
Sotomayor in Agreement With McConnell; Byte in Garland

Supreme Court feminist Sotomayor in effect planted a big kiss on Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnel in slighting President Obama's court  for being white, Ivy-League and male; well, that is, she said the court needs more diversity. Maybe she is anti-Semitic since the court has a majority or nearly so of Jews.

At any rate I have a suggestion for diversity; add the 12th man, or rather computer A.I. system to the court to input all the data and make its own finding on court cases. Then after the judges reach a decision, reveal what the A.I. system found in order to determine a little more scientifically if the justices were just politicing again.


The A.I. justice should be housed in a Darth vader style enclosure and have red glowing eyes and occasionally make a growling, scowling sort of noise during hearings.

Why Learn Latin Today- Are School Planners Daft?

My grandfather made the fourth grade before being a logger. Google language translators help. Why be mediocre at dead languages? Scholarship has changed and the curriculum expanded greatly. One has far more knowledge to learn today than in 1917 to be even marginally competent. History, philosophy, science, theology etc. How can one neglect learning which platonic solids tranform into higher dimensions or that there are just three that work in infinite dimensions? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2s4TqVAbfz4 Just signing up for Data services with Verizon, Net10, a hotspot or broadband requires knowledge unless one has dumped money. On languages the main problem today is extermination of the languages of small groups. I met the granddaughter of the last speaker of Eyak (an Alaska language group), I believe it was. That is sad rather than the inability to listen to mass in Latin with comprehension.

The Mountain of Lust (poem)

Beyond the spires and mist lay the great mountain

past the forest canopy in its silence of life dreams
where a path led upward
and visions of the emerald world
ran the course

Somewhere with beingness and corporeal actualization
a body of motion set to conquer
a foot ahead of another
always drawing onward
else the lust for summitting
be spent with sweat and mosquito bytes

Repeated a thousand million times
the words of the din corporation
demised those conditions asterisked
that were externalities to the monad at the top
where the largest was the smallest
pinpointed with a flagging poignancy of fulfillment

The mountain of lust set in majestic repose
drew the charged particles unto it
seeking to join their motivations onto its great parts
where yawning chasms barely able to remain awake
brought rope-swinging adventurers to life-risking
oscillations as metronymic pantomime
onward and upward 600 feet more

Waves of gravity lapped upon the world gently
sent from distant black holes
with millions of times the mass of the sun
consuming star clusters with burping gravitational changes
climbing the great mountain that lust overcome
without philosophic reflections
without the spirit of God.


Would Arnold Lift Hillary's Arm Up?

Bernie said Hillary isn't qualified to be President. He said she said he wasn't first. Probably Arnold wouldn't lift up either's arm as he did G.W. Bush though.

I am sure that Hillary's record as Sect. of State converted into that of C.E.O. of a major corporation would have got her a bonus while the corporation lost it's shirt. Dead ambassador, rise of ISIS, protracted conflict in Syria that was entirely, easily avoidable.

Maybe if her husband wasn't a President Hillary couldn't have been elected to the House of Representatives. That doesn't make her unqualified however-simply a stand in like Putin's when he was gone from office because of term limits. A law degree is all required these days...enriching the Plutonomy and down-sizing American independence does the rest.


Public Has Unfavorable Opinion of Media, Congress, Judiciary, Candidates

The U.S. public has an unfavorable opinion of all those leaders sold out to globalism and plutocracy. Chief Justice Roberts has the greatest Wall Street investments and voted for homosexual marriage; plutocratic capitalism has no moral or boundaries and respects none. Public opinion of media and government are bad.

The media report that a majority of the uninformed and brainwashed would not vote for Donald Trump, yet if he were mano y womano against Hillary people would retire to Panama with the boomers who will spend social security moneys traveling all over South America or recognize that Trump might shake things up a bit.

The egression toward rulers from Indonesia, Canada or Cuba is a way of oevring toward an ebay world economy with boatloads of cheap stuff made in China for those earning to breathe free of freedom that isn't free. Boundaries are just for the mythos of democracy that would fade away replaced by planetary plutocracy under fairy queens of Zil.

Trump may be a lasht blessed effort to shock the nation to its senses and turn away from a slide into oblivion of globalism and unrepresentative government for the people governed unless brainwashed into conformity to the likeness of the beast mode on dope after a sex change; who am I to judge?

Donald Trump’s shocking language and ideas are not the sort of retiring placidity such as candidate Obama brought to the table like a butler. Trump isn't a butling kind of guy but that doesn't make him bad. If Obama had said he was going to bring queer marriage to the nation in 2008 that would have been shocking. Cleverly he 'evolved' that inconvenient truth until a later time when he had enough folks by the balls to force it through. Trump hasn't learned that art of deception well enough to have his touche' rimed by the media.

Nietzsche's warning that when you look into the abyss, it looks back at you, is popular with the cognoscenti of godless futility today. It seems to me though that Donald Trump looking into the abyss would say something like 'kiss my ass' rather than gaze in fear at the lurkers in the depth. If one must combat aliens and extraterrestrials rather than become appetizers for them, that is good enough.


