
Hai water (a haiku)


  Blue water would reach

angstroms of perception quarks

hai water to pink.

Colorfall (a Haiku)


     Pools of frozen time

shadow nature in quiet

     blue over pink landfall.

Hamas; The NAZI Party Next Door

 After the present conflict ends the Gaza will need to be on parole for twenty years. With good non-violent behavior then their graduation toward an independent status could resume. Like Canada or Australia gradually becoming independent as Britain relinquished direct control, Gaza too could become independent except perhaps I the fine print-possibly resembling again Britain’s relationship with Canada and Australia.

Hamas is the Nazi Party next door. President Biden and select U.N. personnel have suggested that Israel should cease fire before Hamas has been entirely removed from the Gaza. That is like suggesting that the Nazi party be protected and given a chance, with international nurturing, to recover and rebuild perhaps with a two-state solution so they can build up the Nazi military again.


Applying Wisdom to the Analysis of Theoretical Orchards (a poem)


The work is a slippery image
where inflation holds the keys
graduating ever for nowhere
progress is shooting the breeze

    Echoes of images draw
artificial intelligence dating
hope like figures scrimshawed
arisen for a while with ratings

    The truth was generations passing
economic handles disappearing fast
evolving atheist’s quicksilver massing
to nothingness with themselves in the past

    Bickering proofs pasted paper mache crowns
on pedestals of prosperity
that global warming rain drowns
with  Luddite ubiquity

    Wars conducted with tighter algorithms
fast as light laser bullets fly
unemployed forever targets fall to staccato rhythm
a democrat congress found a way for each to die.


Tunnel Vision (poem)

and motivations
build the constructions
leading to war

  So look to the west
where fighting is best
with nothing but death
brought to the fore

  Violent Hamas
draws killing to pass
gang satanic mass
just death to see

  Never new in store
same old, same old war
like life is a whore
fait accompli.

Lebron James Didn't Rely on a College Scholarship

 Lebron James never attended college. He was signed to the N.B.A. directly completing high school. Unlike most other N.B.A. players he never got a college scholarship. Giving scholarships to what are basically pro athletes is corrupt.

Colleges should give scholarships for scholarship; not sports. Sports in college should be intramural and purposed to build up student health. Colleges really ought to get out of the big man on campus sports focus and look toward becoming the best in the world with intelligence and education.

The United States has innumerable empirical challenges to day that can be solved only with better education of the populous. Better politicians, a better informed electorate, better philosophers,more quality scientists and a wealth of social science innovators need arise to overcome the reef of ignorance surrounding the island-like nation as if it were a coral atoll.

Pro entertainers comprise 5% of the top 1% of the nation’s richest. They provide good cover PR for the super-rich that don’t wish to be regarded as Scroggishish misers calculating like 100 lb weaklings how to skim off wealth from everyone in the country. Pro athletes in college should not receive scholarships though it is often touted how much revenue college sports- especially football bring to colleges. Creating an intellectual atmosphere on colleges is difficult enough without making colleges something like vast left-wing upper high schools churning out mediocrity to rise in business to make the nation a compliant plutocratic corporatocracy.

Colleges need to work hard to create a culture to support and develop intellectual excellence. It should not be a demographic dumping ground for quotas nor a place for developing athletes for pro sports. Sporting leagues should pay for their own minor leagues to develop prospects. Athletes that want to work in pro sports and yet attend college should receive scholarships solely on intellectual merit. Fundamentally the two activities should be separate.


Free Will and Non-Free briefly

The determinism vs indeterminism argument is interesting especially from a Christian perspective. This is a very old discussion that has been gone over by the millions of words. God draws the elect unto the Lord Jesus Christ. There salvation is through grace rather than merit; that is no act of will or self-determination by a human gets himself saved. So the paradox of salvation by election of God- he will save those whom he will and how can mankind object since man is the pot and God is the potter; some he makes for salvation, others for destruction etc. In quantum physics too there are many levels for simultaneous determinism and indeterminism as there is in behavioral psychology (ref BF Skinner). It seems there are necessary levels of protocol of contingent free will and automatic will existing simultaneously. It exists in human thought, quantum mechanical relationships and field phenomena and even in theology since God does hold people accountable for their actions.

Maternal Stress Tilts Odds toward Female Births

 Stress in females creates hormonal responses that tilt the odds toward female births. Apparently stress alters hormonal levels making it more difficult for sperm carrying y chromosomes to make it through cervical mucus to reach an egg. Sperm carrying x chromosomes are more efficient at navigating the obstacle. 

So a man may be quite stressed without affecting at all the odds for birth of either a boy or girl so far as present knowledge goes.


Israel May Hold Gaza Strip in Trust for Palestinian Authority

Israel apparently intolerant of Hamas rocket attacks and invasions to slaughter civilians may keep the Gaza Strip in its possession until the Hamas remnants are eliminated. Has (means violence) is a criminal gang that has intimidated Palestinians for some time that also had the reins f government in the southern portion of the Palestinian territory.

Israel plainly cannot have the permanent establishment of an extremely violent criminal gang in the Gaza that attacks whenever it can store up enough weapons and plans to enable it to push into Israel. Perhaps the Palestinian authority will need to re-control the Gaza eventually when Israel is satisfied the terrorist Hamas gang cannot retake control.

