
A Comment on U.S. Post Cold War Tax Policy on the Rich

America still has some manufacturing of course. One of the troubles is that when it reaches a certain size it can be outsourced to cheaper areas of production. Manufacturers listed on Wall Street may be purchased and stripped down for profit then outsourced.

The tax rate on the rich during the second war dropped some when the war was over-yet it remained at 70% right unto Reagan when the deficit radically began deepening to make up for tax cuts.

In some regards the taxation for a war economy never ended after the second world war because America was in a continuous state of near war until the ending of the cold war by Reagan, Gorbachev and Yeltsin. The challenges faced by Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford and Carter until the Reagan era were that of a global arms race with numerous collateral social liberation wars. That was all quite expensive.

The failure of the post-Reagan governments to adapt to a post cold war era budget was increased by the poor Bush administration approach to the global war against terrorism. President Clinton had a reasonable tax policy yet he fully supported the globalization of the economy to the detriment of American workers. The Obama administration to is remarkably apposite to Republican global if not oligharchic policy without concern for U.S. democracy.

The unelected Presidency of Gerald Ford seemed to put together the first team assembly of the future advocates of the New World Order paradigm of the G.H.W. Bush administration. Gerald Ford appointed G.H.W. Bush as his C.I.A. Chief following a stint as Ambassador to China, and appointed his Chief of Staff, former Congressman Donald Rumsfeld to be his Secretary of Defense. Rumsfeld had visited Cam Rahn Bay Vietnam early in the Johnson administration and learned of the Brown-Root contractor axis building U.S. Bases as part of a larger team of contractors.

The book 'Haliburton's Army' details how Brown grew from getting a contradct with L.B.J.'s help as a Congressman to build a dam on Lake Travis, Texas to join with Root and Halliburton later to become a defense contractor building and supply U.S. bases from Vietnam to Iraq and Afghanistan. The New World Order in some respects seems to be a point of view of select Texas politicians and corporations on defense contracts and oil fields foreign and domestic as well as post-communist-cold war realignment.

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