
American Broadcast Media is About 25% BS

The American  broadcast media is about 25% truthful, 50% emitting content loosely grounded in some true element and 25% complete B.S. The American broadcast media is mostly a for-profit entertainment business unfortunately over-influencing national governance, democracy and foreign policy adversely. It is also mostly a tool owned by the most rich globalists to control the masses with propaganda and agit-prop. One might wish it was plain honest and discretionary, but it ain't.

The U.N. fellow that accused President Trump of about inciting violence with criticism of the broadcast media is absolutely full of shit himself or herself. The President is speaking the truth while the U.N. official isn't. The problem is after all a national rather than an international problem. Foreign countries have their own media issues. In Russia most of the media is state-run and 75% of the people trust it and President Putin might extol it for its quality. I suppose the U.N. human rights chief would like such tranquility in the U.S.A. or even better, to let the nation be run by globalists.


Free speech (first amendment protections)) are applicable toward criticizing the commercial media too. Organizational use-truths and their incessant re-enforcement through mass communications power and sycophancy elicit partisan support. The mass media have numerous ways of disseminating propaganda. Many of the largest are tools for the 1% these days.

Turkey Economic Collapse Could Create Opportunity for Germans to Supervise

Germany and Turkey are friends. If Turkey collapses economically it will provide an opportunity for Germany to send economic managers to order the mismanaged economy. Militarily Turkey is solid enough except they give a cold shoulder to Kurds that could be good citizens in their own federal state. Yet Turkish leaderships hates Kurdish independence of any sort and likes to persecute them as if they were still the Ottoman Empire.

The United States should be on good terms with Russia and then it would be simpler to finesse Turkish willingness to reason about Kurds and tolerance of Christians. Yet fully stocked refrigerators of economics aren't likely to start for Turkey again until they lighten up a bit and except the fact that they are radical and unstable and need German help.


Status of Emotional Support Animals; Pit Bulls and Alligators

When a 14 year old with allergies was kicked off a aircraft in Alaska because of the presence of a cat as an emotional support animal she could not live with, the problem of what animals ought to be allowed aboard a plane for emotional support arrived glaringly. Should alligators and pythons be accepted as emotional support animals for Democrats? And what about pit bulls for Republicans, or maybe small tigers?

Frequent fliers with need for emotional support animals ought to have their own section of the plane with special air filters so as not to disturb passengers with emotional issues regarding animals on the negative side, in addition of course, to allergies.

Sanctions on Turkey are a Writ of Habeas Corpus

Turkey really ought to let the imprisoned Christian pastor go. The Erdogan regime does not benefit itself persecuting Christians nor compelling the Trump administration to defend wrongly charged U.S. citizens by imposing sanctions.



Though the Erdogan regime may be so hated domestically that it needs to try to prop itself up by arresting anyone vaguely associated through six degrees of acquaintance (alleged) with its own rebellious souls, selecting Christians to persecute is silly. many Americans hope the sanctions continue and intensify to the point of keeping Turkish apricots out of U.S. markets, until P.M. Erdogan releases Andrew Brunson from persecution.


What the Trade War

It is difficult to know what will happen with a full-scale trade war. Do they inflate upward too without distortion? Trade wars occur with just a limited number of players. It would at best be as leaky as the U.S. border to illegal alien entry and dope importation is. During the sanctions on Iraq the weak died and Saddam Hussein grew stronger. China may reach out and touch some ones-like Europe, and dump product there, while American movie releases in China are cut 50% from 10 a year to 5. If the U.S.A. doesn’t make anything anymore and provides services mostly that may not be affected by trade war; China might not let US accounting and security firms handle much of their government contracts anyway. Maybe the administration will continue the trade corrections until China quits trying to intimidate and subjugate Taiwan under its boot-heel. Taiwan has one of the few female Presidents and the Chinese Communist Party leadership may feel it can bully her to the point of making the island nation lay down.


Some nations would eventually grow stronger trade relationships with the United States while others would weaken. The 1929 stock market crash was the result of an investment bubble and concentrated wealth that burst. Companies didn’t really have the cash to back up the irrationally exuberant expansion of the gilded age. The concentration of wealth in the U.S.A. now is about what is was then.

So a trade war is something like a stress test that the flimsy don’t want. In 2008 many speculative businesses collapsed along with home derivatives and cheating big banks that were running Monte Carlo algorithms for dark pool trading. The real problem is the environment though- and a failure to adapt economics to synergize with ecospheric sustainability. Interestingly the inventor of the Gaia hypothesis thinks now that people should wimply give up trying to save the ecosphere because it’s too late, and actualize their ant-like nature and build hives that will survive the total collapse of green life on Earth and mass desertification within two centuries. Global trade and the vast eco-destructive gases released into the atmosphere conducting it accelerate greenhouse break down of the ecosphere. Local production is more efficient.

