
Quarantine Returning Soldiers At Resort With Good Beach

Soldiers and other military personnel returning from arduous duty containing evola virus in Africa that are going to get 21 days of quarantine ought to go to some resort with a good beach-perhaps Guam and a family member too flown in to share the recovery. Its the least the nation can do.


The Gospel of John (video)

This is a good account of the Gospel of John.

Zeitgeist: Addendum-A Movie About the U.S. Financial System

An interesting movie on the American financial system and globalization named Zeitgeist: Addendum. Zeitgeist: Addendum (addition to the spirit of the times) is a good example of-vintage 2008 Democrat-leftist thought. The title is ironic for the point of view is entirely materialistic. It's now quite dated and quaint though it contains a few good ideas. They failed to note that most American criminals vote Democrat and thus eliminating the Democrat Party would have eliminated the problems crime before 2012 (except for residual 1% criminals and broadcast media);It is overtly simplistic.

The theory of a debt-driven financial and  monetary system  in this video is interesting, yet the theoretical foundation for select institutional structures such as religion are superficial as is the paradigm for cosmology. The physics of thermodynamics aren’t well understood here and are represented by an inadequate term; ‘emergent’, expressing a kind of voodoo phenomenalism and a priori joss.

One might wish that knowledge of the emergence of technology within the complete social environment inclusive of social sciences, arts, humanities and spirituality was understood by Venus project people along with how  competition has stimulated invention, science and  technology to progress without which society might still be enthralled by Pharaoh building pyramids and homosexual sycophants agitating leaders for gay marriage.

How can society evolve a cashless society without private property that wold let tech progress continue? Allocation of capital and exclusive private property are needed for keeping dairy farms free of baseball fields and computer chip manufacturer clean rooms free of drunks and dope smoking.

Capital is real physical assets. Money represents that capital abstractly. So in theory if the owner of company A wants to take some of his capital and start rocket science company B he can take some of the money of the value of company A to do that. Otherwise he would have to use the actual material of company A such as boards and horses to build his spaceship to Venus. In the simplest example. The spaceship builder will be paid with the money that thus gives him part ownership of company A. The trouble with the  Federal Reserve and banks printing up money without corresponding proportionate assets is inflation and creeping expropriation of other's physical assets by those receiving the issued non-representative money of equal or greater value than money representing actual physical assets proportionately. So what can American business do?

With loss of Steve Jobs some believe that Apple leadership  will suck. They need new products and ideas to create jobs that won't be outsourced. Apple could develop a multiple personality shoulder-sitting conscience robot ethics adviser so Wall Streeters and politicians could get both sides of opinion on important issues (i.e. 'bite it-don't bite it!)  yet probably  wouldn't sell with the jobs  touch. Manufacturing  authentic looking business-politics adviser dolls with artificial intelligence could be the next big wave. Imagine what their own foot tall Chairman Mao, Adolph Hitler, Osama Bin Laden or Marquis De Sade doll could do for NPR raving in their own language. The Zeitgeist people don't understand low-entropy economics and how or why technology arises for markets apparently.

Ecological economic principles need to  be infused into the  social structure  just  as  church reform  to  a  priesthood  of  believers should  develop to  lead  the the faithful away from mirrored secular hierarchical organizational forms toward a  practical,  participatory  egalitarianism.  Secular atheist social  revolutionaries   may  desire  a Godless utopianism yet mankind does  have a nature founded in thermodynamic  drives than rather just existential behavior. additionally  the zeitgeist folks probably haven’t done  there homework in theology.

It's possible that spirit is at the heart of matter  and energy fields sustaining quantum entanglement in the steady-state observable Universe. Leibniz thought so. One more observation-they  seemingly don’t know that the meaning of IS can  be ’Islamic  State’ yet it’s an interesting video with several useful ideas.


Spree (poem)

Bright chunks of land are excavated
with the ecosphere scooped in large poignant bucket loaders
growling more than ravens at play
while rain falls, fog and mist swirl
across a psychologically eroding world

Moving through the spinning seasons with that star
bright overhead rolling down pin-balled
as night rests beyond cold mountains
seeming to starken October colors
with its absence

Purged of natural biota carbonated fuel flows
over carpet interior yearnings of showers and power
powdered up with allergies cast-for-others sopped
scientific intelligentsia thoughtfully work Nero's homo marriage plan
of planned abortionhood of too many lemmings.

Nero and President Obama Forcibly Shared Homosexual Marriage

I have started reading Gentry's book 'The Beast of Revelation'. The difference between his covenant approach and the pre-millenialist's point of view on futurism is substantial. I am not sure how the inaugurated eschatology position of Ladd fits in exactly.If Nero was the beast of revelation and so forth, one must wonder what end times will wrap up the world. Jesus did say that his kingdom is not of this world.

The Roman Emperor Nero and President Obama had support for homosexual marriage in common amongst other management attributes of style. The historian Suetonius wrote of Nero that, “He castrated the boy Sporus and actually tried to make a woman of him, and he married him with all the usual ceremonies . . . and treated him as his wife.”...“He even devised a kind of game, in which, covered with the skin of some wild animal, he was let loose from a cage and attacked the private parts of men and women, who were bound to stakes.

President Obama of course has been the greatest homosexual community organizer in U.S. history with a compliant judiciary forcing homosexual marriages upon the states. In former times of history such as Nazi Germany homosexual disestablishment of normal social order have led to radical transition to dissolution of the state. Wealth becomes concentrated in those times.


OP/ED on Five-Dimension Universes (video)

Four spatial dimensions with another of time comprising a five dimensional Universe seems a hot topic. It can include or plausibly explain a Big bang or inflation at a point some call the beginning of time. It is at least one beginning of time at a particular space-time locale. Some consider that a four dimensional universe of experience exists as an event horizon on a five dimensional black hole created by a collapsed star of a five dimensional bulk Universe. Its a nice theory among an infinite number of potential theories to account for a given point of time.

