
Coach Belichicks to Seahawks for Interim Coach?

 Seahawks could hire Belichick for interim coach. No need to hurry. A two year contract would work while looking for a fashionable and politically proper gal to helm the ship.

The Seahawks have a chance to draft a quality quarterback at 15, and could take McCarthy or Penix. If they are gone they can draft the second best offensive interior lineman in the first round and a quality QB in the second. EZ breezy.

Belichick might be motivated to win a Superbowl with another team in the way Brady won with another team. No coach has ever won a Superbowl with two teams; the closest anyone has got was a win and a loss with two teams- Andy Reid and Dan Reeves.

Like the Seahawks were before hiring Coach Carrol-just drop in a QB and ready to roll, today's Hawks may be ready to roll with a new QB too.


Conflating Power with Information and Corruption

Acton's idea that absolute power corrupts absolutely need be unpacked, sorted out and understood well; far too many leaders are ignorant. Acton wrote in England- a society that had fought against absolutist monarchy since Magna Carta in 1215. It is likely that his comment was in reference to imperial power such as King John had.

Hindenburg bragged that he had only read one book in his entire life. Information exists in-the-world. It is how one processes information that will determine if a politician is competent, corrupt, inept or stupid. It is an amusing paradigm to note that the coefficient of information with corruption would be ignorance and stupidity with honesty.

 It is wrong to assume that a hierarchy exists politically such that the leader receives more information than someone at University A or B, or doing research on the Internet. It is the political power to act upon misunderstood or inadequate information for the wrong reasons that serves to accelerate political corruption. Maladroit education and training creates wicked political processing of data later. Some politicians are hell bent to accomplish a particular agenda a priori and are dismissive of information as externalities to their program. 

An individual may have copious information and be quite powerless.


The Expensive, Unnecessary Ukraine War of Biden-McConnel Axis of Hawkery

 Though the tide has turned on the Democrat effort to build up war in Ukraine with U.S. finance the old pair of hawks continue to search and destroy prospects for peace. Peace is a far better investment than war.

Taking an on-line course on Magna Carta one learns why King John signed the document to start with; he had invested in foreign wars that went badly and levered his own nation to pay for mercenaries and other military personnel. The people were tired of political losers costing them at home and abroad.

For nearly a century after Magna Carta modifications and reforms were needed to reign in the power of the King. President Biden like King John is perpetrating foreign wars that are harmful to national interests- peace should have been sought with Russia and Ukraine shared between Russia and the Western financed government. Good business should have flowed across Eurasia and the ecosphere repaired with Russia in the midst of it all.

Just since January 2022 the Congress has passed four bills giving Ukraine 113 billion dollars of assistance. estimates of the cost of rebuilding Ukraine range to half a trillion dollars and the Biden administration will be quickly to lever the public for the funds. Cost of removing rubble is estimated to be 4 billion dollars. I know a few U.S. cities that could use some of the money spent for that unnecessary foreign war. 


 The Biden-McConnell axis may have given the jitters for the prospect of the end of the world even to Mark Zuckerberg who has built a 100 million dollars survival compound with a secret bunker deep below his thousands of acres Hawaiian estate.



Stereotypes of Earth Men and Women

 The Ugly American- brash, over-paid, badly educated on environment with hubris. A stereotype with elements of validity. Russians- tough, long suffering smart scientists and vodka drinking working class. Chinese-billions of people used to imperial or dictatorial rule, lots of ability yet in mass rather poor- a glimpse of the future of humanity on Earth. People living south of the U.S.A.- seeking to move north and convert the U.S.A. into the Republic of Hispania. Africa- mostly never slaves with a different point of view of world affairs than black Americans. Many seek to move north to Europe. Muslims- seek to conquer the rest of the world as a duty given by Muhammad the Proplit.

The Smartest Man and Twenty Questions

An anonymous philosopher was told by someone that the oracle at Delphi said that he was the smartest one on Earth, so he went and asked for himself and the oracle said "Yes, you are the smartest man on Earth". Thereafter he started a career asking people twenty simple questions like 'Can you write an algorithm to create a Universe and make it expand in an orderly, logical way to maturity until it burns up or is cold and dead'. No one was able to answer the questions correctly until he reached Donald Trump and Joe Biden- each with an IQ of 168. There is a punch line but one needs an IQ of 268 to understand it so I won't burden readers with that here.


Nonce-sense (a poem)


Phatend up universes
expand from morrows
bigger with life
depletin so much sorrows

A point a pint pitchin quick gillies
placin new shots with barbed tonguing grillins
shocked monkey'd Ukrainian landers
wicked war chordites confoundin lost peace plans

Too wild sprung all-go-rythms
carry up more nonce sense
directly illustrating singularity talk
unto crenelated ears.

If it Spins it was Spun (poem)


If it spins
it was spun
for every hard thing had begun
hard links
soft links
more was to the better
God was good
Good is God

God is good
Good was God
isosceles tri-angles became silky seashells
broken down and weathered
pretenses of past tensors
even while waves signed
inventions abode
with conjecture and levers.

A Note on Writing Computer Code to Make a Universe Expand from Singularity

 This is just a note for making the point that it might be possible to write computer code to make a Universe expand from a singularity with much detail of various processes. Probably its already been done countless times in physics science labs. I am not aware of a popular video game with adjustable, variable parameters for modifying one's designed Universe though. 

I believe that a spherical gravitational collapse of a scaler field, arriving at t=0 is a paradigm comparable to quanta of the cosmic microwave background running in reverse to an inflation and singularity if one posits a phase change and radical deceleration at the inflation. Physicists have a lot of data and probably model algorithms for the expansion consistent with observable properties of the universe. Perhaps there are numerous algorithms exploiting observable quanta and fields that would reach t=0. Recent papers suggest the Universe is one-off rather than cyclic.

