
Righteous Christian Tithing

For much of Christian history righteous tithing has been supplanted by unrighteous tithing. Instead of following the parameters of tithing given in Deuteronomy Christians have followed their own guidelines suggested by the receivers of the tithe.

In the Bible book the tithe was to be the first fruits of agricultural production. Ten percent of an individual's work produce was to be put into his storehouse and saved for a celebration of God at some holy place once a year. If any Christian followed the Biblical way he would be blessed with abundance materially, for obviously he would always have a savings account with enough in it to enjoy a worshipful feast each year.
Except in the third year the producer was to give his ten percent to widows, orphans and non-producing clergy. The non-working clergy of the Levitical era were just ordinary men who would infrequently serve a year or less in priestly duties. They were not career ten per cent annually tithe collectors of everyone's produce as they are today. Instead, they were humble individuals who would return to work their own fields after serving God a year.

In ancient Israel and Judah it would have been difficult to meet in a priesthood of believers unlike today where it would be instantly possible and a good way to have Christians gain maturity in the faith. Modern literacy and communication enable all responsible Christians to perform well-ordered liturgical and worship sharing tasks, yet a hierarchical priesthood devoted to ten percent tithe collecting usurps that formation.
It is useful to remember that God did not want Israel to have a King. God was their leader and he only allowed them to have Saul as their king when he was out chasing his lost ass and wandered into the people who recognized the tall searcher as their king. Eventually King David's male line would die out and Jesus Christ-the King of the Jews, would arise from David's line through Mary.

Deuteronomy 14
"22Thou shalt truly tithe all the increase of thy seed, that the field bringeth forth year by year.
23And thou shalt eat before the LORD thy God, in the place which he shall choose to place his name there, the tithe of thy corn, of thy wine, and of thine oil, and the firstlings of thy herds and of thy flocks; that thou mayest learn to fear the LORD thy God always.
24And if the way be too long for thee, so that thou art not able to carry it; or if the place be too far from thee, which the LORD thy God shall choose to set his name there, when the LORD thy God hath blessed thee:
25Then shalt thou turn it into money, and bind up the money in thine hand, and shalt go unto the place which the LORD thy God shall choose:
26And thou shalt bestow that money for whatsoever thy soul lusteth after, for oxen, or for sheep, or for wine, or for strong drink, or for whatsoever thy soul desireth: and thou shalt eat there before the LORD thy God, and thou shalt rejoice, thou, and thine household,
27And the Levite that is within thy gates; thou shalt not forsake him; for he hath no part nor inheritance with thee.
28At the end of three years thou shalt bring forth all the tithe of thine increase the same year, and shalt lay it up within thy gates:
29And the Levite, (because he hath no part nor inheritance with thee,) and the stranger, and the fatherless, and the widow, which are within thy gates, shall come, and shall eat and be satisfied; that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all the work of thine hand which thou doest."

Modern Christians should establish a priesthood of believers. The annual, individual’s family feast will assure that God's will that Christians save their produce and do not want might be carried out with a pow wow and spirit dance perhaps with hired performers of song. The feast should place Jesus Christ at the center of the worship festivity. Obviously the third year donation to the Salvation Army, Catholic Social Services or other charitable organization dedicated to relieving poverty and bring the lost unto reconciliation with God through the saving grace of the Son Jesus Christ would be two thirds of the third year tithing allocation. Perhaps the other third would go to maintenance of the priesthood of believer’s staff and facility financial needs. Those should be far less than in a hierarchically led church structure as an activist priesthood would be the normal form of Christian association.

God has so often sought to provide rational social structures for human living. Usually society has disregarded those enlightened instructions for living and preferred to make life difficult for themselves after a nominal, superficial compliance. The righteous tithing methods were brilliant financial advice that made it an obligation for the faithful to work and save for themselves and not give away their savings to predatory ‘high priests’. Jesus Christ alone is the high priest for humanity.