Containing the Evola Virus-Op/Ed Video

Here is an op-ed comment on the Evola virus.


Just Say No Taxes on Internet Sales

Taxing Internet sales seems an unfair violation of free trade and commerce between the states much less the world. With the United States outsourcing production of material commodities yet having some prospects for Internet sales growth domestically and Internationally burdening the ordinary people that use the Internet for sales would unfairly punch the little guy in the mouth.

Consider for a minute the vast dark pools of high-speed global Internet trading that are done every second by Wall Street and other global high-finance companies that are entirely below the radar screen much less taxed. Those quantitative purchases and sales done in a fraction of a second ought to be taxed at F.D.R.'s 90% tax rate on the rich before any sort of Internet tax is dumped upon the individual high plains sales drifter buying special vita-oats for his horse.

Elect Congresspersons that believe in free Internet trade without vast taxation bureaucracies.



Scheduled Reduction of Publishing

The quantitative aspect of my posts at this blog will for the foreseeable future be substantially reduced. If possible I shall return to the usual schedule in a year or two.


What WIll Google Invest in Next?

One wonders what Google will invest in next? Tesla Motors seems a likely prospect with the union of electric auto technology and computer driving systems. Since Google choose not to submit to Chinese Communist censorship in order to do business in China, and China is producing electric vehicles investing in electric vehicles may be another route into China's business market. It is hard to believe that the communists would want to censor automobile programming much.

Cheap Do-it-Yourself Haircuts

For cheap, effective haircuts buy an plug-in electric haircutter at a big-box discount store for less than $20. Over the course of a year it pays for itself many times over. Use the largest size plastic cutter screen for the haircutter and buzz it all over. Then take an adjustable baseball cap and tighten it up so that it would fit on just the top of your head. Set it aside

Next take a number two hair cutter screen and put that on the cutter. Starting at the bottom work up on all sides toward the top. Don't cut the hair on top you want to remain long. You should have a general taper. Put on the cap. It may set down  midway or near the top of the area just cut with the two screen.

Take off the screen and try to cut all of the hair below the cap. Make sure the cap is set evenly on the head . The basic problem with cutting your own hair is you may look like you scalped yourself badly. Protecting the top part with the cap and cutting all the hair below the cap as close as possible entirely avoids that problem and presents a tapered appearance.

It may take a couple weeks to grow out evenly, yet one can become proficient at the simple haircut and save quite a bit annually. In Alaska a haircut costs a minimum of $25 dollars. For the unemployed that's unrealistic.


Satire Interview-Mr. Ed Says to Bring Crime Out of the Shadows

An interview with Mr. Ed-the ultimate Washington insider, usually brings a load of horse sense to difficult hot-button political issues. Lately the buzzword phrase for rationalizing dubious legislation is that it will bring it out of the shadows. I wondered what Mr. Ed-the real Mayor of Realville, thought of that.

Expert interviewer; Mr Ed, besides illegal immigration, dope smoking and homosexuality, what other matters in politics should be brought out of the shadows, or to think of it, should remain in the shadows?

Mr. Ed; I have been chewin it over lately and think crime should be brought out of the shadows. If it weren't criminal anymore it wouldn't cost nothin to fix it or correct it saving a lot of tax dollars.


Mr. Ed; You betcha. When tax evasion is brought out of the shadows and made legal there will be a lot more tax payers. When organized crime is brought out of the shadows the only underworld will be those opposed to the former mob made legit. They just wants a piece of the action.

E.I.; Possibly it is so.

Mr. Ed; Ain't no possibility about it. If child molestation is brought out of the shadows new production of special child-like robots in Silicon Boob Valley fine for molesting and photographin can stimulate the wallpaperin business and get tax revenue for bureaucrats-that sort of thing is already over-subject to government regulation.

E.I.; Anything else?

Mr. Ed; Well you could make robbery legal ending the problem of theft and simultaneously changing the way people think about vast federal debt. Newt Spangle's Inverse logic economics entirely nullifies traditional concepts of public debt, makin debt a public good.

E.I.; Some would disagree.

Mr Ed;They don't have that libertarian spirit-let wild horses run free! Think about bringin government corruption out of the shadows and makin it legal. Government lawyers and cops and judges would be freed up to get pay increases with bribes over-the-table and honest government by the highest bidders would bring truth to the people.

E.I.; Out of the shadows is a compelling concept.

Mr. Ed; In the shadows the will of the people is repressed, dank and deep. Bringing quickie hangings after a due moment in court on the nearest lamppost would satisfy the repressed desire for justice that burns in the hearts of some and light up some lives.

E.I.;Sure Mr. Ed, you can never be too liberal in bringing things out of the shadows.

Mr. Ed; Machine guns and honest anarchy ought to liberate the folks. Haven't you ever wanted to gun down some fellow giving you the evil eye or burn down the mission district?

E.I.; Well, I try to keep that in the shadows.

Mr. Ed; Exactly! That's just what's wrong with the world.

E.I.; Thank you for the opinions. Next week we shall return to ask you about the underemployment and unemployment issues.

Mr. Ed; I'll be chewin it over.


Global Warming Reduction with Political Economy Efficiency Increase

Moderation in defense of virtue is no vice. Business is beginning to realize that a political economy transitioning toward ecological rationality is good for business. Instead of making America a comfortable slum with offshore production and sprawling inefficient urban and suburban areas more efficient land use can produce generations of high-tech workers and profit. The 2016 Presidential election is the last chance for a generation G.O.P candidates to return to mainstream business and ecological leadership and forgo the Neanderthal extremist conservative global warming deniers without a care about increasing greenhouse gas emissions.

