
The Flood, the Bird Flu, Freedom of Speech/religion

GaryCGibson - 10:58am Nov 7, 2005 When a materialist culture overcomes natural boundaries, it also destroys moral boundaries without an indwelling Spirit of God.

http://www.nytimes.com/2005/11/06/opinion/06judson.html a good sketch on flu viral sex encounters and development of new strains that could attack humans, although the author uses the 'evolution' theme as a prop for evolution theory, which is a redundant way of describing much of what is evident.

If a human with one strain of flu has a close encounter with a human with another strain of flu or is infected some other way, a new strain of flu could develop.

Flu viruses have just 8 genes...so when they have 'sex' and recombine the genes dangerous strains are possible.

The leap from bird flu to human bird flue could also occur through mutation.
President Bush's policies must mutate to become radically leading in environmentalism although he can remain an opponent of homosexual leverings on heterosexual structures rightly, or the President's popularity ratings may decrease more...yet more important is the suffering economic infrastructure and energy independence of the nation.



Gary C Gibson. - 05:19pm Nov 7, 2005 EDT God ordered Noah to save all endangered species--and more than half of the ship was reserved for animal habitat

Containment is one of the three primary methods of controlling the possible pandemic of bird flu ahead.

"Mixing it in with other immigration issues is a red herring at best and more likely just plain old deceit."

That statement is completely false and even dangerously misleading.

If anyone reads the Nov 2005 Scientific Article on the flu pandemic problems and gets to the part on containment, there is a computer generated map of the United States that highlight the 30 day course of prolifferation of the flu (a model).

Thirty days is the entire time period available to slow down or contain the flu once a general outbreak begins and before the nation is saturated. The 1917 pandemic of bird flu killed a lot of healthy young people because their good resistance system gives the flu stimulated antibodies of some sort time to build up into a cascade that attacks the lungs making breathing without a ventilator impractical.


In the computer model the initial small cluster of H5N1 are scattered equidistantly in small clusters more or less around the nation that increase with network over 30 days to saturation of the nation. It is possible to anticipate that a course of infection would not necessartily follow that isotropic scenario and instead might be lopsided or lumped toward the soft underbelly of the United States radiating outward if the virus is transported here by illegal aliens.

The scenario where the flu crosses over to human to human rapid transmission has numerous possible starting places and times. the point of preparedness is to be prepared for isolating and creating barriers to progress of the disease that killed 50 to 100 million people in 1917-1918.

The virus could crossover in America, Europe, Asia or wherever...it could be the first genetically enhanced mass flu recombinant spliced virus made to infect the world by unethical scientists even. They have already recreated the 1917-1918 virus for experimental purposes. Not being a biologist I don't know how skilled they are at it exactly, but the disease might be a fairly simply virus subject to criminals of science if such exist.

The virus could mutate or different human infecting strains could hybridize into more dangerous lethal versions when infected individuals travel to distant locations and infect others giving the virus' the chance to have 'sex' and recombine their genes like fruits and bars on a one-armed bandit seeking to put up a payout.

The vacine search effort, tracking effort, effort to respond quickly to flu outbreaks with tamaflu and other bio-reinforcement prophylaxis is accompanied by the containment strategies the President has put forward, but with an inadequate plan to halt southern border flu vectors. Bureaucrats believe everything from terrorists to the flu only go via airplanes and airports perhaps, or ships the coast guard can interdict.

Flu virus crossover might occur anywhere, and quick containment and counterattack prophylaxis will be needed.

Following is a url for two modest containment strategies of the bird flu virus for an outbreak in Asia

Center for Infectious Disease Research & Policy
http://www.cidrap.umn.edu/cidrap/content/influenza/panflu/news/aug0305panflu.html quote follows...
"Quarantine was found to increase the effectiveness of other strategies even if only 80% of movement into and out of the zones occurred (90% containment at RO =1.8 when added to geographic targeting of antiviral prophylaxis and similar containment at RO =1.9 when social distancing is also added)".


President Bush is in the dark ages on torture policies, and should just say no to torture. Yet because torture is useful for trans-national corporate hegemony in the short run, and the President mainly supports that, the long run harm to the United States of dark ages torture policies or even ambiguous policy is inconsequential to him perhaps.

The President has stayed out of a California Episcopal Church's problems with the IRS that want to remove its tax exempt status for the free speech use the church pastor said in a sermon one day. It's more of the transnational corporate desire too establish a religion of materialism with some CEO as the head of the Church perhaps.