Today’s clergy have made church meetings entertaining of course, yet they collect a ten per cent cut of everyone’s income for themselves, and that is plain wrong. Christians are urged to give away the ten percent of their produce to a professional clergy that they were to store for a celebration once a year. As Christian give away their savings they are left vulnerable to the vicissitudes of poverty and leverage financially from predatory lenders and others offering dubiously honorable employment opportunities or ‘deals’.

Christian’s bereft of their annual tithing savings account are told to rely upon God magically to produce abundance for them and forsake the practical word of God as given in Deuteronomy quoted above. God have provided a rational way of material provisioning for each individual. With ten percent of a crop in storage (perhaps grain or corn), the godly would not be a consumer or ever find himself without something to eat in an emergency. Today, even in hard times, the corruption of over-tithing a hierarchical priesthood 3000% persists with little chance of church reform into creation of a priesthood of believers.

The Fine Structure Constant Value of the Universe May be A-Changin

The fine structure constant of the Universe is a mathematical value determined by physicists to give the strength of the force that exists when an electron gives up its force carrying particle the photon. Since the early 20th century origin of quantum mechanics the value was believed to be a universal constant at about 1/137. Now that certainty is changing.


Astrophysicists in recent years have found evidence in very distant stellar light sources to support the conclusion that the fine structure constant actually has varied in different regions of the Universe. If it changed by 4% or more stars could not be made from the present methods whereby they are composed. Neither would life exist as we know it without stars.

The Economist and others (see the Feb 2011 article by Bob Berman in Astronomy) have issued articles on the recent change in theory. The topic is interesting especially for those interested in cosmology for if the constant of physics may change much it indicates that underlying causes that are unknown may affect similar processes differently. Perhaps the space-time dimensions of the early inflaton also changed the values of what is called the ‘alpha’ force.

Changes in the fine structure constant may indicate the presence of extra hidden dimensions, or it may indicate that early hidden dimensions were not as compact, or alternately, more compact than today. The quasars or bright galactic sources more than 9 billion light years away in each direction have differing values. In one direction alpha is a little smaller while in the opposite direction 18 billion light years distant it is a little larger. Naturally we would guess that the unfolding of space time dimensions from an initial extremely compacted state might occur with different strengths of force as the intervals of the ball of yarn unrolled (a humorous salute to string theory).

The differential values of alpha that seem possible confirms our appreciation for the subtle constructions of God in issuing select dimensions from a field perhaps of all possible-dimensions in some divine construction yard.

-note to Christian readers- I believe that God may have an Einstinean relativistic realtion to the six days of creation. That is, he can construct several billion years worth of work of Universe building in what to Him might seem a 24 hour day. refer to 'the twins paradox'.

President Obama Gives Up on Defense of Marriage Act- Grounds for Impeachment?

Such executive decisions in other times have motivated congressional party opponents to consider filing articles of impeachment. What else can an ordinary congress do when it passes a perfectly good law and the President chooses unilaterally not to enforce it?

President Obama directed Attorney General Holder-evidently with the Attorney General’s assenting opinion, not to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act. Homosexual militants declared that a victory and the President’s home state of Hawaii concurrently signed in to law a homosexual civil unions law further perverting that island paradise.


The President declared the 1996 law to be unconstitutional. Evidently he has taken upon himself the judicial prerogative of interpreting the constitutionality of laws passed by the congress for-himself.

The duty of the President is to execute laws passed by the congress.

Article I section 1 U.S. Constitution; “

Section 1. All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House

from Article 1 Section 2 U.S. Constitution “The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.”

That is very simple. The President has unconstitutionally exercised a line item veto (actually vetoing enforcement of a complete law). Executive constitutional disobedience and dereliction of duty are grounds for impeachment. The founders did not create an imperial presidency.

I do not want to be churlish about this issue. Yes, in this yippish raving global media era it is cool to be ignorant for many. Leftists want to limit public employment in government agencies to those swearing allegiance to leftist labor unions, and the President has offered support to those seeking to expand the meaning of marriage to include not only men and women, but homosexuals and wildebeests too like as not.

