
F.D.R. & Global Warming Economic Politics

This is the time of year when the melting of the Arctic polar ice cap reduces it to its minimum size. The minimal ice extent should be about September the 21st. Some scientists already believe that it is the smallest ice cap since satellite records started being kept. They also note that the last time the Arctic ice cap disappeared entirely was about 125,000 years B.C.E. They anticipate that at the present rate of global atmospheric heating the ice may be gone entirely in twenty to thirty years. That will bring many changes to American society.


During the progressive era of political liberalization of worker conditions early in the 20th century theoretical methods of working for the good of mankind developed as a role for government. I will quote Franklin Delano Roosevelt on the subject: “It is clear to me that it is the duty of those who have benefited by our industrial and economic system to come to the front in such a grave emergency and assist in relieving those who, under the same industrial and economic order, are the losers and sufferers. I believe their contribution should be in proportion to the benefits they receive and the prosperity they enjoy.”

F.D.R. as present starting in 1932 with his boundless optimism and genius at creatively solving domestic and international challenges alike led the United States out of the great depression and pinned the tax rate for the rich at 90% The United States prospered without inability to recover from temporary public war debts readily until the excessive Reagan era tax cuts reinforced by Presidents Bush II and Obama.

Fundamental economic changes in the United States brought on by several political challenges from globalist economics; global heating and global population increase simultaneously- within a category of finite planetary resources require exceptionally intelligent and innovative leadership to solve such challenges. F.D.R. brought to the United States presidency the most capable since Lincoln and Washington.

Our neighbor and friend nation Mexico presents many challenges to American economic and employment stability. For some decades they have sent millions north to the U.S.A. to take jobs and drive down wages. Desperate poverty in Mexico and corrupt Mexican and U.S. government policies failing to protect the Mexican environment and worker have motivated Mexicans to search for the Utopia of employment in Houston or Chicago, Newark and Los Angeles. Millions of Americans are unhappy with the present policy and would prefer to see a no illegal immigration policy develop, yet the problems of demographics and global warming will not go away, and in fact are expected to become worse in the decades ahead as the entire Mexican nation begins receive up to 40% less rainfall each year as the global arid zones shift to above 30 degree latitude in north and south hemispheres respectively.

Democratic governments need legislation and execution not only in monetary and fiscal policy; good political legislation to forumlate economic criteria reactive to existential economic and social challenges is requisite as well.

Without a forward thing radical environmental economic development for Mexico with desalinization and irrigation programs Mexico may experience devastating future agriculture challenges along with a desertified Texas and Rocky Mountain States region that will increase the number of annual illegal migrants north even as U.S. food production declines because of environmental changes as well as inefficient agriculture development policies. Few futurists anticipated that the challenges of Malthus would be simultaneously accelerated or exacerbated with global climate change reducing agriculture range.

Much of Africa too is anticipated to experience decreased rainfall in the decades ahead-except notably for Egypt that seems to be scheduled to receive significant increases of precipitation one day in some sort of an almost Biblical change for the good. N.O.A.A. has produced geographic maps of possible changes to rainfall globally in the decades ahead.

The U.S.A. would certainly allow climate refugees from Mexico to migrate north out of the southern wastelands as carbon dioxide hell on Earth increases its range, yet 70 million immigrants would stress the agriculture and economic infrastructure of the United States and Mexico would replace its lost population at any rate.

Besides reducing greenhouse gases and the extent of the existing biosphere with concrete, asphalt and inorganic areas, U.S. and Mexican political leaders rightly should design vast new desalinization and irrigation technologies and applications even though the present global greed political policy of Washington work against it. The effort to stabilize population growth to near zero, create full employment and full social medical coverage while keeping the ecosphere fully alive replete with stop loss of species extermination will be challenging.

Well financed powers of marketing and consumption without rational regard for ecospheric and demographic reality have developed significant opposition even to the concept of national sovereignty, individual rights and the right of a demographic government to develop tax and political policies that reinforce the security of the polis and the well being of the demos.

President Reagan did enact changes that brought domestic economic growth in the short term, yet his policy of excess tax cuts and public deficit spending were unsustainable beyond his administration. President Roosevelt’s policies worked effectively for more than a half century and if renewed with reform and intelligent contemporization could restore the nation’s economy and lead it toward a stop loss of ecosphere decline directly. Implementing such policy would require another President as gifted with political effectiveness as F.D.R. and many bright, skillful legislators. If the United States is lucky it may experience such a political renaissance some day before the even worse disasters of economic and ecospheric decline are upon us.

Some Americans do not like Roosevelt political-economic theory and practice of government. Some Americans now and then did not even support his choice to engage both Germany and Japan in war. Yet if President Roosevelt had kept America neutral or just in support of an independent England and otherwise made peace with Germany allowing communism to be annihilated in the Soviet Union, and also allowed Japan to conquer China and annihilate Mao Tse Tung and the communist party we might ask what the world would be like today?

With most of Eurasia under fascist or imperial power and armed with nuclear weapons it might be a more volatile planet with the U.S.A. and Britain perhaps being a trilateral partner in atomic brinkmanship. It is hard to imagine that the Japanese and German nuclear states would have coexisted as lambs instead of eventually fighting to eliminate the other’s power. The United States might have observed as an interested spectator and enjoyed a nuclear winter following a rapidly expanding nuclear war between Hitler and the forces of the Emperor.

The world has things politically the way they are though. In some regards this is still Roosevelt’s world or it’s descendent from the choices he made in 1940-1944. A world of irrational exuberism in hedonist consumerism is a politically dumb world fit more for political pigs than for intelligent politicians from a line of a great society with heroic efforts struggling to pursue the right and good for mankind. Maybe economic and ecospheric recovery is not too far distant.

F.D.R. before being elected President was the Governor of N.Y. His ideas on liberalization coincided with the center of effort to bring economic liberty and equal social opportunity for all citizens. In his day economic liberty and liberalism were not defined by support for the politics of same sex perversions and corrupt marriage movement as solutions for the liberal challenges of the era.

The idea that a spoilt society of middle and lower classes beguiled by billion dollar babies would become so politically stupid as to allow their nation and class economic parity to decline under the assault of wrong supply side and anti-ecospheric political policies would have been unthinkable to the Great Reformer of U.S. political economy.

Liberalism is not some form of advancing skin disease that must go farther and farther to be effective. Liberalism is a policy of maintaining the well being of individual citizens in a social environment. It is a logic of civic responsibility, defense of individual liberty, property and enterprise.

Meaningful liberalism reinforces public sector governing of the general interests of all citizens ecospherically. The nation and its biosphere are essential, valuable assets that all citizens have an implicit interest in conserving.

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