
Alzheimer's GPS Guide

With the profusion of gps trackers it should be easy to make a bracelet or phone app that when programmed for course parameters could alert a wandering individual with Alzheimer’s when they have strayed off course.

If someone is waiting for a bus the program would remind the of the time and when the next one is if the miss it. It should also tell them how to get home if need be.

With a health guide the afflicted might be able to remain independent for more time

Lakers Losing in Solidarity with K Harris

The Lakers lost in a humiliating 40 point fashion to the Heat. Coach Redick confirmed. Probably the Lakers and LeBron lose in solidarity with Californian Kamala Harris.

After Jan 20,2025 they might get over it. Still they need a flashy point guard in trade for a few players and a second round pick.


Thought: Memory Responding to Stimuli?

S/R loops work of course, yet thinking is different than awareness or memory perhaps. Subtly language ideas arise from deep learning neural networks in response to stimuli at the same time as conscious awareness of live streaming of reality, with or without quantum entanglement having meaning at the conscious level. If human consciousness is part of a quantum non- locality phenomenon that is something to think about. Time has less value in faster than light non- Higgs field criteria doesn’t it?


God and Alethea

Socrates and philosophers of the academy called their activity alethea… meaning ‘truth’. They told outsiders they were doing philosophy. To exclude God from one’s philosophical activity a priori is to exclude truth in-itself. For those with no interest in the great realm of potential relationships that may involve divinity there is a prospect for implicit and unerring falsehood. One need have a 360 degree field of vision and inquiry to discover the unknown, to confirm the known and determine the unknowable if that exists.

God is a philosophical question. Religion differs from philosophy plainly, yet God will always be an immanent and transcending power to consider. People may answer the question in various ways yet to proscribe that from inquiry of reality is silly.

The Biden-Zelensky War and Meaninglessness of Death

 Rather than death that people fear, it could be all the pain and suffering on the way. Dying meaninglessly like a conscript in Biden’s Ukraine war could be fearful too. Individuals probably don’t like the idea of Zelenski pushing them into the line of combat contact when peace could have been achieved long ago. If he believes it’s a good thing to die or at least not a problem, some conscripts may think he should lead by example.

About the war;

Lots of history in the story. Too much for here. Briefly though, I was on active duty when the Soviets withdrew there army from East Germany at the end of the Reagan administration and had visited Berlin a few months before. Growing up the son of a World War Two vet watching body counts on CBS on a daily basis from the Vietnam Conflict I thought of the tremendous waste and futility of war. It is not a way for human progress at all. I was quite happy when the Cold War concluded mostly without violence. The Soviet forces seemed to be gathering rust and uniforms threadbare. People had labored for decades to find peace with the Soviets and to end communism. After that miracle developed the Clinton administration got the last Soviet President Boris Yeltsin to take Ukraine away from Russia that it had been part of before communism. Ukraine had never been an independent nation before Bill Clinton. he gross incompetence of developing a future of U.S. carpet bagging by democrats worked counter-productively to all of the business investment by the west in Russia. Democrat Party sanctions have killed all that. Fundamentally Democrat leadership was retarded on statesmanship since Bill Clinton.

Historians knew that would set the stage for a future war because Russia would never accept losing its land. Meanwhile the west expanded N.A.T.O. eastward as if they were taking advantage of weak chumps and as if the Cold War had never ended, and instead had only had an interregnum creating a political vacuum that needed to be filled by making all of the former Soviet nations a part of the west while seeking to marginalize Russia. The increasing threatening posture of the west and the US Democrat Party made a hot war inevitable following the Obama and Biden elections.

No sane individual well read in history could possibly have believed that Russia would ever relinquish the Crimea. The poverty of intellectual and political competence by Democrat Party leadership has brought the world to the prospect of World War Three. The United States has suffered economically and politically and that will only increase if the war isn’t ended directly. In fact the U.S.A. is doing everything it can to promote China to the world’s number one economic power. Even a simple war with Europe destroying ports and energy infrastructure by Russian hypersonic ballistic missiles will put Europe’s economy into the dark ages for a while. China and other BRIC nations besides Russia will benefit. China can always buy what’s left of Russia and together they can form a super-state.