The basic issue though is the President’s assertion that defining marriage as a heterosexual union is not constitutional. The President has taken a libertarian opinion on the point of homosexual marriage, and seeks to find that right in the U.S. Constitution. That is an effort to make a lie of the constitution.

The U.S. Constitution was not designed to be unintelligible to the common man (or woman). It is not founded in Byzantine legalisms requiring a Cabbalistic scholar to define its meanings. Neither is the character and personalities of the founders a matter lost in the mists of time. We know these were goodly and practical men who held social and moral values common to their era. Needless to say, homosexual marriage was not a practice of the era nor of any of the signers of the Declaration of Independence nor delegates to the 1787 Constitutional Convention.

It may be a practice of the left to construction legal fictions from the Constitution that puts social and political opinions into the mouths of the founders that they would have found abhorrent. President Obama may have missed out on basic U.S. History growing up in Indonesia. He really may not realize that revolutionary America had no gay liberation chapter, that it did not consent to abortion, and that it wasn’t liberal enough to legalize bestiality.

If the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence or delegates to the Constitutional Convention were polled in their day on the issue of homosexual marriage, to a man they would have voted ‘nay’. The Presidential effort to pervert the historical truth is an ungraceful work forcing historical lies upon Americans. Not even today would Americans vote approval of an Amendment to make homosexual marriages lawful. Yet the Constitution is not a document of contemporary opinion. Like the Bible it was written at a particular place and time by individuals with real beliefs. Dissimulating those beliefs in order to succor a minority trying to steer the nation into decadence is simply wrong.

Signers of the Declaration of Independence... http://www.ushistory.org/declaration/signers/

• George Read • Caesar Rodney
• Thomas McKean

• George Clymer • Benjamin Franklin
• Robert Morris • John Morton
• Benjamin Rush • George Ross
• James Smith • James Wilson
• George Taylor

• John Adams • Samuel Adams
• John Hancock • Robert Treat Paine
• Elbridge Gerry

• Josiah Bartlett • William Whipple
• Matthew Thornton

• Stephen Hopkins • William Ellery

• Lewis Morris • Philip Livingston
• Francis Lewis • William Floyd

• Button Gwinnett • Lyman Hall
• George Walton

• Richard Henry Lee • Francis Lightfoot Lee
• Carter Braxton • Benjamin Harrison
• Thomas Jefferson • George Wythe
• Thomas Nelson, Jr.

• William Hooper • John Penn
• Joseph Hewes

• Edward Rutledge • Arthur Middleton
• Thomas Lynch, Jr. • Thomas Heyward, Jr.

• Abraham Clark • John Hart
• Francis Hopkinson • Richard Stockton
• John Witherspoon

• Samuel Huntington • Roger Sherman
• William Williams • Oliver Wolcott

• Charles Carroll • Samuel Chase
• Thomas Stone • William Paca


Wave of Revolution Across Arab World; Wisconsin Teachers Lever Democracy, Balkan Brigands, Alaska News Etc.

Globalism is like an Egyptian pyramid; for the powers of concentrated wealth at the top to elevate themselves, for those of the middle class to reach higher in the sky, the base of masses of the poor at the bottom must be broadened.

My last volume of essays in the Waveform Politics Series (volume ten), which is itself a synoptic personal view of contemporary history and current events, should at least note some of the rapid changes in the Arab world in February 2011. The Mubarak government has vacated for a ‘temporary’ military power and several other regional governments are undergoing public pressure to vacate. In Alaska we are interested in these changes because of the alterations in the going price of oil that funds state government.

Of course all human events upon a finite world with a large population have the potential to affect everyone else. Reports of crimes against humanity by defenders of the embattled Kaddafi regime in Libya make us aware of the volatility of human nature, and perhaps of two fundamental divisions of humanity into those whom are oppressors and those who are not.

