Raging Muslims demanded death for naming a teddy bear Muhammad in the Sudan recently. An innocent British school marm let a student name the stuffed animal after himself-Muhammad receiving a conviction, jail sentence and deportation order. Angry Sudanese protested demanding a death sentence providing evidence that if it is a lunatic fringe that is radical in Muhammadanism it is a lunatic fringe lurking just below the surface as a consequence of Muhammedan indoctrination.
The Sudan probably doesn't even have many bears, and giving a teddy bear probably teaches wrong ecological conservation values making them 'bear huggers'. Traditional Muslim caining for naming anything Muhammed- a blaspheming, might have been less bad. Fortunately the teacher may get out of Sudan alive perhaps to value the life experience of seriously underestimating the nature of Muhammadism. Luckily she didn;t give the kids anything like Sherrie Lewis' 'Lambchops' and said it was 'is-lamb', the Lamb of God or anything like that.. Muhammedans can get livid with rage about misunderstanding what is-lamb means as the perfect example of submission to the will of God.
"There may be moderate Muslims, but Islam itself is not moderate. There is no difference between Islam and Islamic fundamentalism. At most there is a difference of degree but not of kind."-Ibn Warraq, executive director of the Institute for the Secularization of Islamic Society
Muhammad was the son of the keeper of pagan statues at the Kabba of Mecca. Muhammad improved upon his father's business inventing a synthetic unified Christian-Judaic religion tailor made for war. Mohammed's scholarship was bad yet the illiterate warriors readily accepted his creed of war in monotheistic dress. The smell of empires ripe for the plucking was on the wind...
Muhammadanism at its high tide invading Europe from the South, east and west had plundered its way across North Africa, invaded Sicily, attacked Rome, sent a fleet to assault Constantinople, occupied Spain in a bloody war lasting centuries with the costly reconquista continuing until the last of the Moors were sent back across the Straits of Gibraltar in 1492 and set upon a centuries long attack upon the Byzantine civilization. The entire Muhammadan conquest was done at the point of the sword with entire peoples ruthlessly subjugated and alternative multi-cultural values deleted. In the zone of war or Dar al Harb the Muhammadan crusades to conquer the free world was prosecuted without mercy upon hapless disorganized peoples until an anti-crusading crusade of European reaction developed to fight the tide of Muhammadan doom. Has the fundamental warrior syncretism of the Umma/Ummayad Empire changed in the stagnant dark ages of the post-Abbasid empire collapse? May any non-Jihhadist Muhammadan be anything more than a lapsed Muhammadan interested more in worldliness than suicide bombing his or herself back t perennial hell and a status lower than worms for eons...the dichotomy of Dar al harb and Dar al Islam is an implicit structural element of the globalist world-view expressed today in in transnational Arab oil policies and in their court and fossil fuel sycophants denying global warming, environmental mass extinctions and the peril of federal deficit spending for western civilization.
"Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Apostle have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection."-quote from the Koran K 9:029 Set 38, Count 101
Muhammadanism functions in an intelligence vacuum that well serves expansion amidst pagan and third world peoples. It disregards the truth of Jesus Christ, the complex theological concepts of the nature of God and triune beingness in One to market and proselytize the masses with just God for-himself. While there is just one God, the protocol of God is plural comparable to the Universe itself-while there is one Universe there are many things in it. God emanates reality for-others, and Jesus Christ is His way to return humanity unto Himself, while the Spirit of God is the divine essence leading humanity through the vicissitudes of life and turns of pre-determinism. The blind push of the son of the keeper of the many religions centered at Mecca and the Kaba named Muhammad was and is a political power conquest oriented program developed with malinterpretations of Christianity and of Judaism. It is worth comprehending the faults in Muhammad's syncretism in order to understand its strengths and discover how it may be a tool to lead many of the people of the world through bringing them unto God through Jesus Christ as their personal savior.
