American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
Intelligent Design is Smarter than Dumb or No Design
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle seems a needed premise for freedom of range of motion, and uncertainty seems a needed element as far as human consciousness goes, or rather subjective epistemology of the species, if they aren’t to be omniscient themselves. Absolute certainty tends to be an attribute of omniscience, and the entire epistemological subject harkens back to the monism/pluralism researches existing from the era of pre-Socratic philosophers Heraclitus and Parmenides to the more modern metaphysician F.H. Bradley.
In reading more of a book by the philosopher Dembski on complexity and specialization in design, or intelligent design, I have gained a better idea of what intelligent design means from the point of view of the contemporary philosophical researchers in that area. For one thing I believe that Intelligent Design is a definite scientific hypothesis. The search for intelligent designs in nature can be approached scientifically an on an empirical basis. Determining if the hypothesis has valid observational evidence correlations is another matter for scientific investigation.
Dembski rightly pointed out the criteria used by SETI or the search for extraterrestrial intelligence as an example of a search for intelligent design. If intelligent design does exist anywhere in nature that is observable, then it would be rash and ignorant to disqualify a priori any possibility that it could exist. Intelligent design may exist not only as a consequence of one cause within the logic of necessity or modal logical of course, but might instead have been caused by extra-terrestrials or even human beings from the future or past I suppose. It doesn't take a lot of imagination to conceive of nanoparticle manipulation of material structures of the Universe on a large scale for purposes of war or peace. Even now a wave of nano-particles from another galaxy could be enroute to the Milky Way to attack and convert it like yeast into alcohol into some form that would have profit potential for intergalactic holiday shoppers.
Intelligent design as a philosophical criterion can be researched from a number of perspectives, including that of the anthropic principle and the fine-structure constants of the Universe. M-Theory provides a many universes natural selection alternative to the unique phenomenality of this one Universe of course, yet natural selection is difficult to demonstrate in biology as the causative agent for evolution if one tries to pin it just onto d.n.a. or cellular membranes perhaps...that is, so far as I know as a non-biologist, it is still possible that natural selection hasn't a proven technical history in biology that plainly accounts for the development of all life and it's permutation. Instead it may be that natural selection and neo-Darwinism has an historical inertia that isn't adequately filled in by scientific facts, and alternatively people provide straw man arguments about creation and a short-lived 10,000 year old universe as the alternative giving the preponderance of evidence decision to the neo-Darwinians.
Cosmology though is a fascinating subject for research, and I think one must be careful about making extrapolations for intelligent design on the basis of selected physical facts, and also not to use selected facts as evidence for a dumb design of the Universe.
Free Will and Determinism are Compatible
Having read the Tractatus logico philosophicus long ago and moved on to other works in logic and language including Witt's Blue and Brown Books, and works of Strawson and Quine, I appreciate the notions of words and means and their relations to forming expressions that convey ideas about what people mean in words. That is I intend to say I don't want to get too technical and hung up on Kantian noumenon, or empiricist dichotomies with analytic philosophy and the relation of words to objects. Instead I am content for now to just let a sort of perennial philosophical naive realism serve as the context in which I will discuss will and determinism. In fact I don't intend to go too far into the subject here because of time limitations in a public library.
Free will perhaps might be added to the entire notion of what freedom is, and one might fairly include biblical references from the new testament on that subject, yet of course there are those with inherent bias against 'religion' or 'theology' and on the premise that the logos or word of God is Jesus Christ, they would 'a priori' exclude discussion of the Truth...oh return to a plain naive empirical ground for discussion of what freedom means in order to determine if it's addition to the word 'will' in a phrase has any meaning.
Will is an aspect of consciousness or sentience rather than attribute of inanimate objects. When one posits 'does one have free will' it must needs be a relational concept...'does one' have free will in relation to some choice a or b, some non-choice, some activity or inactivity, or is one the prime mover of oneself in relation to the subjective being that one is as a Universally contingent being (one could not after all exist before the Universe (only Jesus claimed that, sort of, when he said before Abraham was, I am') and instead must exist contingently grounded within the existing non-self universe.
Does one have 'free will' in relation to other social persons, or in relation to the Universe and inanimate objects, or in relation to a pre-determinism within a theophysical or teleogical context? These are some of the possible relational contexts of free will...including the obvious 'Can one travel to Mars next week, or travel to the past of far into the future right now?
In reading a science news article December 17, 2005 I was impressed by an article on infinite minimal surfaces that mathematicians have modeled. A two-sided helix is one such.
These helixes have an obvious resemblance to d.n.a. models and thus the minimal structures and perhaps evolution that they might take, yet they also comprise as minimal structures some of the forms such as a saddle shaped universe that cosmology might present. Interestingly cosmological shapes and minimal structures might fit in a paradigm with d.n.a. structures, yet biological evolution, dimensions represented in math and so forth offer a sort of deterministic paradigm based on boundary "conditions' perhaps?
Boundary conditions or parameters of being seem to implicitly entail set values that pre-determine possible ranges of 'will', conditions of being and such for both sentient and non-sentient existents.
The Higgs Field that is posited to have pre-existed the big bang or inflaton as an infinitesimally small field in perfect balance that became out of balance through quantum uncertainty and expanded at superluminal speed for 10-35th second is posited to have set the initial boundary conditions for the later locations of clumps of matter that became the galaxies of the Universe and I suppose the minimal surface shape segments cut out of infinite surfaces metaphorically speaking that phnomenalize as d.n.a. helixes.
I suppose it might seem that free will or life is supported by determinism, yet one still has all these unsolved initial boundary conditions that Christians such as myself like to attribute to God based on the scriptures such as one finds in Genesis and 'let there be light'. In the initial Higgs field what set of boundary parameters allowed that quantum uncertainty to exist as a facet of the uninflated 'universe'?
Uncertainty is a necessary aspect of free will, and perhaps of determinism too, if one takes Sartre's 'Being and Nothingness' as necessary reciprocals of one another. The uncertainty principle appears as well to be an unavoidable compliment of quantum mechanical forms for the location of minimal forms of mass 'existing' or seeming to exist for observers in-the-Universe.
A particle or string seems to collapse upon observation to a speed or location yet not each from an infinite number of possible unobserved locations. Each particle seems to have a property of being quantum entangled with another poarticle at a distance in a spooky way allowing 'information' to be transferred faster than light. The grounding of particles seems ultimately to be beyond Planck length sizes on the smaller, unobservable side and so the infinities in relativity theory and quantum mechanics that are eliminated when they are formed together into a functioning 'string' super-theory transfer the mechanics mathematically into an observable range of smaller alternative 'dimensions relying on theory, or eliminate a dimension or two and posit the world as information in fewer dimensions that seem like more. The infinite minimal surface conditions or analogues of D.N.A. helixes and perhaps curved space-time in an Einstein Desitter universe of a saddle shaped seem deontologically selected for temporal use by sentient human beings (oopps! sorry about that anthropic principle interpolation here) to usefully ponder while in existance and thinking about cosmological and philosophical topics.