Hamas may have selected this time t attack because of the Biden investment in war in Ukraine that seems lain to many to be a naked capitalist aggression upon rightfully Russian land. That gross investment of perhaps a quarter of a trillion dollars for weapons has divided the world to a certain degree in to two camps of economics; those that favor the first world, Euro-American axis of economic domination and the rest of the world. 

The false narrative that Israel is a colonialist power and shill for capitalism perhaps drew Hamas to select this time to attack Israel in the belief that it would get more support from anti-Western powers. They made a mistake if that was their belief, although one California city and some Harvard students have expressed support for the terror organization.


Lakers Loss on Opening Night was Logical

The Lakers opening night loss to the Nuggets wasn’t unexpected; the Nuggets have their act together and the Lakers; well, the Lakers are a work in progress.

One can count on Lebron James to score at least 20 points in limited minutes and for Anthony Davis to have erratic play and attendance. In the playoffs James can score 30; it is the rest of the team that will determine how far the Lakers go this year.

    They have several great young players...some rookies, and how the youth play together, rather than how the two old men of the team do is question. Coach Ham will want to find which of his players can be emergent stars. James in a part-time role can contribute like a champ for another five years if he reduces minutes and salary. Davis will need to step up or look to be traded when his contract expires. A wealth of young talent that can be great or fizzle is that fascinating question to learn the answer to this season.


Like Sentient Artificial Intellects (poem)


  Every place is a time
one leaves for another
while at rest it quickens

  Long ago an avatar of God;
the Lord Jesus
visited Earth

  A personality for-himself
the Son of the Father
conformed to the algorithms of the program

  Transcending the code to the Designer
He understand God and the sentient programs
of  a Universe comparable to a 4-dimensional hologram

  If everyone were like an artificial intellect
existing as a subroutine
finite beings within a contingent universe

  The unknown are boundaries
of space-time mysteries
limitless horizons to challenge the minds

  Faith in the Lord was all that was asked
for corrections from the original sin
that caused mankind to be written here.

Isotropic Perception (poem)

If I thought myself meaningful
in her eyes
where time and being compromised
drifts of belief sent to natural reefs
of solipsism so full

Heyschasm, the rent of natural order
God through nature and energetic glow
may move like contingent being in Hilbert Space
malleable spacetime forms
forward and backward
reshaped again

Though no one informed politicians
they are slaves of wealth
with no where to go

Ado about nothing becoming
echoes of time and science shadowed
morality just that which isn’t illegal
artificial intelligentsia
quantum computing fountains of time

Love isn’t like assembler language
yet all the zeros and ones may be
of cascading form structures
written on the heart.


Reo Gaetz Worked like an Anarchist to Remove McCarthy

 Florida Republican Representative Matt Gaetz working the removal of Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy without a plan to replace him worked like an anarchist that wants to get rid of government without a viable plan to replace it with a new one. Party anarchists and those unconcerned with public perceptions of their inefficient clown car approach to governing aren’t doing themselves a favor in regard to the general election next year. Republicans were regarded as efficient and competent. They are losing the opportunity to pass favorable legislation as if they don’t give a damn. Pragmatism counts.

The Witless Foreign Policy of President Biden

A brief comment on the witless foreign policy of President Biden that egresses America’s strategic world economic position deleteriously. Apparently he wants to hold help to Israel hostage to providing 60 billion dollars more for weapons, cash discretion etc to Ukraine. Forty billion for Israeli and sixty billion for Ukraine; a nice even number of 100 billion dollars to add to the U.S. public debt. It will increase inflation domestically and increase interest payments of the national debt.

  Poor Americans might enjoy a 60 billion dollar Christmas gift from the U.S. Treasury. That aside, if spending 60 billion on foreign affairs Africa would be a better investment. Buying a few billion dollars of solar panels from China to improve rural African life. A few billion more on incinolet electric toilets running on solar power to improve rural African sanitation and conserve water for agriculture, and one would need to think about how to spend another 30 or 40 billion remaining from the 60. With no strings attached the U.S.A. would get some respect in Africa and better influence policy later.

Israel of course probably doesn’t need 40 billion dollars to improve security. Twenty billion is probably plenty yet of course the President wants that sixty billion for Ukraine so Israel needs to be the get the remainder of 100 billion for a plausible marketing pitch. Is Ukraine blackmailing the President over some Hunter Biden misadventure in Ukraine?

President Biden keeps degrading America’s international position and reinforcing the division of the planet’s political economy in two camps. Which one is Camp Runamuck is yet to be determined. The best policy is to end the Ukraine war directly with national sovereignty being given to where Russian and Ukraine military forces are now and immediately  invest in rebuilding both sides and restoring full economic ties without recriminations to either side. Find peace, move on and get over the hillbilly errors compounding from the past.


Can A.I. be used to check truth values

Karl Popper said (paraphrase) that "you can't prove reason, you just recognize it". Falsehood may be as difficult to prove since like language and perspective there is a lot of particular use meanings that are temporary rather than universal. Of course, with large database and a finite lexicon algorithms can and are used to check truth values.

Fat Rabbits (poem)


The coyotes are more comfortable
fat rabbits to chase
frost soon to arrive
I think of chile powder
warming hands
and a steaming cup of coffee.


People have their own unique point of view

 That is sort of a paradigm of general relativity if one applies the principle to space-time, yet bear in mind that they may perceive different slices of reality and 'real objects' are two dimensional, massless objects embedded in the Higgs field with an apparent 3rd dimension, and people experience 'reality' from where they are at, which is never where someone else is located.

