. It's actually very time consuming to achieve any sort of enlightened state through reading about science and Christianity, while accusatory attacks can be made easily.

A problem for Christian apologetics is comparable to that experienced by conservationists in defending wilderness and wildlife; cheap easy for-profit attacks need be successful once in time to harm the body. Sadly the Trump administration just vetoed a ,measure to protect whales and dolphins from mile-long drift-net fishing in the California Pacific. I was hoping Press. Trump would make American Pacific fishing great again, alas. Here is a link for a free download of my ebook


Example sites of various shades of quallity...

http://www.christianciv.com/Answers.html http://creation.com/answering-agnostic-arguments https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-best-arguments-against-Christianity-and-for-atheism

Linguistic philosophy tended to make philosophers have a more objective view about language and words in the 20th century. That includes words and word strings called 'facts' too. Facts are also included as propositions. One tends to stipulate certain word strings as constants and in that context as 'facts' in order for language-meanings to make sense or just work. Fats change though, as recently the origin of mankind was found to have perhaps been in the Balkans instead of the rift valley, and the first homo sapiens skeleton was found in Morocco at 300,000 BC instead of 200,000 B.C. on the other side of Africa.

The effort to be factual is good. The problem is that certainty is one of the most ancient of philosophical issues. Remember the Socratic discourses such as the Meno? Epistemology or theory of knowledge does I think bring one to the eventual insight that knowledge is conditional and phenomenal rather than empirically absolute. Quine brought one to view language as existing in its own unique ontology-I guess that each language ontology has the indeterminacy of translation problem that Wittgenstein noted earlier in the Blue and Brown books. Human knowledge is not only existent within a temporal space-time continuum with relativity generally. It is also phenomenal. That is another reason why I have faith in God rather than the temporal assertions of absolute certainty of mankind.

Lebron James Could Make the Lakers Great Again

The Lakers need LeBron James to make them great again. Lebron is a free agent and can sign with the Lakers who also have the number two draft choices this year. James owes nothing to the Cavaliers having given them a title already. Lebron James signing with L.A. could make the Lakers great again.

Cleveland fundamentally went wrong in trading away its number one draft choice a few years ago for Kevin Love. James needed a young, energetic front line guy to compliment his workload.

Has an N.B.A player has won the title with three teams? Lebron James might become the first if he goes to Los Angeles. For Cleveland and Jame's desire to make a lasting difference he should just establish a Great Lakes fisheries research facility to make fishing great again (in co-operation with a quality University Marine Sciences dept.). That's probably the best lasting difference he might make, and its good when the fishing is good.

China Eliminates Rural Poor By Forcing Them To Urban Ghettos

For many rural people the city is a ghetto and desert devoid of green life and health. China wants to eliminate rural poverty through removal and relocation to cities, yet that cull of people from what remains of nature is a way to let concentrated wealth and farm technology dominate the countryside for corporate and ruling power.

President Xi Jinping plans to move 10 million more rural people into cities in the next few years to erase a trace of rural poverty so far as he can. It would be better to move cottage industry to rural people though, allowing them to produce technology for expport as well as domestic use that would improve the quality of rural life directly.

There are innumerable devices and configurations that would improve rural life from specially designed small watt using microwave oven and oilets coupled with solar power along with hot water heaters using just sunshine.

President Jinping should form a think-tank to produce suitable micro-industry technology that could be produced in home for a profit by rural residents and coordinate networks of production and sales.

Trump Administration Bungles Whale Defense

President Trump's National Marine Service gutted protections for endangered whale, dolphins and sea turtles off the California coast in a misguided effort to increase business opportunity. The administration should not act like bloodthirsty lunatics with harpoons in hand.


Mile-long driftnets are not good for business in the long run. Not only do they kill endangered wild mammals, they take too many fish and overall ruin fishing in  perpetrating an eleatic reduction cycle of managing smaller overall returns.

President Trump should immediately overturn the radical, anti-conservation rule and work to make America's Pacific coast waters great again for fishing elininating drift nets. Conservation of fish stocks-basicaly measurable by the number of sea mammals that can exist in it along with ph levels is the work of Theodore Roosevelt style actions-not those of a steal the rest of the food in the cupboard policies.


Chess Generations Moving On

Though I believe Naka will be the sole leader after Thurs.. it is amazing watching the mix of strong old and young players at Stavanger. In a decade probably none of them will be there with so many young players on the way. Former chess savants like Svidler have already dropped out of the top ten, as have so many others that people learning chess formerly admired for winning style.

It is difficult to imagine MC not moving on to other fields in life if he dominates chess the next decade. Gary Kasparov had a rather unique situation with the fall of the former Soviet Union and disruption of the Soviet chess school while the U.S. had no stars (until Naka). GK's highest world rating 23 years probably will never again be duplicated until players have computer chip augmented brains and cyber-thought. His was the last of the mostly pre-computer generation of chess greats who did not have to encounter younger players that trained since childhood with home computers.MC will have a horde of younger players that have studied his every game ahead, as will the other presently young adult players. The next clash of generations will be great chess indeed.

Brit P.M. Theresa May Fighting to Keep Britain Independent

British Prime Minister Theresa May continues fighting on to keep Britain independent and not a lackey of Globalist socialist-nihilists in the E.C. It is ironic that England's effort to keep what it can of political sovereignty that is vital for democracy is being attacked by the very people it serves most; labor. In her own Battle of Britain, the beleagured PM lost support after the recent election.

Britain's history as a global empire gave way long ago to a financial empire without much geography remaining abroad as vassal client states. The change has gone so far that Britian has nearly lost its indentity as a free state within the European Community where it is nothing ore than a place being ruled by decree of plutocracy shill-politicians.

It will be interestingto see if My's conservative party is able to keep the socialist tide from retaking Britain as part of the growing Evil Empire of EurasiaWest. In the post cold war world Europe has abandoned its values for national independence serving citizens in democracy for the easy autobahn ideal of proles run by plutocrat leaders in a corporate communal paradigm.


War is not usually the answer, and neither is a plutocratic evil socialist empire. Democracy can provide financial and environmental safety nets if given a chance. Real citizenships has real meaning only with a geographic association called a nation.

Idealism, Godel and Einstein

There is an epistemic and metaphysical difference of opinion about reality and the extent to which mind interprets and shapes its perception...