
Academic Tempests of Tuval and Durden

Lisa Durden was fired from Essex C.C. after defending a blacks only event. Rebecca Tuval- a philosophy professor, was criticized after writing an article published in a feminine journal defending the right to change race.

Racist events aren't good. If one were to exclude the media, that might be better, yet what if one excludes only media of select race?  Phys.org ran an article on another female college professor (Rebecca Tuval) who ran a controversial article called 'In Defense of Transracialism'. She was soundly chastised for suggesting that its ok for people to change their race if possible. I would think that changing culture would be the more important issue, or at least improving it so far as to benefit society with security, technological and spiritual progress.

  At any rate, phys.org assured readers that genetically race is de trop. Yet one knows that besides the behavorial differences in different cultures such as exist in deviant theologies of trans-African Christian communities (i.e. Evans of Nigeria), skin color matters for purposes of sunburn and absorption of vitamin D. Apparently white male pattern baldness evolved in order to let men get more vitamin D in cloudy northwestern Europe long ago.

Someone explained to me that even though Oregon legalized dope, they can't allow it on a community college campus that received federal funds-because its still illegal in federal law (dope). A community college that receives federal funds, would want to be in compliance with federal policy. I would think that would exclude support for segregation advocates, race-only events, neo-nazi supremist adjunct professors etc. Colleges are said to run toward effite leftism (I don't know if that's true or not), and a racial policy preference of any color in any way might not sit well with the left.

A white female Professor of Law was 'lynched' last year as much as was adjunct Professor Durden. At a private party the University of Oregon professor wore a costume with blackface. She was then fired. Apparently colleges have discretionary power to fire people for creating bad public impressions. They may want to seem politically correct. With so many Asian students working hard the administration may not want to seem like hillbillies or something. The new black college President may have dismissed Prof. Durden for that same reason. They may be able to fire people for wearing scandalous attire or bad breath.

  Instead of people changing their race or learning rap-hip-hop-gangsta-kentucky billy sorts of plain unintellectual cutlure, hthey should learn more technical material such as is available often for free on-line at COURSERA and elsewhere. One may utter sillyness in or out of academia as cultural waves of empowerment put the letter patches on people of different suits and pantsuits. Racist events that are exclusive to particular groups are and will remain politically unpopular however. The Federal government cannot support organizations financially that advocate racist activities-even if race exists only in skin and various other areas of the genome that phys.org regards as unimportant or trivially differentiating. People do that with the public debt economics too.


Obamacare Reformed* Renewing Infficiency

Medical testing for some people can be costly. $10,000 is too much for diagnostics. Maybe it would be possible to introduce more competition in some way into the medical system. I wonder if Obamacare reformed should be required to pay for air travel to cheaper, though still good, treatment abroad when possible such as India and China?

I once got an infected blister at air assault school while in the N.G. Blood poisoning from infected blisters killed 20,000 or so in the first world war. I didn't know about that and was ready to go on vacation yet visited a clinic before catching a plane, concerned about the red streak moving north. A physician said those can kill you so reluctantly I paid $100 for the treatment (pills). ..If one doesn't use sunscreen to get all those skin cancers of advancing years prevented (global warming makes it easier to get skin cancer), one has costly annual minor surgeries to remove them. Unpaper'd homeless people with no national medicare coverage journeying to look for labor from state to state are too slow to get through the bureaucratic coverage hoops. Obamacare reformed is still soley designed for the comfortable and sedentary lifestyle.

Since both parties write plans for the sedentary and comfortable letting poor, unpaper'd, non-doper wanderers slip through the cracks it would be better to expand V.A. Hospitals and homeless clinic networks and provide free medical service directly for those earning less than $15,000 annually. The Obamcare provisioning of rich coverage for opium dopers and treatments costing 50 billion a year and up desired by democrats is indicative of the sort of thinking the government has. Maybe the government should provide opium den-hospices and free funerals for the 50,000 that die annually from heroin and opiods. 

U.S. Dope Addictions WIll Select National Health Care Policy?

Reportedly politicians concerned about the 50-60 thousand heroin and opiod deaths in the USA in 2016 may vote against Obamacare Refrom. It is remarkable that American dopers will determine in part the form national health care takes for the poor and lower middle class. Homosexuals requiring AIDS treattments for life and dopers are one of the main concerns democrats have with securing subsidized medical care for all AMericans. They wanted to tax youth that are healthy and working to pay for that.