Ranges of freedom are of course contingent, or within the problem of the criterion as Roderick Chisholm put it, in fields of motion and perhaps will. The relation of human will or conscious thought to various inhibiting or influencing factors are obviously useful to consider. In the range of logic or math one may strike similar elements from lateral sides in order to simplify, and one may in a sense strike the Universal criterion of determinism/indeterminism for humanity from social and subjective or individual relations without damage at that level...inately all human beings have either natural determinism or indeterminism regarding free will (Jesus offers salvation from that 'original sin' and allows one to overcome the natural determinism of a fallen universal criterion beseting humanity with temporality and such). Social freedom and the freedom to overcome natural challenges in the environment are proximal concerns regarding human free will(the Republican leadership seems to fail environmental intelligence presently-Science News reports the Greenland glaciers are doubling their melting rates over a few years, and of course polluting the oceans can be much more difficult to clean up than air pollution--the oceans can stay polluted hundreds of thousands of years perhaps).
One can consider if one has free will if someone has one in 'chains', or if the media target one as an individual and persecute making a mockery of the constitution and the 'quaint' notion of a society living by laws equally applied to all. Speaking of which, is the Presidents advocay of torture, torture prisons abroad, and wiretaps on Americans without substantive congressional and judicial oversight a good way to promote U.S. constitutional and democratic values? Even if their is a terrorist dangers a good communicater ought to be explaining that but equally and convincingly expressing the vital need for a free and just democratic society and not some sort of intimidating corporatist entity. Japan's stock market is 70% owned by corporations, and individuals have very little to say about the real directions of what is in some senses a neo-corporatist state that the U.S. administration seems to want to emulate in several ways as ift has a sharing and caring economic relationship with socialist neo-authoritarians in China.To finish this up, determinism is contingent and yet necessary in several different relationship protocols of being, yet at every infinite level of micro and macro cosmology there seems to be an essential reliance on uncertainty, with being starkly accompanied by non-being, and of course non-being, non-space, and such difficult concepts can't be actualized within the criterion of being.Determinism and indeterminism coexist like being and nothingness, the temporal and the eternal, and perhaps anisotropic directions of time with physically reverseable or isotropic field theories as imaginable yet unrealizable possible circumstances.
Sartre's Philosophical 'Labels' and Dostoyevsky's Method
It is possible perhaps to classify areas of experience and thought into various regions such as epistemology, and also to classify philosophical realms of experiences and thought about the extended phenomenon of experience as physical cosmology or even metaphysics, yet obviously all experience even of astrophysics and speculations about M-Theory are personally, subjectively experienced if at all.
Instead of debating about the reality of other minds, or conjecturing about the ultimate nature of matter and experience such as in realist schools of thought versus idealist Sartre simply described what is was actually experienced phenomenally for-himself.
Later of course Sartre went beyond his tome 'Being and Nothingness’ and 15 years later published the 1000 page approx. "Critique of Dialectical Reason'. Whereas the first, rather revolutionary philosophical work reaching popular scales of the 20th century (I'm excluding technical philosophical works or even 'philosophical' works such as Einstein's pieces on special and general relativity) essentially examined personal subjective experience and the words or terms used to describe the subjective phenomenology of mind were elaborated, in the second work Sartre described social levels of individual experience within a collective setting. The book is not a socialist polemic of course; rather it describes how subjective minds interact in settings such as an automobile factory. As far as sequels to brilliant works go, it is not a disappointing effort at all.
Sartre's fiction works such as the freedom novels are quite good too. One should not underestimate the quality of J.P. Sartre's's quite brilliant. Yet if one wants to discover a period novel equal to Dostoyevsky's 'Brothers Karamazov' or perhaps 'The Idiot' (especially useful with recent U.S. administration tendencies toward neo-corporatism) I recommend Stendhal’s book 'The Red and the Black'. The 'Red and the Black' is perhaps like 'Crime and Punishment' with a more sensational should be recollected that 'Crime and Punishment', while an excellent psychological novel, is more of an incitement of Tsarist structured poverty and conditions that led poor would-be college graduates to perpetrate senseless crimes for profit than it is about Russian criminal phenomena and the corrections system of the era. One might expect 'Crime and Punishment' to be something like Solzhenitsyn’s 'Gulag Archipelago' but of course it isn't. I believe that Dostoyevsky's major contribution isn’t to a philosophical movement of existentialism but to the art of literature and omniscient narrative.
Dostoyevsky after writing 'Notes from the Underground', a sparse first novel, may have named his second work 'Crime and Punishment'; a ponderous and official sounding title, in order to avoid the state censor and to allow a certain liberal approach to sympathy with urban Petersburg living and social structures, exposing the meanness, rudeness and social conditions of the time. His later 'Brothers Karamazov' has the full-fledged writer's brilliance that 'Crime and Punishment' eclipses 'Crime and Punishment', while Stendhal’s book mentioned above has an ending advantaged by going Dostoyevsky one better.
Republicans in Congress Trying to Drive U.S. Oil Consumption Higher?
Reason would seem to indicate that congressional support for minimum miles per gallon at a higher level than present would decrease oil/gas use in the American auto 'fleet'. 30 m.p.g would be a good mandatory level for new cars without paying an alternative tax per m.p.g. failure that would support federal construction of a power-line in interstates initiative to allow auto's to draw direct electric power for electric vehicles--metered of course and reported with wi-fi.
The Congress should support energy policy that would maximize individual unit production of energy and decrease centralization and reliance upon trans-national energy sources. At one time in American history individualism was the fact instead of the memory regarding the plurality of business in the U.S.A. The Federal Government should put intention upon support for energy and infrastructure initiatives that simultaneously increase environmental quality and individual independence from transnational corporate production without decreasing quality of life or violating international economic relationships founded upon the principle of free trade.
The recent mass transport strike in New York illustrates the implicit vulnerability of mass system to disruption by social forces. The public government of New York City was subverted in policy by a union of individuals that choose to illegally eclipse the policy of the electorate of New York City. Unions in government have the potential to subvert the process of democracy and to extort monetary benefits for themselves when they violate the public trust such as recently occurred in N.Y.C. because of the potential for public union corruption mass transit systems when financed by the taxpayers would perhaps be broken up into a few management or ownership units with a better chance of avoiding the wrath of collectives breaking the law at vital moments such as the week before Christmas. Reliance on oil for transportation in the U.S.A. not only creates synergetic global warming effects, it sends billions of hard-earned money overseas annually that is not invested in U.S. savings, infrastructure or business investment.
I should point out that the M.T.A. union that struck had an immigrant Haitian, judging from the accent, as its radical leader that maladroitly choose to veto New York City’s Christmas planning in order to advance a personal agenda that he considered to be like the individualist Rosa Park’s single-woman stand sitting on a bus in front of a disgruntled white dude in the 1950’s; t is difficult to see the similarity of that to a vast union of more than just black and mechanics drivers holding the people of New York’s Christmas hostage for some ‘unborn’ worker’s medical benefits. They could have struck anytime after Christmas without so much harm to union interests. Does the immigrant’s cultural status affect his political reasoning? Did he know that black union membership in the U.S.A. has decreased since the 1970’s from 25% to just 4% presently? Does he now that this isn’t a 1950’s Marxist-Capitalist era in world economics, and that jobs are being outsourced by the millions from the U.S.A. while congress has allowed millions and millions of cheap illegal workers from abroad to subvert wages for remaining non-tradable jobs?