Oil is going for $95 a barrel in the U.S. and $108 dollars in London today. In Alaska Governor Sean Parnell is trying to lower the already lowest in the world state tax on oil production from public land in order to ‘create jobs’ with new oil development. Reason would indicate that the state could create far more jobs, and for people outside the exclusive oil industry, if the present tax rate remained in place and money were put into a revitalized Alaska Small Business Grant and Loan foundation.

The natural resources of the state of Alaska like those of the world are under assault by global powers of economic conquest. It was said that all people are in debt to the thief. The concentrated wealth networking phenomena depleting U.S. national sovereignty is a complex process aggregating financial power offshore. A mincing broadcast media insinuates non-rational politics upon the national political discourse, as it rightly should being owned pervasively by wealthy global interests. One must sort through an interstellar dust cloud of debris to discover the concentrations of political gravity forming new political structures within revolutionary states.

Political volatility in the age of mass personal communication and traditional broadcast propagandization of the masses has accelerated the pace of political change. What has not accelerated is the pace of economic production. The redistribution of existing wealth was always a fallacious idea, since the values associated with wealth are in part relativistic social attributions; what value is a diamond for itself besides use in rarified industrial processes? Food production, land redistribution; innumerable traditional political ideas that served as a rationale for revolution themselves are subducted within the engines of mass economic processes. Assuredly the internationalization of economics has placed a global usury class such as Britain presents and the U.S.A. aspires too within a compartmentalized and alienating global economic phenomenality. That non-locality of economic control makes real economic revolution improbably difficult both intellectually and actually. Revolutionaries in the modern era even experience difficulties in being free to form a national self-consciousness adequate to pursue their own national, public self-interest.

We find Wisconsin Governor Walker’s leadership in trying to end the right of government public employees to form unions for collective bargaining and inevitable effort to enable challenged state government to free themselves from minority or even mob rule. Public employee compensation should be set by legislators (democrats could award bonuses when in the majority), and public government should be free to be entirely flexible in order to be able to adapt to changing social and economic currents. At some junctures the inflexibility of unelected collectives making economic demands upon state governments could undermine of the ability of state governments to exist.

The federal government of the United States has so far generally kept out of the Arab revolutionary fray. President Obama did offer support for the ousting of Mubarak at least nominally, however he has had to become more of a concerned observer for the balance of the ongoing process of social liberation from rule of royals and autocrats in the Middle East. It is a difficult circumstance to predict outcomes for. In fact one may even be reminded of Biblical prophecy from the book of the Revelation a little in the dangers Israel feels as being isolated in a social sea of surrounding change. Just a couple of days ago an Iranian warship passed through the Suez Canal for the first time in thirty years. In the future such warships could deliver nuclear cruise missiles to Tel Aviv or Paris.

Thus the better policy of the United States might be to just develop alternate fuels to oil to power automobiles or mass transit systems. The Obama administration hasn’t a capacity to enact other than Larry Summer’s somewhat wealth oriented fly by wire globalism started by Bush I and continued by Bill Clinton. It suggests small scale fast trains, yet hasn’t any sort of bold 1000 m.p.h. fast trans-continental concepts for mass transit on the ground. The administration believes lots of small female hands can be employed in assembling new high tech electronic components possibly while it simultaneously allows millions of illegal male aliens to enter to join the workforce undermining large male size hands that are a little clumsier for some smaller tasks. One wonders if the President ever had a real job where manual labor was required.

If the U.S. Government fails to do it's homework on moving rapidly away from fossil fuels for transportation power on the roads a revolution in Saudi Arabia and possible further destruction of oil infrastructure may well reduce the economic efficiency of the U.S.A. suddenly and without immediate remedy. The federal government has consistently failed to heed reasonable economic catastrophic trasnition scenarios many reasonable people foresee as susbtantial possibilities.

In the Balkan wars of the 1990’s a continuation of unconcluded medieval conflicts presented ‘difficult’ choices to the Bush I and Clinton administrations. In retrospect we may have learned that the horrors of war and ethnic cleansing Europeans and Americans were upset with was a cultural methodology with an inertial logic.