The U.S. House and Senate need to be realistic and provide direct free government provided medical service in V.A. hospitals (expanded) and networks of free health care facilities for the poor. Dopers may need government sheltered opium dens to waste themselves yet not cost tazpayers a bundle-free funeral services too when they are done with paradise.

Non-dopers that just are poor and get ill or injured need a real, actual medical treatment system that works even if they are wanderers, homeless or otherwise not paper'd up with bureaucratic sign in for the sedentary. Rich sedentary folks create those silly Obamacare policies that won't actually cover the poor who slip through the gaps



Opium hospice-dens may be the way to get a cheaper Obamacare reformed policy that will please Senators from dope-rich states.

Aren't Sanctions On Russia an Effort to Influence Russian Elections Too?

Because it may be useful not to overlook the obvious, it might be worth remembering that the U.S. Government during the Obama administrtion were solid opponents of Russian President Putin and would have been happy to sanction him and his Party policies to support the election of politicians with antipathetic attitudes. Sanctions on Russia for the Crimean reconquista may have been a knee-jerk response, yet the other barrel of the bidurcated policy would have been targeted to encourage Russians to elect a leader who would change the policy to end crippling sanctions. There is a President election in Russia in 2018.

In May Russia released a report with something to say about the propaganda of the American media detrimental to the United Russia Party.


It seems evident that the bilateral election influencing accusations are more the result of political special interests than reports from victims.


Kierkegaard’s Socratic Approach to Epistemological Veracity

Kierkegaard’s Socratic Approach to Epistemological Veracity
Søren Kierkegaard’s salient thread of philosophical authorship grew within the concept of irony he earned from Socrates. Socrates’ concept of irony becomes Kierkegaard's concept of irony; a conflation of subjective and objective in epistemology that works to the advantage of the informed by enfilading ignorance, uncertainty, social relations, social knowledge and social errors. Socrates was critical of the unreflective, ossified social praxis of the crowd (and he was a subtle supporter of oligarchy and further; possibly the perfect state along neo-fascist lines set out in Plato’s Republic). Kierkegaard’s M.A. thesis; The Concept of Irony inspired by Socrates’ introspective means of extrospection, is an important work for its straightforward approach to self, society, truth and social critique.

The connection between Socrates and Kierkegaard is still relevant in the world today. Socrates and the method of self-examination of The Meno is a paradigm appropriated by Kierkegaard and applied to his own day. Philosophy students today benefit from learning of the Socratic approach and how it was updated and applied by Søren Kierkegaard to his own era.

Socrates tethered Kierkegaard’s philosophical development against the storms of German romanticism and Hegelianism that drowned European politics for the century 1845-1945. Critical self-reflective analysis of Socratic thought differs substantially from the ideas of Karl Marx and Frederich Nietzsche that grew in the cauldron of royalty in turmoil locked in mortal combat with the revolt of the masses (cf Ortega Y Gasset).

The connection between Socrates and Kierkegaard is still relevant in the world today. Socrates and the method of self-examination of The Meno is a paradigm appropriated by Kierkegaard and applied to his own day. Philosophy students today benefit from learning of the Socratic approach and how it was updated and applied by Søren Kierkegaard to his own era.

Søren Kierkegaard regardied Socrates as having discovered the philosophical point of view of subjective epistemology. Socrates may be considered the great ancestor of Rene Descartes and Meditations on a Method. Kierkegaard’s valuable rediscovery of the subjective perspective of knowledge is a forerunner of some of the epistemological researches of 20th century philosophers of logic I think, such as W.V.O. Quine in Word and Object and P.F. Strawson’s Individuals wherein the difficulties of supporting a purely empirical point of view are viewed.

Kierkegaard’s high regard for Socrates led him to modernize the role for the individual exercising his/her right to objectively criticize society objectively, impartially and with true opinion instead of just going with the flow of social use-truths.

In my opinion Kierkegaard’s ideas about applied social politics were fundamentally off-the-mark or even wrong. In his preference for monarchy as a paradigm in which an individual could concern himself with his subjective concerns against the social exteriority and unexamined collective consciousness of democratic movements he failed to recognized the evil of the absolute state. An absolute monarch such as Thomas Hobbes developed in ‘The Leviathan’ would be more capable of repression of the individuals and of individuals (with modern tools available even to Joesph Stalin) that a Democracy armed with Facebook and Twitter. Rather than making a choice between democracy and monarchy with Either/Or he might have found Neither/Nor a little better.