Unions in America must needs develop new concepts in a new environment and not just serve as bete noirs for global Corporatists unless in fact American unions wish to help advance the global economy toward the likely communist-Corporatist hegemony in 50 years of a planetary proletariat with a minority ruling elite in control of propaganda organs declaring the ruling class as perfect leaders of social justice.
National Public Radio is probably unionized too, and it may also be capable of subverted the public constitutional will and unequally addressing citizens in the United States of America...targeting some now and then for special unwanted 'attention. Individuals can rarely withstand adverse economic effects brought on by being 'painted' by broadcast collectives. One wants plain raw government actualization of constitutional parameters rather than union mooning or malfiltration of lawful constitutional rights such as inherently exists in the power of mass communications.
Corporatism and communism each minimize individual rights civilly and economically in that all are encouraged to become supervised by inimical elites. The long-range energy and environmental policies of the U.S. Congress seem perhaps to be mushrooming in the shadow of an offshore investment moon into fungal-like stagnant truffles profitable for a minority.
The President's ANWR Retirement Booty
Plundering ANWR is the President's retirement policy to assure that his Texas oil buddies have unlimited income after he gets out of won't do much good for the nation now anyway--and should be saved for future use as the final large U.S. oil field able to supply domestic manufacturing needs should a serious international crisis ever arise. Reasonable alternative fuel planning synergetically combining fuel cells in homes and cars, power lines in many regional highways, a variety of solar and wind products could replace a substantive portion of oil requirements for the nation and free-up capital for domestic investment.
One hopes that the time will never arrive when economic responsibility for public debt is required of the Republican congress, whom will probably be offshore working for global corporations if it does, because the apparent lack of imagination and ingentuity in defense appropriations, willingness to just borrow from the Chinese and Indians, Japanese and Saudi's (which makes even al jezera's headlines occassionally) and the requirement for the public to pay a half trillion annual interest payments will interfere with reasonable alternative public allocations of their resources for vital urban infrastructure and economic and ecological management.
India and China together graduate more engineers than the U.S.A. by a factor of nearly 20 to 1 and in time that numerical superiority will lgically move ownership of corporate startups abroad. Even though a majority of women graduates flood through U.S. colleges and universities to happily work for foreign and transnational corporations they will not be able to insinuate an independent national energy infrastructure not requiring oil for personal and mass transport into the U.S.A.
The administration in seeking to hog-tie the nations infrastructure to a dumbed down and dependent oil infrastructure, support global warming, pollution of the high arctic, and globally invested profits for it's favorites oil execs has done the nation a serious disservice by allowing ANWR development to be placed into the defense appropriations bill along with other pork.
The Defense Bill's Actual Military Content Has Pork Too
Should a defense bill be full of funding for obsolete technologies that are state of the art only in providing jobs for local resident's? The answer is assuredly not. Even so within the usual political structure of federal largesse with other people's money whenever possible jobs lost in a community should be directly replaced with jobs gained when equal upgrade value of weapons procurement are legislated.
Consider the five Naval Aircraft carriers with their vast cold war era maint. budgets each with a flotilla of defense ships in this era of global satellites, electronics, communications, cell phones with g.p.s.'s, terrorists with lethal inflatable boats with semtex explosives, improvised explosive device delivery vehicles made of personal watercraft with guidance systems, cruse missiles, thousand mile per hour torpedo's deliverable from fishing boats or latent mine locations when the Russian developers sell the plans on the black market, silent electric submarines running deep lying in wait for a shot at one of the globally stalkable behemouths at a likely approach locations or a plethora of other post-cold war era sinking technologies.
The Kennedy, a carrier homeported in Norfolk, VA should be allowed to retire to the boneyard and be replaced with some of the smaller, faster, cheaper stealth ships designed for a trecherous modern combat environment that implicitly interfaces onshore and offshore weapons interaction. A battleship could be kept activated an homeported in the interim while the new ships are being constructed to provide jobs and cheap delivery of ordinance in quantity onshore when needed asd additionally given an electro-magnetic cannon or two.
Aircraft carriers with their very high radar profile are fairly easy to stalk around the modern world or even sabotage in port. The ships might be converted into some sort of alternative mobile command or housing posts for the marines or army, but modern vtol aircraft like the F-22 and perhaps the joint strike fighter haven't the need of a conventional aircraft transporter. The forces resisting a defense budget with modernizing tech infrastructure, like the Bush administration's resistance to a post-fossil fuel era national transport infrastructure, should be resisted vigorously in congress.
The President's plundering of ANWR provisions reminds me somewhat humourously of a request by a former Commander of the Pacific Fleet Sanchez's request of a Governor of Alaska for 50,000 free barrels of oil and was turned town a bit before the Exxon Valdez oil spill. If the President's wish to plunder the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is denied I hope he won't add environmentalists to his probably illegal wiretaps list...are their many or any democrats or libertarians on it?
Without congresssional ovcersight of his illegal wiretaps the President must himself designate who or what the enemy is that has no meaninful constitutional rights in the United States...that same dillema may be encounter by future computer programmers working with robotic attack vehicles that will shoot the enemy in accord with out style imitators!
Intelligent Design is a Scientific Hypothesis
Intelligent Design theory is a scientific hypothesis making testible, observable assertions about construction(s)of physical forms in the Universe. Logic does require that if structures of primordially created intelligent design exist in the Universe a Designer and Creator existed to form them. Rational public education could not exclude that truth (if found to be so) from scientific curriculum because it would upset believers in an atheistic construction of a dumb random universe of chance (DRUNC). If the Universe actually does have elements of intelligent design in it, an ostrich-like ignorance of it would ill-support compulsory public education in the United Sartres of America.
The separation of church and state of the U.S. Constitution wasn't intended to separate valid scientific inquiry from public education. If there is intelligent design in the Universe the search the consequences for humanity of ignorant destruction or disrespect of those 'semantic' 'artifacts' of design in physical structures could be significant. A valid scientific theory arsenal should include the possibility of intelligent design.
Evolution theory itself is not the champion for which intelligent design theory is the number one contender; evolution theory is perhaps implicitly an element of the Biblical book of Genesis in which God 'evolves' the Universe over a period of 'days' from a stirring of the quiet 'waters' (perhaps akin to a Higgs Field exploding at superluminal speed into an inflation of space-time)...natural selection as the sole 'mechanism' of evolution is what intelligent design theory is pummelling presently. Natural selection theory has been a subject of rival theories since it's conception and synthesis with evolution by Charles Darwin.
What time values regarding the Age of the Universe Does Intelligent Design Postulate?
So far as I know intelligent design theorists are ambivalent about the time scale or age of creation of the universe unlike strict Biblical 'fundamentalist creationists' whom generally set the age of the Earth and Universe somewhere between 6000 and 25,000 years before present. Intelligent Design theorists simply look for artifacts or evidence of intelligently designed structures in the universe that could not be explained by any natural process of evolution. Thus intelligent design theorists are happy enough to examine the explosion of multi-cellular life forms in the Cambrian era some 540 million years ago and postulate in some detail why that could not have been a naturally occurring development explicable within parameters of natural selection...that is, they postulate and demonstrate why natural selection could not have developed and sustained to the present era 37 of those 50 life-forms or phyla. The contribution of intelligent design theory is thus a useful analytical tool providing discussion input on the processes that selected life on Earth. Criticism of theories should not be banned from public education.