If Canada didn’t act like a wise-guy foe they might benefit from a trade realignment. sadly I think they are lost to the dark side of the force. A trade war could create a black market in cheap MP3 players. I just bought a couple from an unnamed country for a $1.50 each yet will need to wait several weeks for them to arrive I guess. It is possible the price could double for that in the future with tariffs.

Because of all the global and regional trade agreements already in place, a return to the way it was before would seem like a trade war, though it formerly was SOP. Not being an economist I will need to wait for the next Stiglitz or Krugman book to find out what’s going on.

Will US Sanctions Affect Russian Transition to Market Economy?

Russia since the 1998 financial crisis and default has only slowly yet somewhat steadily moved toward reform such that a market economy prevails. It was not so many years ago that Vladimir Putin ended the oligarch domination of the economy and distribution for former Soviet assets that they had taken much of. That order of oligarch power was regarded as an unfair distribution of wealth, yet was left somewhat as it was. From there the economy moved toward liberalization.

The process was advanced by the rise in world oil prices in the 2000s that continued until the crash following fracking of old oil fields to renew supply. A surfeit of world oil production made oil dependent states lose much revenue. Alaska in the United States faced a government budget crisis and Russia too lost nearly half of its GDP.

If bad actors are targeted, the principle of mass punishment should not target the innocent too. The U.S. should encourage Russia to continue developing a market economy along sound ecological economic principles.

Even so Russia continued a slower advance toward a market economy though the state held some major banks and oil companies. It began an income tax of a modest scale though it had difficulty collecting that. Russia faced many internal and external challenges before the regime of foreign sanctions began to appear for international contention to permanently wrest away the Ukraine and Crimea from Russia.

The second largest party in Russia is still the communist party. The United Russia party- by far the largest, is basically a coalition of four formerly separate parties that joined to beat the communists. The economic and social dynamics of economic reform is occurring concurrent with reform of government, and eventually constitutional structures, and stimulation of business and new infrastructure development. All of that is challenging and expensive. While the United States and Europe tend to place themselves into a belligerent and adversarial as possible position comprising something of a threat to Russian security.

My concern is that the sanctions and hostile external relationship with Russia will retard the growth of Russia as a market economy and in the long run solidify less than free enterprise elements in Russia.

Apparently Russians have a trust in state run media and state ownership of business because of historical reasons that lie in the fact that authoritarian or Tsarist government were the fact of Russia for 1000 years. Only since the end of the Cold War has Russia had a pluralist government, although a multi-party Duma/congress existed briefly, shortly before the Bolshevik takeover to end that and the tsar.

Ronald Reagan had a policy of constructive engagement with South Africa and that led to the DeClerk government and end of apartheid. Reagan also ended the Cold War along with President Gorbachev in part because of hi affable character engendering trust. The United States should think deeply about its reckless and fay sanctions on Russia, since they may harm U.S. interests more so than Russian, in the lang run.

Corporatist Putch to Surrender Border to New World Order (2007 draft)

These putching corporatist neos will censor the internet by taking posts or pages down until the issue is decided when one writes in opposition incidentally...

A Corporatist Congress trembling a year after the Mexican mass marches in support of illegal alien amnesty in the U.S.A. works to pass a surrender the border to Mexico bill in effect. Corporatism has coopted the U.S. Congress and administration corrupting to a remarkable extent; so far in fact that providing residence status for up to 20 million illegal aliens instantly, and residence for the entire population of Mexico as relatives of the 20 million are allowed entry too. Corporatists in Congress fundamentally are traitors to the U.S.A. in favor of globalism because of greed and delusional concepts of power and what the global economy will be on a non-renewable foundation. Particular highly cultivated nationalism with good neighborliness is a far better approach to providing a sustainable planetary environment.

Southerners and Senator Edward Kennedy have led the fight to reverse the sovereignty of the United States from Mexico gained by General Scott in the Mexican war at substantial American cost. Ulysses S. Grant was a young lieutenant that led an artillery battery firing from a multi-story building that broke the back of Mexican defense of Mexico City. What not even Robert E. Lee could accomplish in the American civil war of defeating Grant the U.S. Congress is accomplishing today...and fort the same onerous purpose of exploiting human labor. The results will eventually become the same perhaps, with the end of the United States instead of just the confederacy.

Globalism is a corporatist goal supported by union busters, cheap labor plotters and others seeking instant profits from Chinese, Indian and Mexican labor. What history demonstrates however is that the lazy non-creative exploiting class eventually becomes the servant class ensnared by their own perfidy.

