
Public Domain Gene Sequencing

GAP4 is a free Staden gap4 assembly editor available for linux software installation. It does make me wonder, not being a biologist, where all of this broadly available technology of genetic morphing leads-I suppose in a plethora of wild directions whereby do-it-yourselfers make lifeforms that might survive on exoplanets and moons and that think and play chess better than stockfish.

Well, that might be looking a little ahead. Perhaps Al Qaeda will be playing about with bio-war prospects until they get grad degrees in the field. One of these days someone will write out cycle cell anemia and skin cancer from genetic traits I suppose even adding some sort of patch for existing people. Even so there are a number of distopian possibilities with genetic war and tomfoolery where people get under whatever barriers are in place to Doctor Morrowing by whatever corrupt government one is compelled to be persecuted by.

The following is what is said by the producer about the install...

"Staden is a fully developed set of DNA sequence assembly (Gap4 and Gap5), editing and analysis tools (Spin).

Gap4 performs sequence assembly, contig ordering based on read pair data, contig joining based on sequence comparisons, assembly checking, repeat searching, experiment suggestion, read pair analysis and contig editing. It has graphical views of contigs, templates, readings and traces which all scroll in register. Contig editor searches and experiment suggestion routines use confidence values to calculate the confidence of the consensus sequence and hence identify only places requiring visual trace inspection or extra data. The result is extremely rapid finishing and a consensus of known accuracy.

Pregap4 provides a graphical user interface to set up the processing required to prepare trace data for assembly or analysis, and automates these processes.

Trev is a rapid and flexible viewer and editor for ABI, ALF, SCF and ZTR trace files.

Prefinish analyses partially completed sequence assemblies and suggests the most efficient set of experiments to help finish the project.

Tracediff and hetscan automatically locate mutations by comparing trace data against reference traces. They annotate the mutations found ready for viewing in gap4.

Spin analyses nucleotide sequences to find genes, restriction sites, motifs, etc. It can perform translations, find open reading frames, count codons, etc. Many results are presented graphically and a sliding sequence window is linked to the graphics cursor. Spin also compares pairs of sequences in many ways. It has very rapid dot matrix"

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