
U.S. Senator's Wealth A Conflict of Interest Pro-Globalism?

When the medical corporation Senator Frist’s family started was sold recently for more than 21 billion dollars I wondered what relation such extreme wealth has upon the loyalties of U.S. Senators toward business preferences and federal legislation. The Senate of course just passed a bill to open the eastern Gulf of Mexico to offshore oil drilling, and global production of fossil fuel vehicles has surpassed that of the United States many times over. A farmer might more readily buy a Mahindra 5500 tractor than a John Deere (see page 41 Business Week July 31, 2006 Emerging(Multinational) Giants, and much of hard and soft production has shifted to China and India with Japan at this point being a veritable old time production partner. While global business is without question good for investors in global businesses and many citizens of nations other than the United States, is it good for Americans?

CNN published a list of senate millionaires (spouse and family assets not included)
http://www.cnn.com/2003/ALLPOLITICS/06/13/senators.finances/ that indicates U.S. Senator do have a substantial investment bases most likely in established and globalist ventures perhaps not as free riders being stuffed by patrons yet with an inevitable conflict of interest. These guys aren’t hungry for U.S. progress and would not choose to support measures that would undermine the value of their investments in existing stock portfolios. That could be ultimately harmful to U.S. national interests.

Most reasonable people are aware that global warming and reliance on corporatist fossil fuels for transportation domestically are inimical to U.S. prosperity and security. Iran for instance in the current inflated oil price market earned more than 60 billion on fossil fuel sales the past year and will earn more this year, and contributed 180 million dollars to Hezbowlahh and its South Lebanon rocket range. Other terrorist supporting nations or those with a large number of oil wealthy supporters of terrorist causes are prospering during the Bush-Cheyney-Frist axis of oil era.

In the United States a non-co-opted U.S. Senate would oppose the mass extinction caused by asphalt and fossil fueled vehicles. It would support individual home power production enterprises through a variety of incentives to eliminate fossil fuel use in the domestic transport fleet. Certainly trans-continental electro-magnetic accelerator cargo tunnels could eliminate 70% of the domestic trucking fleet with a 2000 M.P.H. trans-con shipping speed to several major terminals coast to coast. Homes could be made with concrete gunnite air-formed applications to be hurricane and tornado resistant and with zero net loss of biota…drive in spiral ‘domes’ would allow interior courtyards, low cost and exceptional endurance, privacy and gardening potential. Zero net loss of biota should be a national land priority along with security not net egress border security. Several simple legislative measures could upset the imbalance created by the U.S. Senate indolent preference for global wealth investments that marginalize American startups and infrastructure revolutions. The Senators are so wrapped up in the way things are, are so led by global corporations that they are virtual accomplices to the parting out and repopulation of the United States. The passage of a minimum wage increase by the house was tied to a bill to eliminate the estate tax and permit globalists to purchase the United States without possibility of being taxed to invest in the security of the United States environmentally and socially. Obviously the Senate would not support an honest minimum wage increase for-itself.

In centuries past a Senate could just move along without a Jefferson to pursue national interests, defend against tyranny from authoritarians foreign and domestic, and fail to utilize rational modeling in comprehending the actions and lack of actions of the state. The Federal Government is large today with a vast number of commitments, probably beyond the scope of what the founders intended, yet the vast size is a consequence of ineffective planning and investments in the nation’s policies that could have made the government more effective at fulfilling its necessary roles without compromise for a lower cost. In many ways the government today supports corporatistism and stifles competition while simultaneously failing to promote investments, technologies and legislations that would create an ever renewing national economic independence without isolation, debt or pollution externalities.

The concatenation of ineffective Senate policies creates the zeitgeist and physical socio-economic and environmental conditions the nation experiences today. It seems unfortunate that the complaisant republicans and over homosexualized egressing democrats fail to comprehend the core economic and environmental issues that challenge the United States in 2006 adequately to take legislative measures that would effectively address them. Automobiles are a very over-mature and today draining technology. Over centralization of energy, sewer, transport and other public utilities have made a massified and reliant U.S. consumer culture readily subject to disruption. The environment is warming deleteriously over time, and cities such as Phoenix Arizona are taking few steps to seriously reverse the over-heating trend created by thousands of miles of asphalt laid in the Sonora desert in a valley.

The U.S. Senate as a group of yes-persons for globalists with succor from some neo-con broadcast social quank-philosophers haven’t even the substance to comprehend the negative impact globalist domination of U.S. broadcast media has upon mass opinion formation. I think it is virtually impossible to have regional political initiatives anymore much different that that policy corporatists expect for their profit margins. New technologies could allow radiowaves to be used by internet applications to democraticize the airwaves.

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