Even before Serbians invaded the regions of the Balkans held by ethnic Greeks thousands of years ago, the tradition of mountain brigands plundering the peoples of the lowland plains existed. In the exceedingly mountainous Balkans there were comparatively few and often isolated lowlands that presented difficulty in defending from mountain people or governments. Governments in kingdom powers were numerous, proprietary and at war upon one another, various people, invading powers and vulnerable, independent peoples. Especially during the five hundred years of Ottoman Empire occupation in the Balkans hill country brigands-land pirates-developed a culture of asserting independence of their own. Rather than having a national allegiance the land pirates loyal to themselves lived in a mountain world in a manner equivalent to today’s global corporate and financial leaders plundering the ‘lay people’ in the various underdeveloped nations. So we may wonder how the sorting out of new democratic developments in the middle east, and how a U.S.A. anachronistically reliant upon global oil supplies for economic well being, will react to the changes?

In recent years, a policy of belligerence and mono-mania as driven American foreign policy, yet the irrationality of American globalism is evident in the accumulation of public debt. Kyle Bush and the twenty year old Bain may be contemporaneous NASCAR drivers embodying the high point of Republican party political aspirations and logic, yet the interest of the United States in being and independent nation leading by example in low-entropy, full employment economics requires a scientific and moral rationale quite absent in the public sector. In reacting to revolution in the Middle East we must observe from a distance (an anachronism I know) and allow the neo-democratization to burn out the cancer of aristocratic oppression so far as it may. There may be several post-revolutionary victory transformations as unpredictable as Present Bush II’s incomprehension of what post 2003 War Iraq would be like. What the United States can do is to reinforce Israel militarily, and produce fuel cell, wind and electric power in Alaska and the rest of the nation along with development of super-conducting power lines and energy storage grids to make a variety of low environmental cost, locally produced transportation modalities a reality.

Social and economic irredentism in the Middle East is challenged by a global irredentism of collectivity in social organizations of corporatism, social and political networks. Megalomania is a kind of social norm in business today, politics and nationalism is a delimiting encumbrance to world share market controllers. Within the matrix of media and economic tangled banks exists a void-a singularity of environmental and spiritual non-thought that must be overcome. Into that void a light of faith in democracy and national self-determination must arise. Political theory understanding and development must advance beyond the traditional forms and hybrids while political rhetoric too must give up its slogans and packaged scenarios to recognize the world as a finite place that must support all human development as a low-entropy, independent and individual right driven place.


When Gravity Stopped ©2011 Gary Clifford Gibson (a poem)

Thus space hath infinite dimensions
soft construction’s numbered places
directions in which time lives and moves
counterfactual to nothing
flow sheets of mass-energy

When slick shut down gravity
the colors lost wavelengths like water color paintings
tossed into a river of dimensions without boundary
where stellar fusion fires fizzled
why galaxies drizzled into clouds of atoms
before black holes unraveled running backwards

Uniformed constellations left now
a Universe drifting apart
never contracting things into being
super-clusters of galaxies without even entropy for dispersion
drawn away toward infinite dimensional scuppers illogically
within a Hooverized economy.


Neither Major Party Plans to Pay Down National Debt

The prospects for reducing federal debt aren’t good. Neither major party has a rational plan, nor does the Tea Hee party.

Bunkonomics have become the political norm; wealth is perennially concentrated, the wage negotiating position of the working class decline. Lenders to the federal government buying notes have support in cutting social spending from the budget as if the poor were at fault for creating the debt. All of the federal discretionary spending together is less than a third of the budget. That is not the best place to look for place to pay off the public debt. The poor become victims without a federal health service as well. Their job prospects are poor while the advantaged outsource work abroad whenever possible.

The Wal-Marts of the world buy cheapest goods produced abroad and import tem to the U.S.A. for sale at highest possible prices consumers will bear once they have acquired oligopoly status in America driving just local competitors from the market. Internetworked corporations may preclude finding reemployment if fired after making political dissent in public forums from corporate oligopoly interests.