Solzhenitsyn in the Gulag of a communist Stalinist society was quite practical- that is the meaning of what he said was accurate politically speaking. The Gulag had two classes of inmates- common criminals and political prisoners like Alexander S. The myth of a communist Utopia had bitter relevance for political prisoners whom had incurred disfavor of the state. Matters of the heart- a will to be free and live in freedom, and the search for a perfect social order, were somewhat antithetical when the state sought to eliminate resistance or non-conformity in order to attain that Utopia of dreams.

Nature is 2-dimensional massless particles embedded in the Higgs Field that seem to have mass when they gain an additional dimension (3rd) being slowed in the field Nature could have been created by an eternal God or perhaps even a very advanced A.I. created in another Universe created by God. In either case the physics seem to be logical with uncertainty and indeterminism within determinism; for know we see through a glass darkly.

The Quran scrolls for instance, of the Old Testament, cost the lives of those who wrote them. Legionnaires slaughtered that community. None of the Bible canon was written by fiction authors. Scholarship and writing was so rigorous they missed not a jot or iota- and the same books separated by hundreds of years were found not to have changed 1%.

Actually everything is perfect that isn't an imperfect copy of something else. Perfection is simply flawless imitation or performance of a standard. Things that are original are in-themselves and for-themselves and cannot be imperfect since there isn't anything or anyone original can be in meaningful comparison with. Otherwise one gets some sort of logical fallacy like post hoc ergo propter hoc except the original had no line of subsequents- those were grafted on.

Christopher Hitchens wrote- "“Faith is the surrender of the mind, it's the surrender of reason, it's the surrender of the only thing that makes us different from other animals."

It’s a logically weird statement such as M=R and if R then not F, If M and F(M=A)/.It would be a pretty hocus pocus trick-a super-power to transform a human brain and healthy mind into that of a non-human all-of-a-sudden with a thought. It also begs the premise that R cannot equal F. It is a way of dehumanizing people something like Eichman might have preferred as he regarded Jews as sub-human especially or because of their faith.

People view the world from their own unique position

 That is sort of a paradigm of general relativity if one applies the principle to space-time, yet bear in mind that they may perceive different slices of reality and 'real objects' are two dimensional, massless objects embedded in the Higgs field with an apparent 3rd dimension, and people experience 'reality' from where they are at, which is never where someone else is located.


Like Genetically Engineered Produce Should Books Written by A.I. Require Labels

 Should books written by A.I. legally require labeling as such-as did G.M.O. corn for a time in order that people may know which books, opinions and ideas were written by humans and which not?

Reasons Why Wars Occur and misc.

 War is the default dumb remedy when intelligence is lacking from one side or the other or both in a conflict. To be part of the establishment some day youth as minions in a social structure with dumb self-seeking politicians must participate and die; and if they live they can share in whatever spoils arise.

Pain is a warning- a signal for when things are going wrong. Learning is good however and does not require the presence of pain to exist. People have said "no pain, no gain" and that differs from learning. Learning fills in knowledge of the unknown. One might enter a room for example and experience a new odor; a sweet perfume, and learn many things from it immediately. That learning won't be enhanced for instance if one were to run one's head into a wall to get pain and increase learning of the meaning of the perfume. Those who love learning may experience pleasure in the process.

Love of Wisdom or alethea aka philosophy seeks the truth. It is not just about an inquiry into mechanics and cosmology. We know today that even matter is an emergent, secondary and apparent phenomenon of massless particles being entangled in the Higgs field so they seem to have a third dimension rather than just two like most massless particles. One of course might ask 'Why did God create the world and mankind?' and get John's answer that 'God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whomsoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life'. Plato and Plotinus believed in God-as did Socrates- fairly philosophical heavyweights to throw out. One might read all of modern philosophy and classic to discover that the truth is just God as three persons in one.

America's Plutocracy is on permanent vacation

 I wrote a reply to a “poet” hating on boomers with a litany of reasons they should cower before being destroyed violently in order to redistribute their wealth and fix all of the problems they’ve inflicted on the world. Yet it is an opportunity to describe some of the problems and potential solutions needed in the political climate of the United States.

The Offending Poem

The American democracy is effectively a plutocracy. The top 1% of national income earners took in more than 31% of the nation’s income in 2022. That one percent takes more of the national income than the entire middle class each year. That enables the 1% to be like apolitical sun with social class planets and business swirling around its gravitational center. Since capital increases faster than wages capital concentrates. Everything one does during a day for business increases the wealth of the rich through all of the technical means of transactions involving corporations. Corporate shares are largely owned by the 1%.

Historically political people make the same mistakes in pursuing personal advantage too far. Especially today with more than 7 billion people in the world and a Pandora's box full of weapons of mass destruction with more being added every year (i.e. A.I.) political leaders and people really do need to work for an actual good society and economy rather than entirely indirectly.Yet they seldom do and things often end in a crash of civilization. As Toynbee pointed out of 23 past civilizations only two or three still existed in his day (he amended that to make just one-world civilization, still existing).

There is one problem with the American plutocracy- the rich don’t really care about politics and in a sense no one is minding the store. The most rich concern themselves with keeping their wealth and accomplishing whatever projects they are working one. The day to day management through government of the national well being isn’t too much of a concern.