The Congress passed a Lenin-like bill providing a way for the permanent subversion of American political independence by globalists radically  infusing insecurity into the American lifestyle. Like Lenin's 1916 Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with the Kaiser to subvert the Romanov dynasty in which Lenin gave away the Ukraine and one-forth of Russia to Germany the U.S. Congress has sought to annihilate American national border security, led by the traitors Cherkoff, Bush, Kennedy, McCain and Gonzalez and flood the United States permanently with a cheap labor conveyor belt from Mexico and elsewhere. If the bill passes the House the United States will be at an effective end, and a globalist succubus will develop as a body snatcher of the body politic transforming it into raving jellyfish of corporatist blindness.

FDR's 1% Economic Weapon of Mass Destruction

The President cannot coup against himself. He is already leader of the state, and rather deeply at that. Yet he may still be an outsider; something to consider at least. The military too is an outsider and an inappropriate coup tool for the target parameter of the deep state.
If Harvard and Yale Illuminati Ivy Leaguers have deep pockets equivalent to a deep state because they control all the appointees to the Supreme Court, State and so forth, and if they meet now and then in the Bohemian Grove or in Trilateral Commissions or whatever, the purge of those people could be accomplished only with an increase on the tax rate to 90% for the upper 10% of earners in the nation. If it’s all about money and the deep state owns the media and everything else and everyone else is paying rent in one way or another to the deep state, the appropriate coup tool is the F.D.R. tax policy- a super-weapon of deep state economic mass destruction that needs to be used with discretion at the right moment by a President and leaders with impeccable warrior non-socialist character for reform of capitalism and ecospheric economic policy. Donald Trump just doesn’t have that Ceasarish disposition for-himself.

Best and Brightest Neural Chess Network Would Beat 100 GMs

In a chess game of the best neural network for chess vs 100 GMs at one move a day, I would pick an A.I. like Alpha Zero to win.

It is the respect for computing power that brings me to side with a neural network such as Alpha Zero. At one move per day Alpha Zero would have something like Fibonacci Series improvement and upgrades until it exhausted all of the possible moves in chess. It could approach infinity in a sense- a Cantorian trans-finite set paradigm- for learning and structuring chess moves making the human grandmasters about as competitive as 100 monkeys typing Shakespeare vs Shakespeare, in writing another Shakespearian play in 1611.

Alpha Zero’s neural network required just four hours to learn to play chess and beat SF 8? Given a 30 move game, and 30 days to compound its own interest, Alpha Zero’s improvement would be greater than that of Magnus Carlsen vs Gioachino Greco over the centuries. Humans don’t learn remotely as fast, nor have the power for simultaneous equations as a state-of-the-art neural network. Formulaic models written by 100 GMs in a day would be comparatively primitive to those invented by the best and brightest neural network.

Computers presently are up to 122.3 petaflops (IBM Summit June 2018). Neural networks including Alpha Zero I would think, may exploiting any number of computers, including super-computers. The power applied to a single chess game or match would be absurd.

One hundred GMs with about any sort of non-electronic approach calculating board positional vectors would have as little of a chance as 100 of Emperor Gao Gui Xiang Gong best suanpan (abacus) wielders versus a supercomputer at calculating numbers of rice grains in theoretical inventories of all possible Universes minus 1.

image credit: https://applied-data.science/static/main/res/alpha_go_zero_cheat_sheet.png

For GMs to beat an AI neural network, logically they would require comparable processing capability in critical areas. One might anticipate that human reasoning algorithms regarding chess might be modeled by program designers, yet not vice versa.

Simple Alpha Zero

Fritz beat World Champ Vlad Kramnik in 2006 running on a Xeon dual-core 5160 chip at 3 mgz. The chip sold for just $860. It was a very tiny chip in comparison to today’s chips used for desktops such as the 32 core AMD Threadripper chips.

Neural network programming for artificial intelligence has advanced quite a lot since the 1996–97 Deep Blue-Kasparov games. Apparently the A.I. programming was good old brute force rather than sophisticated algorithm. The A.I. designer for Deep Blue discusses that project here… https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/20-years-after-deep-blue-how-ai-has-advanced-since-conquering-chess/

I took a programming and systems analysis course in 1980, though I worked in other fields, so I understand the philosophy behind designing computer algorithms to process data reasonably well. Computers today are orders of magnitude more powerful than those that beat Kasparov and Kramnik. There is a field of study called Big Data that is remarkable to those that know nothing of it. Big Data sweep with neural networks can get all of the information there is on-line about chess rather easily

A.I. neural network designers today can use everything ever put on-line concerning chess and program a network to sort through it and process it in numerous ways to ultimately let it select the best move. Capablanca, Morphy, Pillsbury, Steinitz; every game ever played and noted online would be in its live database. Deep Blue had very limited capacity for that, and it had just two GMs help its design. With the way data is now, the question to me is could the A.I. read and convert into meaningful information every chess book in any language that it could input. It could have the help of thousands of GMs in a sense providing data and it might build chess ‘wisdom’. Those are just programming challenges that probably were already solved. Some have said that IBM may have been using Deep Blue just to test its A.I. Maybe Google and Alpha Zero were doing that too. It was a learning test.

