
A Reply to an Attestation of Doom

 The controversion of Adam and Eve as real people because of evolution theory began with a certitude regarding who and when Adam and Eve were and that for some unexplained reason, states they didn’t exist because evolution theory was created by Charles Darwin. So many unreflective atheists with superficial knowledge of the Bible assume its content is simplistic like their understanding of it.

Adam is from the same root word in Hebrew as dirt. Man evolved from dirt at the hand of God in one sense. Yet Adam and Eve may have been the first humans to discern the difference between good and evil or right and wrong. Animals and prior hominids did not have that capability. God noticed the change in the garden of Eden that may have existed in Saudi Arabia during the Younger Dryas or a few thousand years before when even the Sahara was a grassland with large bodies of water.

There are other theories about Adam and Eve as well as Cain and Abel. Toynbee believed Cain was the first blacksmith and killing his brother who was a pasturalist was an historical reference to the evolution of society from herding nomads to settled life with metal working.

Some regard humanity as existing and Adam and Eve were outside of space-time and only cast out of the garden into the general population after stealing from or eating of the tree of knowledge. It says they were thrown into the temporal thermodynamic order in part to stop them from eating from the tree of eternal life.There are several possible ways to interpret what Genesis means because people don’t know what God’s purpose was in having it written. The linguistic values of Genesis are subject to what Wittgenstein called ‘the indeterminacy of translation’ since the exact material that went into its composition and origin of that material are not known, besides being attributed to God general through prophets, scribes and oral histories from thousands of years ago.

Yet since atheists feel better with a completely worldly explanation of creation and want to acquire themselves of original sin by negating the truth of the Bible on the foundation of their own badly informed and commonly ditto’d superficial ideas they plaster social media with incessant attacks. Besides feeling sorrow for the spiritually dead and lost faithless followers of nihilism or the devil or their own devices, i.m.o. Christians don’t regard the superficial attacks as more than attestations of doom.

One is a flowing process though the river remains the same, reaching a destination in the desert where it disappears into the ground. The water of life rebirths in spirit.

Secular Science and Prayer

 Prayer is a way of communicating with God. Some would seek a secular examination of its value. That would be comparable to explaining the value and purpose of a phone call without believing the call goes anywhere besides the mind of the user of the phone.

Is a Stable Base Required for Confirmation of a Truth Theory?

 If one falls from an aircraft door without a parachute and contemplates actions to take making a supposition that a parachute would evolve the situation positively, then sees a parachute trailing behind him, apprehends the chute to put it on and test his theory then the truth test occurs when he opens the chute though neither a stable base or a table base were present to enable the truth to be put on the table. Confirmation that the parachute was a true supposition was apprehended when it slowed the descent toward chtonic depths of 40 trillion dollars of public debt.

Synthetic Life and Gravity as a Self-Tightening Lock Nut

 A kind of asymmetry seems to exist in nature, chirility, that affects particle-anti particle pairs. Even in cellular micro-biology the phenomenon exists such that a handedness exists differentiating left from right. There are various rotational symmetry breaking relationships that could entangle mass to mass or even make a particle have no mass in select directions. That could be a reason why mass is self-tightening like a lock washer as it were.


Rotational asymmetries relating to particles of fields and or quantum superpositions and entanglement could ineluctably draw mass together.

Scientists are developing synthetic life and within a decade may create synthetic bacteria that, Nobel winning scientists advise, may end human life. It’s not intended to be a way to save on federal Medicare. 

Rotational asymmetries relating to particles of fields and or quantum superpositions and entanglement could ineluctably draw mass together.

Scientists are developing synthetic life and within a decade may create synthetic bacteria that, Nobel winning scientists advise, may end human life. It’s not intended to be a way to save on federal Medicare. 


God Allows 'Imperfect' Beings to Exist

 The question of why anything exists rather than nothing was a question that Plotinus considered in The Enneads. Why would The One order anything at all to exist, much less the Nous and Realm of Forms, since He is perfect and complete with the answer to every question part of His Being a priori. If it seems imperfect for anything to exist besides God, perhaps then it is a calculation, or an effect of internal thought processing. Maybe it is every possible quantum calculation being reflected as Universes. God queried Adam and Eve, found the consistently imperfect and placed them in a temporal containment algorithm just Jesus Christ could overcome.

