
Is Trading Sex for Political Advance (i.e. Kamala Harris) Now Ethical?

Presidential candidate Senator Kamala Harris apparently had a solid sex relationship with the married speaker and later San Francisco mayor WiIlie Brown. He helped her with three political jobs; two well paying appointments to commissions and a District Attorney campaign. While women trading sex for favors outside of marriage isn't a new thing, using sex to get political boosts raises ethical questions concerning what are valid ways of promoting candidates in a democracy/meritocracy.

Apparently the former S.F. mayor and California State Assembly godfather-operator boosted several well known California politicians including Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi in yet undisclosed ways.






President Trump has experienced withering flamethrower quality criticism of alleged sex relationships that did no include political promotion and then comes along this Kamala Harris clown car of confirmable sex-ethical swampiness that makes the 2020 campaign look like a swamp-sewer with an odor worthy of cancelling the election (to go one better than cancelling the state of the Union address).



Link to an Article on Solar Power News, Forecasts

This is a good article on solar power prospects the next two years etc


Why Democrats Would Close the Government Over the Wall

The federal budget for 2018 was 3.4 trillion dollars. President Trump proposed a 4.47 trillion dollar budget. There are 1000 billion dollars in a trillion. Five or six billion dollars is a tiny, tiny fraction of 3.4 or 4 trillion dollars. For Democrats to shut down the government over such a tiny fractional portion of the federal budget was inexcusable. If President Trump had decided to close the government if Democrats would not eliminate 30 billion from the food stamp program, or shrink military wage 50% that might have been understandable.

Secrets of the Federal Budget Revealed

There are far larger chunks of money at play in Congress every year and Congress is not shut down over such issues. Unless funding is for abortion, murder, homosexual marriage or other heinous criminal activities there is little excuse for shutting a government down. Democrats should have funded the tiny item of meaning to tens of millions of honest American workers and moved on. Democrat Party leadership is corrupt and supports global corruption so long as their leadership is included in the politburo’s prioritization for goodies. Presently they want Hispanic votes and believe that a loose southern boundary best serves mutual Mexican-politburo interests. Some believe they are in collusion with Mexican drug cartels.

There may be payback at some future time when an actual important issue arises that Democrats want. Closing the government will be one way to make sure they don’t get it; even if it costs less than .06 percent of the federal budget. Important issues could arise; making an agricultural zoning law that requires variegated crop production to conserve soil fertility, requiring federal border wall barriers to be producers of solar power’d electricity, building a vast border desalinization of seawater irrigation canal network through evaporation and condensation fresh water generation of 1500 miles in compensation for global warming desertification, making no net loss of wild lands a requirement for building (maybe artificial mountain ranges covered with vegetation would work to comply with the law) etc.

Democrats have chosen to shut down the government over the issue by not signing off on funding for a well constructed slatted fence-wall for political reasons. The ability of cheap labor to illegally invade the United States and undermine supply and demand laws concerning labor satisfies those on Wall Street that have been happy with keeping the minimum wage of the nation from rising more than $5 in fifty years while Wall Street’s index has risen from 850 to 23,000.

Democrat Party leaders are not laborers, they are millionaires that enjoy illegal alien labor themselves in their vineyards, sweatshops, chicken pluking and slaughtering packing plants etc. They don’t give a rat’s a about U.S. labor.
There is no question about the Secure Fence Act of 2006 of the Bush administration increasing national security.The record shows that it did. More barriers will reinforce apprehensions of illegal entrants.

Mexico–United States barrier - Wikipedia

Where natural borders do not exist, physical borders need be constructed. Since the civil war combat engineers around the world have learned to construct earthworks defensive barriers. Democrats prefer electronic methods that require agents to go out and arrest individuals instead of deflecting them. In war for quite a time people liked using land mines rather than physical barriers such as defeated some landing craft at Normandy. Non-explosive, non-electronic methods of making borders to protect labor supply and demand are better than electronic that will fail whenever Wall Street decides it requires another 50,000 cheap workers in a year to gut wage increases versus profit increases for the 1%.


Where Magnus Carlsen Stands in the Blitz Chess GOAT Competition

When Joe Montana was asked about Tom Brady being the GOAT, he replied with a mention of Otto Graham who played football ten years and won the championship seven times with the Cleveland Browns. The greatest chess player of an era is a phenomenon in-itself. One can not predict the future too well; all-time includes the future. Is MC the greatest of all-time? No.

Magnus Carlsen certainly lacks playing the King’s Gambit enough in blitz. The King’s Gambit was declared busted by Robert James Fischer, yet that was in classical time controls and not blitz. Most people aren’t as good as Fischer anyway. Electronic blitz chess has brought good prospects for the King’s Gambit.

FIDE has only had a recognized world blitz chess champion since 2006. It seems premature to look for ‘the greatest of all time’. World Blitz Chess Championship - Wikipedia

With computers ubiquitous and chess engines free the actual greatest blitz champion of all times may be lurking out there with a computer in a crib, or as the joke goes; ‘he became a GM in the eighth month of gestation’.

MC is a great player whom has benefited new players learning proper end game method watching his games. Plainly he is the best chess player in the world today. If he plays the King’s Gambit often enough and well enough in blitz so as to always dominate Super Blitz GMs with wild improvisational games recognition may last beyond his time in ranking with great blitz champions; though it would help to win the World Blitz Championship several years consecutively.


