
Trump and Floating Tax Rates

Floating and Variable Tax Rate/Regulation

Government social networking of tax regulations should be at least as realistic as that of market and currency values. Markets and government can write programs to interpret and paradigmatize responses through fuzzy logic regarding the making of decisions concerning the tax value axis of opportunity and recalcitrance. Instead of putting sanctions on an unfriendly nation as if it were gunboat diplomacy an executive could just raise the tariff rate for it or withhold a discount while giving a discount to a rival with a keyboard entry.

At some point late in the 20th century business and government speed of finance had a break. Business continued to accelerate and became multi-national while government remained static though forming a few international agreements that would ossify rather than modernize taxation in favor of business. Government became the slow attorney led legalistic anachronism while speed-of-light business gaming international for profit became normalized. What can be done to reform the business-government tax relationship in order to reinforce values of democracy and the interests of the majority of Americans rather than a few elite global concerns?

Individuals in the United States are primarily segregated with financial leverage and poverty. Good politics recognizes poverty as a method of segregation domestically. Individual remedies to poverty might be accomplished with good legislation that rewards those hiring the most poor and longest out of work. With fixed rate instead of variable rates of taxation internationally it is difficult to increase national prosperity or to readily use tax policy for a tool of foreign policy. The very wealthy are enabled with tax ossification to scheme how to exploit global loopholes as an element of their business model. That unfairly punishes the poor and middle class for not being so globally doggy.

Maybe ideas about tax rates and economics are a little anachronistic in the era of instant global communication. In the old days before the WWW bureaucrats might get tax tables from congress and distribute the data globally so accurate tariffs and etc could be got. Now a president Trump could have a menu of current tax rates internationally and enter numbers any day of the year with instant global distribution if Congress that.

First Americans; especially those bent toward the left, misunderstood the history of nationalism. In error they believed nationalism was the cause of the major wars of the 20th century rather than powerful absolutist rulers. Ending nations throw the baby out with the bathwater and concentrates p0ower better for global autocrats.

Second American globalists felt that nations were anachronistic because world trade and commerce were developing with fast means of global production and shipping anyplace. Actually the instant speed of computer network communication would allow each nation to set its own tax and trade rates and implement them without delay. In a sense taxation could be used realistically with the same sort of speed that dark pool and high-speed quantitative trading has on Wall Street perhaps leveling the field a little better for democracy and the average citizen on the street.

Brexit was a case in point; instead of returning to an Adam Smith era tariff relation to the E.C. Britain can remain in contact Europe and trade taxations, schedules etc with real-time inter-government social networking rate setting. The idea that it should require a decade for merry old England to get its Charles Dickens like scriveners to pen new trade orders on dusty books is a little hoary.

Vat, Gatt and all that sort of thing as well as business tax rates should be innovated with real-time floating values that reflect social values and needs. It might require some economists and political-economic theorists to get in a few overtime hours, however upgrading methods of trade and business taxes to a standard as quick as the floating rate of the dollar and Wall Street trading might be useful.

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