Muhammadanism hasn't a developed notion of sin and believes humanity may relate directly to God. God is perfect while humanity is fallen. The saving grace of Jesus Christ is the sole way to bridge the gap separating man and God. The divine economy has a universal debt for humanity that only Jesus Christ could pay for; Muhammedism fails to get beyond the basics of montheistic concepts, although in his synthetic religion developed in the decadent era of the Byzantine civilization and vacuum of power after the collapse of the western Roman Empire and Gothic invasions of North Africa the opportunistic Muhammadist expansion served to stimulate the emergence of Europe from the dark ages through its need to defend against the scimitar and Damascus steel.
-quotes from the Quran..,
IX. 5-6: ""Kill those who join other gods with God wherever you may find them."
IV.76: Those who believe fight in the cause of God."
'164 Jihad verses in the Koran'
It may be that Muhammed was the false prophet mentioned in Biblical eschatology, or not...there may be another. It is likely that Muhammedism was in some way part of God's plan, perhaps as a comparison of the Christian and ancient Greek cultures
Prehistoric Greek culture was much like that of the balance of the land north of the Europus; savage. It was only though millennia that settlements allowed the constructions of societies to develop that bring more intense cultural development and social order. The Minoan culture was the first to arrive in Greece and bring a written language and culture concatenated from the ancient civilizations of the south. The Minoan cultures demise was sudden as it's home islands were obliterated except for that of Crete in a Krakatoa like explosion circa 1500 B.C. A local civilization followed-that of Agamemnon and Trojan legends, yet mankind was still led by oppressive royal societies as its best form of governance except in Ur, circa 2000 B.C. God called Abraham out of Babylon and into the desert and Israel in a relationship destined to bring about the major change in human history-a government by a transcendent God of love and respect for mankind by one another, though human original sin would make them fall short of achieving perfection even of democracy.
Classical Greece embodied the contradictions of mankind's relations with itself. A cluster of city states each with a different form of government developed bring them to war incessantly with each other. Athen's and its limited franchise democracy one out and had a league of Delos over-taxing the resources of the other members to pay for things like building the Parthenon. Sparta declared war on Athens after its completion and began the end of classical Greece.
Sparta was the worst of Greek government development with a homosexual butch elite warrior caste annihilating any social order besides war and training for war. Sparta created nothing lasting for posterity except some military victories of dubious necessity. Greek, known by Greeks as Hellas, in Sparta provide slaves named helots to serve of interest of the arrested social order of warriors. It would take the Roman Republic to actualize the society unifying Athenian and Spartan government values to perfect the idea of a Republic.
Servility and savagery are each opposed to democratic individualism...
Tacitas wrote of German society in the first century...
"25. The rest of their slaves have not, like ours, particular employments in the family allotted them. Each is the master of a habitation and household of his own. The lord requires from him a certain quantity of grain, cattle or cloth, as from a tenant; and so far only the subjection of the slave extends.21 Hid domestic offices are performed by his own wife and children. It is usual to scourge a slave, or punish him with chains or hard labor. They are sometimes killed by their masters; not through severity of chastisement, but in the heat of passion, like an enemy; with this difference, that it is done with impunity.22 Freedmen are little superior to slaves; seldom filling any important office in the family; never in the state, except in those tribes which are under regal government.23 There, they rise above the free-born, and even the nobles: in the rest, the subordinate condition of the freedmen is a proof of freedom." http://www.unrv.com/tacitus/tacitusgermania.php
European society needed to be lifted out of it's savage paganism over the next millennium...Muhammadan cultureswas a raging lion seeking to devour setting it's will for predation to Europe.