The Rich Congress Doesn't Want a Wall

It is ordinary Americans that voted for President Trump that want a wall for security and to slow down illegal cheap labor that keeps wages down for legal workers. Because the cost of being elected is so high- a million and up, congresspersons get fundoing from the rich that own corporations and the congress so they just don't want to actually fund construction of a border security slatted wall.

The Pope too sides with the rich to destroy labor value in the U.S.A.


Those against democracy, sovereignty for nations and security and in favor of imperialism tend to like to divide the body politic of nations they seek to invade. Mexicans too benefit from labor that cannot be relocated illegally in pursuit of scab labor. If North America had no illegal labor wages would rise everywhere. Yet there are those that always seek to corrupt civil society and keep it in stress and strife as if it were s frontier town and workers like whores to be used for the lowest possible cost.

Yet it would be possible to use cheap legal Mexican labor to build a slatted wall and temporarily employ maybe 20,000 Mexican construction workers on the project. U.S. steel might drive up the cost of course, yet maybe Chinese steel could sneak in under the 5.7 billion and get a hundred extra miles built.

Legal Mexican workers paid $8 dollars an hour with Americans allowed to work for that too if they are qualified could expedite construction. Of course Congress is interested simply in enriching the rich, so it is not very likely.

It would of course be better to build a vast left and right wing canal to contain desalinated seawater siphoned from the Pacific ocean with solar powered pumps. Desalination would start in New Mexico under plexiglass  v shaped canal covers to provide water for agriculture and to offset global warming desertification of the S.W.


Pelosiocracy and the Unitary Corporatist State

The United States has already evolved about 2/3s of the way toward being a one-party corporatist state. Globalists will bring it somewhat unintentionally toward becoming a unitary planetary government with Chinese Communist leaders if it isn’t reformed. The down side of a global government is its absolute power, and that it requires the bloodiest civil revolt to get rid of.

Really I think corporatist leadership that owns the media and concentrates wealth is a consequence of the natural human pile-on principle in economics. It is very difficult to reform that pile from within or without when about everyone is trying to get to the top- sometimes with different ethics so it is tamed a little and more safe. The Utopian United Fruit Company is the overweening applied political philosophy of the Democrat Party

Corporatism promotes people useful for control of power rather than the best for society. It represses those deemed unprofitable. Today society needs a reform of democracy and free enterprise and the concentration of wealth should be capped to prevent a tiny minority from repressing democratic free expression and the marketplace of ideas.

The major political systems are at minimum nearly two centuries old- except for corporatism that was invented by the Italian fascist dictator Mussolini. It was used by Hitler and worked well for a while. because it is the most recent invention it is the most effective rather like Marxism was effective at being taken up by nations in the first party of the 2oth century.

Democracy can be reformed such that all people have a minimum income and security and are not exploited unwillingly by capitalists, yet they would have incentives to work and to invent to have more material substance. Basically the marketplace of ideas need be reformed so society can use the best ideas and ecospherically progenerative ideas and move away from the mindless pile-on monkey see and monkey do value system.
Patents should become public and freely used after seven years with the inventor-patent holders receiving 10% royalties from those that produce the product after the patented idea becomes public.

Tame Wolf Demense of Constitutional Monarchy

Monarchs rule through pure force. The most powerful would have the most rightful claim. Constitutional monarchies have devolved from absolute monarchies. Why people that have progressed beyond that would think of going backwards- politically devolving to a lower life form, is beyond me.

Dogs have been bred from wolves. Personally I like wolves a lot better than dogs, yet wolves would have trouble in modern society socially. Some lunatic recently shot one in a U.S. state. Humans do not share every feature of dogs. Dogs probably die too soon to get gum disease bacteria sufficiently to cause Alzheimers disease (the bacteria eat the brain too). Non-divine monarchs never die soon enough. Neither do old political philosophies get replaced soon enough.

People breed dogs yet rely on ancient political philosophies like socialism, capitalism, communism, democracy etc that were designed for different centuries past. They look backwards to the days of wolves without living in a wild ecosphere. Democracy and free enterprise need adaptation to demographic and ecospheric reality.

Gum Disease May Be the Cause of Alzheimers

A scientific study has found that gum disease and bacteria associated with it may be the cause of Alzheimers. Good dental and gum health is even more important than was thought if the study is right.

Bleeding gums are a symptom of gum disease. The bacteria go to the brain and slowly consume it.



State of the Union From the White House- Congress Could Watch TV-Reduce CO2 Gas

President Trump should go ahead with this year's state of the Union address and make it from the White House since Speaker Pelosi has cancelled authorization to make it in Congress. The speech is really for the people anyway. It is no big deal to skip informing the Congress directly. They too could catch it on Fox. Congress is de trop this year.


Initial Content of Hilbert-Vector Space and a Creativity Game

Eventually a better game than chess may model Hilbert -Vector space and players will be aesthetically judged on the creative use of the initial content in it. Math and logic without content are no more than vague theoretical and variable structures. A posteriori content endowed through a time axis provides content that for-itself shall afford theoretical reconfigurations, aesthetically, for artful purposes.


All particle-wave quanta of Hilbert space coexist within the metaset Vector Space
vector space is temporal while Hilbert Space is static.

Mass, even represented as Energy, phenomenally appears only within Vector Space, because time-space-mass are integral. Cutting a slice of Hilbert-Vector Space and relocating it without severing the HVS originating location 'connections' is a problem. So it might indeed be useful to clone HVS content for relocations, although not philosophically satisfying.

Necessity of Ecological Economics

Ecological economics has qualitative rather than quantitative growth. Actually I believe dead reckoning competence by political economists i...