
My Yahoo accounts disappeared overnight

"Tyrannies and dictatorships resort to violence when their authority is placed in jeopardy."-Khalil/Elect John Edwards 2008

I posted a comment a couple days ago that the Sect. of Defense should be criticized as a patriotic duty, so now subsequently my yahoo domain name, 360 account, geocities account, email and so forth have disappeared. I have had the account for 7 years I seem to remember and never had any problems. I will be happy to see Rummy go and corporatism with him and the Bush ilk some day, even if they weren't the perpetrators, or if it was accidental. Censorship is fascist even if communists or corporatists use it.

http://www.garygibson.us/ and http://www.geocities.com/gibson_gary/homepage.html were good old names that required a bit of time to construct.

Corporations and governments have so much advantage in sewing economic terror upon individual private enterprisers who must trust their 'integrety' and plainness not to do quick trick trims in the computer realm. It isn't always possible to read the fine print or not to inadvertantly break some rule in e-accounts, and it is imperative that years of html code programming, url acquisitions and such aren't simply deleated or deactivated and unaccessable interminably.

With the distrust of courrupt federal officials and NPR rampant nowdays it is even more important that Yahoo with its quick trim of geocities account index fiels bumped by a 360 index file without warning when a 360 account is opened (the original becoming a non-editable index.bak file) not make electronic on-line accounts black boxes of disappearing work consuming time to recover. If only the administration would disappear so quickly!

The minutemen are the only Americans I know of organized and willing to defend America's borders against illegal immigration (in there non violent way). Too many Americans are seeking to dissolve American values into globalist values and erase nationalism,individualism environmentalism and freedom from state control of religion.

Yet on the subject of how governments perpetrate terrorism on there own citizens in economic means, much can be written and has of course already. In the 17th century a general crisis occurred many historians believe, and some investigation has been done to consider if one did and what the phenomena was and causes of it were.

Niels Steensgaard wrote in a history anthology from 1997 about the costs of taxation, tithing, rent, seed and expenses and so forth to determine using Goubert's "estimates of a normal budget in Beauvaisis" to determine if it were possible for an ordinary farm family to avoid starving to death, and he determined that at least in the second part of the 17th century starvation was a real possibility.

Steensgaard went on to consider a thesis about a change in the philosophy of government and how it increased taxes to pay for wars, while today of course the federal government borrows money from abroad, enslaving future Americans for global control to finance its very costly protracted war. Americans aren't starving but they aren't paying for it either. A phillosophy of government crisis existed in the 17th century perhaps about how much the public sector could take from the private, and how the private sector responded was notable in avopiding taxation or commodity allocation controls that were not market optimalized.

Steensgaard apparently believed that the monarchies and other government factors and dampening effects of taxation and production location distribution (allocation) phenomenalities subject to government will destructively were more important than any real or imagined implicit class anatogonisms such as Marxists would later hypothesize. Gross interference with internet freedom to ciritcize government will assuredly be an optimal course for government intimidation of the private sector, and destruction of any better intelligence the private sector has to offer the public about the way public business should be done. This is a battle that has been fought by liberals since Jesus Christ led the fight at least.

Government terrorism through economic encroachment supported by corporatists favorites will reduce the world over the next 100 years to a simple non-dissentient harmonized global entropic stagnation pool subject to authoritarianist control. The United States will find itself overrun by illegal aliens, the government and global corporations controlling all mass economic directions, the environment deteriorated and internet liberty to criticize ineffective and corrupt government cut off through a variety of technical means without evident legal process.

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