
U.S.A. Today Rag Supports Dumb Random Cosmology

The Dover Pennsylvania election recall of eight school board members that supported a philosophical approach to cosmology that would permit an intelligent design theory as well as a Dumb Random Theory extrapolated from biological evolution theory at least served to defilade the weekend editorial opinion of U.S.A. Today…a major American newspaper, as biased in support of godless atheism.

The reason’s for that Gannet newspaper’s pro-choice sycophancy of exclusive atheist evolutionist cosmology voiced the belief that for a century anti-evolutionism has sought to ‘water down evolution’ theory as if it were a fine Scotch whiskey that ‘creationists’ were seeking to slip a finger or two of H2o in each glass at the bar of public education, yet that isn’t so.
The Templeton Prize winner Paul Davies wrote a fine book on modern cosmological physics named ‘The Mind of God: The Scientific Basis of a Rational World’ http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0671797182/104-2712931-9907145?v=glance&n=283155&v=glance in 1989 that complete unbelievers such as the editors of U.S.A. should stop to read in order to get beyond the Scopes era mindset. It is disturbing when the media ‘intelligentsia’ that communicates ideas to the masses inherits plain philosophical ignorance and refuses to update its thinking from the era of Clarence Darrow and B. Jennings.

At the very least U.S.A. Today editors could purchase a copy of my modest 2005 book 'Creation and Cosmos; The Literal Values of Genesis' http://www.lulu.com/content/102872 in review of the interdisciplinary theological/philosophical/physics cosmology criterion that has emerged since the middle of the 20th century and the progress of quantum mechanics, relativity theory, astrophysics that revealed a very strange Universe or Universes.

Intelligent design theory includes the entire paradigm of the Intelligent Design and creation of the Universe in distinction to a dumb or senseless random assembly. The paradigms in which that creation could occur rest not only in what people can observe or theorize about the ‘physical’ universe, but in the order of time, directions and number of dimensions, and purpose of the Universe for itself as it appears to human sense and reasoning capabilities.

Some naïve Corporatists and Communists have sought to limit philosophical understanding in public education to atheist materialism in Darwinian evolution or dialectical materialism. Corporatists of course want to program with the mass media and condition the public to buy their products while communists seek much the same. Pharmaceuticals, entertainment, government and a vast range of social ethical concerns may be more profitable to some mass organizational manipulators with God deleted from their educational possibility. Corporatism and Communism each attack individualism in the desire to enrich organization clumps of thugs when the wine of free enterprise rise of thugs to organizational saturation point.

I have opined that God evolved the universe and that the book of Genesis contains a sketch of some salient features of cosmological assembly written and translated from ancient language and social paradigms, yet the Corporatists and Communists of the present mass market era would not want any of that sort of non-profit philosophy even if it’s the truth.

Gary C Gibson. - 10:53am Nov 12, 2005 EDT God ordered Noah to save all endangered species--and more than half of the ship was reserved for animal habitat

"Intelligent design theory includes the entire paradigm of the Intelligent Design and creation of the Universe in distinction to a dumb or senseless random assembly."

This wasn't intended as a simplistic tautologous proof or begging the premise, it was intended to point out that their is more than the Scopes era ideas in intelligent design theory...including quantum mechanical/relativity unified theory efforts to M-Theory and more that can support various paradigmatic deliberation, and that the opposing field of anti-intelligent design or dumb random design as I've called it is the broad other field basically.

Intelligent design theory is more than one particular theory...it includes a vast number of theories that have in common the salient point that an intelligent design is an integral aspect of the fact of the Universe. The fact that philosophers and reasonable people can consider intelligent design and cosmology for-itself from a variety of points does not invalidate even remotely nor positively assert a finite, definable conclusion to the ongoing research into the causality and nature of the universe.

Some linguistic correspondance theorists may desire to wrap up ion words and neutralize rational philsophical deliberation with misdirected verbal tautology, yet it is meaningful to attempt to consider what the universe is for itself as Paul Davies has done in "The Mind of God; A Scientific Basis for a Rational Universe'

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