How the 'Anthropic Principle' differs from 'Intelligent Design' Theory
The anthropic principle does not seek to find artifacts of intelligent design as 'substructures' in the overall structure of the cosmos or of life as might the biolgist Mr.Behe in considering how certain cilia of microganisms developed. The anthropic principle instead is simply an aesthetic appreciation of the overall 'beauty' of the Universe in numerous ways from mathematical relations and it's rationality and coherence to the phenomenal coincidence of physical constant values that allow radiation to be at the right degree to allow life to exist, for atoms to exist in the right ratio's, and for physical values of constants to be set to such a level as to allow the universe to exist as it is fit for human life on Earth.
Some of these values are alpha-G (gravity fine structure constant), alpha-w (fine structure constant of the weak interaction), alpha-s (fine structure constant of the strong interaction), alpha-e (electromagnetic fine structure constant). An article titled 'The Just So Universe' by Walter Bradley in 'Signs of Intelligence' goes over these values that are remarkable. 'The Cosmic Blueprint' by Paul Davies as well covers points of the anthropic principle.
The anthropic principle is more of a philosophical point with dead-reckoning comments about the cosmos and its physical values, yet it is useful nonetheless for both multiverse theorists and intelligent design theorists of a theological or natural disposition (there is the possibility that super-intelligent beings created this universe designing it from another universe and setting it rolling with the right values-in which case finding evidence for the ultimate designer of all-possible-universes would be a step removed.
'Cosmos and Creation; The Literal Values of Genesis'
This universe or multiverse is the subject of observation and conjecture, testing and hypothesizing in a disciplined way. Non-scientists such as myself with a background in the social sciences and humanities also may look over the shoulder of the scientific community and contemplate their findings usefully comparing that body of knowledge to what the Bible book of Genesis has regarding cosmological structures and the history of the Universe.
Humanity has always needed to interpret the book of Genesis within it's own learning paradigm that until recently was quite minimal in substnative cosmology. It is a mistake of a significant nature in discovering new scientific knowledge and abandoning the old to also throw out the book of Genesis for-itself that was linked through human intepretation with the old secular cosmology--it is the case that the faulty data is in humanity and not in the Bible, yet the centuries old association of secular learning with literal Biblical values is difficult to detach. It is difficult to read the Bible with unbiased, socially unconditioned learning yet the importance of the truth of the message of the Bible demands that it be done.
I will here republish a brief intro to my book of brief essays on interpreting some cosmological points from the Bible, as time does not permit further writing here presently..
How is Biblical Scripture 'cosmology' like modern physical cosmology? Luke13-18"Then said he, Unto what is the kingdom of God like? and whereunto shall I resemble it?" 19"It is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and cast into his garden; and it grew, and waxed a great tree; and the fowls of the air lodged in the branches of it."
Do the 'days' of Genesis represent time periods of uncertain extent in the form of literals as do algebraic literals represent variable numerical content?
Does Second Peter Chapter 3 exemplify the uncertainty? "8But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." The age of the antediluvian Patriarchs given this conversion value is 2,453,235,000 years. Paleontologists suggest that multicellular life on Earth started about 2,600,000,000 years before present.
Maximum Invention/Production...Minimum Consumption Ideal
With limited mass the planet Earth's conversion into consumable forms for human beings requires moderation or depletion to abnegation of existence. Efficiency within a limited set of parameters requires the maximization of ingenuity for maximization of creativity and production of material forms of new contexts and possibilities for production and comprehension. The principle of maximum production and minimum consumption also requires a derivative of conservation of the given environment from depletion by thoughtless allocation of production to inappropriate regions.
While mankind has a need to develop new frontiers in space, and should terraform habitable regions in space as soon as possible, social training pre-flight should include a principle for conservation of consumption lest some thoughtless blithering idiots simply consume the whole solar system and every available star system and galaxy they can get too. With intelligent nano-machines conversion of atomic structure wholesale in a sort of yeast into beer material analogue is hypothetically human brain diminish in evolution towards pleasure principle use and drift away from stimulating environmental sensory challenge, as human reason is applied toward televised channel surfing and choices of pleasure, let some non-consumerist, public good democratic values remain to dampen wild corporatist supported consumerism.
To reiterate basic concepts of democracy versus authoritarianisms many forms from corporatism to socialism it is useful to mention the relation of democracy to free enterprise and capitalism as a rational governor of business activity to severe vital social purposes. Adam Smith did not intend that business and free enterprise would be anarchistic free agents each pursuing maximal profits for selfish purposes entirely with regard for the social good; instead he implicitly believed that free enterprise activities and capital acquisition occurred within a rational democratic society that was aware of its environmental, social and security needs. Adam Smith, author of Capital and the Wealth of Nations also posited a scenario for optimal inventiveness and provisioning of positive material or economic change within a criterion in which individual liberty and opportunity for creativity and profit were maximized. Authoritarianism in its many forms of collective subjugation with an elite ruling cadre from corporatism to communism repress and extirpate individual freedom for social self-determination so far as is needed to eliminate real political dissent.
Corporatism as Collectivism Attacks A.N.W.R./Democracy
In the post-cold war era’s absence of a monolithic communist foe to free enterprise worthy of all the resources of the united governments of the west to resist, rhetoric for a de facto corporatist, authoritarian hegemony over western democracies have still sought to utilize authoritarian collectivism as a straw man lever upon public resources. Conservation of public natural resources is not some sort of shame that must be exploited by a few particularly financially well-endowed transnational oil corporations. Corporations are a form of collectivism too in some instances; organizations with definite hierarchies and a limited set of citizens that enact collective actions to exploit the environment comprising the common heritage of mankind and the necessary minima, proximal basis for material support of human life on the planet.
Corporate collectivism is a result of Mussolini’s socialist background combined with the Reich’s fascist propensity for assuming direct power and political control of business, enterprise and the state. In Corporatism the state works with a few dominant corporations to dictate the lives and political destiny of the citizens. Individuals in a corporatist state discover their political liberties to create competitive business or political infrastructures and free expression reduced over time into existential non-sequiters silenced with the quiet of falling snow. The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and it’s possible oil reserves are still a target of ongoing corporatist rhetoric seeking to politically lever the plundering of the U.S.A.’s final significant world-class oil field in order to dump more billions of corporate profits globally while eliminating the nation’s security from absolute reliance on foreign oil after ANWR is exhausted in a fleet of low mileage SUV’s.
The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge if exploited would subject the high Arctic’s decreasingly rarified air from direct assault by thermal and chemically pollution. Injecting polluting elements into the high arctic is an accelerant upon a world environment’s decay simultaneously with a decay of world oil reserves over the next decades with an ongoing over reliance on fossil fuels that may produce several concurrent social and environmental problems if not catastrophes for the next generations. There isn’t really a rational basis to suggest that conservation of vital national and world resources already owned by the public sector is collectivist, while vast taxpayer spending on a national highway grid to provide a place for fossil fuel powered vehicles to drive and burn gasoline in low mileage SUVs imported from global distributors is in someway an example of rugged individualism or otherwise not collectivist. Corporatism is simply inclined to dominate mass media communications and propagandize the public until bulling its favorite legislative licenses to plunder through the U.S Congress.