Like early 60's gas guzzlers like the Toronado political economy has much room for efficiency increase. The development of land and energy use patterns in urban and suburban regions of the U.S.A. have evolved somewhat inefficiently to producing copious greenhouse gases that are largely fossil fuel emission bi-products. With intelligent political-economy reform it is thought that better urbanization structures bringing more of the population closer to the prime market of urban areas utilizing state-of-the-art mass transit and alternative energy technology to produce energy could create jobs and improve the state of human health and well-being concurrently. About 4 million souls die each year from air pollution.

http://www.economist.com/node/14447171 global warming is bad for poor countries

In 2015 the 21st summit on climate change will meet in Paris.. G.O.P. candidates for President ought to be leaders this time and help move the world toward better political economy with efficiency improvements in human urban and suburban dwelling patterns that could be replicated globally with little harm to the environment.

It is true that some may live in rural areas with zero global emissions efficiency and shelter wildlife with minimal environmental impact-yet that is a voluntary practice-most people would drive an SUV, slaughter forests and kill wildlife to extinction-its a human social trait. Well, back to the city.

There is no excuse involving religion or business that can justify ignorant unwillingness to modernize political economy toward better efficiency. When the most ignorant lead a political party and when extremist talk radio demagogues attack Republican candidates as not conservative enough Democrat politicians have easy victories in Presidential elections assuring the most immoral social development possible. That is entirely the fault of ignorance-wing talk radio.

Yet all is not sanguinary with more efficient concentration of population in urban areas in good homes designed for comfortable human living. Urban areas without green building exteriors may become ecosphere deserts-sterile and act as heat sinks producing micro-climates besides. New land-owning corporate aristocracies like Lord Fairfax who owned much of Virginia may buy up the entire rural areas of the world for-themselves and put no trespassing signs on it for mere mortals to tremble at crossing. Politics needs to address real-world facts to be useful to the populous. Wrong though politically winning platforms will not roll back the tide of global warming any more than King Canute's order for the ocean to recede. With no change in current greenhouse gas output the global temperature is anticipated to rise by 6 degrees centigrade in the long run after 2050 when greenhouse gas emissions would have doubled from the present level.

It is necessary to reduce human caused global warming gases by at least billion billion tons annual before 2030 or the world may become altered beyond economic sustainability for billions. I believe that 2013 had the record amount of global warming gases ever released by mankind in it's history. G.O.P. business leadership is required to make an effective and adequate initial response to the challenges of environmental decay and change.


Yes,There Will Be a Third Volume of Honest History

Yes there will be a third volume of Honest History. Compiling and editing the essays published in this blog gives me something to work on in a social environment where the value of my education is virtually nil.  Still, I enjoy writing and continue learning interdisciplinary studies of history, philosophy, cosmology and theology. Logically it seems wasteful not to write something of what one has learned from the macro-social point of view. Even if the electorate inevitably moves toward social determinism of corruption without philosophically enlightened leadership, or even works along a line leading to scientific based atheistic globulism, perhaps posterity will have some readers interested in a minority report. 
The essays were composed in the first person perspective regarding. The interpretation of current events comprising contemporary history require the selection of noteworthy items of interest that substantially affect, alter or change the continuum of social and political formation. Current trends may generate similar trends. Social and political inertia like scientific discoveries may or may not be able to improve the civic condition-sometimes well intentioned changes may cause counterproductive and maladaptive social phenomena.
So I continue to write brief essays regarding events making the news in the published media and Internet realms as well as a few physically proximal entries in order to record a valid and unbiased analysis of the world and nation as it is. It seems generally that the United States has entered a classical pattern of decay importing too much cheap labor, concentrating wealth, having nearly a majority of Americans unemployed, 100 trillion in financial obligations, the environment being run down in inefficient regarding entropy economic system while providing trillions of dollars in retirement payments annually to economically non-productive citizens from the public sector tying up potential capital for investment and development.
Though the United States has outsourced much industrial production to China it is following that up with the Internet outsourcing of much other work in professional and semi-professional fields to global lowest cost bidders. Same day offshore production of custom materials ordered from the U.S.A. can deliver lower than U.S. domestic cost products via same-day Fed-ex shipping. Little theoretical response by the government has developed. Because of the cult worship of Adam Smith's economic laissez fare criteria it is thought by the simple that unrestricted capital is king, or that communism and socialism are the sole alternatives. Neither is right, and Adam Smith is misunderstood; the British government existed to correct the potential tyranny of capitalism in his day. Smith understood that absolute power can produce repressive and uncreative aristocracy through several channels including capitalism. As a friend mentored by David Hume, Smith wasn't naive.
There really is too much in the field of classical historical decay of an over-mature civilization occurring in the U.S.A. to include in the introduction. Societies and civilizations are always a mix of good and bad trends. Good government with good leadership can address those challenges while bad government tend to disregard them or even regard evil as virtue. I hope that the challenges are overcome with complete border security, cessation of printing free money loans at zero interest to large banks, better Wall Street regulation and so forth. I also hope the world of security and ecological challenges have adequate responses and that democracy can be recovered from corporatism and incipient plutocracy.


Five Dimensional Universe Selection from Infinite Dimensions?

The nature of time is challenging for some Christians-Since apologists have sought to renormalize Genesis for cosmology even seeking to find vestiges of instant creation in the Universe to support their interpretation of Genesis cosmology disconformity with scientific paradigmata have increased. Yet is not only Usherians that have difficulties with the philosophical implications of new cosmology. I recently learned of a new version of a five-dimensional Universe inclusive of time as a dimension. The August 2014 issue of Scientific American featured. The idea by Afshordi, Mann and Pourhasan is that a 5 dimension Universe with four spatial dimensions may have had a four-dimensional star collapse into a black hole with and event horizon. Our experienced three-dimensional Universe (and another dimension of time) exists at that event horizon somewhat like a holograph would appear to outside observers. This is one way that science can interpret the observable data of the apparent Universe-it is quote interesting to read about, although I have a differnet paradigm for Genesis that I wrote of in Creation and Cosmos; The Literal Values of Genesis.