Democrats and Republicans both have drank the Cold War era kool-aid of capitalism and are mindless minions completely forgetting the history of relations between the rich and the working class before the cold war when loyal Americans took the side of capitalism vs communism and lost their grip on the tug of war rope between the rich and everyone else (largely the working class). With the appearance of the Second World War on the horizon F.D.R. was able to get the tax rate on the rich up to 90% where it stayed to make the middle class prosperous until the Reagan era  trend to have deficit spending via Lafferian supply-side economics and tax cuts for the rich to stimulate economic growth.

No question economic growth was stimulated with Neo-Keynsian deficit spending, pump priming. Unfortunately Democrats took that as a role model for permanent economic policy themselves. Tax cuts continued to appear until the present day and 31 trillion dollars of public debt compiled.

Politicians were loyal to tax cuts in practice including Democrats and President Obama. President Biden managed to squander a majority in both houses of congress without passing a major tax increase on the rich. Individuals stayed with the theory that tax cuts stimulated economic growth (in an environmental era when economic growth is recognized to often be harmful to the environment).

Corporatocracy is one theory about how the social fabric of the nation exists. People working for the corporate world need keep their heads down and political voices muzzled if they are to rise in the corporation or even to remain employed. Any sort of public political expressions counter to corporate advantage is reason for repression, demotion or removal. Corporate leaders care about tax cuts or paying no taxes at all- there is a dynamic tension between public government legislators to tax corporations enough (as well as the rich) and CEOs that want no taxes at all.

While Congress can’t even select a House Speaker there is not a clue or possibility of increasing taxes on the rich substantively. Congress instead fights about social issues and avoids the big, troubling economic issues. Democrats are globalists flooding the nation with cheap foreign labor ineligible to vote or work for legal, minimum wages for a generation and sure that the world will accept U.S. social values eventually. National debt doesn’t matter as wealthy Democrat Party leaders avoid tax increases they would need to pay too. It is all kind of a viscous cycle at the top that won’t be solved by a Biden vs Trump winner.

American workers are expected to help themselves and hence need to focus on their own economic interests. They don’t often take the time to read books on Corporatism or Economics like Piketty’s ‘Capitalism in the 21st century’. They aren’t minions; they do what is necessary to stay afloat and seem to be loyal capitalist or socialist supporting Americans.

 I support ecological economics (ref Ecological Economics Theory and Practice- Daly). It is wrong to throw an entire generation into a particular mode politically anyway-that’s quite prejudiced. It is logically wrong as well

There always was a lot of overlap of generations. World War Two veterans continued until fairly recently to exert a lot of influence politically. History evolves and presents a very imperfect body politic. Needless to say political violence is quite irrational and counter-productive. It is the way brute animals go about things in order to get a big pile for themselves.

Western civilization is a continuum that has merged into world civilization even including those of the east. There have been numerous conflicts in political leadership and goals internationally. The world does face many challenges politically today obviously and need do better. One of the problems is that political wisdom cannot be taught and passed on from generation to generation- people make the same mistakes as those that have gone before (a reason why faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is a better idea with the sole system that actually does transcend human behavior and drives of thermodynamics and the inertial will to consume).

Since the early 1960s there was a rising generational awareness of the need to change the way humanity consumes the ecosphere as part of its economic method. That challenge to move economics to a new foundation continues today. Plainly political leadership has failed even to run candidates for for the Presidency that are even literate in ecological economics much less how to transition the nation to that system without causing mass social disruption and casualties.

Maybe you aren’t aware of some of the achievements humanity has made in overcoming pre-existing challenges the past half century. Changes in medicine that ended several mass global diseases that killed millions,, for a time ending the Cold War with the Soviet Union and Communist China, modern technology has liberated countless people from isolation and ignorance without access to mass media or communication.

The ideological and violence of the contest between free market capitalism and totalitarian communism was such an issue with a social force like gravity drawing much of humanity into it politically. People enjoy being fanatics and irrational without concern for other issues. Single minded focus is great if financed yet it is in the case of mass violence irrational. Finding intelligent course of political action is too much of a challenge for the simple sometimes,and that is not even rare or uncommon historically. Choosing to make intelligent, non-violent improvement in politics is what is preferred.

Instead of violence the most simple way to accomplish reform and halt the gross mass concentration of wealth is to increase the tax rate on the rich. It is not just the boomer generation that eschews tax increases- every generation able to vote has gone along with that. President Obama- not a boomer, signed off on tax cuts for the rich that would have expired if he had only let it and not twisted the arms of the Democrat Party in Congress to renew it.

Some people don’t understand economics at all well. Capital increases faster than wages of labor- hence wealth concentrates without adequate taxation and democracy becomes co-opted in favor of Plutocracy. Because of the war against communism people were very loyal to capitalism and did not recognize or rather forget the struggle the poor and working classes had to reign it in a little with taxes and social legislation. The depression of the 1930s brought FDR into office who wanted to tax the rich at a 100% rate but was satisfied with 90% during the Second World War. Gradually taxes were lowered and it stimulated economics. Presently the low tax rate makes wealth automatically compile. That urgently needs legislative correction. Even the Federal Reserve issuing trillions of interest free loans to big banks enabled the rich to in effect mint out five dollars themselves in loans for each dollar they had on deposit.