What Piety and Justice Are- A Rewrite from the Euthyphro

Dramatis Persona;



S- Good day Euthyphro; how goes it bud?

E- Fine my friend. So you are out of jail again?

S-Indeed Euthyphro, the charge of hate speech won’t stick. It was just petty calumny by establishment insiders throwing shade. What about yourself? I hear you have a day in court ahead?

E-Quite so Socrates. It’s payback time for my old man. He murdered one of our slaves so I have charged him with that capital offense.

S-No, that can’t be; he is you blood.

E-Makes no difference Socco; he did the deed and need pay the piper.

S-Yes Euthy- the piper must be paid. How did this crime occur?

E-My drunken da thought the slave was a killer and chained him to the gallows while he went to ask the prophetic oracle of ChatAI what the right moral action is; should he ang the lout or just keelhaul him beneath the largest trireme in the Athenian fleet. While da was on his mission to talk with the oracle of ChatAI the slave died from hypothermia overnight in the snow. That was a cold blooded murder by da I say.

S- Yes, piety need be pursued to the logical spring of truth. Are you confident your decision to have your Da punished for not attending to the well being of the slave is just and pious?

E-Same difference Socco.

S-What is justice and piety Euthy?

E-It’s what is fair and just, and God loves it.

S-I see; God loves it because it is pious or is it pious and just because God loves it?

E- Were you smoking crack in gaol Socco? Those seem like pretty fine hairs to split.

S- Indeed the a soul in gaol had some fine green yet I did not inhale for I have been charged by Miletus, a youngster with a scraggly beard and a hooked nose, with corrupting youth and inventing false gods of science for the masses to worship with legal dope and free brothels for everyone.

E-None of that is true, plainly.


E. Now what is justice?

S-You don’t know Euthy?

E-Just saying, if you remember, because crack makes you forgetful, or is that age? Never mind; piety is doing the will of God in all things because God is good.

S- Is God good because he is God, or God because he is good?

E- God is a great mathematician that built the Universe with math. Everything is a triangle or a portion of something like that; strings, quarks, gluons; you know; a math Universe.

S-So sin is to provide wrong answers to questions involving the underlying order of the Universe?

E-Certainly. Would you like me to be your instructor?

S-Yes Euthy, I will be your disciple for you have the wisdom of youth.

E-Modestly speaking Socrates, I post at Facebook and Iinstagram a lot. People wait to watch me post at Tik Tok sides.

S-Excellent! I can tell the court that I was misinformed about dope, brothels, abortion, illegal entry to Athens, hate speech and sundry items that I supported and that may have corrupted youth. I will say that now that I am your disciple I attend to the strait and narrow path of proper mathematics underlying the constructions and order of this Universe or any other with reasonable quarks, scintillations of excited forms and virtual energy emerging from fields such as the Higgs that are pervasive though sometimes imperfect copies of forms in the mind of God.

E- Yes Socco; I can see that I have corrected you in part already; for you must know that morality simply means conforming to the will of God and the order of the Universe he has constructed of real, irrational and rational numbers with righteous gage theory, Abelian algebra, Lie groups, Eigenfunctions, Differential equations, Hilbert Space with machine language content quantum computed etc. The underlying order of the Universe may be interpreted as natural law sentient beings need comply with to avoid being folded, spindled and mutilated through time, or in the beyond. Willful sin and impiety means being odd when evenness is required for passage through innate filters of structured order.

S- Do you take American Express Euthy?


President Putin Didn't Declare 1867 Sale of Alaska 'Illegitimate'-Fake Ukrainian News

 Declaring the Russian colonial era sale of Alaska to the United States in 1867 "illegitimate", the logical assumption is that President Putin meant that Russia didn't actually own Alaska and was instead a usurper of pre-existing Alaska native ownership of what is presently a U.S. state. Snopes said the statement was bogus, but the U.S. State Department replied anyway thus giving support and credibility to fake news.

That support for aboriginal rights would have some resonance in the U.N. where various native peoples around the global have long-standing complaints about colonial conquests that went against them. Some are for Jewish aboriginal rights in Israel, others for Russian rights in Ukraine, and still others for Palestinian rights as sea peoples in Crete and Gaza. Luckily there presently aren't any known lunar aboriginal peoples- except maybe Neal Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.

If Alaska does disintegrate eventually it probably will renounce its share of the 33 trillion dollar public debt that should reach 40 trillion by the year 2029. The Aleutians could become independent as well as S.E. Alaska, The Copper River drainage, the North Slope and three interior nations. They could contract out defense with various militant nations selling defense services in exchange for some real estate in the nations of the former state of Alaska that will in time become a refuge from the incinerator of global warming rising in presently temperate nations.

President Putin will need to rebuild whatever portions of Ukraine he can recover for Russian patrimony. Russian ownership of much of Ukraine wasn't ever the result of colonialism as much as nativist reconquista.

The fake news apparently originated with a Ukrainian seeking to sew problems for the United States in order to get more military support from Democrats and fellow travelers in the U.S. Congress; "a social media post on X by the Ukrainian user Igor Sushko claimed that Putin declared the 1867 sale of Alaska was illegal: “Putin signed an order insinuating the sale of Alaska to the United States in 1867 was illegitimate. This mofo is trolling the West and our leaders shake in their boots in response."

President Zelensky also declared several areas of the Russian Federation historically Ukrainian thus setting out an expanded war platform for Democrats to lust over.




Inner Peace with Self-Acceptance for Slobs?

If one is a slob one might want to lose weight, launder clothes and clean up the yard. A season of discontent can be edifying.  Change can b...