Corporatists fundamentally misunderstand what democracy is, and instead believe that de facto censorship of political opinions by non-corporatists should be firmly developed, and that a republic means that transnational corporations should dictate what political actions the public should get as the oligarchic elements of corporate collectivism have the only real capitalist opinion and the alternative is godless atheism such as Fidel Castro or Kim Il direct; of course no opinion could be further from the truth.
Democratic societies of such as a size as to preclude direct electoral decision of individual issues elect representatives to legislate what political actions the public desires. Some occasions have a majority opinion formed and given to the elected representative, as a basis for what decisions should be made. The rights of all citizens have a core value that is respected and protected in all circumstances, and of course free expression and individual rights are inviolate.
In a republic a certain greater license is given to the representatives to make decisions for the democratic public on the basis that their beneficial opinion may be better informed than that of the masses because of political and historical circumstances. While the public elects the representatives of a republic, and still is free to express their own ideas publicly including those of conserving environmental resources, allocating government expenses, protecting the nations borders, or redirecting investment strategies in national public infrastructures and investment or tax incentives for individual business and national corporations, the representatives may act on their own to select what courses of public policy are in the best interests of the democracy for-themselves, with the major limitation on that liberty being the public electoral right to recall and replace the representatives with those more amenable to the will of the public majority from time to time should the representatives corrupt or disregard the public interest.
In a corporatist states the republican representatives are beholden to a global corporate elite and seek to give them whatever they desire with the opinion that transnational corporate profits are the ultimate good, and necessary as well for a healthy Christian society. Corporatist hegemony over democracy and a republican democracy is an essential corruption of democracy and is instead a transition into an elitist collectivism with central board committees deciding behind close doors the future of all in the ‘republic’. When they ignore plain environmental evidence such as the pollution of Puget Sound, Hood Canal, Love Canal, the Great Lakes, Chesapeake Bay and numerous waterways from coast to coast only slowly cleaned up at tremendous cost over the decades, the estrogens in the Arctic ocean that have produced hermaphroditic polar bears and in the Saint Lawrence seaway and Puget Sound p.c.b.s have decimated beluga whales and orca whales respectively, and with volumes of environmental evidence of the decline and extermination of numerous species the disingenuous ignorance that seeks the exploitation of valuable public resources such as ANWR that invariably produce environmental externalities or even superfund sites is irresponsible. I hope congress swiftly moves pass its most recent effort to stuff global oil corporations with ANWR oil and surrender the people of the United States to a future without a significant major oil reserve that will perhaps be need in 2050 or 2150 for plastics, food production with fuel for farm equipment, or a host of other vital national interests that could require use of that particular non-renewable resource. Like the engineers stone at the University of Alaska Fairbanks campus, ANWR should not be turned over until the end of the era, or when the republic is in vital and true need of that resource. Alternate energies and transport forms are a vital interest for the nation that the next president may address intelligently.
Nebraska's recent judicial beating that decide anti-corporate farming laws to be unlawful impediments to interstate commerce may be another anti-sovereignty, anti state's rights action subverting state's rights to legislate and rule for themselves so long as individuals are treated equally and with equal justice. Is it also an assualt on interstate commerce for state police to issue traffic tickets to truck drivers for speeding or driving drunk? Have states no right to provide zoning and ownership criteria for themselves as well as regulatory measures within the criterion of true equality for individuals? Must U.S. states be prostrate before the wishes of global corporations that would just make obsolete U.S. family farming?
In a corporatist or authoritarian state modeled on the principle of a benevolent dictatorship in which the leader knows best, could the present plundering crew of corporatists make a serious argument that President G.W. Bush is actually that brilliant leader with the best interests of the nation founding his ‘vision’?
Was Robert E. Lee a Northern 5th Columnist?
This is only a theory, it could use substantial research perhaps, or perhaps not, in order to validate or invalidate it's veracity.
Riding a bike through Delaware, Maryland and Virginia in 2005 and crossing through many of the historical battlefield regions of the American Civil war, a thought regarding the nature of General Lee's amazing historical paradoxes or coincidences arose such as to create a certain skepticism that he was a true son of the confederate south's principals of enslaving human beings and shamelessly exploiting their cheap labor and reproductive utility for recreational purposes in some instances. Could General Lee have been a secret agent by design filtered into southern leadership in order to misdirect and sabotage rational southern plans to seceede from the Union if souch could be made to exist considering the place in history of the slave labor versus machine labor economy?
First, General Lee's birthplace just ten miles from that of George Washington in Virginia and a natural selection rather than one of conviction...a selection ready made to lend credibility to the idea of a new leader for the southern half of the United States.Second; the time of nearly a hundred years of nationhood and the ripening of the issue of slavery toward decision by combat...the north had time to groom a leader to coopt the rebellion and it might have been General Lee.Thirdly is the name Lee, as in the leeward side or the weak side...a name well chosen for a future deated enemy leader and representative of the pre-determined effort to have the slavers swiftly or decisevly defeated a priori.
Fourth is the impossibly silly selection of battle strategy that Lee choose to lose the war with...attack Pennsylvania, Maryland and the north enough to stir up a hornet's nest, retreat to Virginia and try to hold a rough Pattomick or Rappahannock River or North Ana River line generally until whenever while the north with vastly superior tech infrastructure need only build up forces and war machinery, counter attack and eventually flank Lee's lines until sending breakaway Sherman to march to Atlanta and Savannah at an optimal time of year.
One would think that Lee chooseto make a hamburger hill for the south in perfect for war Virginia fields, on the east of the Appalachinan trail, while Lincoln was free to send raiders by sea to Mississipi and other deep southern locations to fight. lee's strategy was so inadequate in historical hindsight that one wonders if he choose to fight just enough to let southerners believe ity was a real war for the trophy of trying to exploit an obsolete labor force while the north could send war equipment and raiders to support insurrections for dozens of years ahead and actually moving to spend confederate war powers in such a way as would assure defeat.The fifth point I'll mention here, is Lee's choice to appropriate plot the edning of his war as a northern agent at Appomatox on the Appomatox River, and apposite site for surrender obviously., so much so that one wonders when Lincoln or Lee planned that end to the pre-determined conclusion of the southern war epic. The vehicular homocidally inclined truck drivers (seemingly) of Virginia's highway 460 seem no less determined a priori to reach their destinations at Richmond than Lee and the confederates were to reach Appomatox, or was it teleologically planned by God so everyone would have no trouble in deciphering the players in the horrendous conflict and how they stood in U.S. history?
Pay gap of U.S. jobs lost/created $ 7,000
To discuss those issues that would have a positive benefit on all American citizens during the next year is an area in which the Democratic Party can be the stuffing’s out of the Republican Party's mismanagement of the economy since the end of the cold war. The Republic Part's policy since 1994 has been like that of the Soviet Union after world war two that relocated economic production resources from Eastern Europe to Russia. In a similar way the Republican Party has relocated American industry to India and China. Soon Detroit will handle 'financial services' while India and China produces the cars and OPEC the oil for their fuel. The Democratic Party should have a will to actual change these areas toward a positive sum strategy for the nation while even Mexico may surpass the U.S. in auto production one day.
