Israel's victory in South Lebanon leaves President Bush without much to do in the way of crisis. While he claims America is more safe than ever British intelligence has unraveled a dire plot to destroy trans-Atlantic aircraft, the OPEC nations run annual budget surplus on oil sales and the United States runs a huge federal deficit...the President's idea of safety must refer to Exxon oil profits and those of Halliburton too.
President Bush’s journey to a Harley Davidson plant in Pennsylvania today highlights the problem of outsourcing jobs today…will he be searching for motorbike models that could be made as ¼ price copies in China as Mao-Hogs with that true Harley sound?
- 03:46pm Aug 15, 2006 EDT Elect Bob Kerry Nov 7 2008 Toynbee's 'A Study of History' ...summarized
President Bush and the administration are following an oil based foreign policy with several substantive flaws, several of which qualify as methods by which previous civilizations were brought down. Some of these points are Toynbean.
1) Vast federal deficit
2) Entry upon a universal phase of civilization. Usually that is the final phase before collapse. One can consider that of Rome and other civilizations ion that regard.
3) Over spending on foreign military ventures that do not produce very profitable results.
4) Outsourcing of jobs and industrial production to foreign nations
5) Insourcing vast numbers of an external proletariat (illegal aliens) from a non originating population source (founder) region. In the United States with a blending culture ethic security in this critical area could be acheived by limiting immigrants to perhaps a half million annually and all through legal means in order that they might become actually assimilated.
6) Transferring vast wealth (a major redistribution of wealth) to an arrested civilization that was subdued only at great social cost, at a time in which that Mohammedan civilization has terrorist aspirants desirous if asserting itself to supremacy or primacy. Fossil fuel oil of course is the counter productive commodity of national self-destruction in this instance.
7) Termination of a creative majority status in the world and transition into a repressive minority.
8-Failure to continue infrastructure renewal and alterity to creative and productive global leading profitable technologies and social infrastructure...the nation essentially is corrupted by.. 9) Global corporatist investors reallocating wealth without any real sense of patriotism or national destiny. This leads to the question if there ever was a civilization or nation in which wealth did not become repressive politically and destructive of the survival of the nation in time because of its desire for comfort, security and unwillingness to invest in decontrolling socially positive change? Of course I must add the onerous point that I support democracy and not socialism or corporatism as a political mode of self-governance.
11:50am Aug 14, 2006 EDT 'Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves'-Willliam Pitt
U.S. Middle East policy will probably remain hostage to a volatile destabilizing hostage status to globalist oil policies and related scenarios until a zero-cost consumer energy production policy is encouraged and supported by the federal government in the United States. At least 25% of the nation's auto drivers should have the ability to convert solar and wind power into electric power for electric vehicles without corporate grafting.
Withdrawal of U.S. forces from the Middle East is effectively unrealistic for the next 20 years if America relies upon fossil fuels from the Saudi Gold belt of Middle East nations and that of the Shia of Iran. To withdraw before a stable and friendly Iraq emerges would expose all the aforesaid oil producing nations to oil production destruction by terrorists, and of course the United States is absolutely daft about oil consumption.
If the United States did not rely upon oil for transportation, and if consumers were independent from global corporatists able to produce their own energy as easily as cowboys once found fuel for their horses without involving global corporations, it could withdraw military forces, let civil wars and terrorist missions in the region ensue as the Shia and Sunni battle for control of mideast oil. The winner would probably be some sort of conservative theocracy of one sort or another, or perhaps two each interested in gouges the automobile transported of Los Angeles so far as possible. The broadcast media would become purchased by the wealthy oil theocrats that would reprogram American consumers.
11:34am Aug 11, 2006 EDT Elect Bob Kerry Nov 7 2008
Americans need to break their oil addiction. Companies like Saudi Aramco were formed to nationalize the oilfields and redistribute entitlement to oil fields. Because the Saudis are monarchic their national oil business is a private oil business in effect; it’s a private family business that trickles down contracts to-others.
Oil is the opiate of the Republican masses.
Once working on a towboat in the Gulf of Mexico tied up to an oil barge that uploads/downloads fuel to large vessels there was a pelagic cormorant stumbling around intoxicated by the fumes. It was perhaps as dumb to the need for change as many Americans are today.
