
Alaska Governor Tries to Build Road Along WIlderness Fiord-an opinion

A road from Juneau outside will destroy the quality of life, the health of the environment, the peace of whales and make the city an extended garbage strewn boom box special last resort destination of junker cars. The road will provide access from the Canadian interior for cocaine importers to the U.S.A., terrorists from Eurasia and unlimited poaching scouring out the last valuable pelts in the coastal mountains.


The road could increase global warming and dumping of pollutants in pristine saltwater and allow destruction of many salmon streams between Juneau and Skagway.

It is quite illogical to drive an automobile from Anchorage or even Fairbanks to visit the state capital on business when one can fly for less money. The road project is a tired, destructive, corrupt assault on common sense and the idea of good government brought by bankrupt politicians in the pocket of extraction businesses and for builders that believe they can get a good view for building from of the pristine wilderness being destroyed by others.

Reasonable Alaskans would advocate moving a state capitol to Fairbanks and building a high-speed air pressure powered subway line in a pipeline to it from Anchorage for cheap-easy access, Driving vehicles to Juneau on a road allowing criminals to take over the town for partying and general hell raising seems unneeded except for those that would rather be partying in the wilderness city of Vancouver. If this was the 19th century it might be a good idea to save on dog food costs for sled dogs. In the 21st century the idea is jejune.

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