If perfection requires omniscience and omnipotence, every possibility of being actualized with individuals believing they are free and self-reflective need be imperfect when actualized as they are apart from God. Human politics aren’t perfected. 


If perfection requires omniscience and omnipotentence, every possibility of being actualized with individuals believing they are free and self-reflective need be imperfect when actualized as they are apart from God.

God is the sole perfect being and through the Son the elect are with God for eternity. Omniscience may be cognizant of every deviation from perfection, of every wrong answer as well as right and of the iterations leading to error. Though aware of the problem of evil He may have a trash file for broken and wicked will files that are inimical and counter-productive.

Maybe there is another answer, and like AI developers trying to put AI on laptops locally, the One continues development of humanity as a venture within infinite considerations.


Building Large Salt-water Filled Irrigation Canals for Evaporation-Condensation Fresh Water On Mex Border is Better than a Fence

 Build large irrigation canals like the California Aqueduct along the Mexican border instead of useless expensive fences.  Fill one of two canals with Pacific Ocean water piped to the Continental Divide with solar power and fill one canal, with locks, and use solar energy to evaporate salt water and capture fresh water for farming.

Someone in DC must have a brain that works periodically, and when that happens border. Security canals for desalination should go ahead . There can be some fencing to protect the canal zone. Water could be sold to Mexico too since the desert there is fairly dry.

Do Humans See Real Objects?

 Photons bouncing off objects reach the optic nerve. The photons are not the things in themselves. Invisible man suits can also present images of things they aren’t.

People see representations of objects that reflect select wavelengths of light in a particular way. That reflectivity matrix is an attribute of an object rather than a thing itself; the phenomenal rather than noumena.

Congress Should Make a Law to Require that Undeclared War Funding Be Matched with Charitable Giving

 There needs to be a way to slow lunatic war monger Presidents from funding undeclared foreign wars. Requiring that war spend be equally matched with peace spending abroad would halt war mongers in their tracks. They are more callous and miserly than Scrooge Von Mortal Kombat. Congress should get that law for funding undeclared wars passed directly.


Keep life Natural as Possible

Transhumanism shouldn’t be a goal. A human body filters input in the universe for mind. Removing much of the body detaches some input into the body-brain-mind phenomena possibly devolving the conscious experience of being. If life is a spiritual proving ground and opportunity for salvation transitions away from natural being should be minimized; especially if there is a surfeit of naturals suffering the panoply of challenges of poverty.

With a human body being such a complex and wondrous blessing it is rash to willfully stray from the given human natural form and sin, or miss the mark of remaining the perfectly adapted form and choose theoretical gambling with life.


Imperfect Character is Universal

The question of why anything exists rather than nothing was a question that Plotinus considered in The Enneads. Why would The One order anything at all to exist, much less the Nous and Realm of Forms, since He is perfect and complete with the answer to every question part of His Being a priori. If it seems imperfect for anything to exist besides God, perhaps then it is a calculation, or an effect of internal thought processing. Maybe it is every possible quantum calculation being reflected as Universes. God queried Adam and Eve, found the consistently imperfect and placed them in a temporal containment algorithm just Jesus Christ could overcome.

If perfection requires omniscience and omnipotence, every possibility of being actualized with individuals believing they are free and self-reflective need be imperfect when actualized as they are apart from God. Human politics aren’t perfected. 


If perfection requires omniscience and omnipotentence, every possibility of being actualized with individuals believing they are free and self-reflective need be imperfect when actualized as they are apart from God.

God is the sole perfect being and through the Son the elect are with God for eternity. Omniscience may be cognizant of every deviation from perfection, of every wrong answer as well as right and of the iterations leading to error. Though aware of the problem of evil He may have a trash file for broken and wicked will files that are inimical and counter-productive.

Maybe there is another answer, and like AI developers trying to put AI on laptops locally, the One continues development of humanity as a venture within infinite considerations.

Macron Moves France Towards War with Russia

French President Macron took a big step toward the destruction of Europe through nuclear war with Russia. He has said that Russia is a threa...