Reliance upon oil for a primary energy source is the short way to sell out national independence. Americans simply are miscognizant of the right relation of democracy to capitalism, of that they have a right to require the federal government to support policies that would support individual energy liberation. hydrogen energy infrastructure/superconductor V2G vehicle to grid power sales
A recent business add claims that there are an infinite number of dynamic variables in business. It is an interesting application point of a larger general philosophical and physics principle that there are an infinite number of dynamic variables in existence ontologically once one makes the reduction from monism to pluralism.
Ontologically a physical system has a set of dynamic principles that is less than the infinite sum of variables beyond or 'outside the particular system. In energy use for the United States regarding political policy selections for what to support and what to field the criterion or set of possibilities is infinite yet finite within the particular range of political 'realities' that politicians choose to support.
The Bush administration is entirely dependent upon oil for its social group coherence prosperity regardless of the extreme damage it does to the well being of the nation and millions of Americans. A more 'liberated' administration with a coherent energy policy able to anticipate systems opposition by oil addicts in congress might be able to change the nation to electric vehicle platform technology with an energy grid of hydrogen pipelines and superconducting lines within, electric home power production and interties and so on within a one term as President...yet it would require a certain degree of political genius such as the Clinton administration and Bush administrations lacked.
The physics of the universe may be said to have an infinite number of variables at the pre-boundary T=0 context of pure potential that became reduced as ontology actualized as an expanding energy/physical universe replete with time+. While their may be a finite number of actual variables given the limited mass of the universe as well as it's limited number of potential configurations because of constraints of physical laws during this 'incarnation', I think it fair to recognize that the umber is nearly infinite because of its large size, and that any physical systems has a reduced and more approximately number of finite variables within the set context of its identity as a system.
Uncertainty is a perpetual element of any finite system. Its operational finitude is contingent being within the more infinite universal context. The time and space-matter composition of the finite set is subject to change...accidentally and otherwise. That fact applies in political structures as well as physical systems, and it is the effort to rational anticipate and find justice within temporary finite groupings or sets in such a way as to assure maximum freedom, justice, goodness and security that is desirable if rationality and goodness are valued as most meaningful elements of being subordinate only to...
- 12:05pm Aug 11, 2006 EDTElect Bob Kerry Nov 7
P.M. Ohmert is a seeker of peace in the Mideast, although war was thrust upon him. Hezbowlers are the biggest terrorist organization on Earth, one which the Bush administration and the U.N. are perhaps negotiating with presently, drawing little respect I would think from the Iranians for so doing. One should consider the difficulty of the Israeli position in the Lebanon conflict
1) Israeli seeks to no term territorial gain in Lebanon, and instead seeks simply a return to peace and security.
2) Hebowling terror attacks on Israel would likely continue even if an ineffective political third party military force is temporarily inserted. Hezbolling could cause enough 3rd party casualties to create call for withdrawal, and few competent military forces seek to occupy the area today I should imagine.
3) Hezbwollers are a guerrilla/terrorist force supplied by a wealthy patron nation (Iran). In that regard P.M. Ohmert is in a situation something like that of L.B.J. in dealing with a communist insurgency supplied by the Soviet Union, or American forces in Baghdad dealing with surreptitious terrorist insurgents rather than a conventional military power.
4) P.M. Ohmert should reasonably seek or hope to have the United States destroy Iran's nuclear potential and perhaps cause 60 billion dollars worth of economic collateral damage in order to discourage Iranian support for Hezbowling, yet the Bush administration although perhaps happy enough to gouge Americans about oil, and to deplete the national emergency reserve and refill it with 200 dollar per barrel oil, isn't willing to risk a war with an oil producing nation now that would perhaps double the price of oil and cause a renewal of inflation with a drop in the value of the dollar abroad.
5) P.M. Ohmert is surrounding by a political ocean of potential enemies in Arab countries hyper-funded by the increased price of oil. Terrorism in Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East has the effect of increasing the price of oil per barrel and the profit for the terrorist supporters in those adverse nations. Israel has the blessing of no oil so it has the necessity of find alternative energy and intellectual investments that increase its long-term return. Routing out the hezbowl missiles for more than a short time will be difficult for the p.m.