The individual’s interiority is the source of knowledge so far as one may have knowledge. It is the first cause or principle of perception and cognition. Socrates found that knowledge is just ‘tethered’ true opinion (the Meno sections 96-100). I am not sure if, arguably, Kierkegaard’s best work; The Sickness Unto Death, is not a development of interiority reaching its limits at what Sartre called ‘the reef of solipsism’ and transcending or overcoming that absurdity through faith and a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Jean Paul Sartre's work; The Critique of Dialectical Reason’ is a 1000 page examination of the realm of exteriority of social interaction/phenomenality that people exist or live within. That would include political activities. If one equates Kierkegaard’s interior-subjective epistemology with Sartre’s 1944 existential viewpoint of ‘Being and Nothingness’, then the Critique forms the right philosophical response to the social world of interaction. I think that Søren Kierkegaard lacked the philosophical support to reach Sartre’s viewpoint written a century later.

To be aware of the nature of social reality epistemologically, and to share that awareness in the popular realm, would be the entry requisite for solving political issues well informed with of mind and its place in nature. In theory well informed rational citizens could address their actual quantifiable social concerns more effectively than political parties and masses acting in the unreflective, unexamined realm without inward free thought group think of mass social behavior.

Kierkegaard’s attack on elements of the Christian church seems natural. The non-interior,, inertially and even career motivated facts of a socially ossified priestly and ecclesiastical structure would inevitably be the target of his criticism. Socrates would serve as the model again for finding contradictions or errors in the approaches to belief.

Kierkegaard was a strong advocate for individualism. The Danish Church, like the German church that had its ministers appointed by royalty before the Schmalkaldic War with the Hapsburgs, was the state church. Democracy except for the United States seldom has unentangeled origins and often is subtly corrupted. The United States had the great corruption of slavery until the civil war, and that legacy continues to trouble the nation. Kierkegaard apparently didn’t devise a perfect state for-himself; such as an enlightened democracy with very smart and publicly spirited citizens. He remained within the Socratic, negative way of clearing away falsehoods rather than throwing new synthetic political or theoretical ideas into the social dialect such as Hegel and Marx had.

In discarding a view of Jesus as an Apollonian sort of God-man in favor of Jesus as a humble God-man Kierkegaard threw out of the Temple of Faith eisegesis of error, and that was a positive development from Kierkegaard. He could have noted better, explicitly, that a priesthood of believers is a better church structure than a dichotomy between priestly class and laity. He refused to take communion from a priest on his deathbed, preferring that it be given by a layman. Martin Luther (all Christians are priests) and his 95 thesis might have been a work Søren Kierkegaard appreciated. Ironically Kierkegaard criticized bishops Mynster and Martinsen, who led the Danish Church, vigorously for straying from the right Christianity role models of early Christians. Luther also dampened down eisegetical tendencies of a commercial clergy unified with royal and secular interests, presenting an implicit conflict of interest. Kierkegaard also attacked the outward characteristics of the church (as did Tolstoy later) and was able to disambiguate his interior-kingdom of God point of view enough from royalty (i.e. Christian VIII) to have honest, thoughtful opinions about Christ. If he had lived in an earlier or perhaps later era Kierkegaard might also would have been a reformer.

I must admit that I haven’t difficulty viewing Jesus as God and man simultaneously ,for several reasons, including quantum and M-theories. If God created the Universe and everything in it, why should he not be able to exist in it too in any way, should He prefer?

If one regards the kingdom of God for-oneself, maybe hat is the best one might accomplish. It may be that the kingdom-of-God-for-others is an external idea that would be too impersonlized and instead exists as an illusory collective idea in that list of invalid and illusory crowd-sourced concepts. God would have the power to allocate where the kingdom of God may be experienced, and when, within and/or without (in the empirical realm).

It is easy to discern the value of Kierkegaard’s subjectivist method for Karl Barth where he has written on the kingdomof God. It may be that Kierkegaard’s criticism of the church combined with his subjectivism and his take on relativism influenced Paul Tillich’s approach to theonomy.

In my opinion reading or studying Kierkegaard’s works are a good way to place German philosophical developments of the 19th and 20th centuries into a better historical context. Kierkegaard’s thought is perhaps more classical than romanticism, relativism and nihilism.

Reason in the historical development of ideas finds a place not as a self-defining ratiocination as a computer might process mathematics in a darkened box phenomenally, it interacts with the empirical world of objects. Balanced subjectivism appears like a bridge between two extremes of romanticism-nihilism and empiricism. Empiricism and relativism each are like a computer in box through different approaches. Subjectivism may be in a Schrödinger's quantum box, if that is so.