Decadent imperialism followed the Roman Republic, yet Christian culture flourished to provide a unity to stand against the invasions of the Umayyad Empire under the false prophet Muhammad. Pope Gregory led a defense against the Umayyad crusades of invasion of Europe that reached Rome, France and the Aegean Islands. Christianity was the motivating cultural element that led Europe out of the pagan re-civilized social structures and into first the imperial structure and then with the reformation and the Dewitt Brothers democratic revolution in Holland into the world's first general government for the masses movement in the form of democracy. While the papacy had become corrupted by worldliness fr a time, it moved Martin Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, Knox and others to form independent and general literacy so people could read the Bible in their own language for themselves...God's teleos had drawn mankind out of a planet of the apes and into one moving to democratic individualism.
Christian movement reflected in ensuing mirrored democratic movements against imperial rule from Rome. Christianity was the motive for invention of the printing press by Gutenberg in 1440.
Christianity is a living culture founded upon a transcendent faith in Jesus Christ and the grace of God; ancient Greek culture is dead. Ancient Greek culture, or cultures more accurately are one of the great research subjects of archeology however beginning more than 25,000 years ago with excavations done at the Francthi cave in the neolithic period of hunters moving through the ages to farmers and the emergence of Minoan culture centered at the island of Thera/Santorini before its end with the apocalypse of volcanism giving rise to the legends of Atlantis.
Jesus Christ ended the pagan era of humanity substituting atoning and renewing spiritual faith in the Absolute post-temporal creator of temporality and much more. The Christian culture began with the physical appearance of Jesus Christ on Earth with His birth in Bethlehem circa October, 3 B.C. The laws of God were then written on the hearts and minds of believers as the prophet Jeremiah had related they would be centuries before. Christian culture brought the end of animal sacrifice and misguided beliefs in inanimate objects as gods. The spiritual draft of Jesus Christ was the central cohering element in the rise of western Europe to civilization. From the remarkable writings of the 1st century apostle Paul 4th/5th century Augustine to the 15th century physicist Isaac Newton and contemporary Christians the Christian culture is a remarkable motivating force in human creativity and ingenuity.
Ancient Greek cultures after the end of the neolithic period were known as bronze age cultures. They developed in mainland Greece (Minoan), Turkey (Anatolian) and in some Aegean Sea islands (Cycladic). A transitional culture developed between the late neolithic and bronze ages called today the Korakou culture with simple mostly non-metallic artifacts extent. It has red colors and good pottery and was a decent, modest culture in the beautiful land. The following Minoan culture named for King Minos was a brilliant early culture giving rise to the first European alphabetic scripts discovered...linear A. The following Mycenaean culture was the legendary culture of King Agamemnon and later the heroic age written of at its end by the Homeric poets circa 1100 B.C.
The war with Troy and intercultural conflict helped bring the end of Mycenaean culture. Aeolian, Ionians and Dorian tribes people invaded the weakened culture flowing over the borders of the culture creating an age of darkness lasting nearly four centuries until reformation of an archaic post-Mycenaean civilization in Attica around the year 750 B.C. The city state of Athens would produce some of the greatest creative minds of ancient world history before the Christian era...Parmenides, Heraclitus., Protagoras, Anaximander, Alexander, Sappho, Euripedes, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Alexander the Great etc. With the appearance of the apostle to the gentiles Paul and his oratory at Athens describing the unknown God to the Athenians at the Agora through which Socrates had once walked and talked with his fellow philosophers the end of the decadent and pagan era of Greece after the end of the golden age of 5th and 4th century Athens began. The Christian culture of which Paul bespoke overcame the dominant Roman civilization transforming its natural corruption and downward plunge into a faith that would motivate the Emperor Constantine to refound a Greek Byzantine culture on the Dardanelles bridging the old world and new; bring lands north and south of the Mediterranean into one fold that would survive the collapse of the Western Roman Empire. Christianity became the genius of a transcendent universal spirit moving the people of the world into a teleos of God, the end of which cannot be presently known. More than 2000 years old already Christian culture may reach the stars, for the world may pass away but the words of Jesus Christ will last forever. way to get some of the pagans close enough to a Christian way of thinking about God that some might be able to make the leap of faith into belief in Jesus Christ and salvation unto eternal life instead of eternal death.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
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