
Solar Powered Planetary Exploration Tarantula

Shouldn't N.A.S.A. start sending small, tarantuala-shaped solar-powered explorer robots to sunny locations on planets and moons to walk-about with small cameras? The metal arachnids would have a wifi link to a primary controller box that would resend data to Earth or the moon when a lunar research facility is built.

Mercury could be a good place to send 50 or so tarantulas, and of course Mars too. WIth smaller, cheaper individual units some could just sample soil, others could have infrared capability, and others regular cameras etc.
image via wikipedia
File:Brachypelma smithi 2009 G09.jpg

When September Comes (a poem)

    When September Comes

October lies waiting; a tiger beyond September
hungry for wildebeest boxes sugar-topped corny flakes
jellied berries of orange, red and blue dropped from the world
wary that decorating signs of seasons changing like neon dreams
become obstructions deftly yo distant destinies

Driveways of blacktop spiral downward in space-time vortexes
girding the round world wankily
-creation encrusted in part
like a jewel
shedding months of amnesia fading yesterdays
unconcerned with old times' broods of days settled
while foods that flowed like shiny lucre
compiling resolutely and silently as August rolls away
gold-plated to its temporal garage
sounds of potential emerging earthquake symbols
sun-tide of clouds overcoming mountains
taller than those eroded away

So nothing remains of summer to remind one of bitter-sour
recognition that time is more and less
burnt creme repasts of something and nothingnesses-
verisimilitudes of years were barren and never being

Food for bear wistfully wandering wait where trees fall
through clef notes echoed in chords when quantum uncertainty
izes indeterminate super-positions of all possible locations
nerve again isolated from wave-particles traversing
reasons that ideas and tides of words emerge to expression

All forests of dying green meadows with fish of September
seek magnetic traces of river's home profits
political currents covering hundreds of swimming fins
through-put being and nothingness

After October another wave names months so cold
those in cracked, parched dry lakes baking under the star
feel a glimmer of theoretical relief if a thought
receded in time to global warming farther north
packing November's proud icy snows
floating in fogs mountain skies
stops frosting one Earth with December
turning away from another like the year before
when solstice's short day leaves night smiling
every thing that could be said about September said
when poets that loved summer went on strike
thinking of grass mowed
and goats frolicked with piles of chewy delight

Just for a moment when the sun stops flight
Earth waits for second impulse to return to increasing photon lucidity
as if tight days packed together were sober with realization
sensing increase lost with the innocence of September where the pressure of time
stocks stores up for fall transition
inventory clerks counting what's on shelves
discount stacks built time
a new class arrived to eyeball tomorrows with secret lusts
rhymed with cheap novels worlds away
written about leaves falling in autumn colors
that were multifarious coatings of puke
barfed upon the topography like sessions of Congress
almost none loved
Presidential campaigns perfecting pomp and circumstance
so persons of interest leaning against lampposts
contemplating unknown billions in back street pacs
indifferent to common hopes
for shelter beside the door, hammer and plans
in the bug hotel risen high
with a tidal wave of minutes given before nothingness
the sum total of darkness
itself disappears before the day
September comes.

Solar and Wind Power Less Vulnerable to Cyber-Attacks/EMP

The nation's electrical power grid is an obvious primo target for global internet terror attacks in addition to conventional electro-magnetic pulse weapons of war. Independent solar and wind power- as well as fuel cell power plants not connected to the grid are survivable technologies. The Trump administration should work to get tax incentives that support development of survivable, sustainable energy infrastructure and take as much of the nation productively off-grid as soon as possible. The Trump administration easily could create a national off-grid energy evolution plan that would de frappe attacks on the national energy grid.

President Trump Must Condemn the Alt-Left

President Trump has been remiss in failing to condemn the alt-lefts neo-communist agenda that would unite global evil-empires with socialism greased with dope, homosexuality, illegal alien labor and subjugation to her majesty and the avatar of evil, Sirp Elton John.

The President may not take recrudescent socialism and communism seriously. As a privileged one percenter he may not be concerned about godless atheism of Boston with evolution as a secular Earth-goddess driving an agenda where amoralism is the norm and all human though is a phenomenal apparition useful for passing on genes.

Godless evolution is irrelevant concerning human morality and the need for strong individual civil rights.  The globalist agenda to degrade the U.S.A. through a Gulliver's village of economic and social insults may be led by the British imperial esprit, though that is no great fault of the British who are between a rock and a hard place perennially.  The fault lay with U.S. leadership failure to understand the down side of the special relationship and to react and respond properly with defense of American economic and political interests.

The evil alt-left of ignorance uniting with the global plutocrats and British imperial tradition to make subjects and vassals of Americans and transforming the nation into a work shop for the rich where anyone is replaced or canceled when cheaper labor and production is imported and with zero taxes for the global rich and globalists should be castigated by the President.

Washington D.C. conditions Presidents, or selects Presidents, to be and become servo-units for global plutocratic subject-socialism and the alt-left love it if it is entirely godless and dopey, queer and feminist. President Trump only has 3 more years to put in a quality foundation for reformation.


The Cooling Band (poem)

Yes God may have eclipsed the world
drawing into the shadow
a world gone mad
crucifying the savior

Designers of worlds’ survival
drafting poisoned air over the edge
setting an orbiting cooling screen’s
hedged investment fund
with polarity to filter heat, collect power
direct away particle beams from the light side

Something the hopes forked
between being and nothingness
something gold-ringed the world carefully
bringing light unto darkness

As the overly-hot cooled down
the cooling band encompassed the world
as they have so many times before
given critical care planets
recovery room.