And Kierkegaard’s most useful continuing value is in informing philosophical minded programmers and even physicists of the historical forms of subjectivism regarding epistemology. For the question; what is truth, to be answered in programmable logic useful for quantum mechanics requires a certain element of enlightenment that a Kierkegaard course might potentially provide.

Subjectivism for human thought is a fact that must be considered when determining numerous criteria in particle-wave definitions. Truth or true opinion of the existence of a quantum state; contingent self-determination of quantum states accidentally-such topics probably have and will arise in hard, scientific contexts. Chinese physicists recently performed a quantum entanglement from an orbiting satellite to Earth. No time needs to pass for the information of the state of the particle-waves to be expressed. Conventional ideas of time and space seem to be transcended so far as current theories go.

Scientists like to be able to understand and predict various physical and quantum states. Relativism in perceptions and subjectivism and determinism in experimental designs are actual elements that play a role now and probably far more in the future. If truth is a way of confirming the relation between words and objects existentially, definitions of words and objects, and ideas about what, when and where they are, will continue to be supported by comprehensive bootstrap epistemology helped along with Socrates, Descartes, Kierkegaard and Sartre before moving on to Quine, Strawson, Kripke, Heisenberg, Einstein et al.

Another Naval Surface Battle-U.S.N. Missile-Destroyer Edmund Fitzgerald (humor news)

In the first naval surface battle in some time for the United States Navy, an American destroyer was set upon by the Crystal Ship in the sea of Japan. On a dark and stormy night when not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse, the advanced missile destroyer frigate's technical crows nest and advanced combat viewing facility was on the blink. The ship would have no advanced warning or premonition from the national technical ship traffic satellite surveillance 'black boxes' network of the presence of hostile enemy surface craft in the area.

The Sea of Japan is known as the second 'skeleton coast', named after the first along the western littoral of South Africa where Nazi u-boats sank so much allied shipping swooping up out of the depths during the Second World War. The southern reaches of the Sea of Japan are notorious for the presence of cargo-hunter-ships and especially dangerous are those Captained by John Bligh-Depth.

The Crystal Ship emerging from a fog of uncertainty of war at the orders of Captain Johnny Bligh-Depth got up to ramming speed with oarsmen on steroids. He ordered his assassin-marines to the rigging with grappling hooks and muskets. With their precise air-horn echo-finding ship locator they found and target the Edmund Fitzgerald and within 10 minutes of panic, fear and stress about the U.S.national debt of 20 trillion dollars the lethal bow of the Crystal Ship found the soft-underbelly of the Fitzgerald and struck it a near-mortal blow.

It was only fifteen minutes later viewing the foundering Fitzgerald in aft-directional radar that Captain Depth saw the Fitz had not yet gone belly up and sank to meet with Captain Davy Jones on the abyssal sea floor. Thus he had the Crystal Ship execute a 180 degree turn at ramming speed bring the ship to heel over at 40 degrees to make another run at the hapless Fitzgerald. Rescuers for the distressed Fitzgerald arrived before the Crystal Ship coup administer the coup de grace. The recalcitrant Crystal Ship sailed away in disgust.


Analysts from the Defense Advanced Research Projects agency said they are developing a new breed of oceanic hunter-bats capable of forming a defense warning perimeter around ships operating in dangerous waters in the dark to provide advanced threat-ship detection capability.


Facebook's New Mission; To Make the World Feel More Cramped

Mark Zuckerberg has updated Facebook's mission' ""To give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together."

Facebook is going to show the idiots how to build a community. That will be very helpful for feral humanity living in caves or simply wandering about the veldt and savannah. High plains drifters without any sense of community-building whatsoever are a perennial problem for politicians whom have been wondering about how to get one started.

Then Mr. Zuckerberg happened along with the brilliant idea of global homoculture instead of nations and diversity, individualism and a feeling of wilderness. There are some that believe the world is crowded enough and won't want help feeling claustrophobic (phobias are politically incorrect too). Maybe he thinks it takes a village of the damned.

Across the Universe of fiction there are all sorts of people, as well as predators and conquerors of worlds. People seek the farthest distances simply to get away from a feeling of crowdedness sometimes.

from 'The Universal Widget'...