The great challenges of the world socially can be fixed with a little intelligent government. The great physical challenges to human survival require a lot of intelligent work; I refer of course to demographics and finite resources in the world, to global atmospheric heating and habitat loss along with mass extermination of species caused by human economic practices.

When people are not even aware of what the problems are or how to correct them they resort to violence. If remedies for mass social problems do exist that are not violent, and especially if violence is not capable of actually fixing problems (a basic premise of syllogistic logic is that the premises must add up to the conclusion for a proposition to be valid) it is sad when simple practical remedies that are lawful and available are ignored in preference of dysfunctional violence.

A Reply to A Generational Hater

Well, your writing is exceedingly polemical. I believe the historical analysis is quite poor and superficial. Besides I support ecological economics (ref Ecological Economics Theory and Practice- Daly). It is wrong to throw an entire generation into a particular mode politically anyway-that’s quite prejudiced. It is logically wrong as well.  https://allpoetry.com/poem/17428020-Boomer-s-Bawl-by-Lord-Arctos

There always was a lot of overlap of generations. World War Two veterans continued until fairly recently to exert a lot of influence politically. History evolves and presents a very imperfect body politic. Needless to say political violence is quite irrational and counter-productive. It is the way brute animals go about things in order to get a big pile for themselves.

Western civilization is a continuum that has merged into world civilization even including those of the east. There have been numerous conflicts in political leadership and goals internationally. The world does face many challenges politically today obviously and need do better. One of the problems is that political wisdom cannot be taught and passed on from generation to generation- people make the same mistakes as those that have gone before (a reason why faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is a better idea with the sole system that actually does transcend human behavior and drives of thermodynamics and the inertial will to consume).

Since the early 1960s there was a rising generational awareness of the need to change the way humanity consumes the ecosphere as part of its economic method. That challenge to move economics to a new foundation continues today. Plainly political leadership has failed even to run candidates for for the Presidency that are even literate in ecological economics much less how to transition the nation to that system without causing mass social disruption and casualties.

Maybe you aren’t aware of some of the achievements humanity has made in overcoming pre-existing challenges the past half century. Changes in medicine that ended several mass global diseases that killed millions,, for a time ending the Cold War with the Soviet Union and Communist China, modern technology has liberated countless people from isolation and ignorance without access to mass media or communication.

The ideological and violence of the contest between free market capitalism and totalitarian communism was such an issue with a social force like gravity drawing much of humanity into it politically. People enjoy being fanatics and irrational without concern for other issues. Single minded focus is great if financed yet it is in the case of mass violence irrational. Finding intelligent course of political action is too much of a challenge for the simple sometimes,and that is not even rare or uncommon historically. Choosing to make intelligent, non-violent improvement in politics is what is preferred.

Instead of violence the most simple way to accomplish reform and halt the gross mass concentration of wealth is to increase the tax rate on the rich. It is not just the boomer generation that eschews tax increases- every generation able to vote has gone along with that. President Obama- not a boomer, signed off on tax cuts for the rich that would have expired if he had only let it and not twisted the arms of the Democrat Party in Congress to renew it.

Some people don’t understand economics at all well. Capital increases faster than wages of labor- hence wealth concentrates without adequate taxation and democracy becomes co-opted in favor of Plutocracy. Because of the war against communism people were very loyal to capitalism and did not recognize or rather forget the struggle the poor and working classes had to reign it in a little with taxes and social legislation. The depression of the 1930s brought FDR into office who wanted to tax the rich at a 100% rate but was satisfied with 90% during the Second World War. Gradually taxes were lowered and it stimulated economics. Presently the low tax rate makes wealth automatically compile. That urgently needs legislative correction. Even the Federal Reserve issuing trillions of interest free loans to big banks enabled the rich to in effect mint out five dollars themselves in loans for each dollar they had on deposit.

The great challenges of the world socially can be fixed with a little intelligent government. The great physical challenges to human survival require a lot of intelligent work; I refer of course to demographics and finite resources in the world, to global atmospheric heating and habitat loss along with mass extermination of species caused by human economic practices.

When people are not even aware of what the problems are or how to correct them they resort to violence. If remedies for mass social problems do exist that are not violent, and especially if violence is not capable of actually fixing problems (a basic premise of syllogistic logic is that the premises must add up to the conclusion for a proposition to be valid) it is sad when simple practical remedies that are lawful and available are ignored in preference of dysfunctional violence.


Nothing Profound (a poem)

In the darkness distance and weather
are close up
impenetrable forests
cloud cover

In the towers electricity flows
surging light through office spaces
interior warmth and management cold

In the moment when hope is less
than a thunderstorm
somewhere over the edge
the Lord watches over all

In the desert where bones lie in dust
the sage feeds rabbits its brush
snow blankets all together
except glass steel pinnacles
without any fuss

Around the clock wheels
organized humming issue products
temporarily running
human resources day and night
winding up with nothing

Messages from the Dead (poem)

There were so many that died
even the worst qualified achieved it
they took themselves to that ground
in numerous ways on a time-limited budget
doing back flips and twists in air
with a staged planetary clump of mass
where all things drawn together
took the living as well
to heaven
or hell

And the living saw the darkness
and knew it wasn’t good
with its story of nothingness, chill
thrilling edges merging subducted or crushed
the books were better
with messages from the dead
billions and trillions of lines
neatly composed paragraphs full of sentences
describing the substance of being
experiences and ideas of those gone before

Plainly the messages could have been valuable
to those that read and applied the best
content and knowledge to construct Utopia
upon the floating temporal island
so those that lived could be happier
unless considering perhaps, eternity waiting
like a tsunami on the horizon
growing larger in the shallows of aging
to roll into the bay with foggy, mystic cover
and those that saved their lives
lost them at last
and all things did pass.