I have had quite a few ideas about the directionality of gravity attracting mass to itself. The concept of singularities of mass-energy arise as a logical extrapolation of concatenated force, yet of course like the speed of light there may be some ultimate limit to gravitational force whereat it switches off. Mass could free-fall in another direction beyond that threshold, be repulsed or convert into something else like energy. If there are an infinite number of extra dimensions the potential configurations in which any given configuration of mass, energy and dimensions exist may be selected in a vary convoluted process-simple for God may be yet challenging beyond belief for human or even computational discernment of veritas.


I believe it was while considering the outlook of angels that I regarded their trans-dimensional propensity or not readily morphing to a consideration of dimension and their number. Why not an infinite number of dimensions as an infinite series? One already has the example of Cantor's trans-finite sets and perhaps trans-finite dimension sets too, if the string and membrane theory concept that some dimensions may be larger or smaller, embedded to transcendent and interacting with others. Perhaps multiple dimensions interacting produce a different sort of compound dimension in effect creating qualitative as well as quantitative distinctions.

I ought to point out that time is relative in reference frames with extra-dimensions. Time may cohere with the direction or thermodynamic order of mass and energy. If an event horizon has a Universe on it that seems holographic to outside observers, its time continuum is proximally that of the field of mass-energy comprising the event horizon/bubble/membrane. The thermodynamic processes and time of other regions located within or without that event horizon could be configured at their own pace. Plainly though, it might be possible to have to different thermodynamic-time reference systems interacting within a given field locally changing the pace and nature of the passage of time-just as different gravitational fields may interact such as the moon and sun upon the Earth. Christians ought not to be too troubled about interpreting time parameters for Genesis I think-it is enoughthat atheists disinterpret that for-themselves.

In the Revelation angels are referred to quite a lot. They seem almost to be a referent-term for a sector or nexus of sentience within the spiritual realm with the possibility that human sentience in some way is a sub-category of particular angels (perhaps with a higher dimensional protocol). John takes letters to the angels of churches such as that of Smyrna. Considering how natural philosophy describing the natural world intersects the spiritual plane of metaphysical, theological and philosophical interest is interesting. Consideration of the metaphysics of dimensions is fascinating yet less important except as it informs one of inferences and possibilities about God's way of being.

God probably is the issuer of dimensions as non-contingent being. There may be a rational mechanics of relations amidst dimensions from divine design rather than slots in empty space into which dimensions place mass and energy. Paul Erhenfrest saw the necessity of three spatial dimensions for matter to fully cohere, yet there may be more templates and courses for the interaction of mass and energy in other forms with more or fewer dimensions.

One must wonder if dimensions cohere in empty space as qualities pre-existing mass and energy or if mass and energy naturally arrange into three dimensional configurations with one more of time. That is the simplistic way to view the matter perhaps however there is no necessity that it is so. It is somewhat more challenging to imagine membranes with endowments of mass colliding that appear to be of four dimensions at intersections of collisions (something like when the Andromeda Galaxy intersects with the Milky Way in a few billion years). In some way one would want to speculate that membranes are a natural form for dimensions to take and for mass and energy to arrange themselves in-yet that shape of flatness perhaps as a one-dimension brane seems to be inconsistent with Occam's razor. Dimensions would need to become membranes of finite area and yet appear simultaneously with an initial endowment of mass (unless God placed it there) and/or energy, or mass and /or energy would need to arise without dimensions and slip into membranes (plural) that would later intersect, or mass and/ or energy might naturally evolve membranes that would collide or rebound as developed artifacts of a primary, evolved form. The evolution of membranes or dimensions probably shouldn't be regarded as a trivial feature ancillary to the existence of mass and or energy.

I still like Leibniz's spiritual monad theory of divine interaction with energy/mass. It is easy to take that as a general paradigm for God's spiritual issuance of forms that appear as energy-mass. Basic partitioned fields seem to need to set apart energy-mass from infinities anyway. Quantum valence shells and quantum uncertainty within a field or fields with constructions that have ordinal and finite set matrices of force seems a practical way of supporting a steady-state of mass entangled Universe.


Phase Two of the Alaska State Museum-Library-Archive Video

Phase two of the construction of a new Alaska State Library-Museum-Archive in Juneau is under way with a new museum featuring authentic dead, stuffed eagles motionless yet pristine perched permanently in a facsimile tree. With the old Museum removed the new Museum is rising next to the Archive-Library and Prospector Hotel with good food and view of Gastineau Channel to the south.


Federal Judges Corrupt Equal Protection Clause Again

Corrupt Federal Judges have struck again forcing homosexual marriage upon Alaska throwing out the state's heterosexual marriage law. I order to overcome the legacy of slavery and racial segregation certain laws were adumbrated under the rubrick of equal protection. These laws were in effect irrational, untruthful gerrymandering of law to benefit particular classes of people out of phase with the philosophically vague concept of equal protection of law. 

The equal protection clause was inserted into the 14th amendment in 1868 by a court seeking to correct the problem of slavery-they could never foresee it's broad application attacking the rationality of law and the constitution itself.

Misuse and abuse of the Equal Protection concept of Law concept of the Constitution has made a farce of the concept of equal legal protection. I.Q. tests, grades and measures used to discriminate against the stupid must be ruled unconstitutional. The dumb have as much right to be lawyers and judges as the smart-yea-even more so, for there are more of them. Many have already been serving as federal judges and are seeking to expand application of the equal protection umbrella of the U.S. Constitution (it's not a real umbrella).

