
Toward a Level III Civilization

Human beings are the only animal that is harmful to the environment. That is of all life on Earth humans are the only ones specializing in the gross destruction of habitat such that all other life declines. Contemporary social problems regarding environment extend far beyond global warming; since humanity ate of the tree of knowledge learning how to manufacture implements to destroy things they have been able to increase their killing power far beyond their natural biological capacity without the use of tools, chemicals and so forth.

Killing things to get food and comfort is natural enough in nature. Human beings however have learned to kill the environment or consume it far beyond their non-tool aided ability. One may regard that as a natural intellectual transition from the state of innocent animals to animals with larger, thinking brains able to kill things and pile up comforts in health, housing and sensuality, yet that spiritually dead condition is a kind of Satanic animal status creating the greatest mass extinction in world history that is a result of sentient power.

Human beings need to transition to a Level Three intellectual condition . Level I is that of animals, Level II is that of animals that use tools to kill proficiently and manufacture comforts. Level III is a spiritually regenerated condition with grace from the Lord and moral economics informed by right use and conservation of life instead of just consuming and/or killing it. A level III civilization creates and increase life rather than destroy it.

If humanity remains like plain animals that consume with capacity increased with tool and technical invention without spiritual regeneration not only is life on Earth likely to be wiped out, the lost Level I souls also have an eternity in hell ahead of them. A Level III civilization should be one with the saved bringing life to barren planets and finding a way that all human beings alive today can share in keeping as many species alive as God has provided to exist on earth, sea and sky.

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