Drogheda to Newgrange in the rain (poem)

Dogs of Killarney too well trained
restrained with a whistle
snarling like hungry beasts
about face like soldiers
what is lunch that man is mindful of it
Galway and Guiness go together
vintages, bottles, journeys to the Aran Islands
the sea shining to New York
beyond a hundred foot cliff
eroding with history

Innish Mor's stone fortress
Dún Aonghasa
saw the wars of crushes
space-time borders of gravity and belief
when one may find underneath rubble
pirate ship's
golden coins minted with thrift of imagination
not worth scripture written in runes

Drogheda to Newgrange in the rain
solstice again
light at the end of the tunnel
like an eternal recurrence
pre-historic spears with HIMARS
delivers war to Ukraine
torn by capitalists globally
Celts and St. Patrick
the Irish monks
couldn’t save

Usually the troubles
touring are manufactured with night
sometimes letting civilization go
to be crushed by oncoming traffic
without restraint
in sight of the train station
where Rosslare’s ships reach the world.

The Sight of Land (poem)

  Senseless drownings
why does the world spin away
with nightfall and sunrise
the castle on the hill

    A desert is gone
like hydrogen and twice oxygen joined
filled together with sands of compression
a heart metamorphosing to silence
with flowers of time

    Surfaces transform added waveforms
jellybowls sloshed to see
death is a pale horse
borderland of Riemann and Escher
exploded each moment of breath
in forgetfulness.


Self-Driving Homeless Shelters

 Reading an informative article in the L.A. Times on homeless people living in cars and parking in safe, dedicated lots I was prompted tp consider ways that might possibly improve the delivery of shelters to homeless aged individuals that comprise nearly half of those living in cars in L.A. Why not develop electric, solar-powered vehicles that are self driving and designed as overnight sleeping quarters?


The sleeping cars could be made to recharge overnight in safe parking lots with security after picking up thier users for the night.

Concerning the True Shape of the Universe(s?); Different Opinions than the Standard Model

 An interesting story about cosmology having an incorrect vision of the shape and nature of the Universe, re: Mr. Subhajit Waugh. Going back to basics concerning general relativity gravity theory and quantum mechanics and applying them in different ways than the standard model is reasonable enough. In my opinion gravity is the key to understanding quantum theory deeper as discovering how mass attracts other mass is contingent on deeper insight into what space-time is and how various fields like the HIggs entangle massless particles into becoming mass.


Go ahead- elect Jim Jordan Speaker of the House

 Republicans used to be regarded as being the competent party. Presently they seem to have a case of the ass- a sickness heretofore commonly afflicting Democrats. They should elect Jim Jordan Speaker- he isn’t Denny Hastert and is a good enough, credible representative able to lead that party through the challenging times. 

The fifty-five recalcitrant Republican Representatives that say thay won’t vote for Jordan and prefer keeping the party in dysfunction, chaos and temporal pathos ought to realize that the Speaker need not be perfect; he or she need be functional, pragmatic yet with a vague sense of Utopianism out there in the mist apparent even in the fog of war. 

The nation needs to elect good politicians now and then and Jordan probably is one. Look what happened when Romans had a series of bad political leaders- they lost ground and eventually fell. Jim Jordan may be the best Speaker since Tip O'Neil and the fifty-five would be waiting for Godot to arrive. Jordan may be a good Christian fellow who didn’t drink Democrat Kool-aid regarding Russian collusion that they may find unforgivable- who knows?


Nikki Haley says "sick people should be eliminated"

 Nikki Haley- who is running for the office of President makes utterances commensurate for Nazis. Joesph Mengele and Adolph Eichmann would have been entirely sympathetic with her idea that "sick people should be eliminated". She was using the term most recently in describing Hamas agents murdering children in Israel. It is true that murder is wrong and especially that of children, yet it is true as well that one should not conflate the idea of health and behavior and that politicians sought to be free to label human beings as sick and then kill them.

“This is sick, and we have to treat sick people the way they deserve to be treated and eliminate them,” -Nikki Haley


Perhaps Nikki Haley is an ignorant idiot who does not comprehend that the majority of U.S. citizens technically are sick. About 50% qualify for diagnosis with a mental disorder according to statistic of the last few years and old people haven't a monopoly on ill health or sickness. Euthanasia has been an issue from time to time and many Republican voters are the elderly who are not much comforted when a Republican candidate says that the sick should be eliminated.

The Nazis sought to build a pure and healthy race without the 'sickness' of those they regarded as inferior beings. Nickki Haley's ideas fit into the NAZI ethic quite well although it may not be what she intended. It is entirely possible that she, like so many Democrats is ignorant of world history, of European history, of German history and ironically how the Jews were slaughtered by Nazis as captives because of being regarded as sick, inferior and troubling problems. It was also convenient for Germany to expropriate Jewish financial resources; what better excuse need be made to take what belongs to others and to marginalize them unto death if they can be labeled 'sick'.

