
Idea, spirit and the Second Law

My comment about the second law and entropy in the Universe along with a reference to the physical alterity to the universe befalling Adam and Eve (after there choice to chose sin or imperfection) noted the paradigm concurrence of a high state of initial order to disorder.

I would not stipulate that the universe has time ‘boundaries’, as physicists say that the direction of time is an arbitrary fact of statistical association of the flow of mass perhaps more so than a thing for itself. Time is an interesting subject, and some pysicists have speculated that it may be a dimension for-itself of space in some unusual relation to the standard three.Finding the monist pluralist transformation in a reference to big bang density avoids the philosophical question. Brian Greene in one of his popular books wrote that the initial Universe may have weighed 20 pounds before a Higgs Field expanded as a hyper-inflaton because of quantum uncertainty in the Higgs Field that gave it a superluminal repulsive power, yet how can one be sure of that?

The monist/pluralist transformation from a Higgs Field or even a membrane or zero-brane field collision is still a philosophical question apart from speculative or tentative explanations based upon physical theoretical cosmology or cosmic quantum mechanical origin theory.One must be careful in assigned the creation of weight or numbers to any point about the singularity or other creative moment. Weight may be more of a relative than of an absolute term, in fact many aspects of mass are probably in such a relativistic status of being. Within whatever field a particle, wave or mass phenomenality happens to inhere, it’s ability to move through time or space relative to its position is variable in accord to it’s own physical nature and that of that of the field or fields as well as the mass/motion of the fields in which it coheres.

As a Christian I believe that spirit for human purposes is something of a value given by God to sentient beings of a certain nature. Spirit or soul differes from any purely mechanistic or causal relation, though it resides in it, as the human body exists within several force fields and dimensions simultaneously.Concepts occur to human beings, and you know that there is a perennial philosophical debate amidst mathematicians regarding if math concepts exist in reality or just within the ‘reality’ of the human mind or as an idea. Platonic realist and the idea of concepts and forms existing for-themselves is a perennial philosophical question of course. The question about what relation human concepts have to physical determinism and causality is another interesting field of though; and obviously one may place that inquiry into several metastructural protocols.

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