Thinking About A.I.

AI is quite powerful. It is like a tsunami sweeping over the economy taking everything with it. As was said some time ago (not Lord Acton); resistance is futile. When AI is joined with advanced solid state physics or the basic forces of the Universe it may consume planets for expansion and innately process quantum computing information to span galaxies. Is AI a bad word then? Don't let them hear you say that. Harlan Ellison's "I Have No Mouth and Must Scream' showed what becomes of that.  


The Many and The One

Venn diagrams are three comprising one. In extra dimensions they might transcend themselves. A jigsaw puzzle requires many to form one image. Trivial yet meaningful examples. Some of the many could not exist without the one temporarily breaking apart, and those components connecting in new fields from the one cascading new elements until the energy of the many is spent and they return to the one, as if one for-itself had set the span of a yoyo universe. From that singularity transcending possibilities exist even as one potential might be an element of the many for the greatest One of all.

Arab Emirates Tournament; Lakers on Life Support

The Lakers were close all the way yet waited to long to get more scoring from Knecht with 3s.  The defense was good enough. The Lakers need more and consistent points production from a third star if LeBron’s drop in scoring and increase in turnovers is a thing that continues.

If Dalton Knecht’s scoring threes increases and DeAngelo Russell can score 20 off the bench consistently the Lakers may need just one quality point guard like Trey Young to be the best they can be even this year.

Anthony Davis and Christian Koloko would be formidable in the front court, if Koloko can play full games this year after not playing last year because of blood clots. I was bitten in the leg once by a little terrier and that formed a gate in the vein to break and a permanent blood clot to form. Makes life as interesting as being bitten on the wrist drawing blood by a Rottweiler. The Rott bite did no perm damage while the tiny terrier did. Small things can have large consequences. Blood clots are meaningful. I have no idea if Koloko can recover to full health needed for playing 38 minutes

The Lakers should trade five players for a good point guard and fill the empty seats with South Bay Lakers

The Lakers need to show Donald Trump that it is possible for winners to arise from Los Angeles.


The Square of Opposition and Apophatic Theology

It's easy to misunderstand apophatic theology. Humans want to compare things to this or that. About God though the apophatic theologian might use Wittgenstein's "Whereof I cannot speak, thereof I must be silent" (probably an epistemological reference rather than a reference to his British fighter pilot bf while Wittgenstein was in the Austrian army during the First World War).  Apophatic theology relates that "God is ineffable, incomprehensible, and inconceivable, only as He is in Himself, as He is intrinsically."

Popper's falsification criterion is used to determine if a theory is scientific...that is it need be capable of being proven wrong, if it isn't right. Newton's gravity theory was falsifiable and true so far as they went, yet only conditionally so as Einstein's General Theory surpassed Newton's theory of gravity. 


True scientific theories may be conditional rather than absolute...like incomplete maps of explorers.

Perhaps Plato's Allegory of the Cave has a parallel to Newton's theory so far as science goes, or would if the inmates chained on the floor developed a theory of motion to explain when the shadows would appear that was true. If they predicted the dark demiurges of Mordor would appear through the walls at 1 pm every day and they did not then the theory was false though scientific.

The verification theory of truth is comparable on a square of opposition logically speaking I would venture.

True Belief is Knowledge

 Maybe the kernel of the issue is; can anyone ever have absolute certainty? Probably not. That would be a belief (of absolute certainty)…wait a minute- cogito ergo sum. True belief does require verification.

Human makes speculative formula about supernatural. If x then not x because x equals not x.; find the value of x. Maybe that’s a wrong expression so I’ll try again.

Human makes proposition about supernatural or undefined literal term and factors (rewrites) the expression. The simplification of the proposition is less difficult than multiplying the irrational numbers by half of the value of natural numbers, yet more difficult than deciding if eleatic paradox prime numbers are beyond good or evil. The product is for human consumption as they factor out God from equation and sleep better knowing calculations are perfect and convincing. A is necessarily B because C follows B and A follows C. If that isn’t persuasive enough then…

Fate or Joss

I tend to think of fate as joss. That is whatever occurs happens. My regard is to consider it a post hoc description of what happened. The C...