
Jesse Benton-Not Rand Paul, Indicted

A former short-time PAC chair supporting Rand Paul's candidacy was indicted evidently according to a 'Daily Beast' article by Olivia Nazzi that ran with the misleading statement  "Rand Paul Indicted"

"Rand Pal Indicted; Cries Conspiracy"


Rand Paul must have discovered for himself something irregular about the fellow since he moved on rather quickly. Paul and Donald Trump are the main Republican American candidates not bought and paid for by global corporatism. It is not surprising that the media dislike Paul since he is not rich like Trump, who is at least respected for being competent and pragmatist on global economics. President Obama send Vladimir Putin a load of sweet Cuban sugar cane politically speaking when he opened diplomatic relations with the Castro regime. Paul would perhaps accomplish a similar mission with Americans giving them a chance to develop free of so much outsourcing of opportunity and wages to China.

It makes little sense to force people to retire or go on disability instead of working at a fair wage. There are fewer people working in the U.S.A. now than in 1979.

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