The federal budget is about 3.5 trillion bucks annually. The public debt by 2015 will be equal to five years federal budget. Just balancing the federal budget will not reduce the public debt.

In 2015 interest on public debt will be about a trillion bucks annually. The U.S. gross domestic product is about 30 trillion? Annually. Minus interest on he federal debt, the U.S. Government budget in 2015 would be about 2.8 trillion annually-that’s not too large with the U.S. gross domestic product being about 14.6 trillion dollars annually. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_(nominal)

The greatest portion of the federal budget that can be reduced without harm is the interest on public debt-raise taxes, hold the line on spending and pay off the debt as soon as possible. Whet e debt is gone taxes may be cut to balance the budget fro the surplus of revenue.

Logically one cannot pay off the federal debt without running a budget surplus unless fundamentally getting rid of most government services instead of paying interest an principal down.

Since the 81 Reagan tax cuts the U.S. Federal debt has always increased, and that shall always remain so with present low tax rates and increase in population and economic scale.




Relevence of Saul Kripke's 'Naming and Necessity' of Multiverse Theory Constructions?

Reading through Saul Kripke’s 1973 ‘Naming and Necessity’ in my frosty ( 0 degrees F) tent, it occured to me that the philosophical investigations of the logic of necessity and for modal logic and of naming have relevance to physical cosmology and multiverse theory.

Kripke wrote that ‘no one formal system decides all mathematical questions, as we know from Gödel.” He wrote that after using the Goldbach conjecture as an example (pages 72 and 73)

in the effort to investigate a theory of descriptions of names and ambiguity in objects of reference. Gödel’s incompleteness theorem finds a parallel in language.

For that we can thank Quine and his ‘Ontological relativity’ for exposition. Names are tools for description and for making objective references rather than things-in-themselves. Names and descriptions find their meaning within a relative context of us with some applications being valid and others relatively invalid-we find weather reports and predictions the same way.

The problems of incompleteness theorems and of relative validity of names as well as the difficulties in eliminating uncertainty from mathematical values believed to have the qualities of a prioricity or necessity of validity implies that conjectures of cosmology abut all possible worlds and representational infinite universes theories would find incompleteness within the mathematical representations such that it would disconnect from valid predictive description of what objectify exists beyond possible observation.


Note on a Priesthood of Believers

Christians should be like a football tema where all are players instead of spectators. Today's U.S. Christians generally sit in the stands as spectators with a coach sermonizing them. The priest-coach may be able to receive tithes and encourage the congregation to right moral conduct, yet it leaves the spectators poor football players since they aren't really far into the game.

A preisthood of believers ecclesiastical structure would be present Christians as players on the field sharing all the roles of Sunday service. Sure there could still be commercial or pro coaches and evangelists making special appearances occassionally, yet each week the Preisthood of Believers Christians would be in the game in small, well organized groups operating from a playbook they have learned in some orthodox way-perhaps a special denominational theology quality control school.

As in football we would not expect all Christian priests at their U-table gatherings to be ready every Sunday, immediately for reading from the old or new testament, working the minutes, taking prayer requests, leading a sing-a-long or reading a ten minute sermon. Simple beignner, intermediate and elder adult roles would advance Christians in Priestly duties as their attendance records and workbook completions indicate.

Tghis is a simple enough, necessary transition for Christian form in the modern world. To fail to upgrade does harm to missiological and maturation of Christian opportunities. It would be easier to actualize in literate nations.

White Youths are Now a Minority in Ten States-More States to Follow as Boomers Fade

The increase of the population of white youth in America was just one percent in the past decade. In fact non-whites accounted for more than eighty percent of the population increase of the United States. The significant cultural changes that will likely continue to accelerate in pace as the boomer generation has left the reproductive age presents numerous long range political issues impacting America presently.