Since the 1980's America has been flooded by M.B.A.'s that want to increase 'production' while cutting costs and employee benefits. While the M.B.A. class rises in income annually the real wages of working Americans decline or stagnate, even as low-paying jobs are created to replace good jobs outsourced, illegal and legal aliens that work cheaper than Americans are imported to subvert wage labor phenomenon, and M.B.A.'s crow about increasing American production 'efficiency' or output by cutting quality jobs and increasing income for the top ten percent of Americans as their taxes are shamelessly cut by the President. Unfortunately the Democratic leadership devotes their time rather stupidly to the unwinnable issue of the Iraq nation building effort, and ignores the vital economic issues as the flip side of a management-labor coin without an opposition or alternative concept beyond or without traditional neo-socialism.
The pay difference between U.S. jobs created and U.S. jobs lost, outsourced or terminated is about $7,000'u.s.%20jobs%20lost%20november%202005'
In the last five years about 3.5 million manufacturing jobs have been lost in the U.S.A., and the productivity sector of the American economy is in decline, while non-tradable jobs or those that cannot be outsourced are being filled increasingly by illegal aliens and first generation Americans inheriting that opportunity. Does the gross transfer of production to India China and elsewhere while flooding the nation with more illegal aliens than jobs created every year create a long run national security threat? The past and present administration did not evidently think so, as they each have made the U.S.A more reliant on offshore sources of technology and productivity and have perhaps created more new jobs overseas than in the United States. Patriotism seems to be obsolete for those leaders, except as it can be sold for election purposes, marketing or narrow personal or corporate advantage.
To retain the principles of Adam Smith and the best policies of capitalism it must be understood that democracy does not rely on capitalism to determine the good of the body politic, instead capitalism must be, as Smith intended, a servant of the public political will. While capitalism can be a natural selection for good production, politics expressing the best interests of a people must needs retain sober criteria for it's natural security interests including the environment, energy independence, political independence leading corporate competition to serve the public interest rather than dictate it as in the political philosophy of corporatism.
With international corporations investing overseas and ruthlessly outsourcing all possible quality jobs to compete with lower offshore labor costs, Occam's Razor would indicate that even government stimulated creation of new technologies and industries will quickly result in those jobs being transferred overseas too. The reasonable approach is to stimulate with incentives and legislation creation of non-tradable technologies and infrastructure that also create international competition advantages. Coast to coast electro-magnetic tunnels to send cargo to major distribution areas at 1000 M.P.H. could be a start, and home-power with fuel cell interties should replace fossil fuels and internal combustion engines. Congress should pass a law to allow state and local law officials to enforce immigration laws pertaining to legal residence or visitor status in the U.S.A. allowing hundreds of thousands of law officers an opportunity to arrest and ship illegals to federal holding cells before repatriation, instead of the pitifully inadequate few the administration has suggested simultaneously seeking to legalize millions of 'guest' workers to peonize the North American workforce farther. There are far better approaches for American and Mexican workers to improve hourly wages, job quality and competition with China and India.
Democracy should have politicians that seek to increase the national advantage while keeping and building peace abroad. Plain blind corporatism seeks just a bottom line of profit and hasn't an interest in the commons. It may support and build atheist or socialist/corporatist infrastructure globally, destroy a healthy environmental habitat for the planet and exploit workers and environment abroad in China and India etc using those financial levers to run amuck in the U.S.A. too.
With the national media owned by transnational firms in general it isn't obvious that the public will elect politicians that seek after the nation's interest in the near future.
1) U.S. mortgages are resold to an international, global investment agency with 11 trillion dollars in assets-this doesn’t increase U.S. sovereignty at all.
2) National Debt $8,126,391,197,287.16
3) Taxpayer payments to Communist China annually as interest on the national debt
4) U.S. industry relocating auto production to India, China, and Mexico
5) U.S. Education losing ground to India, China, Europe and elsewhere in graduation of PhD’s in science, interdisciplinary and math.
6) Fossil fuels imports from abroad dump billions and billions to nations with some sympathy toward international anti-American terrorist organizations.
7) Real wages in U.S. compared in 1955, 1965, 1975, 1985, 1995, real gain (or minimal at best for workers)
8) Increasing world demand for oil/autos and population incomensurate with democratization of world personal vehicle ratio at current modal trend. Competition for fossil fuels will increase environmental destruction, residual world pollution of waterways, wars for resources and social inequality between top 2 billion and bottom 8 billion over the next 50 years (as world population approaches 10 billion souls). Fuel-cell elctric vehicles, zoning of cicular lots with interlot green spaces on borders, no-net loss of biota on housing, government policy favoring green habitat zoning technology and mass transport infratructures that allow individual use (such as elctromagnetic personal guidepaths through green 'wildernesses') should be favored to develop alternate to continuing global health habitat destruction.
Alex Rodriguz; star third baseman of the baseball playing New York Yankess signed a quarter billion dollar contract to play that sport a few years ago, yet isn't certain of what nation to play for in a world baseball championship series giving the choice of the U.S.A. or an island nation in the Caribbean which he is also a citizen of. Dual citizenship or non-citizenship by the 12-15 million illegal aliens, immigrant aliens and their offspring will continue to increase Americans with the trouble of split loyalties, as well as potential secutity problems such as Vice-President Cheyney's Marine Guard espionage agent for the Philippines had this year (2005). With global cell phones at cheap rate and the internet so many new Americans are never well and truly socialized here, and are instead trained to rave and follow their trans-national CEO leaders in some cases in subverting traditional national interest prioritization. The reliance on deficit producing fossil fuels and autos instead of a federal prioritization of alternate fuel and transport structures with radicalaltertiy is an example of that. The rate at which illegal aliens enter the U.S. will not be reduced much while the transnationalists are continuing to reduce this nation's comparative advantage that shoul be maintained with economic leadership in healthy environmental alternatives to traditional industrial and living accreated technique.
A Universal Ball of String?
Scientific theories function beyond a realm of pure logic and are united with testable hypotheses and verification in the 'real' world. Unfortunately that means that reason will always perhaps be partnered with the unreasonable and inanimate matter/energy/monads of the given 'material' universe of which human beings are a part in that 'unified' field continuum.
Some scientists are moving away from field theories. Einstein is reported to have said on the last day of his life that he would not be surprised if the entire field theory approach to cosmology was incorrect (or perhaps superficial in the way that Newton's Theory was 'superficial' in relation to the general theory.Plans do exist to test elements of string and extra 4 dimensional theories, specifically with a search for gravity working in an extra dimension at near or less than the Planck length, in which it would diminish at the cube root instead of the square root at short distance, and would be more powerful...that or perhaps a universe with fewer dimensions (just 2 of space and one of time) could account for inconsistencies with the arrangement of mass and energy in space.
It is believed that with Higgs Field inflation the early universe expanded at superluminal speed (faster than light) for 10-35 second expanding orders of magnitude. That law violation is needed to make the math add up too.One will always have difficulty in making a valid cosmology theory get beyond Cantor's set postulate that a universal set cannot include itself in the set and be valid. One must rely on the Spirit instead, and trust God no matter what way time was set to run, or to become put together as an aggregate reflected in the present appearance of the cosmos.
Higgs Field/Inflaton/Politics
Relativity is used to extrapolate back toward the beginning of a theoretical time near zero, yet relativity’s math is said to break down into meaningless infinities at that point. Quantum mechanic's math also is said to break down into infinities. Thus superstring theory and M-Theory have sought to unify quantum mechanics and relativity and in order to do so have added several extra dimensions to let the math work out without infinities.
