
Demonic Armies of the False Prophet

It is well known that the Romans stopped their northern advance when Julius Caesar had crossed the Rhine, and encountered a very tall woman that told him to go no farther.


It is somewhat more interesting that Charles Martel stopped the Umayyad forces just 125 miles from Paris several hundred years later.

The umma is what the subdued planet would be if it were all brought under Muhammedist rule.

Muhammad was an interesting fellow, son of the keeper of the black stone and etc. Some have said that his elder wife told him what his experiences were after he recovered from epileptic seizures, yet I think the story that he merely became possessed perhaps by an Arab branch of Satanic forces and spliced together Bible stories from things Jews and Christians in town had told him before beheading them as if it were new revelations instead of a bad attempt at plagiarizing the Bible.

I was surprised to discover how far Muhammad had gone in corrupting the truth of the Bible, and of the Bible stories and so forth. Muhammad believed Jesus wasn't crucified, but instead had a last second substitute take his place. Muhammad depersonalized Yahweh or Jehovah of the Bible, who is well known essentially, and instead made of God a completely remote unknowable abstraction that only Muhammad himself might dimly perceive something about.
Muhammad has so corrupted the Bible, and concepts of Christianity and Judaism that his unfortunate believers are conditioned a priori to believe certain things that are entirely untruthful about Judaism and Christianity. Muhammad’s bible scholarship was so absolutely false and incompetent that it basically requires illiterates or underdeveloped peoples to believe the syncretistic hodge podge of Muhammad’s autobiographical delusions.

Muhammad actual was Satanic, and was the false prophet setting up some of the world, it is speculated for Armageddon. The etiology of Muhammad is quite understandable; the Roman Empire of the west had fallen, some Goths had made predacious swoops along North Africa, the Byzantine Empire was decadent and repressive-its version of Christianity bureaucratic and stale without much living spirituality and freedom, and Muhammad was in Mecca sight of 365 gods with his father--keeper of the Ka'aba lying recently dead. Muhammad’s military bent unifying the entire world so far as possible under his name and authority as a false prophet distilling Judaism and Christianity as he had imbibed it into a sour mash of falsehood to run roughshod over the world was brilliant. Muhammad’s destruction of the truth about God and incompetent bungling of the nature of the One that has appeared scripturally as Three was a useful simplification enabling a purely legalist-political religion to be proselytized at the point of a sword.

Muhammad had no substantive awareness of sin or the context of sin, and obviously had no belief in salvation, and disbelieved that Jesus is God. It is astounding that Muhammad; the first successful Judeo-Christian cult-heresy of large scale has drawn so many into submission to a futile worldliness and penultimate damnation...astounding! It may be a consequence of decadent Roman rulers and their heritage (such as Caligula/Justinian and Theodora) that so many were willing to enlist in the armies of the demonic false prophet.

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