There are no real Republican candidates in 2008 for the Presidency-not one has a genuine conservative leg to stand on at least. They are trans-nationalists seeking the international autocracies of trans-national corporate power with no interest at all in the proprietary democratic re-empowerment of the modest American republic of the founders dreams.
Capitalism leads to autocracy like its autocratic corporate models when it subverts democracy. Corporatists jealously attack from their incestuous conglomerate trans-national feudal realms monopolistic authoritarian state communism, and believe that autocratic corporate feudalism is democratic so long as four or five conglomerates or zaibatsu exist to challenge communist totalitarianism. It is autocratic totalitarianism that trans-national corporatism leads to however-especially as it unifies with Chinese communism.
Duncan Hunter is the best verisimilitude of political reality Republican pseudo-conservative able to think on his feet, used to an intense Southern California social environment with a real time ability to improvise and yet patient enough to survive the onslaught of ineloquent and maladroit apprehension of his attention with a smile. Hunter hasn't a chance of getting the nomination. Golden tablets found in New York favor auspices and signs for a candidate from New York to win. Political astrologers note the confluence of moron-knee favored candidates in 2008. The American right will probably ignore Duncan Hunter as the Democrat Party is ignoring John Edwards; the only true Democratic nationalist of the top tiers of the left. Hillary Clinton and her husband Bill may be seeking a global imperium with Hilary as Empress. After thrice being Governor of Arkansas and then elected to the White House the Clintons gave Arkansas the 'we emit gases happily in you general direction with satisfying sounds' thanks and moved to New York state to afford a better political base camp for the ascent up to global imperium. The United States is perhaps disposable too for the Clintons as for them "It takes a (global-my interpolation) Village" of idiots for us to become rulers of the village.
Can any of the Republican candidates write haiku such as this about cross purposes...
Orange fall broke mankind
so dead climb crucified not
water of resurrection
Or are they unimaginative followers of transnational corporations termiting away the rotten door border security of the United States? Nationalists have a rational side to their capitalism-they don't give away the store when doing business internationally. Republican candidates must convince the public that they care a about the U.S.A. enough that they will support a strong democracy that seeks the advantage of its citizens before that of any international interests.
Duncan Hunter is the sole neo-realist candidate interested in U.S. national interest as was Ronald Regan before him. Hunter can be the President without betraying the nation in preference for transnational corporations. A french inventor has made a car run on compressed air that with an auxiliary gas motor gets 3000 miles per gallon. Along with solar and wind and home fuel cell recharged electric cars their are a number of alternative power commuter vehicles available but what candidate is advocating a variegated fleet approach to U.S. energy independence? At least Hunter is from California-the alternate energy innovation state. Conservatism it should be remembered doesn't just mean dumb or dependent on fossil fuels for polluting the air and creating vast national trade deficits.
The filthy rich GQ role model guy with maybe a quarter billion dollars in trans-national corporate investments more or less from Massachusetts is a sort of inherited wealth stuffed suit seeking to enrich trans-national corporations and his own personal business interests as a corporate consultant, Mayor Rudy J is over promoted by disaster, while the endurable and faithful Senator McCain is just wrong headed on at least two major issues and approaches to international relations perhaps from being beaten around in captivity. At least someone will rep[lace the bushes but after sixteen years of Clintons and Bushes already the nation may be incapable of selecting good candidates in the primaries-I am not at all optimistic.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
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