The big bang is replaced with an inflaton that creates space and time together, and it must expand at radically superluminal speeds in the beginning. One theory posits a very small, stable Higgs field (named for Peter Higgs) that becomes unstable because of quantum uncertainty and it's initial pre-inflaton state is seen today in the location of matter such as galaxies in the universe. Other theories have branes of even zero dimension colliding to create a field expansion.
Basic forces of nature logically should reduce to one field in theory, yet the form and allocation of forms of that field in however many dimensions, and what dimensions are for-themselves are good questions. Basic philosophical questions are raised about monism and pluralism of course, although physicists and astronomers must test and theorize data to discover answers to theories.
Time is simply the motion of mass in the dimensions for-itself, and it's nature of duration apart from moving mass is sort of like asking what space is for-itself without mass. Logically one wonders if mass or string vibrations in whatever form or protocol don't just comprise dimensions and time as well, and one gets to the question of why mass and energy in whatever observational, perceptible and real for-itself form have any existence in forms apart from the initial undifferentiated oneness.
Some people are unthinking enough to be unable to consider the possibility of an intelligent designer of all this existential phenomena, yet the idea that a designer must have some necessary existence within the created phenomena is absurd in-itself. There may be different questions though on that issue; one-is a designer necessary for the existence of space-time/mass/motion for itself and two-is a designer necessary for the relations of the mass motion for itself.
One may consider the state of the U.S. economic and energy policies to underscore the point that an intelligent designer is not necessary for complex existent structures that sort of compile and creak and groan with travail and suffering perhaps, yet would be improved with more intellect and altruism although one could argue about what 'improvement' means in that context. For that I should say that those desiring improvement know what that is.
A paper on pre-heating a Universe "Nonequilibrium dynamics: Preheating in the SU(2) Higgs model"
Some of these physics paradigms done with good math are based on extrapolations from observations about could be all quite soteriologically inadequate ultimately skeptics should be forewarned.
The meek shall inherit the Earth seems an already proven principle when one considers that one of the ‘survivors’ was a probable worm that became the chordate forerunner of all invertebrates (Pikaia) and that a rat-like mammal that is the probable common ancestor of mammals named Purgatorius survived through the mass extinction of 65 billion years ago that killed off T-Rex and most of the dinosaurs. (Ref. pages 43 and 153 of ‘Evolutionary Catastrophes’).
U.S.A. Today Rag Supports Dumb Random Cosmology
The reason’s for that Gannet newspaper’s pro-choice sycophancy of exclusive atheist evolutionist cosmology voiced the belief that for a century anti-evolutionism has sought to ‘water down evolution’ theory as if it were a fine Scotch whiskey that ‘creationists’ were seeking to slip a finger or two of H2o in each glass at the bar of public education, yet that isn’t so.
The Templeton Prize winner Paul Davies wrote a fine book on modern cosmological physics named ‘The Mind of God: The Scientific Basis of a Rational World’ in 1989 that complete unbelievers such as the editors of U.S.A. should stop to read in order to get beyond the Scopes era mindset. It is disturbing when the media ‘intelligentsia’ that communicates ideas to the masses inherits plain philosophical ignorance and refuses to update its thinking from the era of Clarence Darrow and B. Jennings.
At the very least U.S.A. Today editors could purchase a copy of my modest 2005 book 'Creation and Cosmos; The Literal Values of Genesis' in review of the interdisciplinary theological/philosophical/physics cosmology criterion that has emerged since the middle of the 20th century and the progress of quantum mechanics, relativity theory, astrophysics that revealed a very strange Universe or Universes.
Intelligent design theory includes the entire paradigm of the Intelligent Design and creation of the Universe in distinction to a dumb or senseless random assembly. The paradigms in which that creation could occur rest not only in what people can observe or theorize about the ‘physical’ universe, but in the order of time, directions and number of dimensions, and purpose of the Universe for itself as it appears to human sense and reasoning capabilities.
Some naĆÆve Corporatists and Communists have sought to limit philosophical understanding in public education to atheist materialism in Darwinian evolution or dialectical materialism. Corporatists of course want to program with the mass media and condition the public to buy their products while communists seek much the same. Pharmaceuticals, entertainment, government and a vast range of social ethical concerns may be more profitable to some mass organizational manipulators with God deleted from their educational possibility. Corporatism and Communism each attack individualism in the desire to enrich organization clumps of thugs when the wine of free enterprise rise of thugs to organizational saturation point.
I have opined that God evolved the universe and that the book of Genesis contains a sketch of some salient features of cosmological assembly written and translated from ancient language and social paradigms, yet the Corporatists and Communists of the present mass market era would not want any of that sort of non-profit philosophy even if it’s the truth.
Gary C Gibson. - 10:53am Nov 12, 2005 EDT God ordered Noah to save all endangered species--and more than half of the ship was reserved for animal habitat
"Intelligent design theory includes the entire paradigm of the Intelligent Design and creation of the Universe in distinction to a dumb or senseless random assembly."
This wasn't intended as a simplistic tautologous proof or begging the premise, it was intended to point out that their is more than the Scopes era ideas in intelligent design theory...including quantum mechanical/relativity unified theory efforts to M-Theory and more that can support various paradigmatic deliberation, and that the opposing field of anti-intelligent design or dumb random design as I've called it is the broad other field basically.
Intelligent design theory is more than one particular includes a vast number of theories that have in common the salient point that an intelligent design is an integral aspect of the fact of the Universe. The fact that philosophers and reasonable people can consider intelligent design and cosmology for-itself from a variety of points does not invalidate even remotely nor positively assert a finite, definable conclusion to the ongoing research into the causality and nature of the universe.
Some linguistic correspondance theorists may desire to wrap up ion words and neutralize rational philsophical deliberation with misdirected verbal tautology, yet it is meaningful to attempt to consider what the universe is for itself as Paul Davies has done in "The Mind of God; A Scientific Basis for a Rational Universe'
The Flood, the Bird Flu, Freedom of Speech/religion a good sketch on flu viral sex encounters and development of new strains that could attack humans, although the author uses the 'evolution' theme as a prop for evolution theory, which is a redundant way of describing much of what is evident.
If a human with one strain of flu has a close encounter with a human with another strain of flu or is infected some other way, a new strain of flu could develop.
Flu viruses have just 8 when they have 'sex' and recombine the genes dangerous strains are possible.
The leap from bird flu to human bird flue could also occur through mutation.
President Bush's policies must mutate to become radically leading in environmentalism although he can remain an opponent of homosexual leverings on heterosexual structures rightly, or the President's popularity ratings may decrease more...yet more important is the suffering economic infrastructure and energy independence of the nation.
Gary C Gibson. - 05:19pm Nov 7, 2005 EDT God ordered Noah to save all endangered species--and more than half of the ship was reserved for animal habitat
Containment is one of the three primary methods of controlling the possible pandemic of bird flu ahead.
"Mixing it in with other immigration issues is a red herring at best and more likely just plain old deceit."
That statement is completely false and even dangerously misleading.
If anyone reads the Nov 2005 Scientific Article on the flu pandemic problems and gets to the part on containment, there is a computer generated map of the United States that highlight the 30 day course of prolifferation of the flu (a model).
