
Hillary (Nearly) Presidential Library to Florida?

While talk exists of dropping Hillary in to the Mayor’s post in NYC (bumping out some silly local 'crats) whence she may observe powerfully the goings on of the Trump administration and care for downtrodden Yorkers of Wal-Street, insiders are looking for construction of a nearly-Presidential Library for Hillary near Orlando to compensate for the loss of the Scarlett Pimpernel Presidential Library to Chicago.

One day little Afro-American children of the murder capital of America will be able to visit the Pimpernel Library on field trips to see and emulate how the first black President (except maybe second if one counts Bill Clinton for Negro or third if Jimmy Carter’s ancestors dallied about on the Georgia plantation with captive Afro-American prizes) provided compassionate, liberal zero interest free loans of trillions of dollars to big banks so they could loan out 5x more with those Federal Reserve deposits in their stockings where otherwise they would have got lumps of coal. Afro-American children want to be able to grow up and provide trillions of zero-interest dollahs to Wall-Street banks so they can rest assured the U.S. economy is junkie dorrie.

President Pimpernel also accomplished the queering of America to provide leadership to the world that all nations should vote against rationality, biology and apostolic authority and make homosexual marriage the law. Skeptics may say that if a white, Donald Pleasance style, bald President had done that the black Universe would have been globally opposed and used that as a reason to attack whitey besides him bein on the moon.

While racial discrimination is reprehensible and fundamentally in opposition to the principles and constitution of a free society, so is economic discrimination in effect such that the poor and middle classes become poorer relatively while wealth is concentrated in the hands of a small minority. A Hillary Nearly Presidential Library in Florida will edify those seeking to carry on the Clinton Legacy of fructifying U.S. economic policy continuing the banana republic foundation of Bill the First that was followed even through the crash of late 2008 and the age of the Black Pimpernel.

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