Movies Can Prove the World is Flat and Global Warming is Hoax

Researchers already have produced movie trailers proving the world is flat and may develop a feature length film to prove global warming is a cruel hoax perpetrated by alien conspiricists that are fake news. Flat-Earth scientists have pointed out the obvious that wind will drive hot air off the edge of the world and into the bottomless of spaces of Emperor Alf.

AntartiKa - A Flat Earth Movie Trailer (creative trailer video)

Next Repub Presidential Candidate Will Need to Be Environmentalist

If a Republican Presidential candidate wants to get elected next time, he or she will need to be an environmentalist in fact as well as symbol. Ecological tokenism won't pass the scrutiny of the leftist media, and if Democrats run something besides Hillary Clinton, whom even pat Paulsen would have beaten, Republicans won't stand a chance without being of the religious right, environmental left, conservative nationalist-populist and making nice with foreign governments on space colonization ventures.

A future Republican Presidential candidate that hopes to overcome the automatic reaction against conservatives by dopers, abortionists. homosexuals, haters of taxes, haters of U.S. history and feminists must take the ecosphere vote cleanly away from Democrats with real leadership, innovation and creativity. It is doubtful Republicans have that sort of individual who is also good at business, bringing health care to all the poor for free, eliminating the Federal debt and creating security and a good standard of living for all citizens.

Concerning President Trump; a President whom I think is doing o.k., on the environment. I suspect that some of his cuts may be more about saving government expenses on extra committees and studies than being against a good healthy environment.

Perhaps President Trump believes that Americans may repair and forestall environmental damage more without just expecting the federal government to do something about it. Perhaps he expects Americans should do something about it themselves; and that is not impossible.

Americans are preponderantly ecological idiots or at least indiffferent. They are more of a litigious than a philosophical people. Business people and ordinary people have a paradigm of just running things on if it isn't illegal. Lawsuits are better for many than any sort of ecospheric voluntarism. WIth that paradigm as the rule, where obeying the rules is sufficient, one would need to force everyone by rule of law to comply with the new paradigm, and then they would not want political leaders that force that. 

If the environment were to be restored through social effort it would require radical paradigm changes within the free enterprise system. It would be necessary to reduce the npower of corporations globally that act to surpass iindividual concatenations of political activity and ideas. Corporate globalism and scale just dwarfs any body politic even of states in the United States. What is best for short term corporate profit becomes the determining criteria for national poltics leading to ecological doom of course.

There are a number of ways that business theorists may avoid repairing the ecosphere through reform of capitalism that would make capitalism a fabric of smaller corporations that are screened for low-entropy and high-efficiency economic activity. Theorists have suggested the natural world is superfluous and might better be reduced with the nightmare of a mechanical world.

Human life is and will remain biological so long as it is human. Human beings occur within an extremely sophisticated evolving biological progression of God that requires the suppport of a healthy ecosphere with all of life that natural apeared through God's design. That design should be carried over to the moon and other worlds rather than eliminated because social design is too stupid to keep it alive and won't admit it.

WIll Microbots Decimate Human Population Like Weeds Someday?

In looking into the knapweed root weevil issue it occurred to me that the future micro-robots well used in so many movies including GI Joe 2, could be used to attack humanity generally as if they were a weed infestation that needed control.

While Elon Musk and others have warned about artificial intelligence and robots with a license to kill (the 007 robot), and others have pointed out the problems of nano-machines that could be sewed in water and air vectors to infect humans and kill them from the inside out, tiny robots the size of bugs could also be designed to attack more cleverly than ticks and kill a human with a variety; a veritable cornucopia, of tools from poison, drilling into a heart or brain etc.

Probably there should be some sort of government intelligence office specifically tasked with keeping track of robotic and other unconventional vectors that are potentially very harmful to human existence.

 One may readily imagine micro-bots able to target and attack particular forms of human beings rather than all indiscriminately. One day mind-reading robots or at least those able to read bar codes or implants identifying political party membership for instance as a kill-worthy target may arrive. There will be lesser evils of course, that fall short of mortal interaction of machines of all sizes with human life forms. Soon chipping with temporary implants foreign visitors to the United States or at least from nations with a high content of terrorists, in order to track them around the U.S.A. with rft scanners that are already ubiquitous. Practical defense issues will once again impact the wall of protections given unto U.S. citizens

Knapweed Root Weevils- Are they Harmful to Domestic Animals?

Knapweed is a Eurasian plant introduced to America circa 1893. Knapweed root weevils are a bug that voraciously eats knapweed. Bugs have been imported that are the natural enemies of the plant, They eat it. Government people like the bug's ability to destroy as much as 99% of a knapweed infestation. One wonders though if the bugs are safe for domestic animals they bite? if knapweed weevils do harm animals as well as knapweeds, would the government admit it?

It is difficult getting a strait answer from government sometimes. If a knapweed root weevil bites the nose of a dog and hangs on could its eggs grow in the dog's nose? If knapweed larvae grow in dog food could they harm the dog if the food is consumed? if knapweed weevils do harm animals as well as knapweeds, would the government admit it?

Incidentally the weevils are collected and sold by some for their prowess at decimating knapweed.



mage credit: Montana State Univ. root boring napweed weevil

Saved by Faith, Not Works

Calvinists believe one is saved through faith alone (sola fide). Yet believe that if one is saved they shall do good works. Some say that if...