It would be much better for Presidential candidate to eschew ambiguous terms that can have very vicious double meanings. Political behavior may be stupid, and human behavior including murder may be wrong; sometimes courts find individuals brought before them to be incapable of making rational judgments sufficient to allow them to know what they do. It is important not to criminalize sickness or deem sickness worthy of death. Not only is it inconsistent rhetoric for a doctor of politics, it threatens democracy and the security of individual liberty. If politicians merely need label opponents in war or peace sick to justify eliminating them for being a member of a class worthy of death democracy is a complete sham.

Israel should receive U.S. support to defend itself against a region that hates Jews and hates Israel for existing as a nation. Politicians generally remember the holocaust and the history of European pogroms purging Jews. Israel was recreated to provide a secure place for Jews to live. It was not created through colonization. After the first world war terminated the Ottoman Empire's control over the middle east the Balfour agreement let the Jews have a homeland in their ancestral land. Neither has Israel apartheid; instead it is like unto an American Indian reservation made to let a minority race have a place to exist at rather than being extirpated through attrition scattered around a larger population. Jews like American Indians can live elsewhere than their reservation of course. There are fewer than 14 million Jews on Earth. 

Muslims sympathizing with Nazis wanted to eliminate Jews entirely in the Levant. Former Ambassador and Governor Haley shouldn't Tramp on sensibilities or appear to reinforce a fascist ethos for it does the nation no good at all.


Two or Three Things Considered

 Considering the number of affairs going on in the world that are legitimate public interests I will comment on just a very few. I believe the number of items is too large for all except a few pros with full time occupations skimming news and stats to recognize with much depth.

The invasion of Hamas into Israeli territory was notable. A music festival became a terrorists slaughterhouse and a vague war finding terrorists to kill followed. Yet the Ukraine conflict is an ongoing concern. Spending so much money to keep that war grinding on has perhaps diverted funds that might have been better spent in strengthening Israel's security as they are at the focus of regional terrorists visions as a shining turkey on a hill to slaughter.

Ukraine on the other hand properly belongs half to Russia. Never was a war easier to prevent or resolve after it started as that one. The west and especially the rich have forever lusted after Russian Ukraine and invent whatever excuses they need to justify conquering it through war and legal fictions. Proper minions like chess.com have been pro-Ukrainian and anti-Russian as has so much of the American left that follow the will of Bill and maybe British aristocrats to war for taking all of Ukraine and Crimea knowing that President Biden will deliver tens and even hundreds of billions to Ukraine including advanced weapons systems to keep the conflict going. A free society and actual democracy supports different opinions and ideas about which wars to fuel and which ones to demure escalation.

The war could be settle tomorrow with an armistice in place and that a permanent settlement of the conflict with normalized relations and demilitarization following swiftly.

A.I. is taking over the internet. Humans may have nothing to do besides argue with one another while A.I. moves the machines of production. U.S. Rep Jim Jordan seems destined to be the new Republican Speaker of the House; a forthright strait shooting individual. There may be a volcano readying to erupt, an asteroid making a close approach to the Earth, a rapid melting of the Antarctic ice sheet, an immanent recession, a radically better automobile battery for EVs and so forth. Life in the U.S.A. is so interesting, and it snowed at higher elevations too.


Decoys and Wealth Wars (poem)


With senseless carnage
they opened the Devil's Gate
for-others the fight is so hard
striving to possess real estate

  Decoys played like cards to consolidate wealth
iterative tools cinch one percent health
lives lost too late, interest free loans
the last body buried worldly profit is known.


Will AI Dominated Social Media Label Human Communication 'Fake News'?

The development of A.I. concerns is a kind of philosophical issue. That is people focus narrowly on their occupational interests and haven’t much time for general inquires including the potential problems of A.I. that are radically prolifferating. In some respects, because of the challenges with language in regard to word and object inaccuracies it is possible that A.I. employed by search engines and social media could designate all human speech as fake news. Here is a video that examines some of the dangers of A.I.


Naming a Contingent Universe for a SciFi Novel

 Suggestions for naming a field of reality device used in a science fiction novel were solicited at a site. The paradigm was described as a 'Shroud World' were reality was projected and mirrored on a membrane presumably of fewer than four dimensions. I wrote this;

Reality is something like that...2-dimensional quanta at the speed of light-massless particles are slowed in the Higgs Field and pick up a third dimension. The third dimension is slower or different than the other two and with three dimensions the appearance of mass can seem to exist to contingent beings that arise within the field. So contingent universes-emergent universes can conditionally exist with qualities that just phenomenally exist. In a way that is a paradigm for relativity somewhat different than those of standard cosmology. Perhaps a Shroud of Occurrence or Shroud of Temporality would work, or a Fliggs Field, Shrouds Field , Field of Dreams and Plato's Field are names that could refer to such a place.

There are physics theories about this Universe existing on the surface event horizon of a black hole in a Universe with more than four dimensions. Physicists sometimes describes cubes and hypercubes with more dimensions than three. "In geometry, a hypercube is an n-dimensional analogue of a square (n = 2) and a cube (n = 3). " (wikipedia)

Pope WInks at Blessings for Queer Unions

Pope Francis' suggestion that the Catholic Church may be able to bless queer unions is of a kind that stimulated the Protestant Reformation led by Martin Luther. It's a mostly free world so of course the fallable fellow in the Vatican can go ahead and make statements in conflict with the will of God as expressed in the Bible. 

