British MI-5 Halts Transport of Pterrorist Liquids a Couple Days after BP Closes North Slope Pipeline Flow
British authorities have busted a possible Al Qa’eda plot to place explosive liquids in innocent appearing packages such as baby’s formulae by passengers aboard trans-Atlantic airliners to halt air travel Anglo-American air travel. The season of globalist explosive liquids has accompanied revelations by Mel Gibson and Robin Williams of alcohol abuse and inflammatory statements in some cases requiring treatment. The Globalist broadcast media-a staunch foe of democracy with extremist brainwashing opportunities is simultaneously assaulting those in submission to God as ‘O’fascists’. Muhammed-o’fascists is a better term than Islam-O’fascists which is a leftist concept of atheists of the Leninist stripe peppering the public with pro-atheist propaganda.
The U.S. Department of Globalist Security was presented with difficult decisions in response to the liquids crisis---would it be better to risk a slight chance of mid-air jet detonations than to leave the hair regrowth formulae at home or face the embarrassment of buying the stuff in a London apothecary? A Senior Analyst at the Oil-For-Money institute said that prices may rise temporarily yet drop this fall when demand decreases.
Iranian advisers have been found as casualties on the battlefield in Lebanon recently, highlighting Iran support for the world’s largest and best armed terrorist organization Hezbollah. The Hezzies received more than 180 million dollars and rocket systems from the Iranian Government this last fiscal year making Iran a partner in terrorism. Lebanon is unfortunately an accomplice in providing safe harbor for the terrorists. The Bush administration is leaving significant problems for the next administration to face with Iran likely developing nuclear weapons and longer range rockets before January 20th 2009.
The Democratic Party is for-itself keeping the wrong arguments in mind about Middle Eastern problem and U.S. Security and is being chastised routinely by GOP Polemic Rave Radio. The Democratic Party in some quarters seems to believe that unilateral withdrawal would not have meaningful consequences to the Middle East or the United States, and seem to have a pre-1990 point of view on Iraqi policy.
If the United States withdrew from Iraq precipitously it would lose credibility of course with all parties living in the region as an untrustworthy partner and probably a bloodbath civil war would follow. Iran would be the unchallenged Shiite terrorist nation in the region of course, yet the Sunni would receive military support from Saudi Arabia and Al Qa’eda would assume a larger posture as defender of the faith of Muhammad so far as it perpetrated terrorism upon the Shia. The United State’s interests would become increasingly irrelevant to the oil profit bloated OPEC nations while the political Captain Quigs of the U.S.A. would receive tantalizing globalist bits about how fuel cell cars are on the way as soon as global corporations form a monopoly on production and individual home-fuel production from solar panels for quickly rechargeable batteries for electric vehicles is safely obscured.
Some Democrats believe that working for a balanced budget and elimination of the federal deficit while flooding the U.S.A. with illegal aliens is possible in a new 8 years of a Democratic administration, yet just another Bush could knock over the savings and return the U.S.A. to deficit spending and militarism in defense against terrorism. A Democratic administration will need to deal with a nuclear armed Iran and its legions of terrorists with rockets in Lebanon and perhaps millions of terrorist in Iraq struggling for supremacy and to drive up world oil prices. President Bush of course will not send the 7th air fleet of stealth fighters and cruise missiles to wipe out Iranian nuclear production, a Senior Analyst at the No-Junior Analysts Institute said, because the price of oil would rise to 100 dollars a barrel almost immediately, and that would have the effect of driving Republicans from office this November with Tom Delay’s name still on the ballot in Sugarland.
President Bush in Deep Pockets of Oil Companies
For a few years I sought to persuade Alaskans to support alternate fuels, and to support conveyance of North Slope oil production to Alaskans rather than to Brits and BP. After the Exxon Valdez spill for which the litigation is still unsettled 17 years later, it became obvious that many looked upon Alaska as little more than a resource colony. Americans have traded their freedom for comfort and safety (foreign car and foreign fuels for trade deficits and globalist political empowerment), and Ben Franklin of course provided the solution to that equation stare decisis.A political coefficient of adversity determines the price of oil today in the United States that Americans are paying more than three dollars a gallon for (raise and gouge until the next administration or whoever seriously supports alternate energy development that lets Americans make their own energy individually for electric cars).
The high oil prices fund foreign pterrorist organizations, yet Americans are entirely unintelligent at switching to native, independent non-centralized and no-globalist or corporatist fuel sources for their autos. They’re put into a sleeper headlock by the arms of globalist broadcast media being constantly brainwashed into non-locality and apathy politically except as the use-truths programmers deem.Alaskan politicians to the federal government needed to get oil lease sales offered in small enough parcels that small bidders could win, or the cumulative cost for buying up all the parcels by large global oil companies would have been much higher with more revenues for paying down federal debt. It is electric autos that have high performance and capability for a wide variety of energy input.
The coefficient of adversity prevents the federal investment in rational, national non fossil fuel development, and the voters have stupidly reelected an oil administration that is globalist rather than nationalist in prioritizing objectives. Connecticut's democrats may be anti-Semitic and reactionary during the Lebanon conflict, yet Lieberman as a Jacksonian liberal may offer some alternative to Paloziism.