AlphaGo Zero Explained In One Diagram – Applied Data Science – Medium

!) Deep Blue’s lead designer was an AI specialist named Murray Campbell, who spoke about his assignment by IBM to develop Deep Blue after having made Deep Thought- the first artificial intelligence project to defeat a GM. He still works in IBM’s A.I. Foundation within the Cognitive Computing Group. Deep Blue was an attention getting development project of the people developing artificial intelligence. 20 Years after Deep Blue: How AI Has Advanced Since Conquering Chess

2-Apparently the late Charles Krauthammer shared your point of view about Deep Blue. A Forbes article comment;“ To Krauthammer, Deep Blue’s win in the 1996 match was due to “brute force” calculation, which is not artificial intelligence, he says, just faster calculation of a much wider range of possible tactical moves.”

The Brute Force Of IBM Deep Blue And Google DeepMind

Gil Press-the author of the Forbes article writes that; “Deep Blue was an example of so-called “artificial intelligence” achieved through “brute force,” the super-human calculating speed that has been the hallmark of digital computers since they were invented in the 1940s. Deep Blue was a specialized, purpose-built computer, the fastest to face a chess world champion, capable of examining 200 million moves per second, or 50 billion positions, in the three minutes allocated for a single move in a chess game.”

Rather than brute force, Alpha Zero has enhanced programming compared to that of Deep Blue. A.I. is a matter of programming code written by humans (presently) to generate calculating responses that can find their own answers to challenges. In defeating the world Go champion Alpha Go aka (Zero) trained using reinforcing techniques playing against itself.

First it was given 30 million moves that humans use in Go to develop its own game. Then it played against itself calculating moves in advance that were optimal. After that those moves formed a database that it again played against itself finding moves that human players hadn’t. An article on the Alpha Zero program that people tend to call Artificial Intelligence- that is a matter of the ability of the program and computer support to find ‘winning’ replies to specific configurations, notes that on move 37 of the game Alpha Zero calculated the odds of a human playing the move at 1 in 10,000. The higher refined data base provided very elite moves. Inside the Epic Go Tournament Where Google’s AI Came to Life

Gil Press wrote in his article about the technology that support Alpha Go. It is a lot of processing power and dwarfs the calculating power of 100 GMs laboring like a commune to find the best chess move once per day.. “AlphaGo used 1,920 Central Processing Units (CPU) and 280 Graphics Processing Units (GPU), according to The Economist, and possibly additional proprietary google Tensor Processing Units, for a lot of hardware power, plus brute force statistical analysis software (processing and analyzing lots and lots of data) known as Deep Neural Networks, or more popularly as Deep Learning.” - The Brute Force Of IBM Deep Blue And Google DeepMind

Cade Metz writes is his article on AlphaGo that “AlphaGo’s relentless superiority shows us that machines can now mimic—and indeed exceed—the kind of human intuition that drives the world’s best Go players.” Elsewhere Deep Blue was described as exploiting Kasparov with psychology, such as playing an instant move after a deep think by Kasparov to lead him to believe he “had fallen into a trap”. It is not that computers have learned to think like humans with some sort of self-awareness or cognizance that someone could believe is required for artificial intelligence. It is the case that computer programs can find better, faster answers than human to particular set criteria such as chess and Go- much better and faster even that communes or collectives of human players, when they have a certain level of expert system programming and hardware for processing power.

Human thought on certain kinds of challenges that can be modeled, can be processed faster with enhanced computer programs that were at some point written by humans. It is the equivalent of automachines beating humans in a race around a mile oval track….just the way it is.


Shouldn't Airlines Install Anti-Theft Ignition Systems?

With the theft today of an Alaska Airlines jet by a would-be stunt pilot baggage handler the need to upgrade airline security was demonstrated. One would think that airlines already have some kind of anti-theft key code to start aircraft engines, or at least some kind of foolproof ignition key fob to deter volunteer hijackers or joy-riders.


The young fellow that stole the jet enfiladed a gaping security hole that might have been exploited by terrorists later, perhaps to crash a jet from Boston again into another buildng in N.Y, So he actually performed a useful service.

Never forget the security moto; when fingers (as dangers weapons) are outlawed, only outlaws will have fingers.

Macron Moves France Towards War with Russia

French President Macron took a big step toward the destruction of Europe through nuclear war with Russia. He has said that Russia is a threa...