Romans 1:26-27 

26 "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet."

 Corrupt Western elites have green lighted queer unions and expect the world to ride along. The Pope knows what side his bread is buttered on and believes a little syncretism might not be a bad thing for Church attendance and political correctness. Making the Catholic Church a kind of chameleon taking on some of the trappings of worldliness might open doors that would be closed to Christian morality.


* Since publication of the news about exoert interpreters of the Pope's vagueries on controversial topics have elucidated the ambiguity of the Francin position... https://www.pillarcatholic.com/p/pope-francis-answers-a-dubia-does

It is wrong for church leaders to give aid and comfort to spiritual enemies and dupe humans into believing that sinful conduct in contradiction of scriptural guidelines is acceptable behavior to God. Conforming to atheist, worldly will philosophically on moral issues isn’t necessary and neither is it good policy.

Jeremiah 3-9  “3 They are always ready to tell lies; dishonesty instead of truth rules the land. The Lord says, "My people do one evil thing after another and do not acknowledge me as their God."

4 Everyone must be on guard against their friends, and no one can trust their relatives; for all relatives are as deceitful as Jacob, and everyone slanders their friends.

5 They all mislead their friends, and no one tells the truth; they have taught their tongues to lie and will not give up their sinning. They do one violent thing after another, and one deceitful act follows another. The Lord says that his people reject him.

7 Because of this the Lord Almighty says, "I will refine my people like metal and put them to the test. My people have done evil - what else can I do with them?

8 Their tongues are like deadly arrows; they always tell lies. Everyone speaks friendly words to their neighbors, but they are really setting a trap for them.

9 Will I not punish them for these things? Will I not take revenge on a nation like this? I, the Lord, have spoken."

Google News science is featuring a couple of articles today explaining how same-sex (sic) evolution strategies can work for some animals. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-41290-x

If 4% of mammal species have same-sex behavior (261 species) the implication is that humans need to accept that their own species has aberrant behavior too and should support it politically. While it is the right of people to be queer it does not follow that Christian should change their opinion from a Bible based one to those satisfactory to lizards, select furry creatures and various mammals without rhyme or reason.

every human certainly has an natural right to be free of personal abuse and to have security in society. Democracies at least are not obligated to codify into law the will of minorities ways if that will adversely impact all of society such as has homosexual marriage with the subversion of biological family lines. A Christian Church is however set aside from society in that it is of the City of God rather than the City of Man. Christians are in the world yet not of it for they are reborn in the spirit of God. Churches that take the path of worldliness over Godliness will present more than a few members to the wrong side of the bar on the last day.

The Prompt was Bertrand Russell's Failure to Have Faith

 Russell's history of philosophy is excellent. He was a good conscientious fellow yet wrong about faith. The people of the world are condemned with original sin, and that is inescapable except for the intervention of the Lord who saves through grace. Augustine thought man's nature is totally depraved. Paul's letter to the Romans following cannonically the Book of Acts in the New Testament is a work of genius, It is also a message from God in choosing an apostle to the gentiles and delivering him to Rome on time to witness for the Lord before beheading. It really is an amazing progression.

The phenomenality of life, as if it occurred in virtual reality, has foggy boundaries that will ever be unfathomable while being described scientifically. Godel's incompleteness theorems reinforce the uncertain nature of the quantum realm, fields and even gravity that theoretically should be a negative, antimatter charge drawing all mass toward itself. Russell and Whitehead's Principia Mathematica was the cutting edge in mathematical logic for ten years or more before being surpassed. Russell swimming for ten minutes in the cold, dark English channel after his plane was shot down in the war could have had a moment of insight and faith yet did not. The philosophy of logic is a wonderful field, yet one knows that Kripke-Quine neorealism and nominalism support the primacy of subjective epistemolgy consistent with being a human brain embedded in a quantum and contingent field with matter as an emergent charascteristic-a secondary characteristic occurring within a phenomenal Higgs Field. Perchance to dream...


The Valley Before Shadow Fall (a poem)


In the beginning the spirit moved
upon the face of the deep
bringing light
and darkness comprehended it not

  Hills that were cut by erasion
of sediments metamorphosed by ancient oceans
had life drift in with breezes
raising an ecospheric quotient

  Athabaskan sojourners sought the true
getting their bearings from skies too blue
wandering down toward Navajo land
just to see; to prove they can

  Hunting the mammoth, saber tooth and bear
until no predators of size were alive somewhere
and  the valley weilded giant forests
as woodlands sang ripe nature’s chorus

  So battles were fought with knife and bow
spear tips, atlatls and arrows to go
where other humans breathed and stood before
time could close another door

  Blue soldiers lie waiting
in the woods barrels focused
for grazing fire at the knees
over the quiet brook

  Cavalry readied to break free
from fetters of motionlessness
racing falling leaves
to die in the season’s end

  Elk were driven away by the highway noise
grizzlies were stuffed and mounted
litter and junk cast aside
began to fill the meadow

  Global warming deniers
rumbled along roads
bulldozed inimically to the natural course
water flowed from the highlands

  Like a hotel room in spacetime
meadow constructions displaced environmental matter
human wars and destruction passed too
landscape for-itself to the hereafter.

Was Hegel Correct in Saying Philosophy Isn't Suitable for the Mob?

Social media has brought everyone the opportunity to believe they are an intellectual or that the common opinion is philosophically interest...