
Clinton Benefit From Trump's Sex Chat

Donald Trump's recently released sex talk recording from a private conversation not intended for public disclosure was a positive gain for the Democrat leader, Hillary Clinton, who supposedly has had her husband on a short leash since the Monica Lewinsky affair blew through the White House.

From some points of view Trump's comments are the moral equivalent of slavery and something that the Klan might say. Women never chat about anything vulgar and so are rightly offended.

Sunday evening it is possible that a Donald Trump vs Bill Clinton record may take center stage besides Hillary Clinton's claim that she didn't understand that tens of thousands of classified materials she passed on an unsecure private server were classified (what did that C mean?).


Trump can't just go on like a BLT Dr. Ruth Westheimer on Colorado dope using his own language about vagina monologues. Sex language with inappropriate terminology is hate speech plain and simple. If Trump actually used the f or p words without appropriate Democrat Party approval, or at least that of a Canadian citizen, he ought to be keelhaul around an inflatable or compelled to write on his wife's butt in whip cream 'I will not use that foul language again'.


http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/05/29/gallup-poll-reveals-ameri_n_3354778.html Americans nix adultery, give moral ok to divorce (and probably abortion)

The casualty in the we didn't actually move beyond sex as a disqualifying campaign issue issue of Donald Trumps dirty talk and maybe even sex acts is the economy. The Clintons and Bushes are poison for the U.S.A. and not until the Democrat Party dumps the Clintons will it have any chance of moving away from open border giveaway globalism and back to nationalism. At least that Democrat fellow with the Congressional medal of honor- that Bob Kerry fellow who ran against Bill in 1992, might not have thought of nationalism as a dirty word.

In a nation with 20 trillion of debt and more than a 100 million unemployed, where the federal Reserve in effect licenses big banks to mint 5 e-dollars for every e dollar the Fed lends them at fractional interest when not 0%, where the Federal Government is a corporate enabler and accomplice in global corporate government, how would one expect national infrastructure to be renewed when the taxes on the rich were cut by a Democrat President and when no one on the street gives a damn about infrastructure?

Wall Street invests in China or wherever cheap labor and profit exists and they must because the Fed gives them all that free money to keep it expanding. it need invest wherever there is anything to buy, and would not generally have an interest in building things that require new infrastructure in the U.S.A.

Even if the public is shocked that the nice Donald Trump who has had white clothes since his bar mitzvah used vulgar language and is a kind of Wilt Chamberlain of the board room dooshing hoops or whatever the language is-maybe even making eyes at Bruce Jenner (not really-just hyperbole for dramatic purpose) or whatever her name is- the nation needs to focus on the economy rather than the rare sex sins of politicians.

Sure it might be fun to hang em all not even discriminating against the women with their duplicitous ethics regarding sex ranging from loose slots to nun and everything in between not leaving a trace while requiring male politician alpha males to not use locker language in public, can being a weaner really be a reason to elect the corrupt Wall Street deregulating Clintons that created the structure for the 2008 U.S. financial mortgage and banking collapse and let the Al Qaeda Gang get their flight training wings in the U.S.A.?

The 2016 Presidential election contest seems like a puppet show to benefit Wall Street. At least the Democrats have the excellent border security leader, Donna Brazil, to look out for working class jobs. What if Hillary and Donald call a truce and both drop out of the Presidential race letting their V.P. picks run against each other...really, that is something the public would like.

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