
A Priesthood of Believer's Structure

A 2nd reformation would be useful

A priesthood of believers could be evolved from existing church structures to make a more egalitarian and Biblically correct for of Christian organization better able to evangelize and express the will of God so far as I understand the new testament.

The old testament has a temple worship form something similar to other priestly hierarchies of other faiths...paradoxically Muslims have an immam that isn't actually a priest but is instead just a group leader of merit.

A priesthood of believers is described somewhat in the book of Heberews by the apostle Paul, and of course Jesus said that Christians would be as servants rather than as those placing themselves first.

Of course regular Christian priesthoods have served to bring the message of the gospel over the millenia, however in this populist era all should be more equal and serve equal roles as servants able to serve other Christians first and then others as is useful or consistent with Biblical doctrine.

Here is a brief organizational structure example...

Christians in a church would be organized in groups of 12. Maybe a useful Church would have 12 groups of 12. Each worship day one elder would have a 15 minute time to talk or sermonize, a few hymns could be sung, and everyone else in the group could have five minutes to talk or not. Alternate weeks would have a new elder selected to sermonize.

Perhaps it would be better to have half of the 11 non-sermonizers talk for 10 minutes each instead of for 5 minutes. Each would be expected to shae some learning from the Bible and perhaps to discuss individual work assignments.

Tithing could continue yet no-one would be paid. The money would be invested in insurance for group associates and physical maint. Each member would have their own outside job, yet each group would so far as possible provide fairly free services to other members when and how useful.

In the priesthood of believers all would be trained to be front-line working Christians trained to speak in small groups, evangelize outside when possible, and be a Christian educator. The only position women would not take, in order to be consistent with the Bible, would be that of the 15 minute sermon leader, who would also lead the responsive group reading. Since he doesn't get paid, and the position changes no one should care, and the members should have plenty of other meaningful work to do.

New Christians could be brought int a new member group, or shifted into groups without 12 people and so forth. This is just an idea that I believe would help to establish more Christians in presently non-Christian areas, that would bring more Christians out of backseat roles and into the forefront of actual Biblically directed Christian living and so forth.

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