Of concern to me as a member of the set of the youngest of the boomer generation is the increase of racial bias in the workforce against whites and white males who are older workers or unemployed. A pervasive increase in a manifest destiny of racial empowerment has already led to the practical definition of civil rights in the U.S.A. to mean the rights of non-whites. Political civil rights issues are pervasively biased toward disempowering white males.

Unemployed white males not of the prosperous classes may have significant challenges in getting hired within a non-white work force. Social class biases are a class of life. If all of the workers at a Wal-Mart are women, Filipinos or other 'minorities', it is common that non are aging white males.

There are concatenated social disadvantages of non-white bias against extended life employment for aging white Americans. If not employed they, like others, may need food stamps, social security, Medicare, Medicaid and other taxpayer supported costs that younger workers must pay for, and that makes little economic sense. Keeping older people employed at least until age 75 if possible in the non-heavy lifting contemporary workplace is a better goal than to force them out of work, fail to rehire them if unemployed, and add trillions to the national debt.

White America's birth rate is quite low, and may soon be in decline. White American youth face the prospects of becoming a national minority as boomers fade from the season. The space program and other science advancements may become underfunded as non-whites and a flood of illegal aliens seek to reallocate social spending from former 'white' interests to social remediation of poverty in the new America. In that transitional era it would be a good idea to let people find a friendly work environment realistically accommodating the abilities of aging people in order to keep society humane and the national debt from increasing far beyond the 20 trillion dollars that President Obama plans to leave as a legacy by 2015.

State of Alaska Seems to Create Oil Jobs in Canada and Alter Canadian Ecology

The Governor of the State of Alaska (Sean Parnell-Republican) has supported development of a trans-Canada natural gas pipeline in order to deliver gas supplies to the American Midwest. The impropriety of Alaska state government investing in construction projects in Canada instead of Alaska apparently escaped the notice of a generation of Alaskan politicians.

The Palin administration also supported AGIA-the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act, that gives up to a half a billion dollars to a corporation willing to build the pipeline.


Skeptics might guess that a trans-Canada gas pipe would be stage one of a plan to build a trans-Siberian pipeline to Alaska in the future. With an existing pipeline from Alaska and supplies one day running out it would be a natural step to tie in Iranian and Russia natural gas supplies through their own interconnecting pipelines o Alaska. Such construction projects as well as all on and offshore oil and gas development projects in the Arctic would need to build pipelines along corridors above any potential rise in sea level created by global warming caused in part by burning fossil fuels making greenhouse gasses released into the atmosphere.

The state of Alaska has invested in a Trans-Canada and Exxon bid potential gas line development project. Trust of the state government of the Exxon Corporation in something like asking a vampire to keep a pint of blood in their refrigerator when your own has broke.

Many people suspect the global oil corporations of manipulating oil and gas prices over the decades. It is known though that Russia, Iran and Qatar have huge natural gas fields, and many places are not short in supply either. Global political and financial networking has made shareholder investment in transnational corporations common and in conflict with the interests of state governments and democracy in innumerable instances.

The state of Alaska should investment development money in Alaska instead of Canada. It should create jobs in Alaska instead of Canada. It should never, ever trust the Exxon Corporation, and should be aware that a conflict of interest fundamentally exists between seller and buyer in a bargaining situation. It is unlikely that Exxon or any other trans-national oil and gas corporation would seek to maximize the value of a seller of oil and gas reserves. It is also unreasonable that the state of Alaska should permanently make its sales of natural gas dependent upon transportation through a Canadian gas pipeline operated or owned by the Exxon Corporation. Such a plan is idiocy.

In former decades I too have rarely supported construction of a gas line through Canada. Finally I came to my senses through philosophical maturity gained only over time and contemplative thought. Presently the state of Alaska should construct its gas pipeline to tidewater in Alaska at the Kenai Peninsula and keep maximal fluidity of sales of product through super-tanker gas ships to anyplace on Earth in the future (such as Los Angeles) that want to buy the product at a fair price.

Macron Moves France Towards War with Russia

French President Macron took a big step toward the destruction of Europe through nuclear war with Russia. He has said that Russia is a threa...