Oil companies know President Bush will not invest in real alternatives to oil reliance, relying upon it to fill his family and friendly bank accounts generally. Oil prices will go as high as Americans are willing or able to pay, perhaps as much as 150 dollars per barrel (I wrote last year that they would reach 75 or 100 dollars a barrel) Americans are complacent sycophants of globalists these days, and the democrats will fall right into line on that in Connecticut I'd guess.Electric vehicles can get electricity from solar panels in parking lots, wind generators in parking lots, home fuel cells (Ballard fuel cells are available now for 5000) and a national infrastructure renewal could cool superconducting lines with solar power created liquid hydrogen) in deep sub freeway pipelines. Interstates should have power lines for cars to draw electric power from directly.Incidentally the market retail price of my science fiction book 'Alterwall Objectives' is $15.95. It has some stories developed when I lived in Alaska...but not much about oil, the North Slope or BP's leaking 16 miles of oil pipeline.
Non-property Owning Cultures of more than 50,000 years
Ariel Sharon was a tough soldier. Ariel Sharon drove his army unit to the Suez Canal during the 1972 Yom Kippur war with a substantive shrapnel caused head wound bandaged egregiously. While he wasn't first over into Egypt it was only because of direct orders to stand back. A man with prior serious head injuries living in such a hot clime with full political responsibilities, over weight and with age is likely to suffer a stroke or coronary...remember that his doctors did not treat him terribly well after the first incident and let him return to work far to quickly...he should have taken some time off instead and left the Gaza troubles and West Bank terrorist pressure management to micro-managers.
On other topics regarding war and the folly of mankind to err into war and neglect prosperity, consider the report in the July 31, 2006 Newsweek that scientists are working the next to years to sequence the Neanderthal genome. The Neanderthals died out 30,000 years ago leaving Homo sapiens to ponder today what happened? It might have evidently scientists wonder what gives mankind an abstract reasoning ability differing him/her from the Neanderthal’s simplicity. political anthropologists have compared the abstract reasoning of George W. Bush with that of former President Bill Clinton for analogical comprehension studies, yet they overrate the differences in administration policy success' and failures Only joking-president Bush ate too much birthday cake and it caused sugar somulence and fossil fuel complaisance recently.
This is the time of year when lecture radio goes over how communism has never been successful anywhere, or that Fidel Castro is one of the most astounding leaders in history, and truth is neglected for some reason or other. Actually a form of basic communism is the world’s historically most common form of social grouping, lasting since the beginning of Homo sapiens about 50,000 to 1000,000 years before present until something better was invented or made possible. Basic communism is the non-property owning form of human social grouping which is a process of animal association. The concept of property owning is meaningless when land is abundant, products are simple and non-specialized, agricultural work is collective and so forth.
Reproductive success and tribal survival was better for people that shared food to all, allowing members unsuccessful in the day's hunt to eat the bounty of the fortunate that day. When food preservation was nearly non-existent, and tools were Neolithic, no one 'owned' anything, and in fact it was considered undesirable to withhold anything from someone that desired one's knife, hat or sling etc. the simple necessities were mostly identical at any rate.I believe it was John Kenneth Galbraith that pointed out that ownership and 'private property' came about when mankind developed more advanced technologies and specializations that required exclusive possession for increase of worth. If Intel's Oregon plant were common would the clean chip rooms be as clean if winos hung out there on hot days?
The principle of exclusive use is fairly simple. Of course hunter gatherers and slash and burn nomadic peoples had no need to 'own' 'property' or land either...the concept had little meaning so long as they were free to use a place or region or keep discovering equally productive areas.Private property and free enterprise were consequent to social development and specialization quite recent in human history formalized as The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith. Unfortunately modern globalist repression in the form of corporatism wherein government and transnational corporations work together and squash individual freedom to differ in infrastructure choices and in free expression and business innovations, and the traditional 'modern' communist or authoritarian government that dictates and allocates resources to a proletariat work against the benefits of individualization made possible when individual genius is free to pick and choose from the worlds knowledge base elements to synthesize new productions, productions methods, systems structures and technologies for exploration.Fidel Castro's Cuban revolution that installed a communist dictatorship upon a neo-agrarian social culture was a good example of a synthetic retardation of free enterprise with quasi-fascism made in order to avoid the believed repressive extremes of corrupt mobster corporatist capitalism, if the Batista regime could be said to be sort of corporatist.
A society in which property ownership and even government is irrelevant in a more fundamental primitive human context differs markedly from a modern dictatorship that represses individual freedom and instead allocates resources under a sort of martial law.Adam Smith's ideas about free enterprise complementing an economy alongside a benevolent democratic government seeking the well being of the people directly and the nation collectively was actualized with the United States of America of the founders that existed in such a form perhaps for the first 100 years in many of the states that were spare the absolute evil of slavery. Today corporatism has led to a U.S. political stupidity rendering it unable to comprehend the mud wrestling nature of oil and fossil fuel use, federal deficits, enrichment of inimical terrorists’ populations, low education requirements abroad, middle-eastern wars and interminable (Bush years) neglect of more salutary domestic policies that could escape the perennial oil-caused brinksmanship.Some speak rather superfluously about Christian social organizations as communist of primitive times... they haven't given enough thought to what modern communism, government and economic systems with specializations and advanced technology mean.
Modern communism is inimical to the processes of technological enterprise essentially, and Christians were not formulating a worldly government political theory nor economic system. For them the material world was secondary to irrelevant to spiritual affairs. Pure political power concentrates social roles and economic possibilities sometimes, and may lead to reactionary individualism and free enterprise. Christians were in revolt to the power of the world social roles in their allegiance to god perhaps it could be said, yet free enterprise for Christians and property ownership would be just fine as a thing for-itself so long as it did not lead to neglect of the prioritization first of spiritual concerns.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
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