
Justice Department Illegal Procedures for Bush's Late Term?

Democracy must be innovative and open, efficient and just, guiding by intelligent and concerned citizens with the gentleness of doves and worldly wisdom of the serpent (e.g. politicians) with their innate, eloquent forked or double-tongued fanciness.

Corporatism has hijacked the American democracy since the end of the cold war against Communism. Corporate M.B.A.'s and Chicago lawyers are taking over the Presidency with the erroneous notion that the big monopolistic 'corporation' of communism that all feudalist empire for themselves trans-national corporations hate is the only alternative to their own corporatist takeover of the world. If one isn't a corporatist then one has to be a communist the wrong-logic goes. Secrecy to actualize hidden corporate agendas for the next years control of world economics is necessary for them, yet a true democracy would thrive on open and honest governing with a broadcast media given over to individual citizen.

I will write a little on the Bush administration below to highlight some of the actual concerns of the criterion of the erosion and repression of democracy in the U.S.A. while the government floods the nation with illegal aliens from Mexico through its corrupt, incompetent border control flooziness.

Corporatists would consider some bio-tech developments such as cloning of animals that glow in the dark from a profit and political point of view rather than as an ethical issues. Corporatist invariably regard all social concerns from a material rather than ethical point of view first. That cloning is wicked and that cloning technologies applied to make people that glow in the dark would not be on the radar screen of concern for corporatists. Corporatists would seek applications for the glow in the dark technology such as injecting terrorists with it (they should include themselves in that list as terrorists upon ethics, democracy, human justice and genome).


One must wonder if President Bush is setting his global agenda through the Justice Department to corrupt and subvert U.S. energy independence, border security and political independence, and if the President seeks to reduce the quality of U.S. education and health, privacy and start up new business innovations, environmental health and legal justice equally applied for all citizens? As the President's opportunity to corrupt the progress and security of the nation dwindles toward the 2008 general election one hopes that the Congress will have some backbone and not let an 'October surprise' Putinize the Presidency.

The Presidents preference for international business commodification of people and ideas, politics and power over democrat tends to shape the way of political administrative goals towards training Americans to be the most simplistic consumer-purchasers of products made cheapest overseas for the highest corporate profits. The public sector is most heavily indebted to pay for corporate purchases of military and natural resources extraction business ventures, jail sentences are extended for U.S. blacks and quality education neglected. Marginal rates of return of public corrections investment are accepted because with private prisons profits involved as well as private contractor prison supply and construction contracts as well as public power supply instead of alternate energy supply it themselves infrastructure through wind, solar and hydrogen fuel cell their is much profit to be made for the trans-national corporations. The administration's idea of alternative energy is to make gas with beans and blame noxious emissions on diet.

Besides supplying heavy cash exports to trans-national corporations for gasoline purchases/oil purchases the nation has been trained to remain personally in debt while polluting or destroying the health of the environment. The Bush administration has let it's interrogation records of suspects for terrorism be destroyed with the knowledge of the C.I.A. Chief Hayden and pervasively surveilled without legal authority for a time U.S. national phone calls out of the nation...the administration has a record of reinforcing corporate and trans-national conquest and hegemony over the U.S. democracy with deleterious consequences.

Authoritarianism is difficult to exorcise from a large modern government and equally troublesome t purge from corporatist broadcast media terror upon citizens ad hoc opportunities for propaganda and hate directed civil rights violations-in the maelstrom of frequencies and the absence of presiding legal authority even the government radio people know they can just get away with an infinity of petty crimes as if they were a colonial power of an us group versus 'them'. The Congress will need more than just become more conservative and indebting the public treasury, the Congress will need to do meaningfully innovative systems analysis about its public spending and investments of available resources and become more effective and including all citizens in education and training for productive and independent lives. Corporations become pervasive, repressive agents of political subversion against free expression and personal independence that isn't structured to kick back everything to corporate profit structures. That repressive and even terroristic trend needs to be reversed and politically combated as much as defenses against Al Qa'eda and various other Muslim terror organizations seeking the destruction of the United States.

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