"Yvonne, the Spudolian situation reminds me a bit of the Y'Earth passion play. God visited lost Y'Earthmen. The Lord came as a humble servant to those Jesus Christ would save.
Imagine being the author of reality and deciding to experience a play one writes as a character in it. None in the play realize reality is contingent reality- reality seems final and terminal with nothing following its end in entropy, Not even The Son Jesus Christ kept immediate omniscience on Y'Earth though he had a direct relationship with 'The Father'.
Yet the author of reality and the play has no need to appear as a king or powerful ruler, simply to understand existence from his character's point of view. His appearance was just to offer ethical guidance and a way to overcome the failings of humanity that are original and subsequent. They could look toward the future with salvation provided by the God. The appearance of the Universal widget on Spud and elsewhere is not a comparable paradigm of Authorship to that of The Lord Jesus Christ appearing to offer a way of salvation to God's creations, yet it is something like a superior being bringing inventions and hope to the doped and decaying worlds over-consuming their finite resources materially and intellectually."
"Spud certainly has had its share of trouble lately. At least Faggovam rule was overthrown and forced out."
"What do you think the Universal widget might be for-itself?"
"It's probably some sort of membrane of membranes emerging from one-dimensional infinite reduction into infinity of membranes constructing N-Dimensional structures."
"So it could be quite small? If it is implicitly transcendent of inertially evolving energy-force mass structures in a field of entropic motion it could have a will-directed scalar field. That is it might not be like a cleverly packed assembler language of creation of logically possible physical forms with finite potential to actualize or evolve with determined permutations."
"Well, I wouldn't think it's too limited or fixed in scale Pat. If any particular element of the Higgs field that temporalizes in the steady state of decoherence could be entirely for-itself then it ought to be the Universal widget. That type of wonder widget might be a phenomenon representing the typical philosophical problem of one thing as a U (1) monism becoming pluralism with disunity to infinity actualizing along the way as an infinite number of forms-many of which are useful inventions.

So that brings me to wonder how an isolated, infinitely reduced particle would get power to increase its activity or scale."

Pres. Trump Won’t Elevate the Poor in Corporatism's Global Evil Empire

President Trump reportedly said that he won't elevate the poor to run the economy. That news isn’t very surprising. The United States is a corporatist state that evolved to repress free enterprise and democracy since Bill Clinton was President. Quasi-governmental agencies as mundane as the Postal Service and N.P.R. serve as terrorist support organaizations.

Wealth is concentrating in the U.S.A. and intellectual capital is redistributed to the right people for marketing symbolism purposes in order to enrich the 1% with inherited wealth. The interests of that class are what have driven the rise of corporatism to displace actual American free enterprise.

Not that most people would notice. The sort of creativity that may exist in people with politically or socially incorrect qualifications is not the ordinary sort that masses of Americans happy to be working in the corporatist structure would be aware of.

The primary trouble with de facto state terrorism and repression of free enterprise is that it selects less than optimal domesticated world solutions. The inherited wealth class are not the most creative. They simply have the most effective killers.

Mexican Murders Hit Record High in May 2017

Mexico's murder record for the month of May is part of a long-term trend of increase. More than 9000 poeple were murdered so far this year in that narco-state. ABC reported 2162 people killed. Al Jazeera reported 2452. That nation has reached the top 20 list of nations of the world with the highest murder rate. A violent culture is sometimes an indicator of deeper social issues.Maybe Mexicans don't read enough books.




Are the Hack Attacks on Voting & Political Junk the Fault of the Hacked or Opposite Party?

Without straying without warrant into an eisegesis of news reports of Russian ballot stuffing of U.S. election boxes for Donald Trump causing Hillary to lose and Americans to question their basic trust in government, is it possible to ask if U.S. governments are incompetent at election security as well as border security? Is the nation such a banana republic that it cannot be confident about the integrity of it voting procedures?

Plainly there is a world of hackers looking for Hillary Clinton's dirty laundry on her unsecured server where she did state department business though the hard rives of the concerned computers were fortunately accidentally wiped so no one really knows what was on them. Yet insider leakers of classified partisan campaign chat seems to reflect on the failure of security procedures more than on the nation of the opposite political party for benefiting from anything released to the public. 

If politicians and government officials are daft about contemporary security concerns and are just sloppy should they descry the wicked hackers in the world or tighten their own security procedures? Political bambis that expect a world full of muffins and flowers in a wolf den of computer hackers since infancy wolf found to leave government computers alone is silly.

U.S. governments are reluctant to tighten up voter ID and security against illegal aliens. Why should they expect to be better at cyber security than direct national physical security?

What is Meant by 'Atheists Have No Morals'

Divine command moral norms following Moses and Deuteronomy were plain and simple. Alternatively modern godless individuals haven’t anything ...