In the brave new homosexual paradigm laws may not be specifically designed to serve particular interests of people. Citizens and non-citizens must be regarded as abstract entities such as a number '1' with entirely the same value and identity. Different physical standards for men and women must be erased from every social application-women must compete as equals of men. Women should be regarded as inferior men that need unequal protection to score as well on physical testing standards. Equal protection can be assured by destroying social structures that create different economic outcomes such as the N.F.L. where the men get all the money because of sophisticated unequal protection of the law.

Hate crimes laws that fail to protect the rights of citizens to hate anyone equally without giving preferential, special legal protections to specific classes of citizens exemplify the unequal gerrymandering of the corrupted federal judiciary today. Citizens and non-citizens must be free to hate American politicians and judges regardless of race, color, creed or national origin without concern that some hate-worthy classes have unconstitutional, special and favored legal protections. Accurate legal application of equal protection of law a work of love. Some may wish that D.C. were vaporized to spare the poor that cannot afford to retire in some other nation (they are not all the same) onerous edicts of the corrupt federal judiciary because not all Americans fondle the same even so some suck up federal butch decrees with a smile.

The consequences of heavy American drug use have taken their toll in degrading federal judicial philosophical competence-perhaps its institutionally inherited to have a court with its mind on drugs. The President admitted heavy marijuana and cocaine use until whenever-college? So the intellectual paradigm for failing to comprehend fine legal and philosophical categories was set...all the marks look the same to me expresses the fried mind approach to law and crime of the prescient federal judiciary

To be consistent with the same-citizen approach to law-an approach of dubious value-the courts will need to return the nation to a fundamentalist conservative paradigm eliminating all of the unequal laws passed by congress that have recognized and created different categories and responses to citizens. States will all need to get rid of their constitutions if they have anything different from either the federal or another state constitution so the people are not discriminated against by unequal legal codes. Affirmative action laws benefiting one sex or race violate equal protection of citizens. Progressive taxation that victimizes the rich putting a higher tax rate upon some citizens than others must be cast aside. The Uniform Code of Military Justice that puts a different legal system on some Americans enslaved by the federal government with unfair contracts must be abandoned. Illegal aliens must have full rights to vote and run for political office as citizens in order to have equal legal protection as citizens. Criminals must be released from prisons where they can become the victims of crimes and be deprived of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Fire departments that primary protect at public expense the property of the rich and upper middle class ecosphere exploiters must be erased from the shameful hall of historical discrimination against the poor so equal protection of the law can return with renormalization to America and Mexico.

Social security must be abolished because it treats the old different that other America citizens. Children are unfairly denied equal protection of the law to draw social security retirement benefits to pay for pre-school. The Federal highway lobby must be abolished because it denies equal protection to responsible citizens that don't own cars and attack the environment with global warming gases from auto exhaust. Airport construction support must stop because it discriminates against the poor whom have little use of those facilities. Tax and other benefits for marriage must stop as they discriminate against single citizens. Corporations cannot be legally regarded as individuals by the law anymore as at present because it dehumanizes and degrades humanity to an abstract entity and equal of a corporation.

Wealth cannot be concentrated because it allows unequal political power and abuse of natural resources. Public schools cannot exist because they discriminate against the inalienable right of ignorance and equal protection from indoctrination by others (cf. Pink Floyd Brick-in-the-Wall Decision). Building higher than two stories cannot be constructed because they unfairly block the view of grass-roots Americans. Buildings wider than twelve feet cannot be put up because they block equal freedom of motion of grass-roots Americans to walk-about. Anyone including illegal aliens will need to have an equal right to judge Americans or anyone else around the globe in double-Shari'a law secularized down and adapted fully to homo-perverting utility giving equal protection of the law within '1' code as the founders or framers intended. Medals giving by Congress including purple hearts must stop as they give unequal social recognition to some favored citizens over others. Purple unfairly discriminates against the six other primary colors besides not to mention black and white.
Though federal judges consistently suck on decision to overturn the traditional sanctity of marriage between a man and woman with it's particular biological-social foundation and corrupt the important-to-ordinary people criteria supporting security and inheritance, that's consistent with the power of wealth to gut anything that protects the rights of anyone from being available for sale and takeover by the rich and concentrated wealth. In Adam Smiths day aristocracy made the possibility of the bourgeois owning everything improbable-so far as to be beyond regard as a valid possibility. Today though capitalism has concentrated wealth and power so far beyond the social criteria of Smith's time that everything including real estate has a price on it. Without substantial areas including some private and public property that are never available for market disposal free enterprise and the security of citizens are co-opted by concentrated wealth-even globally. The consequence is that political and legal reason decays and the citizenry become enslaved to a plutonomy, oligarchy or dictatorship.

Perhaps the sole remedy for states let remaining marriages exist and abolish new ones. If marriage has outlasted its valid applications and is corrupted and adulterated beyond truth new forms of ensnaring citizens in binding legal contracts could be made by state's legislatures. State's; the laboratories of democracy, need to be as bold in finding new ways around challenges of federal corruption as the corrupt federal judiciary is in finding ways to make a mockery of marriage.

Federal Judiciary Corrupt Equal Protection Clause Again

Corrupt Federal Judges have struck again forcing homosexual marriage upon Alaska throwing out the state's heterosexual marriage law. I order to overcome the legacy of slavery and racial segregation certain laws were adumbrated under the rubrick of equal protection. These laws were in effect irrational, untruthful gerrymandering of law to benefit particular classes of people out of phase with the philosophically vague concept of equal protection of law. 

The equal protection clause was inserted into the 14th amendment in 1868 by a court seeking to correct the problem of slavery-they could never foresee it's broad application attacking the rationality of law and the constitution itself.