- 12:10pm Aug 12, 2006 EDTElect Bob Kerry Nov 7 2008
"Who paid for the Exxon Valdez cleanup?" "Ten years ago, a jury ordered Exxon to pay what now amounts to $6.5 billion for damage to the fishing industry. While many fishermen have gone bankrupt, the case remains tied up in appeals and Exxon hasn't paid a penny." "The consequences for Exxon of its two-pronged disaster - the spill and its environmental consequences, alongside its disastrous communications - were enormous. The spill cost around $7bn, including the clean up costs. $5bn of this was made up of the largest punitive fines ever handed out to a company for corporate irresponsibility'.
The Prince William Sound Oil spill is still the cause of ongoing damage to the state natural and human resources of Alaska. Exxon never completed the payment directed by Judge Holland’s court, and continues litigation while the victims grow old and Exxon makes billions and billions. Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Litigation If Exxon had paid the judgment against it the oil spill victims of Alaska would have had a chance to invest in the stock market rise, or whatever and become prosperous to, although never as rich as Exxon of course.
Obviously the cost of producing oil in the Middle East remains very low cost and oil companies gouge as shortage arises potential for the market. Cheap labor is abundant in the Middle East as exploitable aliens may be insourced from abroad if needed. Labor costs are perhaps a fractional part of the profits for OPEC producers.
The Saudi oil royals are not exactly so powerless as that today. America is the nation with the federal deficit, the Saudis one with a vast annual surplus.
The United States with good leadership would seek to support national interests while letting prtivate business take care of its global business. A variety of improving high-speed zero personal energy cost national transport mechanisms could technically if not politically be innovated to allow autos to return to other products of the 1910's and a920's creation to mostly foreign use.
At today’s prices Middle East oil income is about 300 billion a year, and over 2005 and 2006 combined perhaps 300-400 billion will be spent outside the Middle East. Like the Japanese boom of the 70's and 80's into U.S. real estate and such America today may be ripe for more OPEC Muslim purchases. Hugo Chavez is experiencing more revenues, and Castro, the USA article reports and others generally against U.S. policies are receiving more donations or funding.
The oil phenomena may be flanking many aspects of U.S. foreign and domestic policy deleteriously, and the quicker an alternate energy base (electric home power/grid intertie for autos) takes power the quicker may America change its long term course. American's should save their wastage on foreign cars and fuels and invest in their own small businesses. If they have a good idea and borrow the money from an international lender to start up, full disclosure of proprietary data might be necessary first, and the concept would be plundered for the globalists at any rate.
- 12:41pm Aug 12, 2006 EDT Elect Bob Kerry Nov 7 2008
If you are a globalist and corporatist then it isn't gouging...if you are an American nationalist seeking the betterment of the U.S.A. oil gouging is gouging and its as simple as that . Perhaps you don't remember the tea tax that set off the revolution, in which Americans had to pay a tax to Britain for fine Indian tea. Some untaxed tea could be smuggled in to the nation from odd foreign locales, yet Americans could not produce their own domestic tea supply.
Supply and demand and pricing are of course fairly simply macro-economic functions, yet responses to particular circumstances are traditional too. If the cost is too high then consumers need to find an alternate supply or alternate energy in this case of foreign oil instead of being mesmerized idiots hooked by foreign oil pushers like Chinese of the 19th century in opium dens. I believe that you make the contemporary error regarding alternative energy and the high cost of oil that is common in assuming that consumer and nationalist reactions to commodities pricing and supply phenomena is somehow required to be unthinkingly allegiant to supplier points of view.
Some in this era of mass corporate owned broadcast have been trained to believe that democracy and U.S. national interests are communist or leftist as well as opposed to global corporate interests, and of course nothing could be farther from the truth. Americans are so illiterate about the rights and responsibilities of a democracy that they are afraid or too ignorant to elect an administration tat would pursue the interests of the people instead of global corporations. Oil has several harmful effects on the U.S. economy that are well known...
1) trade deficit
2) personal savings destruction
3) air pollution/health consequences
4) funding of foreign terror organizations
5) misdirection of domestic investment abroad Price s of course a real problem in many domestic respect, and the oil/petrol spending goes to global corporations that hegemonize other aspects of the domestic economic and political structure and encourages the reduction of national political liberty democratically speaking. It all reinforces illegal alien substitution and wage downsizing of the domestic civilian workforce. The government can let oil find its own price level of course, but invest in and support real alternative energy power developments as I've written about quite often. The federal government should encourage home power independence from any corporate structure, and electric cars work best for that.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
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