
Theoretical Causality of the Mandelay Bay Massacre

A week before the massacre in Las Vegas North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un made dire threats and imprecations to the U.S. such that it would receive the fires of hell. James Paddock's killing of 58 and wounding of more than 500 seemed to fit the paradigm of possible evils the Dictator could accomplish un petite whipping of his adversary's butt. With a little planning and fieldwork it was fairly simple to acquire a well-placed American asset to spend at the right time. The Paramount Dictator appointed a stealth woman to coordinate and field a special mass-killing-of-Americans plan.

“Whatever Trump might have expected, he will face results beyond his expectation,”  “I will surely and definitely tame the mentally deranged US dotard with fire.”-Dictator Kim Jong Un

When the mission hammer dropped in Las Vegas, the satisfaction of blood flowing all around one's enemies was deeply fulfilling. Predictably Americans followed the event with cries for disarmament and psychological counseling increases. In the land where nothing is real except the income of the decile and their 50% take of national income, there are no real political machinations from foreign agents that aren't named Vladimir Putin.

James Paddock was a hardened big time gambler and picked up bad debt and markers held by organized crime that were sold to Kim Un. Paddock visited Hong Kong the week before the shooting and made a $100,000 deposit in his girlfriend's account. Hong Kong is a good place to arrange or receive instructions/orders for a mass killing.
(between Marxism, Leninism and the Adam Smith museum's historical curator).

North Koreans are not banned from travel in China and could meet without attracting attention global actors in the intertidal zone that is Hong Kong . Paddock probably gambled in Kowloon and may have become leveraged by Chinese organized crime.

Dictator Kim Jong Un probably uses black market connections for trading items prohibited by international sanctions. Paddock may have been a useful acquisition as an asset for the Dictator to spend at the right moment in Las Vegas.

It does not seem unlikely that Paddock the pro gambler with a risky lifestyle encountered shady underworld characters occasionally. Some of those may have presented enough of a threat that Paddock built a gun collection over time; better safe than sorry. As he was drawn into the orbit and power of triads and eventually the Dictator he may have upgraded his weapons collections for the eventual use.

Speculation on such an affair is interesting enough though unsupported by evidence. 

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