Misuse and abuse of the Equal Protection concept of Law concept of the Constitution has made a farce of the concept of equal legal protection. I.Q. tests, grades and measures used to discriminate against the stupid must be ruled unconstitutional. The dumb have as much right to be lawyers and judges as the smart-yea-even more so, for there are more of them. Many have already been serving as federal judges and are seeking to expand application of the equal protection umbrella of the U.S. Constitution (it's not a real umbrella).

In the brave new homosexual paradigm laws may not be specifically designed to serve particular interests of people. Citizens and non-citizens must be regarded as abstract entities such as a number '1' with entirely the same value and identity. Different physical standards for men and women must be erased from every social application-women must compete as equals of men. Women should be regarded as inferior men that need unequal protection to score as well on physical testing standards. Equal protection can be assured by destroying social structures that create different economic outcomes such as the N.F.L. where the men get all the money because of sophisticated unequal protection of the law.

Hate crimes laws that fail to protect the rights of citizens to hate anyone equally without giving preferential, special legal protections to specific classes of citizens exemplify the unequal gerrymandering of the corrupted federal judiciary today. Citizens and non-citizens must be free to hate American politicians and judges regardless of race, color, creed or national origin without concern that some hate-worthy classes have unconstitutional, special and favored legal protections. Accurate legal application of equal protection of law a work of love. Some may wish that D.C. were vaporized to spare the poor that cannot afford to retire in some other nation (they are not all the same) onerous edicts of the corrupt federal judiciary because not all Americans fondle the same even so some suck up federal butch decrees with a smile.

The consequences of heavy American drug use have taken their toll in degrading federal judicial philosophical competence-perhaps its institutionally inherited to have a court with its mind on drugs. The President admitted heavy marijuana and cocaine use until whenever-college? So the intellectual paradigm for failing to comprehend fine legal and philosophical categories was set...all the marks look the same to me expresses the fried mind approach to law and crime of the prescient federal judiciary

To be consistent with the same-citizen approach to law-an approach of dubious value-the courts will need to return the nation to a fundamentalist conservative paradigm eliminating all of the unequal laws passed by congress that have recognized and created different categories and responses to citizens. States will all need to get rid of their constitutions if they have anything different from either the federal or another state constitution so the people are not discriminated against by unequal legal codes. Affirmative action laws benefiting one sex or race violate equal protection of citizens. Progressive taxation that victimizes the rich putting a higher tax rate upon some citizens than others must be cast aside. The Uniform Code of Military Justice that puts a different legal system on some Americans enslaved by the federal government with unfair contracts must be abandoned. Illegal aliens must have full rights to vote and run for political office as citizens in order to have equal legal protection as citizens. Criminals must be released from prisons where they can become the victims of crimes and be deprived of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Fire departments that primary protect at public expense the property of the rich and upper middle class ecosphere exploiters must be erased from the shameful hall of historical discrimination against the poor so equal protection of the law can return with renormalization to America and Mexico.

Social security must be abolished because it treats the old different that other America citizens. Children are unfairly denied equal protection of the law to draw social security retirement benefits to pay for pre-school. The Federal highway lobby must be abolished because it denies equal protection to responsible citizens that don't own cars and attack the environment with global warming gases from auto exhaust. Airport construction support must stop because it discriminates against the poor whom have little use of those facilities. Tax and other benefits for marriage must stop as they discriminate against single citizens. Corporations cannot be legally regarded as individuals by the law anymore as at present because it dehumanizes and degrades humanity to an abstract entity and equal of a corporation.

Wealth cannot be concentrated because it allows unequal political power and abuse of natural resources. Public schools cannot exist because they discriminate against the inalienable right of ignorance and equal protection from indoctrination by others (cf. Pink Floyd Brick-in-the-Wall Decision). Building higher than two stories cannot be constructed because they unfairly block the view of grass-roots Americans. Buildings wider than twelve feet cannot be put up because they block equal freedom of motion of grass-roots Americans to walk-about. Anyone including illegal aliens will need to have an equal right to judge Americans or anyone else around the globe in double-Shari'a law secularized down and adapted fully to homo-perverting utility giving equal protection of the law within '1' code as the founders or framers intended. Medals giving by Congress including purple hearts must stop as they give unequal social recognition to some favored citizens over others. Purple unfairly discriminates against the six other primary colors besides not to mention black and white.
Though federal judges consistently suck on decision to overturn the traditional sanctity of marriage between a man and woman with it's particular biological-social foundation and corrupt the important-to-ordinary people criteria supporting security and inheritance, that's consistent with the power of wealth to gut anything that protects the rights of anyone from being available for sale and takeover by the rich and concentrated wealth. In Adam Smiths day aristocracy made the possibility of the bourgeois owning everything improbable-so far as to be beyond regard as a valid possibility. Today though capitalism has concentrated wealth and power so far beyond the social criteria of Smith's time that everything including real estate has a price on it. Without substantial areas including some private and public property that are never available for market disposal free enterprise and the security of citizens are co-opted by concentrated wealth-even globally. The consequence is that political and legal reason decays and the citizenry become enslaved to a plutonomy, oligarchy or dictatorship.

Perhaps the sole remedy for states let remaining marriages exist and abolish new ones. If marriage has outlasted its valid applications and is corrupted and adulterated beyond truth new forms of ensnaring citizens in binding legal contracts could be made by state's legislatures. State's; the laboratories of democracy, need to be as bold in finding new ways around challenges of federal corruption as the corrupt federal judiciary is in finding ways to make a mockery of marriage.