Thirty days is the entire time period available to slow down or contain the flu once a general outbreak begins and before the nation is saturated. The 1917 pandemic of bird flu killed a lot of healthy young people because their good resistance system gives the flu stimulated antibodies of some sort time to build up into a cascade that attacks the lungs making breathing without a ventilator impractical.
In the computer model the initial small cluster of H5N1 are scattered equidistantly in small clusters more or less around the nation that increase with network over 30 days to saturation of the nation. It is possible to anticipate that a course of infection would not necessartily follow that isotropic scenario and instead might be lopsided or lumped toward the soft underbelly of the United States radiating outward if the virus is transported here by illegal aliens.
The scenario where the flu crosses over to human to human rapid transmission has numerous possible starting places and times. the point of preparedness is to be prepared for isolating and creating barriers to progress of the disease that killed 50 to 100 million people in 1917-1918.
The virus could crossover in America, Europe, Asia or could be the first genetically enhanced mass flu recombinant spliced virus made to infect the world by unethical scientists even. They have already recreated the 1917-1918 virus for experimental purposes. Not being a biologist I don't know how skilled they are at it exactly, but the disease might be a fairly simply virus subject to criminals of science if such exist.
The virus could mutate or different human infecting strains could hybridize into more dangerous lethal versions when infected individuals travel to distant locations and infect others giving the virus' the chance to have 'sex' and recombine their genes like fruits and bars on a one-armed bandit seeking to put up a payout.
The vacine search effort, tracking effort, effort to respond quickly to flu outbreaks with tamaflu and other bio-reinforcement prophylaxis is accompanied by the containment strategies the President has put forward, but with an inadequate plan to halt southern border flu vectors. Bureaucrats believe everything from terrorists to the flu only go via airplanes and airports perhaps, or ships the coast guard can interdict.
Flu virus crossover might occur anywhere, and quick containment and counterattack prophylaxis will be needed.
Following is a url for two modest containment strategies of the bird flu virus for an outbreak in Asia
Center for Infectious Disease Research & Policy quote follows...
"Quarantine was found to increase the effectiveness of other strategies even if only 80% of movement into and out of the zones occurred (90% containment at RO =1.8 when added to geographic targeting of antiviral prophylaxis and similar containment at RO =1.9 when social distancing is also added)".
President Bush is in the dark ages on torture policies, and should just say no to torture. Yet because torture is useful for trans-national corporate hegemony in the short run, and the President mainly supports that, the long run harm to the United States of dark ages torture policies or even ambiguous policy is inconsequential to him perhaps.
The President has stayed out of a California Episcopal Church's problems with the IRS that want to remove its tax exempt status for the free speech use the church pastor said in a sermon one day. It's more of the transnational corporate desire too establish a religion of materialism with some CEO as the head of the Church perhaps.
Church Pastor's speech must be free to include abominable government practices and politicians too without concern for what the twitish bureaucrats at the IRS think they should or should not say in the pulpit. The IRS should have a more anthropological exemption paradigm and determine if a church actually has a substantive percent of religious activities to deserve exempt tax status...possibly 30 % of the time. It is hard to imagine Old Testament prophets having much to say that did not include criticism of the nation/Government of Israel for instance.
The government seeks to establish a state religion by censoring pastors in church with the financial gun to the head of 'or else', and alternately in schools in permits use of the Babylonian Earth goddess' name copiously and American children are trained to address some of their elders with the name of the ancient goddess. I refer of course to Fragment four column four of the Atrahasis Epic, which is another version of the Gilgamesh Epic.
The creatress of mankind we call thee the lady of all gods be thy name they went to the house of destiny, igiku (that is) Ea, (and) wise Mama.
The ancient Babylonian goddess 'Mama' is used repeatedly and with religious devotion it is taught to youth. The name of the pagan goddess also goes as 'Mami', and further, to pile on the final assault of state indoctrination in religion, the goddess is also known to have the name 'Mah'!... This while prayer intelligent design is not allowed as a paradigm for public school teaching.
Moving on from that ironic point of history...
The Hebrew and the Summerian/Nipurrian flood story each likely had a common source far prior to 200 bc. That source document or documents have been lost. Perhaps Abraham took the story with him when he left Ur in 2068 BC approximately, and it remained until Genesis was written up from several missing documents (perhaps) about 1000 BC in Jerusalem (perhaps).
I'd like to see an ice age map of Mesopotamia; it historically gets only 6 inches of rain
GaryCGibson - 11:20am Nov 7, 2005 EDT When a materialist culture overcomes natural boundaries, it also destroys moral boundaries without an indwelling Spirit of God.
If Mesopotamia gets only 6 inches of rain throughout historical times the flood that was caused by heavy rains primarily, as is written in the ancient Sumerian version of the flood story, is out of character with any abstraction of local events to the world submerging scale of the flood. The world in this sense means the entire are of civilization where the people lived in five pre-flood cities in Mesopotamia.
Weather patterns do change with time, and at the end of the last ice age the Tigris and Euphrates may have had more snow and ice sources, while more rain could have fallen. Alternately did typhoons reach into the Persian Gulf...the sea level was 100 miles inland as late as 6000 bc. I believe.
It is also possible that volcanism cooled the world and created more rain for some time...even a year as happened during the Clinton administration mildly after Mt. Pinatubo erupted with others...I could see the ash in the sky in S.E. Alaska that summer and later.
Elsewhere I wrote about some global catastrophes that created mass extinctions that were theorized to have been caused by mass volcanism such as the Deccan flow or that of Eastern Washington.
Like some continental areas portions of Genesis were written based on several sources reaching back well before 2000 BC. The creation story or paradigmatic structure may be easier to associate with cosmology in contemporary terms than is the flood story.
The flood story seems to have been true many times in a sense, an entirely true in the Mesopotamian context. It remains to add up the ages of the post-diluvian patriarch's life spans were they exceed the natural lot, multiply them by Peter's value of 1000 years per day and see what that is for curiosity’s sake.
The Mountains of Ururatu became the mountains of Armenia, and Mount Nisir was suggested as one place where the ark came to rest.
Page 250 c 'The Story of the Flood' Alexander Heidel "The Gilgamesh Epic and Old Testament Parallels'...
''"The place on which Utnaphishtim's boat came to rest is given in the Gilgamesh epic as Mount Nisir, which signifies the 'Mount of Salvation,' if our reading is correct and if the name is of semitic origin. Such a mountain, or mountain range, is recorded in the annals of King Ashurnasirpal II of Assyria (838-859 BC), according to which it was situated to the south of the lower Zab and is probably identified with Pir Omar Gudrun, having an altitude of about 9000 feet. Berossus names the mountains of the Gordyaeans, or the Kurds, as the landing place of the boat of Xisuthros. These mountains, corresponding to Jebel Judi, where also Syriac and Arabic traditions localize the landing-place, are in the southwestern part of Armenia. The Genesis account is quite indefinite on the point under consideration, stating merely that the ark grounded "on (one of) the mountains of Ararat." The name Ararat is identical with the Assyrian Urartu, which, broadly speaking, embraced the territory of Armenia. In three of the four Old Testament passages where the word Ararat occurs, the Septuagint has simply transliterated it (Gen 8:4, II Kings 19:37, Jer 51:27 {28:27 in the Septuagint]), while in the remaining passage the translators have rendered it 'Armenia'. '' public domain
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