
Justice Alito and Public Education/Spending

The Senate's passage of 35 billion dollars in budget cut's indicates a good intention but their prioritization of spending creates minimal return. Allan Greenspan warned again of the problem of the budget deficits.

If Senator Frist has read Robert's rules of order at some point, and learned those of the Senate enough to get on to economic matters, he may notice that inflation has simply been laundered and is the interest on the national debt.

The national debt will have crossed nine trillion and be on the road to ten trillion before W. retires to that barbeque pit east of the Pecos. It means a lot of divestment in future public infrastructure at the least.

Yet government theory is confusing for socialists, debauchers and Republicans. Left is liberal and right is nazi, the only two directions on compasses are east and west, and every other heading is a variation as anyone can easily recognize. There is only east and west, even if they are placed at the poles of the planet.

Where would Justice Alito fit on the bipolar political compass of error as regards education?
Public law requires education until the 8th grade oar age 16, so it’s a good opportunity to brainwash the youth into atheism and statism until they graduate. Most parents can't afford to send their charges to private schools with freedom of choice on the teaching of intelligent design, and thus the nation seems to have got into the public education business with a corrupting statist atheistic agenda force fed on the nation's youth.

Today a 'conservative' would simply expand the public spending to include vouchers for private schools as well as public schools. Would Alito consider that sort of statist socialism constitutionally 'conservative'? Would Justice Alito alternately support a termination of public educational facilities except at voluntary attendance grades, and would he then support a complete withdrawal of public spending on education or support only public spending on vouchers in order that students may choose a private school to attend?

Intelligent Design theory is not just some sort of reconstruction of a Scopes era world was created 20,000 years ago theory with proof that dinosaur fossils were planted by Cecile B Demille while making a film about a flood that overtook New Orleans. Instead, intelligent design theory encompasses a vast range of scientific, philosophic, theological and deistic thought considering cosmology theory, historical, archeological and Biblical research. There must be a place for rational consideration of intelligent design of the cosmos within any meaningful cosmology paradigm in order not to doom rationality a priori.

On Design theory on a human level...what about soft micro-computers that are in a bean bag like configuration, waterproof and easy to toss in a rucksack and take in the field. Of course it should have wi-fi and a pouch to extract a waterproof keyboard and maybe vdt from. The vdt and keyboard should be easy to replace at low cost oif they break or fall into a river and can't float.

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