Secular Ways of Power (the Sword) Have Increased

Concentration of wealth and political power aren't new of course. They are functions of original sin applied to current economics. Economics are inextricably related to politics and environment, and as Clauswitz noted politics is a continuation of war through other means. The way of the world and the power of the sword expressed in the Roman military power is not nearly as plainly separable today from church affairs. Driving a car and burning fuel may give money to those sponsoring terrorism, enhance global warming or oppressive intellectuals developing alternate energy.The man speaking of peace may order the deaths of hundreds of thousands or millions while the politician advocating military intervention may actually reduce human casualties. Creating a new drug to save thousands from death may allow more to starve. Drilling for oil to power ambulances may create thousands of drownings from sea level rises and hurricanes. It is challenging to separated the thousands of ways of harming individuals with modern technology, networking and political power that did not exist in former generations from things that grow like gardens for example (excluding genetically engineered food used as bioweapons of course).

If large numbers of tropical fish will disappear by 2050 due to global warming that may stimulate more mass migration north and conflict south as people move to avoid starving. Failures by first world citizens of democracy to take responsibility for food production and replacement methods of aquaculture in the tropics could cause loss of life. Political inactivism or pursuit of the tangential homoculture agenda while delegating authority to the billionaires and stock networks to purchase political influence further assigns malevolent  neglect to the populace even as they seek to blame their ruling evil agents avarcice.

https://news.google.com/news/section?pz=1&cf=all&topic=snc&siidp=d318c7a97b044eb089ba85ef05b353e4837c&ict=ln loss of fish in tropics

Mass media may indoctrinate people and work may require allegiance to evil or worldliness. Christian pastors separate from day to day economic facts may not comprehend the pressures of secular economy and fail to develop adequate Christian priesthood of believers training and economic-social reinforcing organizational structure themselves. Paul worked as a skilled tradesman and understood the present economy-he was not just a tithed priest-adviser. People may be conformed to the image of the world-spirit and find themselves in a totalized social environment where all are required to be in effect enslaved to the corporate and secular ruling power.

I quoted  Karl Barth on an historical example in this post...  http://garycgibson.blogspot.com/2014/10/original-sin-consolidating-wealth-and.html

Original Sin Consolidating Wealth and Political Power

Nothing can positively be said of the Federal Court's forcing of homosexual marriage upon the people. It is an era of concentrating wealth and political power corrupting the polity, social moral norms and degrading the prospects and reason of the people. Hitler's S.A. of led by the homosexual Ernst Rohm had a comparable radicalism. The Catholic Church in Mussolini's fascist state had a certain perhaps necessary recalcitrance about expressing anti-fascist policy. A polity incapable of violent revolt because of the concentration of military power is inevitably doomed to experience the oppression and dictates of ruling elites. Americans are permitted to have democracy so long as they acquiesce in the will of the rich to inimically degrade and dehumanize them. This is not the first instance of systematic political corruption that is economically inefficient for the masses.

Human nature expressing itself in capitalism substantively co-opts the beneficial aspects of free enterprise negating the hypothetical inventions and individual allocations of opportunity and competition with proprietary exploitation of advantage. The advantaged purge the less advantaged from the field and import cheap labor not able to expect government benefits or a right to vote. Serialized social-economic purges of theoretical political peers permit concentration of wealth and power in elites. As the broadcast media is controlled by concentrated power a unofficial yet viable purge of antipathetic political opinion occurs. Propaganda in support of the new social order becomes normalized.

Human nature seeks to totalize advantage over all land. Concentrated wealth would own every possible place anyone might exist without paying tribute to the rich power of control. Monarchy and aristocracy had absolute power over people regarded as subjects. Subjects and those that cannot exist in freedom any place without paying rent for existing to the concentrated power are effectively slaves. Though the developing new planetary slavery may not form on a particularly racist basis with equal opportunity enslavement for all, may yet be a developing condition wherein no human might exist free of enslavement to the Plutonomy.

Karl Barth wrote of a prior era...quote-

 Only the clever English, perhaps one of the few nations really gifted politically foresaw in time the folly of this development, though they were just as penetrated by the spirit of absolutism as the rest, and introduced checks which spared them the catastrophe to which the system by its nature must lead.

This political absolutism from above has, as is known, two variants. They have in fact crossed and mingled in many ways; their roots are one, but they may be clearly distinguished. The principle 'through power to power' had of course also a non-military aspect. This could consist in the princely display of splendour and pomp at which Louis XIV was so inventive, even creative, setting a baleful example which was widely followed. The name of Versailles has thrice had great historical significance resulting in grave consequences. The first time it was as the prototype and symbol of a princely attitude to life and form of life, based on unqualified power. From this life there flowed a brilliance, like the glory of a god, into architecture, the gardens and parks, the decoration in the houses, into comforts and enjoyments of every kind, but above all into the transitory but all the more intoxicating splendour of the festivities. Far beyond the boundaries of France there arose small and miniature imitations of Versailles whose princely and noble inhabitants attempted, with more or less luck and dignity and taste, to emulate Louis XIV.

After his death the Regent Philip of Orleans, then Louis' grandson, Louis XV, in Germany Augustus the Strong of Saxony, Eberhard Ludwig, Karl Alexander, and Karl Eugen of Wurtemberg, Max Emanuel and Karl Theodor of Bavaria, Ludwig IX of Hesse, and many others, were absolute princes of this kind. The notorious immorality, even debauchery, the just as notorious financial transactions, and the scandalous arbitrariness of justice at all these courts, was perhaps not the necessary, but as has happened in all similar phenomena in history the practical, consequence of the representation which one thought to be owing and that not without some logic to the conception of the prince by divine right.”

The idea inevitably presupposed great demands upon the economy of the country, which were made with an astonishing unconcern not to speak of the sons of Hesse and Brunswick who were sold out of hand to America! And ironically enough the command was in fact often not in the hands of its true possessor, but largely and for all to see in those of a woman sometimes, admittedly, in those of a woman far from unfitted for such an office, but only in a derivative sense can her rule ever have been described as by the grace of God. But all these things cannot and must not blind us to the tremendous stimulus imparted to economic and artistic life by the fantastic burgeoning of absolutism.