Church Pastor's speech must be free to include abominable government practices and politicians too without concern for what the twitish bureaucrats at the IRS think they should or should not say in the pulpit. The IRS should have a more anthropological exemption paradigm and determine if a church actually has a substantive percent of religious activities to deserve exempt tax status...possibly 30 % of the time. It is hard to imagine Old Testament prophets having much to say that did not include criticism of the nation/Government of Israel for instance.

The government seeks to establish a state religion by censoring pastors in church with the financial gun to the head of 'or else', and alternately in schools in permits use of the Babylonian Earth goddess' name copiously and American children are trained to address some of their elders with the name of the ancient goddess. I refer of course to Fragment four column four of the Atrahasis Epic, which is another version of the Gilgamesh Epic.

The creatress of mankind we call thee the lady of all gods be thy name they went to the house of destiny, igiku (that is) Ea, (and) wise Mama.

The ancient Babylonian goddess 'Mama' is used repeatedly and with religious devotion it is taught to youth. The name of the pagan goddess also goes as 'Mami', and further, to pile on the final assault of state indoctrination in religion, the goddess is also known to have the name 'Mah'!... This while prayer intelligent design is not allowed as a paradigm for public school teaching.

Moving on from that ironic point of history...

The Hebrew and the Summerian/Nipurrian flood story each likely had a common source far prior to 200 bc. That source document or documents have been lost. Perhaps Abraham took the story with him when he left Ur in 2068 BC approximately, and it remained until Genesis was written up from several missing documents (perhaps) about 1000 BC in Jerusalem (perhaps).

I'd like to see an ice age map of Mesopotamia; it historically gets only 6 inches of rain

GaryCGibson - 11:20am Nov 7, 2005 EDT When a materialist culture overcomes natural boundaries, it also destroys moral boundaries without an indwelling Spirit of God.

If Mesopotamia gets only 6 inches of rain throughout historical times the flood that was caused by heavy rains primarily, as is written in the ancient Sumerian version of the flood story, is out of character with any abstraction of local events to the world submerging scale of the flood. The world in this sense means the entire are of civilization where the people lived in five pre-flood cities in Mesopotamia.

Weather patterns do change with time, and at the end of the last ice age the Tigris and Euphrates may have had more snow and ice sources, while more rain could have fallen. Alternately did typhoons reach into the Persian Gulf...the sea level was 100 miles inland as late as 6000 bc. I believe.

It is also possible that volcanism cooled the world and created more rain for some time...even a year as happened during the Clinton administration mildly after Mt. Pinatubo erupted with others...I could see the ash in the sky in S.E. Alaska that summer and later.
Elsewhere I wrote about some global catastrophes that created mass extinctions that were theorized to have been caused by mass volcanism such as the Deccan flow or that of Eastern Washington.

Like some continental areas portions of Genesis were written based on several sources reaching back well before 2000 BC. The creation story or paradigmatic structure may be easier to associate with cosmology in contemporary terms than is the flood story.
The flood story seems to have been true many times in a sense, an entirely true in the Mesopotamian context. It remains to add up the ages of the post-diluvian patriarch's life spans were they exceed the natural lot, multiply them by Peter's value of 1000 years per day and see what that is for curiosity’s sake.

The Mountains of Ururatu became the mountains of Armenia, and Mount Nisir was suggested as one place where the ark came to rest.

Page 250 c 'The Story of the Flood' Alexander Heidel "The Gilgamesh Epic and Old Testament Parallels'...

''"The place on which Utnaphishtim's boat came to rest is given in the Gilgamesh epic as Mount Nisir, which signifies the 'Mount of Salvation,' if our reading is correct and if the name is of semitic origin. Such a mountain, or mountain range, is recorded in the annals of King Ashurnasirpal II of Assyria (838-859 BC), according to which it was situated to the south of the lower Zab and is probably identified with Pir Omar Gudrun, having an altitude of about 9000 feet. Berossus names the mountains of the Gordyaeans, or the Kurds, as the landing place of the boat of Xisuthros. These mountains, corresponding to Jebel Judi, where also Syriac and Arabic traditions localize the landing-place, are in the southwestern part of Armenia. The Genesis account is quite indefinite on the point under consideration, stating merely that the ark grounded "on (one of) the mountains of Ararat." The name Ararat is identical with the Assyrian Urartu, which, broadly speaking, embraced the territory of Armenia. In three of the four Old Testament passages where the word Ararat occurs, the Septuagint has simply transliterated it (Gen 8:4, II Kings 19:37, Jer 51:27 {28:27 in the Septuagint]), while in the remaining passage the translators have rendered it 'Armenia'. ''



http://historymedren.about.com/library/text/ntxtarmenia2.htm public domain

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