Dutch Har-Bing & Scotch Ukraine

I blogged this in order to use that line. Finally the Dutch binged something turning down a Ukraine-EC sweetheart deal with a popular referendum to just say no.


Though the Dutch  gave Pakistan nukular weapons training documents and Anish Giri drew every game in the 2016 Candidate's tournament, those tulip bulb growing lowlanders had the sense to nix the continuing hot takeover of all that fine agricultural property on the East bank without Russian consent. Maybe the Panama papers had something to do with that, maybe not. Globalism that is the New World Order of the plutocratic brand of capitalism just wants it all. The U.S.A> probably should create national binding referenda too^5.

Cruz Trashes New Yorkers; What About the Zouaves?

When Ted Cruz's ancestors where fighting on the wrong side of the Spanish American war or visiting Canada, New Yorkers were already very bloodied and experienced from the civil war about fourscore years before. It is worth recollecting the bloody experience that is briefly recounted in this article about the Zouaves with their bright red uniforms. There are more books on the topic of the Wilderness campaign and Manassas. One must ask; where was Ted Cruz on 9-11?



The 10th and 11th New York volunteers (National Guard) were a disciplined lot that March in-line like the British of the Revolutionary war and were scythed like wheat. Then with their fellows like dead and wounded in a ditch before them with the Confederates continuing to decimate their ranks, those in back went out before to rescue the living; and the battle continued into the thickets of the wilderness campaign beyond the open field of slaughter.


Paperback Available Now- God, Cosmology and Nothingness

This book was my M.T.S. thesis on the convergence of theology and cosmology regarding creation theory. That is, since Darwinism their was a divergence and with better comprehension now there is convergence.



Classical Economic Liberals and Theocrats Hand Cruz Wisconsin

Globalists like Cruz' classical economic liberalism. Goldman Sachs financed his Senate recognizing him as a cadre of classic capitalist liberalism. He also got support from Wisconsin's Theocratic party sub-unit of the Republican Party. The theocrats should form their own party and take 15% of the vote each Presidential election. Republicans could recover and not have the internal conflict each Presidential cycle.

Theocrats aren't aware that Reagan was a populist before being conservative. Reagan's populism gave him victories rather than his conservatism. Trump is a populist that theocrats and classical liberals disdain. Yet the people like him. If Republicans want to seem to support democracy the leadership should support Trump.

Barry Goldwater was soundly trounced because he wasn't a populist. G.W. Bush was elected only riding Reagan's coat tails. If Trump's populism is subverted the Republican prospects will dwindle.

Classical economic liberalism of capitalism regards all people as consumers, producers and market participants. Goldman Sachs might not finance a national conservative, yet Cruz was just fine for them.

There isn't anything fundamentally wrong with classical economic liberalism except that in a pure form for it regards the globe as one market and political boundaries as hindrances. That isn't good for nation conservators and properties of national political rights such as those of the U.S. Constitution at all.

The globalist managers of U.S. politics are happy with either the Clintons or Cruz as each are simply different product packaging of the same classical economic liberalism. That goes for Cruz' Canadian birth, Hispanic heritage and religious moral conservative characteristics selected to dupe American conservatives into supporting actual economic liberalism that has very different moral values that are scientifically, Skinerianish and detached from anything except abstract velocity of money concerns.


Trump Should Build a Border Desalinating Canal Instead of Wall

Border security can be accomplished with collateral ecological benefits killing two problems with one financial package. Trump's people need to start promoting a Mexican border fresh water condensing covered desalinating canal to bring new water supply to the parched southwest. The Rio Grande is a fairly pathetic looking creek even at Albuquerque and one doesn't need to mention how dry Arizona is along the border. Trump should find it easy to sell the people of the American southwest on construction of a new water making and security project.


I grew up in the Columbia basin of Eastern Washington where the Grand Coulee dam brought irrigation water to create lush agriculture to the desert of the Quincy Valley via the Federal Columbia basin Project. Naturally I regard deserts as something of a challenge for irrigation and look to new methods for producing fresh water. The Pacific ocean and Sea of Cortez have a higher sea level than the Gulf of Mexico on the Texas side. Constructing a trans-border boundary canal zone to let salt water piped and partly siphoned up with a little solar power pump help evaporate and condense under a clear cover should let a very large volume of water (and salt) be produced. The canal should go all the way across the border. Nations that are independent and self-determinative need secure borders to avoid bimbofication to larger global powers.

The United State used to accomplish large projects and it still could if globalist greed did not prevail. The environmental temperature is increasing with global warming and a large southwest green water making, solar power collecting, electric patrol vehicle zone would be a rational response to help mitigate global warming desertification. Challenge and response are Toynbean concepts for societies in history as well as psychologists'. For a society to fail to adapt to contemporary challenges could make chaos and increasing desertification the the default evolution.

Inner Peace with Self-Acceptance for Slobs?

If one is a slob one might want to lose weight, launder clothes and clean up the yard. A season of discontent can be edifying.  Change can b...