Neither must we forget that the luxury these potentates cultivated, though so dubious in many respects, acted in practice as a safety valve and corrective against the possibility of a universal state of war, which should really have been the logical consequence of the general principle 'through power to power' and of dynastic cabinet politics.

If it had not been for the Sun-king's notion of the unfolding of power and the relative enervation which was involved herein, Louis himself and all the other God-kings might well with the absolute power they had arrogated have reduced Europe to even greater disasters than those they did in fact cause. Lastly it should be added that anyone who failed to sense not only the pathos imparted by lavishness of ideas, space and materials, but the underlying, unending and truly insatiable yearning in the midst of sensual delight which emanates from every line and form of the art of the age would be guilty of badly misunderstanding those artistic and architectural monuments of that time which still hold a meaning for us. It is this eternal yearning which is the style's inmost beauty, a beauty peculiarly moving for all the horror which is sometimes apt to seize the beholder.
Besides this kind of political absolutism there was another, going by the name of enlightened absolutism. It is possible for the 'through power to power' principle to manifest itself in depth rather than in extent, rationally rather than aesthetically. In that case it takes the form of experiments in social reform in the technical advance of civilization, in agriculture, industry and in the economic sphere in general, in health measures and policies designed to benefit the population as a whole. There are attempts to improve the state of the law, but also to advance the arts and sciences, to raise the general standard of education in short all sorts of measures tending to the so-called 'welfare' of the subjects of the state. In chastising a Jew, Frederick William I says: 'You should love me rather than fear me, love me, I say! ‘”

There is no blinking the fact, either, that Frederick's state had to be a welfare state a Frederick naturally sees farther than the usual run of despots in order to be precisely as welfare state a state worshipping power, an absolute state. The fact remains that the measure of wisdom and rectitude with which the king happened to be endowed, together with the limitations imposed upon these qualities by his highly individual character, his taste and his whims limitations common to every mortal had the significance of destiny for his people, his country and for every individual within his realms a destiny which like God could bless or punish, might cherish or destroy, and could do so without let of appeal to any higher law.”

It is of course possible to question whether that other policy, pursued in the Middle Ages in the name of the imperial ideal, ever became a reality anywhere. But there was at least a chance that it might be realized while it was still at least an active point of reference (question-able in itself but at least fairly well-defined) within the framework of the imperial ideal. It was when this fell away that the realization of such a policy became impossible. For when the prince's power was made absolute, a step which brought with it the death of the imperial ideal, the prerequisite of such a policy, the very notion of a concrete responsibility, of a higher authority, was removed also, and in its place there arose the state without a master, or alternatively the state governed by an arbitrary master, beneath whose sway, even if he were the best of all possible monarchs, justice was a matter of pure chance.

We have taken the one kind of political absolutist, the absolute prince, as the first for discussion. The second kind, his perfectly legitimate brother, his alter ego, following in his footsteps as inevitably as the darkness following the light, as the thunder following the lightning, is the absolute revolutionary or perhaps it would be better to say, since his predecessor was already a revolutionary the revolutionary from below, the representative of the lower class, who conceiving those above him to have injured him in his rights, and even to have deprived him of them, takes steps to defend himself by snatching the power lying in the hands of the governing princes in order that he might now determine without let of appeal what is right and just, because he in his turn has the power in his hands. The roles are reversed. Whereas before it had been the prince who had declared himself to be identical with the state, it was now the people, the 'nation', as it at this time began to be called, who assumed the title by means of a simple inversion of Louis XIV's dictum. This happened true to type in Paris on the 17th June, 1789. The representatives of the so-called third estate, who were, be it remembered, the delegates of that section of the population of France which was in the overwhelming majority, formed themselves into a 'National Assembly 9 and three days later declared with a collective oath, that they were determined in the teeth of all opposition never to disband until they had given the state a new constitution.
Everything that happened afterwards, up to the execution of Louis XVI and beyond, was a direct result of this event. Its inner logic is, however, as follows. (We shall restrict ourselves in the following to the two classic revolutionary documents, the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America of June 1776 and the Statement of Human and Civil Rights ratified by the French National Assembly in August 1789). According to the revolutionary doctrine there exists a self-evident truth which can and must be recognized and announced en presence et sous les auspices de verre supreme:

1. All men are equal, i.e. created with equal rights (Am.), or
alternatively (as in the Fr.), born with equal rights.

2. These equal rights are of nature, inalienable, sacred (Fr.), endowed by their creator (Am.).

3. Their names are freedom, property, security and the right to protect oneself from violence (Fr.) or: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (Am.). The French statement goes on to make a special point of saying that freedom consists in being able to do anything which does not harm anybody and is not as such forbidden by law. And it also considers the right to property important enough to describe it in a special last article as inviolable et sacral
4. It is in order to protect these rights that governments are instituted among men (Am.). Le but de toute association publique est la conservation des droits . . . de I'homme (Fr.).

5. Governments derive their just authority from the consent of the
governed. Le principe de toute souverainite' reside essentiellement dans la nation. All authority exercised by individuals or corporate bodies stems expressly from the people.

6. The law is V expression de la volonte finale so all must have a part in making it, all are equal in its eyes and every office and honour for which it provides are as a matter of principle open to all.

7. Whenever a form of government becomes injurious to the aims
of the state, i.e. to the upholding of the rights aforementioned it is the people's right to remove it and replace it by a government more conducive to their safety and happiness. It will be advisable not to proceed too hastily in such an event, but once it has become plain that a government is seeking to establish absolute despotism it is not only the citizen's right but his duty to free himself of its yoke.”-end quote

Refining Writing Art; Form vs Function

 There are several ways of viewing the matter of Form vs function. The question for balancing creativity versus composition applies in many ...