
Boundary Desalinating Security Canal Could Pay for Itself

If Donald Trump has difficulty getting congress to pay for a fence along the Mexican border he should get them instead to fund a Columbia basin Project/T.V.A. style large border canal construction project that would have saltwater piped up from the Pacific to New Mexico and allowed to flow downhill in each direction in a border control canal district with three canals actually. One large canal in the middle would contain the saltwater continually being replenished from solar and wind power pumps. Two adjacent canals on either side would contain freshwater evaporated from the big canal and collected in a slopping plastic roof ending at each small, mostly sealed canal (with a small slit to allow fresh water to flow in. The boundary canal project would pay for itself providing fresh water to a parched region and potentially combat creeping Southern desertification from global warming. Much water for irrigation and drinking would be made.

The establishment generally has a can't do attitude toward most things American these days ... https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/01/06/how-funding-donald-trumps-border-wall-could-go-south-real-quickly-for-republicans/?utm_term=.a14331c3c8fd

The media and corrupt expansionist elitists want to plunder Ukraine- Russia's historical homeland, and thus are can't do on sane political relations with Russia. President elect has his hands full with a completely corrupt broadcast media.


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